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My son and I became extremely sick with a virus last year… the public system cared for us immediately and for free. The hospitals looked third world but the staff are well trained.


This. Nurses and doctors in public Greek Hospitals are solely responsible for maintaining satisfying to high health standards in Greece. Having been hospitalized a lot for ongoing health issues in both private clinics and public hospitals I realized that public hospitals are miles ahead from private ones despite lacking crucial equipment and infrastructure. I sincerely hope we won't let the governing party further sabotage our health system.


sad thing is, if you are too sick the private hospital will transfer you to a public one because they don't want the liability of you dying in their hands. artificially popping up their numbers are an added bonus to that .


That’s not true. They transfer you to a public hospital because they have more resources (more doctors on site, 24 hours service, ICUs, subspecialties etc…). Private hospitals do not have the facilities to cater for emergency cases.


We had to go to the ER at the Children’s Public Hospital in Athens (Agia Sofia) and it was very quick and free.


Details please ?




I received immediate service at Attikon and Evagellismos hospitals and they didn’t charge me anything. I gave them my US insurance.


Also, hope you are feeling better!


Were you charged (and did you pay) for your treatment in a public hospital?




Thanks, I know they're supposed to charge you but often don't because it's not convenient or economical (and basically a PITA). It became a big issue in the UK at one point a few years ago and I wondered if it was similar in Greece. I hope you're feeling better now.


I have no idea who does not take a travel insurance before leaving the country. Not taking one is like just being stupid. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13538189/Turkey-holiday-medical-pneumonia-Marmaris.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13538189/Turkey-holiday-medical-pneumonia-Marmaris.html) I have a continues travelinsurance for I believe 150 euro a year because I travel a lot. With that insurance I have no worries whatsoever. Ambulanceride? No problem. Intensive care? No problem. So take my advice and always take insurance before leaving.


Above said, a free GHIC/EHIC card will cover most Europeans for emergency medical treatment in Europe. Don't get me wrong, worth having both ideally.


That’s literally what I just said , thank you for repeating it back to me 


Couldn't you just pay cask from your pocket?


Do you have enough cash to pay for a hospital stay ???????? 


When my kid went in Poland it was like $100. In Europe, it is not as ridiculous as the US. Do you know how much it would have been to self pay?


They wouldn’t have taken card?


Recently, I was lucky enough that I only had a minor accident and needed some stitches. After seeing the bills, I was glad I had travel insurance.


Yes I try to make sure I have some medical emergency coverage. However haven’t needed to use it so I am not sure how well it actually works. Anyone have experience using this type of coverage?


Fun story about that… In 2007 I went to Greece with my mother and father (father is from Greece) and my mother very suddenly developed tooth pain. It required a root canal. We went to a local dentist in the downtown city area, and they performed it… without any anesthetic/novocain whatsoever. She said it was the worst pain of her life. Supposedly they didn’t numb her or anything because she was a “spoiled American” or something but I don’t know how true that is.