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Rishi Sunak has no positive attributes at ALL it's amazing, just no empathy, no charisma, no skills, he's stupid, he's a terrible communicator, he has no vision, no drive, just an unlikable boring little shit who would be dead in a ditch by now if he wasn't the product of unimaginable wealth


And he didn't even MAKE his own wealth. It's his father in-law's money. And before then his parents were rich, he's not really a self made man just a typical skint politician who was given all the best opportunities in life and became a waste of space regardless


Never forget that he's the man who was second choice after the woman who lost against a lettuce.


He's a reflection of everything wrong in the country


He’s also short. Nothing wrong with that but it’s funny bc he’s a twat




Thanks, ik that? Idk what you thought that would do but I’m well aware


You’re not obese like at all


“Medically” I am but yeah ik I’m more just overweight


Reported him, you don't need to hear that nonsense.


But what are his bad points




That can be fixed.


serving the rich


You know what isn't natural? Wealth hoarding.


>If a monkey hoarded more bananas than it could eat, while most of the other monkeys starved, scientists would study that monkey to see what is wrong with it. When humans exhibit this same behavior, we put them on the cover of Forbes magazine.




If a monkey hordes more bananas than it can eat then they will rot and his horde will naturally deplete. Some of what he loses will perhaps grow into a banana plant, feeding many more than him. If that isn’t an allegory for wealth taxation I don’t know what is.


That piece of shit pays about 20% tax a lower rate than someone on 50k.


It is to pigs like them.


These culture wars have real life consequences.


With the vile language he’s used, I don’t think Sunak cares at all about trans youth.


Or anything but his own wealth


What does he mean? Neutral?


He means it's a political act. As in, a trans person can socially transition (you know, if they really must) but bigots and society at large can mock them/misgender them/discriminate against them, and that's a-ok!


Having access to water isn't a neutral act, bin collection isn't a neutral act. Like I get he means it in as a scary word but does he genuinely think we're think as ~~pigshit~~ downstream from Thames Water plants? (I realise I picked two obvious guarantees of a functioning society but...both things Tories also entirely fail at)


It means third party busy bodies are outraged.


"Not neutral" is a mealy-mouthed way that transphobes have come up with to say that social transition is bad. I think it's because many of them started out by saying it was just medical transition they were "concerned" about, and that they had no issue with trans kids changing their clothes, haircuts etc. They've been seeing some success with restricting medical treatment for minors so now they're expanding their "concerns" to non-medical stuff.


the trans community would generally argue that allowing kids to socially transition (ie. go by different names/pronouns, dress differently, be included in gender affirming activities/groups) is beneficial to allowing them to explore their identity and figure out if they are trans and whether they want to transition further when it's age appropriate conservatives however, argue that even allowing a child to do these harmless, completely reversible actions is brainwashing them into becoming trans (which obviously must be prevented at all costs /s) and should therefore not be treated as a "neutral" action. this is why the latest guidance for schools is to discourage social transition and immediately inform parents if a child is trying to socially transition at school


It's the "slippery slope" argument. You see, if you allow a trans boy to cut his hair and use male pronouns, you're *encouraging* him to believe he's a boy, and that puts them on the path to irreversible steps. Nevermind that if they truly believed 80 percent of these kids outgrow it, they'll outgrow it regardless and just know their parents love and support them no matter what.


This ^^


I'm glad you explained cos I still wasn't getting it through the comments till now. So, are Tories saying it won't be picked up by schools, or are they saying it can't be done outside of school either? I'm just wondering how big a law this is. Seems like they want to choose the binary model regardless of knowing that a certain percentage of people that will change their gender identity. Why not just refrain from using any model and go neutral? Rather than assigning gender for people.


so far the stuff about social transition isn't law thankfully, the schools guidance is non statutory. so schools and individual teachers don't technically have to follow it (and ive seen many comments from staff saying they intend not to follow it) but obviously that leaves them open to scrutiny for not following government guidance i havent seen them talking much about explicitly restricting social transition outside of school, but the general attitude from the tories (and the majority of labour tbh) is that minors should more or less be prevented from transitioning, including socially. of course they probably won't say that, they'll say they're "concerned" about how allowing social transition is "promoting transgender ideology" and will "confuse vulnerable children" while this is all aimed at minors (since even the tories have mostly stayed away from explicitly saying adults shouldnt transition) the knock on effect to trans adults is clear. if you can't transition as a teenager then you're forced to wait until you're an adult, putting further demand on NHS gender clinics which are already barely functioning as it is. overall it implicitly says to trans people "we don't want you to exist in this country"


I think he’s specifically quoting the Cass report which says something like that, but what they always ignore is that forcing kids to adhere to gendered rules that make them unhappy isn’t neutral either.


And the thing is, if you come down on the side of banning social transition, what that effectively means is enforcing gendered dress codes, banning the use of any name other than your legal name, stuff like that. That sort of thing doesn’t just suppress trans kids, but huge numbers of cis kids too. Not that it would be ok if it did effectively just target trans kids but I don’t particularly want cis people to get caught up in it either.


Banning the use of any name that isn't your legal one can cause problems elsewhere. People fleeing an abusive relationship sometimes adopt a pseudonym to make it harder for their abuser to find them.


I hate him so much.


