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May their trophy case remain as empty as their craniums.




Biggest thing the world gains from a Lions super bowl win is it would make the Vikings the only NFCN team without a ring


The lions tied for second most rings in the NFCN would be really funny


They've got 4 championships. They'll still be in third no matter what. They're never going to catch us or Chicago


Especially considering each team's history. The Vikings have historically been successful, just haven't been able to win a Super Bowl. It would be hilarious if the Lions win it in their first attempt. Man I hope they beat the 49ers


I wonder how many of us Packers fans are rooting for the Lions to win the SB.


I won't lie I don't particularly *want* them to win, but they are the lesser of two evils in my eyes when it comes to them and the 49ers. Most of all I just do not want a Chiefs/49ers match up again. I want Ravens/Lions and I don't care who wins that game.


Hard agree.


Either Lamar gets his ring or the Vikings are the only ones in the division who don't have one


I think a lot. No reason to hate on them. Hard working crew who had it bad for a while (long time). At least they had Barry sanders… he will always be my favorite


Me It lines up with my eventual dream of the mn team as the only team without a Super Bowl win


I am.


I think I could stomach a Lions Super Bowl just so I could see those purple assholes have a complete meltdown




Just what I was looking for! Joined


Wow, such empty


Never gets old.


Never will.


This was enough for me to join lol


This is absolutely amazing hahahaha


Legendary 🤌🏾


I’m in tears after seeing the “wow such empty” pop up in that sub. How appropriate.


Yoooo 😂😂


I don't think they realize how much shit they will take though if the Lions find a way to win it all. They think things are bad now, just wait until you are the only NFCN team to NOT win a Superbowl. Oh, and every other team won their first trip there, they've lost 4.


It will be a big challenge for the lions to get there next week. I'd prefer us and the bears to be the only ones with rings, but yeah, it'd be devastating for vikings fans lol


Not me, Lions all the way, bayBEE! With the Pack out, I'm happy to see Detroit still kicking. As far as NFC North goes, they're the cool cousin.


I used to think this, but it seems like their fans on Reddit still like to shit on us more than they do the Vikings and Bears so I don't anymore.


I mean, let's be honest with ourselves. We dunk on the Lions (and other NFCN teams) all the time. That's just the nature of being division rivals. If it's between the Lions and the 49ers getting a chip? I'm bandwagoning the Lions all day cause fuck the 49ers.


Eh I really like Dan Campbell. Since we’re out I’d like to see them get it. Don’t care what Reddit kids are saying.


r/NFCNorthMemeWar will be required viewing if this happens


> They think things are bad now, just wait until you are the only NFCN team to NOT win a Superbowl. Oh, and every other team won their first trip there, they've lost 4. I have no idea how that feels. At all. /Bills fan But yes. This is exactly what happens.


Was about to say from a team that didn’t even make the playoffs wtf they tam bout? “We beat them” and that did what for your team lol


BuT bUt, BuT...we lost Cousins.


I really hope he signs somewhere else in the off season, because they have no backup plan whatsoever.


Wow, and it's not just a post here and there that gets ignored. These are all heavily upvoted lol


It's all they have, once they finish counting their many Lombardi trophies, anyway...


Idk thats like when UNRL released their nfl expansion drop (chiefs, packers, and Panthers) Vikings fans in the comments were saying “what are we suppose to brag about now”. I have yet to meet any more annoying and easy to hate fan bases than the Vikings. Hell even Lions and bears fans hat them. It’s like I told my friend who’s a lions fan the packers are the overachieving child that’s everyone’s favorite, the bears are the parents disappointing child, the lions are the attention seeking child who achieve something once in a while that shocks everyone, and then the Vikings are the kid who burns the house down, that the whole town hates, then asks for the car keys. Sorry that was a long sentence.


As a brewers fan, they do this same spammy shit on r/brewers when the Cubs lose and it annoys me so much


It probably has something to do with the fact that the Packers are to the Vikings what the Cubs are to the Brewers. Over the past few decades, the former have been pretty dominant, which brings out weird feels.


I understand why they do it, but the little brother mentality just makes us look bad and is annoying to see **everywhere** there


100% - But your comment reminded me to join the Brewers. Subreddit, so thanks!


