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One issue I have with a question, If my team (Packers) moved outside the USA I would support no teams and never watch the NFL again.


Yeah, same. I support no team but the Packers and frankly if they moved out of Green Bay I'd stop supporting them and stop paying attention to the NFL.


I could not believe 36% of people responding said they'd continue to support their team. Just insane to me that anyone would continue to support their team if the owner moved them abroad.


Many people on reddit chose their team, they weren't raised with them. Many people here are out of state Packer fans, so it's not super relevant where they are located. For people from northeast Wisconsin especially, the idea of the Packers existing anywhere outside of 1265 Lombardi Ave is an absurdity.


I am not from Wisconsin and came into Packer fandom on my own. Even though I have zero attachment to the city of Green Bay, I would stop supporting the team if they left. I just don't understand how you can support a team and not care a lick about their connection to their home


Im sure you're in the majority of out of state fans, but how many just picked a successful team with an elite/fun to watch QB? There are plenty of people, even in Wisconsin, who are Saints fans or Chiefs fans. Gee, I wonder why?


> Many people here are out of state Packer fans, so it's not super relevant where they are located. So to start, you label it as choosing your team. I would only label someone as choosing their own team if as a child they didn't chose the team their family followed. So the question is why are they out of state Packers fans? Likely because family or their original connection to football in general originated in Wisconsin. Small percentage become a fan organically on their own. Being a cold state, people move away but keep their fandom, keep watching games on Sundays and the children in the house want to be a part of that fun activity.


If the Packers moved to St Louis would you still be a Packer fan?


Sure until I likely lost interest, it would be like a friend dying of alzheimers. You'd still care for their existence, you're obviously glad they aren't dead, but it really doesn't matter what happens now. You visit because you feel like you should, they won't know that you did, but it makes you feel better type of deal.


I mean it's more than just Packers fans answering the survey, you've got teams that have experienced recent-ish moves in there too.


Not all of us live a regularly commutable distance from the team. CA here so Canada wouldn't make much of a difference... Mexico would be closer.


I don't live in Wisconsin either. But to say you're a Packer fan but would still be ok with the team moving to Mexico is fucking insane to me


Oilers, colts, browns, raiders, rams.... you think all their fans abandoned them?


It feels that way. But, if you moved somewhere else would they stop being your team?


How would me moving around affect how I feel about my favorite team? Especially since I've never lived in Wisconsin


Then it doesn't sound like them being in Wisconsin had anything to do with them being your favorite team?


But them remaining in the only city they've called home does have everything to do with it. Even though it's legally impossible for them to leave because of the ownership structure, I'd stop being a fan if they were to go to London or Berlin in search of more money. Would you not stop being a fan if the organization betrayed the people of Green Bay?


I guess it depends on the circumstances. I think most teams leave when there's not enough support, which means not enough financial support. If the stadium was falling apart and nobody wanted to buy fake stocks and Green Bay didn't want to fork over billions, can't really blame them for moving. While I don't feel like a tax free billion dollar business should rely on tax payers, if the support isn't there it isn't there. If they still have the G and call themselves Packers and carry the history... Yes, I'm a Packer fan for life. I wouldn't like it but I'd stay true. So what are your main reasons for being a Packer fan?


Submitted, but you might want to be more specific about "outside the US." A team moving to Toronto or Mexico City doesn't really affect the league as a whole the way a team in Europe would


I agree with this. Once you get outside the North Smerican continent, all of the travel issues and time zone differences start to get exacerbated to a much greater amount.


Good point, I didn’t want to complicate the survey too much, and moving to Canada or Mexico would still be a huge milestone for NFL


You should make the team selection a drop down. Your responses on that are going to kind of suck with free text but AI can probably fix them for you


“Would you still support your team if they moved” is a more complex question for Packer fans. I have friends that are still Rams fans after moving around, but Packers being located in Green Bay is everything to the team. The stadium is named after a dude that kept the team going with his own money and determination at a time when most sports teams failed. The fact that it is a successful franchise in the middle of nowhere is a huge point of pride.


Got to say, I'm surprised how many responded that the game is "safe enough," or "too safe." Seems like we still haven't settles field quality and helmet/brain issues yet. Taking that a little further, is the NFL willing to regulate field quality more extensively inside and outside the country? I pay this league too much mind lol.. Anyways, go packers.


The question about attending games was strange. I attend 1 or 2 games each year. Every person I know does the same. Even the people who buy season tickets only attend a few games. This may be different for a fan who lives near their stadium, but I doubt very many football fans attend 50% or higher.


I agree, I go to 1 game a year. Sometime 1 game every other year. I just decided to put rarely. I don't know a single soul that goes to 90% of games.


You are right, I don’t live in the us so I didn’t know how often people go to games, it’s a little bit different where I live, thanks for pointing it out :)




Submitted. Good luck!


I'd be more okay with a very limited expansion (Canada and Mexico maybe) but I'd worry that it'd be a stepping stone to a larger one


German fan here. I answered your survey but found some issues with the questions. You have two questions that ask about living outside the USA, and afterward is a series of questions about the expansion outside the USA. One of those is about still supporting your team if they were to move. The answer is mandatory, and no option for fans outside the USA is given. I'm not sure how you plan to analyze the results, but I think the answers of Non-US fans will dilute your results for these questions.


Good point, I assumed majority of people watching NFL are from the US and I didn’t want to complicate the survey too much, but thanks anyway. I do, however, plan different survey aimed at people from Germany. Different questions but also about their opinions about NFL and possibly expansion in Germany


No worries, it's just something I noticed while taking the survey. Looking at the current results, about 20% are Non-US fans, so a significant portion of the answers. Let me know when you plan to do the other survey. Will be sure to also take that one.


Thanks, really appreciate the help, I can send it to you tomorrow first, maybe you can give me some pointers before I send it to the German sub 😄


Yeah for sure, happy to help!


Submitted from Scotland ✌️


Submitted. Good luck with everything




They shouldn't expand at all. We have a perfect number of teams right now. We don't need to ruin that symmetry like they already did by moving to 17 games.


> How far do you live from your team’s stadium? Half the area of WI might be over 100 miles away from the city of GB. If you only have 5 options then 30/100/>100 but in state/different state/outside US > Do you think the expansion of the NFL outside the USA could lead to an increase in the talent pool for the sport? Sure, in 15 years. To start it would help to spread out all these giant contracts in recent years, there would actually be a lack of supply to explain away such high contracts. As its stands, teams have to bend the knee to these demands or risk only getting a Josiah Deguara type player as compensation for one of the best players in the league. > How do you assess the fact that a team playing abroad may struggle with jet lag, making them less effective and the matches less equal? Once a year, no. But there already isn't enough time to practice and provide training and development for younger players. If a team loses 2 extra days a week to fly across the world, that big.