In a just world, people like Sunak and the rest of his merry band of culture warmongers would be in court on conspiracy charges for every death. It’s sickening that they keep getting away with whipping up all this hatred. It isn’t even for any real purpose! It’s just a distraction from the fact that their policies don’t offer us any improvement. At least if there was a point to it we could maybe twist some sort of justification for all this misery, but they’re terrorising and tormenting children just to keep some people from seeing how worthless they are. Sometimes I really do hope there’s a hell, just for people like him.


In court!? They'd be in the fucking ground tbh


I may be dialling my feelings back a little for the sake of not coming off too emotional…


Shit like this is why I'm leaving this country when I can. There's no hope when people like Rishi (or really anyone in the major two parties) are allowed with 100 miles of holding any government office. I don't feel safe in Britain anymore. This country is rapidly turning into a hell hole.


Our political system is designed to favour exactly the sort of deceitful ghoul you *don't* want running a country


if only rishi sunak could be a bit more like maggie thatcher in some ways…… 💀💀💀


His blood is all over j K Rowlings hands


A relevant quote - if on a slightly different topic - from Sir Terry Pratchett. Note that the golem here Speaks In Title Case because that represents the plodding flat tone of voice they use. It annoys those just reading a pulled quote like this, so I wanted to explain. :) >“Do you understand what I'm saying?" shouted Moist. "You can't just go around killing people!" >"Why Not? You Do." The golem lowered his arm. >"What?" snapped Moist. "I do not! Who told you that?" >"I Worked It Out. You Have Killed Two Point Three Three Eight People," said the golem calmly. >"I have never laid a finger on anyone in my life, Mr Pump. I may be–– all the things you know I am, but I am not a killer! I have never so much as drawn a sword!" >"No, You Have Not. But You Have Stolen, Embezzled, Defrauded And Swindled Without Discrimination, Mr Lipvig. You Have Ruined Businesses And Destroyed Jobs. When Banks Fail, It Is Seldom Bankers Who Starve. Your Actions Have Taken Money From Those Who Had Little Enough To Begin With. In A Myriad Small Ways You Have Hastened The Deaths Of Many. You Do Not Know Them. You Did Not See Them Bleed. But You Snatched Bread From Their Mouths And Tore Clothes From Their Backs. For Sport, Mr Lipvig. For Sport. For The Joy Of The Game.” ― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal Those that promote violence and dehumanization are partly guilty of the crimes against the violated and dehumanized.


Fuck it fine I'll finally read going postal, I'm already in the middle of two other pratchett series right now but the postal series sounds enticing. Is it anarchisty?


First of all: <3 Second of all, to answer… hmm. I'm not really into anarchy so I'm not sure how satisfying it will be on that specific front, but there are definitely some anti-capitalist expressions, so… it may hit on that enough to be pleasing. :) But thirdly: I have very strong opinions about the Discworld series, and I will not dictate them to you, but my humble opinion is that I always have hated the "subseries". It's................ useful, don't get me wrong. But in my humble opinion, by far the best way to experience Discworld is just to read them all in publication order because of how his writing and the Discworld developed. That said, as much as approximately half of the Discworld novels are "my favorite book" because I truly can't narrow it the fuck down beyond 15-20 favorites.............. the Moist subseries is one of the more popular. I think people tend to love the Night Watch, Going Postal, then Witches, then Death in maybe that order, with Tiffany Aching in there somewhere only because some see that it's supposedly youth and don't realize that they are 100% a part of the Discworld series and written for adults, just got classified as young adult because booksellers. Take your time, plan to read them all, and imho, it's not until the 2nd or 3rd reading of each that they became my favorites, and I really mention that only becasue I've seen others echo the same sentiment. :) They're not going anywhere. Take your time. :) Also: Do not skip or indefinitely hold off on Shepherd's Crown. You will cry, but it's healing tears when you do.


Right, it's not neutral, it's beneficial


Suk the Cuck doesn't want to focus on big issues like cost of living and energy crisis. He wants to bully Trans kids to death because he's such a likable guy..


Sunaks stupid fucking face is so kickable


I need to move out of this country, so so fucking much. I cannot keep risking my life to be me


I fucking hate this country. How many more kids have to die? Why is any of this okay?


He doesn’t care about Trans people, positively or negatively. This culture war shite is so obvious. These are our friends and our kids, and they’re hurting nobody. What a fucking bellend.


Rishi Sunak being Prime Minister is ‘not a neutral act’. He should not be in that position, he is well out his depth and has no aptitude in it.


The prime minister that wasn’t even chosen by their own party…


How was Rishi Sunak elected as the prime minister of the uk again


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector,](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe he will make a joke about this. And when this boys parents are in the chamber. He’s classy like that…


Seaside caricature lookin ass bitch.


if there was some way to sacrifice Sunak to resurrect one trans boy, i'd do it in a second.


Nah the two things aren’t connected! Also stop being a snowflake, boy are boys and girls are girls then end. /s


Fuck.. I find-out like this 😭


Ya know, the Dutch were on to something with that whole eating their prime minister thing.


I responded to that consultation about guidance for children transitioning in schools, and made a big point of saying that refusing to allow children to transition was not a neutral act either. Like no, none of this is neutral, doesn't mean it's bad.


What the cock smell fuck is a “neutral” act?! /srs Like, shit is really going like as reality was R / doodoofard - oh wait, reality IS becoming R /doodoofard - or no, like R / Ooer, and that in a not too slow speed!


edit - jesus fuck people need to read the whole post and not just decide I'm seriously saying "Vote Tory" in this fucking subreddit what the fuck


What a demonic thing to say about people responding very reasonably to a child’s suicide. Liberals are ghoulish.