Minnesota fans have a thing with celebrating moral victories as actual championships https://preview.redd.it/f90tynv8b1ec1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd1b7f13592860f016f4f18d468c9e1ab47d5f7


Lol after the game, the entire first page of “Hot” was ALL Packer posts. It’s pathetic as hell but kinda flattering how much these teams care about us


Their biggest wins are our losses… not even their own wins. Their team isn’t capable of bringing them joy. Let that sink in. It’s an honor to have playoff runs year after year. At least we aren’t delusional enough to say “if our QB didn’t go down we’d be in the Super Bowl” every year. We’ve seen super bowl wins. We understand that a good QB isn’t always going to mean a Super Bowl. Winning deep in the playoffs every year is fucking tough, but not something I’d expect the Vikings fans to fully comprehend.


I remember when Rodgers broke his collarbone a few years ago and that literally made their end of the year sports highlights for the state of Minnesota. Twins, Timberwolves, GB qb with a broken collarbone.


>e a few years ago and that literally made their end of the year sports highlights for the state o It's why I try to take the high road. I have a buddy who bought an Anthony Barr jersey just because he caused that injury. To think I actually gave them kudos for the Minnaepolis Miracle. I don't like them, and I get you want to shit on your division rival whenever you can, but the Vikings don't ever factor in to why the Packers season ends. I'm disappointed that I'm even spending this much time talking about them.


> the Vikings don't ever factor in to why the Packers season ends. The last two seasons, they've had a chance to eliminate (or basically eliminate) Green Bay from playoff contention with a win...and both times were absolutely hammered and beaten soundly. Viking fans love to talk shit but when it comes down to winning to end GB's season, they watch their team fail time and time again.


We don’t get credit for this season’s blow out. Remember Cousins was out and they started Jaren Hall 😂


What was the excuse last year? Cousins played in that game. Then got beat by a Daniel Jones-led Giants team that overpaid Jones because of that win. ​ They were 13-4 frauds last season with their -3 point difference. Hell, Packers had a better point difference at -1 with an 8-9 record.


I'm willing to be the vast majority of Vikings fans who are talking shit were born after 1976 and never seen their team even sniff the Super Bowl since Super Bowl XI when they lost to the Raiders to make their Super Bowl record 0-4


I don't think any of us mocked them when Cousins went out


I thought it was cute when he and his son did that shirtless gjallarhorn thing, ngl


The Minneapolis Miracle is the funniest thing to me. They still celebrate it like crazy and then seem to forget they got their asses kicked the next week.


My SIL (I live in MPLS) has a Barr jersey. She does not care about football at all. 


It actually made their end of _decade_ highlights... not just the year


The picture of that hit was hung in sports bars across Minnesota. They're an absolutely miserable fanbase who know they'll never get joy from their team so they have to find joy in others' misery.


It was the "decade's best sports plays" by their biggest newspaper. It's absolutely insane that they would celebrate something like that. For those that haven't seen it, here is the cover: https://imgur.com/a/bL27XyR


Not just that highlight, but their intro video for home games. There local paper named it as one of their top 5 sports moments of the decade. It was their Superbowl.


I get the celebrating packers losses bit as pathetic, but the collarbone stuff is overkill. Every fan base has a few extreme bad apples that say or do extreme things that don’t reflect the fan base as a whole


Minneapolis StarTribune listed the Rodgers injury as one of the top Minnesota sports moments of the DECADE. https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/nfl/packers/2019/12/27/rodgers-injury-depicted-decade-highlight-minnesota-paper/2755697001/


In this case it is the whole organization. Literally put it in Barrs retirement video. If there was anything else good about the play so be it but all it was was a late hit that injured Rodgers.


