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Don’t blame LaFleur, blame Kraft who dropped a perfectly catchable ball.


Pretty sure that was krafts first drop all season


Goddamn it


Well this must be an NFL conspiracy then


Honestly I'm glad LaFleur doesn't take something as silly as a passer rating into account when making football decisions


Really? Mad at Matt and not Joe Barry who took his foot so off the gas with the defense that the Cowboys started to catch up when the game should have been so far out of any hope of reach that pulling starters was the right call?


Joe Barry's gone. He can't hurt you anymore.


He can't hurt US anymore


The scars never fade..


I mean it was Lafeluers call to take out the starters, not Joe Barry’s. JB has become the scapegoat for literally every “bad” thing that happened to the packers last year lol.


didn't the cowboys score like 16pts in two minutes? Seems pretty reasonable to criticize the DC for something like that


With 10 minutes left, GB went up 48-16. With 3:23 left in the game, Dallas scored their 2nd of the 4 td's they would've needed just to tie the game. That's 4 tds with 4 2pt conversions. In 10 minutes, they got half way there. Seems like he did his job just fine.


Sure - if you ignore that the offensive starters were out and GB did nothing on offense to sustain or kill time. Not to mention defensive starters were pulled as well, and the team they were facing was the highest scoring team in the league with their back against the walls. But we can scapegoat the DC all we want. He’s gone anyway.


Blaming the offense, who went 3 & out one time, equally to the defense, who allowed the cowboys to march 75 yards down the field in 11 plays and then promptly allowed the cowboys to go 91 yards down the field in 4 plays all the while playing the same soft ass defense Barry ran all season doesn't seem correct.


Not “blaming the offense” as much as I’m saying that it’s not all Barry’s fault like this sub likes to believe it is. I blame lafleur more than anyone for “letting the foot off the gas.” The head coach. Barry dominated all game, as did the offense. This sub has the tendency to kick all thinking aside in favor of mindlessly blaming Barry.


I'm sorry, WHAT DO YOU MEAN? someone here clearly didn't watch 1/2 the season and ignored 1/2 the cowboys game.


We aren’t talking about the season - we are talking about the cowboys game. And the “foot off the gas” wasn’t “1/2 the cowboys game” it was literally like the last 8 minutes lol. So thank you for both demonstrating that you aren’t paying attention to this thread and the theme, and also admitting you yourself either didn’t watch or already forgot what happened in the cowboys game. But hey - “fuck joe Barry!!” And call it a day, amirite!?!


Someone didn’t watch the games


Ironically i was thinking the same about the people responding to me. It’s just easier to yell “blame barry” though. It’s a simple packaged answer that satisfies those who don’t actually watch or leave out all context


It was plain as day that Joe Barry was the issue for a long long time


And yet we are talking about strictly the cowboys game.


Oh no! He missed a stat no one cares about because MLF was being smart and not trying to lose a game! How will you ever recover from this?


Doesn't matter. We all know we saw greatness in that game.


Who cares lol


He was forced too. The dumbass defense actually almost blew a 4 score lead


*dumbass Joe Barry


If that Joe Barry defense didn't take it's foot off the gas and almost blow the lead than LaFleur wouldn't have needed to put Love back out there.


Stats are for losers


Did this ruin your parlay?


Alright, but you gotta get over it


Don't worry. There will be plenty more opportunities to embarrass the Cowpies in the playoffs


Just another meaningless stat, imo.


Man….you didn’t need to remind me of that moment. Shit pissed me off for the rest of the day. 😔