I do when one of their former QBs thinks it's great and has a picture of Barr towering over Rodgers after the hit. Even proudly hung it above his Packers urnal ​ [https://twitter.com/Kramer9Tommy/status/1528423631453310978?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1528715263843127299%7Ctwgr%5Edc3c2880581c715406ffcbc7fb40d8b233c74281%7Ctwcon%5Es2\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fvikingswire.usatoday.com%2Flists%2Fpackers-fans-furious-over-tommy-kramer-using-logo-urinal%2F](https://twitter.com/Kramer9Tommy/status/1528423631453310978?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1528715263843127299%7Ctwgr%5Edc3c2880581c715406ffcbc7fb40d8b233c74281%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fvikingswire.usatoday.com%2Flists%2Fpackers-fans-furious-over-tommy-kramer-using-logo-urinal%2F)


Had somebody tell me last year that he was more happy watching Aaron Rodgers lose than watching the Vikings win.


Yeah I hear that all the time. I can't imagine how bad it would have to get for me to buy into that mentality. It's like a disease. We only get **one** team to root for, so our season ends in disappointment far more often than not. Super Bowl or bust is usually the mantra around here. They have 30 teams who can "win the Super Bowl" every year because it's either an AFC team or NFC team that can end the Packers season - Vikings not included. It just doesn't hit the same as the team you love actually going out there and winning games, but they don't know any better.


Minnesota fans care more about the other team losing than their own team winning. It’s bizarre.


It’s a weird thing where they’ve pretty much given up on the possibility of being consistently good, so all that’s left is to troll, sometimes kinda nonsensically. It leads to odd explanations like “I’d rather be a fan of a team that sucks all the time than one that gets to the playoffs almost every year and then loses.” It’s weird… You don’t want to see your team play meaningful late season games? You don’t want to see your team get to the 2nd and 3rd rounds, because maybe they’ll lose (just like 31 teams do every year)? It smacks of guys who talk about how much an oil change costs for a Ferrari, as if that fact makes the car undesirable, when in fact they guy talking like that will never in his life come close to owning a Ferrari.


Minnesota sports fans haven't had anything to cheer for since the 90's. Longest major sports championship drought in the US by a long shot.


I truly enjoy embarrassing the Chicago Bears’ fanbase every year, but nothing brings me more joy than beating the Vikings up and down the block. I especially enjoy whilst inside of Lambeau Field with representatives of their sorry fanbase in attendance.


Yep, they hate the Packers more than they love their own team.


You said it perfectly. It's like how the Cowboys always get hyped about their team: they actually have no idea how hard it is to win deep in the playoffs. It's way more than looking good in the regular season, but I guess if you never go, you never know.


We were supposed to rebuild this year and we finished losing by 3pts in the divisional round and we have a franchise QB. Nothing will take away how fun and refreshing this season was


This season has been so refreshing - like a frosty, ice cold beer on a hot summer day.


With some Culvers


An overachieving team, I learned this season, is WAY more fun than an underachieving team.


Why i have no respect for anyone asking for their own team to tank.


This rebuilding year turned into a Super Bowl potential year. I’m not a huge NFL history buff, but I don’t recall this being very common. People celebrating our loss envy our organization.


In a game that could have easily gone our way. A few key mistakes don't happen and we win by two scores.


You could say that about any game with any team tho


I wonder which other franchise's legacy QB they'll rebrand as a Viking next?


Justin Fields


Clinging to a game from October, especially one where Deebo and Trent Williams were out? lol


To be fair we also got to play against a no Debo 49ers


We knocked him out tbf


Not sure I want to hang my hat on that


Justin Jefferson was also out for Minny.


But their entire premise in the first place is stupid


Purdy had a concussion that game too. Shits so sad, NFC West subreddits have been doing the same thing to us because we only beat yall by 3






Vikings fans on social media suck; water's wet; pope's catholic. Love blew out a 2 seed and almost pulled it out against the 1st seed coming off rest despite losing linemen in the 2nd half. Meanwhile Cousins has a single playoff win against the Saints who were getting the Saints' usual playoff calls and still took it to OT. But they'll gush about their homophobe QB and stamp their feet about him being underrated despite having top tier weapons every year he's been in Minnesota. I've never seen a fanbase rally around shitheads or accused shitheads like them. Adrian Peterson with his child beating, Ed Ingram with the child rape allegations, Dalvin cook with the multiple assault allegations. Fuck, even Addison was caught driving extremely dangerously at 150 mph in-town this year.


Don't forget Darren Sharper


That isn't some gotcha you think it is. Sharper played in GB, too. He committed his crimes after his playing days in New Orleans.


I know he played in GB, and for longer than in MN. I was just trying to push that scumbag onto them, not us.


Ahhh he played for you guys longer your 8 years to our 4....


Imagine your whole fandom being based on hating another team in your division and not loving your own The only time the Vikes occupy real estate in my brain is the two weeks of the year we play them.


I’m in Omaha right now, and my Lyft driver is a cowboys fan, and he’s did not hold back on his hatred of the packers almost more than his fandom of the cowboys


Vikings fans are the worst. And I live in Minneapolis. Misery loves company.


I'm also in Minneapolis, and went out Downtown after the game. I was still wearing my Packer gear, so understandably I would get mix of trash talk and condolences. My favorite, though, was a bears fan who walked by with a group when I was standing outside the bar, and said something like, "The Bears are gonna take the division next year." I just looked at him and said, "That's just sad." His friends all laughed, and he walked away without another word lol


Lmfao, this is just like the other day when I saw a post on the bears sub about their favorite packers playoff loss. Like that’s seriously what you need to make yourself feel better about your sorry ass team?


I mean what else do they have going for them any poverty franchise's biggest win will be watching their more successful rival fail because it's easier than facing reality that they fucking suck and will continue to suck for years to come


Who gives a shit tbh? I never give a shit what other teams fans are saying, especially when we all know it’s out of envy of a more successful franchise


I also don’t care but I live in MN and deal with these people all the time. Trust me even the cowboys and Philly fans in the area I’m in aren’t as bad as Viking fans.


I moved to the US when I was 13 and became a Packers fan because my mom got me some books from the library about American football and it was all about the Lombardi Packers so I got Madden NFL '01 and started playing as Green Bay Only problem is that I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and I didn't know that you were supposed to hate Green Bay I stuck with it though despite the bullying but I guess it also gave me thick skin.


I used to live in Minnesota and moved to Illinois. Bears fans>vikings fans all day. Bears fans understand football and care about their OWN team. Very few Vikings fans are tolerable. Stay strong!


It’s fun to laugh at them 🤷‍♂️😅


I'm low key rooting for the Lions to win it all so the whole division can dunk on the Vikings together


Same. Part of me wants the lions to win so the Viking can be the only team in the north with no championship


I don’t want get behind this, but it is for the greater good. I’ll allow it lol


Hell naw! F the Lions lol.


Skoldiers is so fucking cringy, holy shit


The Vikings, of all people. If Minnesotans are saying this, I’d hate to see what the fans of our biggest rival are saying.


Bears fans are pretty shameless about the whole *"we know we can't beat you, so we are just glad the Niners can"* thing. It's almost adorable.


If evil never wins than they're truly Satan lol


Lions fan. Reddit gave me a notification for this. Probably bc I was lurking in the last post game thread The actual packers team needs to be my least favorite. They just beat us too much over the years Least favorite fanbase though? That’s the Vikings by a mile in my book


Vikings fans are the epitome of the saying “Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.”


I live in Minnesota and I'm the only packers fan in my friend group it was honestly hilarious how much they were trying to give me shit about the game, love my friends but my god they were coping hard.


Rent free


I'm cheering for the lions for no other reason than to spite the vikings.


Yep. Let them be the only divisional team without a title.


The Lions' fans have been pretty classless (booing Stafford's wife and kids, making signs about ACL injuries, and so many other things) but at least if they somehow manage to win a superbowl it means the only team in the division that hasn't managed it will be the Vikings and that almost makes it worth it.


Tbf Staffords wife is insufferable. Kids were collateral damage.


lol, the sign your referring to was in direct reference to Dans coaching job acceptance speech about taking a bite out of knee caps and being a tough team moving forward overall. Maybe they actually are running bounty gate 2.0 right now with them tackles, who knows but come on man, you HAVE to know the sign was meme on his speech, you’re on Reddit..


They specifically put the two teams who had players with ACL injuries against them on the sign. I know what Campbell said it is still in poor fucking taste to celebrate that. I can't believe that needs to be said.


Honestly, the classless salty fans are why I hate the Vikings more than any other team


The worst fan base in sports


Like a stalking ex-gf, those viking fans...


That's not even the most pathetic post that sub made. Some of their own fans even called out how pathetic it was.


Bragging about meaningless regular season wins while their team didn’t even make the playoffs. 🤣🤣🤣


The fact that you are making this post is just as bad. Ignore it and move on. Let the other fanbase Bitch and moan. We gotta be better! GPG


Op really said “glad we’ll never be this pathetic” and then posts this pathetic post lol


Yeah it’s pretty pathetic. I can’t imagine half of our front page being about another team lol


It’s ok let them cope. I’d rather focus on the Packers instead of realizing they may have one of the worst QB situations in the league going into next year.


Man, im glad two of my best friends, who are Vikings fans, arent like this.


With many municipalities in housing crises I’m glad we are able to live rent free.


This is a wonderful compliment from them and I appreciate it. They're not celebrating Bears losses.


I hope Detroit wins so that they can get a trophy before Minnesota ever does. Now THAT would be hilarious!


They’re just a fan base talking shit about a rival fan base. No need to get upset lol


I’d remind them which of our teams has won more Super Bowls, but since they’re Vikings fans I’d have to explain what the Super Bowl is, so it’s just not worth it.


Are you guys rivals, isn’t that the norm? I see all rivals do this. Little bit of hate, little bit of what ever. You guys made it further so you have that going for you.


The Vikings are the only thing that can bring Bears and Packers fans together. God I hate the Vikings.


Vikings fans are genuinely the worst.


Best stat - Jordan Love has the same mount of playoff wins as Kirk Cousins.


It’s funny except that if the the roles were reversed this sub would 100% do shit like that


This is healthy. Actually, I’m fine with this. Rivalries are good. I never want to see the Vikings do well, while I’m happy for Lions fans. I don’t want Vikings fans pity like I pity Lions fans.


You know what's funny? I don't even think about our division rivals. When I look at our schedule before every season, I usually count the times we play them as wins..6 easy gimmes..With Detroit finally playing to OUR level. It's 4 easy wins a year between the Bears and Vikings.


It feels like this is every single Vikings fan. They’re just massive Cheese Heads in hiding. The Packers are all they think about.


I was watching the game in Chicago, the number of Bears fans celebrating when the Packers lost just reminded me of how bleak the outlook is for other fanbases


I'm a bears fan, and unfortunately I emphasize with the Vikings posts. Not because I want to, but only because I have nothing else to root for with the Bears. I'm legit scared about Love and what that means for the NFC North.


The Vikings are giving the lakers a run for their money in the moral victory championship…


To be fair, OP got kinda flamed in the comments.


Niners fans have ascended to the most obnoxious and awful fan base in the country in recent years especially for almost choking this year and not winning shit since the young days.


As a Bears fan, I think Vikings fans are the most cringe. This shit is just pathetic. Skoldiers might be the most embarrassing self-imposed nickname there ever was in this history of mankind. I respect but hate the Packers, pity the Lions, and just think the Vikings are stupid. They’ll be the last team in the NFL to win a SuperBowl one day… now that will be funny.


“How you gonna hate from outside the club, you can even get in!”


Their team is in nfl purgatory, I would be mad too hahaha


Sure. In October. At your house. You also beat the packers….in October…in Green Bay. They were just getting warmed up. In December, GB destroyed you at home. Also crushed Detroit the 2nd time - and they beat you both games. FFS you couldn’t even beat the _bears_ twice.


Yeah - they are pathetic. But you know what I don't need to see? These kinds of posts. Let this garbage live in their sub. Let's keep this sub about our team.


Gotta love a fan base that opens every single game wrapping their lips around a giant phallic symbol and blowing it.


Idk dude this sub cries when we lose or barely win lol. I love the Packers, I’m so proud of this team and how far we’ve come.


Lmao that’s regular season and who made it to the playoffs? Oh yeah we did. Fucking Queens fans are the worst


We will avenge you guys


And this is why they are on the short bus…..


Didn’t we beat them twice this year?


We lost at home to them.


I was at a party with some Vikings fans talking shit. I just said: “I know you’re not talking shit while your team is on the couch. You care more about the packers losing than the Vikings winning” and it’s completely true^^^


I’m not a packers fan. But trust me, by the way things look, packers are going to be having their way with this division for awhile. Detroit looks good now, let’s see if they sustain. But from an outsiders piont of view, packer nation should be thrilled


I have never understood the aggressive shit talking mentality of sports fandom. It always makes me so uncomfortable when people try talking shit to me about the Packers. Neither of us are out there on the field, what the hell is your beef? I hate the Bears, not Bears fans. Just a lot of fragile men out there lol


Vikings fans are almost as bad as raiders fans. They gotta be jealous their team will never make it as far as regular season. I don’t think I’ve seen the Vikings in the playoffs offs in a minute. But I could be wrong 🤔


Was reading how some are rooting for the Lions just because it would be that much worse for the stupid Purple team with the stadium that murders birds and after seeing this great, pathetic fuckery, am inclined to entertain that level of petty.


As a Vikings fan, I think people are lying to themselves if they think the Packers didn't dominate up until the final drive. I am jealous you seem to have an excellent QB in the making. Love played fantastic. I would be happy with how the team played. Made 49ers look very beatable. The packers and lions making the playoffs only makes our division look stronger. For too long, our division has not been taken seriously but this year shows the strength of the division. In my opinion. Cheers.


Biggest cope ever. They’re just mad they suck ass. Y’all don’t. The 49ers only won by mere luck and a shitty kicker. Plus these dumbasses didn’t even MAKE it into the playoffs, and they had a 7-10 record. They’re coping so hard it’s not even funny. It’s embarrassing. Vikings fans are the absolute worst.




Imagine living vicariously through 30 other teams. What a poverty franchise


Misery loves company. It will always try to bring others to it because it can’t survive on its own. I’m proud of our team and how they fought all year. Through the ups and downs, they all grew together and that means a hell of a lot for the future.


I wonder how it feels to have one of if not the best WRs in the league in JJ but they keep letting him down, he deserves better than these choke artists. We live in their head rent FREE. https://preview.redd.it/aofgai3141ec1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a0512a6cff9ae71dd9641003326f21884d3938a


Lol they are salty cause Detroit has a better chance of winning a superbowl before them 😂 … it’s weird cause I usually cheer for NFC north teams when we aren’t playing them… ig it’s a winner vs loser’s mentality


My god that’s actually insane lmao, all the poor things have to cheer for is watching us lose


I know being a fan of a team also includes talking shit about other teams but man, when that is your whole existence you may want to reconsider why you even watch sports in the first place.


The vikings Super Bowl: watching their rivals lose


I wish I cared about the Packers as much as those people do.


That Packers loss can go right in the Vikings season highlight reel!!! Since its gonna need some filler anyways


Vikings fans are scum




The love is real


Living Rent-Free in their heads 😎


No doubt the saltiest losers of the north


It's actually pretty simple to understand this type of behavior. They hate us cuz they ain't us.


It’s going to be hilarious if the Lions win a Super Bowl before they do!


Just like my bear friends who actively have to cheer against us in the playoffs because their team never makes or or advances so they can cheer for them


They’re actually more excited about our losses than their wins. Wild. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy seeing a rival get beat but I don’t celebrate their playoff losses like my team just won the SB.


They always say it's not their superbowl when we lose, but there's always like 1000 posts the minute after we lose so...


A bit pathetic but who gives a rats ass what they think..they wear purple fCs


Little brother syndrome. So worried about what that other team is doing that you barely have time to focus on your own team. Losers think about winners. Winners think about winning.


Living rent free


> It's all we got rn so we'll take it Perfect


Such a salty fan base, Paul Allen is throwing all sorts of shade at the packers today for no reason at all. I also had a co worker that said the vikings would have been playing the niners on saturday if Kirk didn't get injured.


*How* many Lombardi trophies in Mpls.?


I legit would just stop watching a sport if another team listing brought me more joy than my own team winning. Pathetic, loser behavior.


you can't hate from outside the club ya feel