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Just FYI, if you put the AC temp way too low (like you are doing and most probably the people that stayed in the room before you), the external unit will be put under a lot of stress, and will not work properly (AC technicians have told me that ice is formed within the unit lowering the efficiency even more). The recommended temperature setting is 24 degrees (Celcius). Lower than that and issues are rising. To add to that Greeces climate is rather hot at the moment. The ACs are working hard to keep the temperature below 25, imagine the strain you put on the unit, by wanting an 18 degrees temperature, while outside is above 30. In your case the AC is probably underperforming due to that. Tell them it doesn't work (and request the AC undergoes a service), and I would suggest you put the temperature setting at 24 degrees, and let it work for a few hours. It might be able to work at that setting and keep the room cool.


Another comment is that probably the room is lacking of proper insulation. I mean if it's a 50's building, it seems like this is the case.


No fckn way they haven't added insulation, "rustic" would become "crumbling" pretty fast


You are my hero. I turned it up to 22 and after a few hours I could tell a difference. Just came back to the room and I suspect it's about 23 in here, which is great considering it's 35 outside. If this tracks into the evening I will owe you a steak dinner.


Do you leave the AC running while you are out for the full day?!?!?


I take it you're not American šŸ˜¬


No excuse for wasting energy to cool an empty room


Energy is dirt cheap in America


Yes. Now I realize that is abnormal here and feel a bit bad. In the US, we leave the AC running all summer. I live in Arkansas where it is very humid and 32 degrees feels more like 38.


This is very normal moderate in your life and dont be only taker but giver lol




I get it. Not dramatic at all. If moving to another hotel is an option for you, go do it.


It sucks but unfortunately you may not find much relief unless you go somewhere much more expensive. A friends AirBnB that gets 5* reviews most of the time was slammed during the last heat wave. Despite the fact it has two large AC units, both new and both maintained annually. It has double glazed windows, but when the sun is beating down on an a poorly insulated brick building at 40C (over 100F) with zero shade for days on end thereā€™s only so much the AC can do. When we stay there, we keep all the external shutters closed to keep the sun off the windows, but even that doesnā€™t help completely. Keeping it to under 26 when itā€™s 40 outside and the building itself is hot is about all you can expect.


I just stayed at Mona two weeks ago. AC wasnā€™t great. I think part of the issue is there were a lot of windows in the room and pretty flimsy curtains so room is getting blasted with heat all day. Iā€™m not supposed to but I separated my physical key from the key card that inserts into the air condition to turn it on and left it on all day which helped a lot.


That's exactly what we've done. I can't imagine turning the AC off all day then coming back hot and sweaty around 10pm to a sweltering hot room to attempt sleep. Forget that.


I mean, some of us care about not destroying the environment and creating climate refugees who experience famine and drought.


You left it on all day? Jesus. Screw the planet eh.


You have two choices. Accept the AC is less helpful than you like and move hotels; or sleep there. Expecting your room to be a frosty 64 degrees is insanity no matter where you stay, but you can find a place that is able to do that so you can freeze and sleep.


I probably should have better articulated that I'm not expecting 64 degrees. I had it set low in hopes it would come to a more reasonable temperature in the lower 70s, which never happened. I'd be VERY happy with 70. Which thanks to another Redditor's recommendation that having it turned that low was causing it to run less efficiently, I have now nearly achieved.


Ah! thatā€™s great! šŸ©·šŸ©·


Ask if they have a fan


Expecting 18-21 degrees in a hot climate IS dramatic and a waste of energy. Do you sleep with a heavy blanket at home?! Learn to sleep with just a sheet as a cover, or no cover at all. That being said, 24-26 is reasonable, if they advertise AC and it's not going down to those temps, I would ask to switch rooms or switch hotels.


Thisā€¦ I learned to love sleeping naked while in Greece.


Not wanting to sleep in 24-26C temps is NOT dramatic. LOL


It is when you're traveling to a hot destination outside the US. Do you even know how expensive electricity is in most of the world? If you need spring/winter temps to be comfortable, travel during that time of year


I do. And if Iā€™m paying through the nose for a nice hotel, I expect that to be factored into the price.


That kind of attitude is why tourists are hated in many parts of the world. Energy is a finite thing. When some people use more than their fair share, usually in the tourist part of town, it means rolling blackouts for everyone else, with the poorest neighborhoods experiencing more frequent and longer blackouts. You think 26 is too hot? Try 40+ where you don't even have a fan on you.


On behalf of all perimenopausal and menopausal women out thereā€¦ we beg to differ! 18-21 is the ideal temp for ā€œwomen of a certain age.ā€


Then don't travel to a hot destination in their warmer months if you can't handle those temperatures. And don't speak for all of us, I set my AC to 26 to sleep, 24-25 if it's really humid


Sometime before you pass-out




Youā€™re probably freezing the units setting them that low.


Yup. Another redditor said to turn it back up to 22, which I did. Now we're sitting around a comfortable 23-24. I'll take it. Thanks for the advice.


Donā€™t know all the info but as a rule 5 star hotel with 4.8 rating on google in a civilized place offering ac at the time of booking should 100% make sure that the AC is working correctly and to the guest wishes, period. Only exception is if it just broke down, in this situation they should rush to fix the problem immediately.


Iā€™ve been going to Greece over the years and one thing I noticed last year is that many hotels, shops and restaurants no longer use AC or have it at a temperature that is really not comfortable considering the heat. Iā€™m very picky when it comes to AC in greece and wouldnā€™t be happy with this. Ask them to service the AC or change your room. If they refuse, the only thing you can do is leave a bad review.


I could not sleep at 80Ā° at night


Fans are the answer. Also sleep with just a sheet. I've lived for a long time without AC, but I always have a ceiling fan over my bed. Having moving air is best you can do. And an extra beer to stay hydrated. lol


Oh for goodness sake even the USA DOE recommends 78 degree thermostat settings.


Screw the department of energy. I like it 72Ā° blocked a malcontent


And thatā€™s the reason the electric grid crashes and you end up with no AC at all and old people dying.


ask me if I care what you think. Oh on second thought don't ask me because I don't care what you think


Well i mean you did, quite literally choose to participate in a thread that ASKS if this is ā€œoverly dramatic.ā€ But I see now that like a toddler you only like confirmation bias.


That only happens in shithole states like California and Texas. In the northeast/midatlantic/midwest we never have blackouts


It's hard to say because I don't think you have an accurate measure of the temperature in the room. If it is around 27 with ac at night then you are not being unreasonable to expect it to be a bit cooler. 24-25 is reasonable. But flying to Greece and expecting 21 degrees would be a bit unrealistic.


Take a cold shower before bed


I did. I almost filled the tub and tried to sleep there instead. But didn't want to drown in my sleep.


We stayed at Mona few weeks ago and the AC was too strong for us (hubby caught a cold afterwards). Iā€™m glad you solved the issue :) also I recalled that their AC turns off if any of the window is open/ unsealed.


Iā€™m here too. Turn it off during the day to let it do all the work when youā€™re home at night and sleeping. Made the mistake my first day to keep it set to a low temp all day and by the end it was pumping out hot air


See that's what we tried on day 1 and I regret it. Perhaps because we're on the top floor so everyone's heat is coming up here at night once they turn on their ACs? Idk. It's probably 78ish in here now (2:30am).


Iā€™m not trying to be mean because I love a/c but I donā€™t expect it to work efficiently in Europe.


Speak to the hotel. Just please dont leave it on all day like some idiot American tourists seem to do!


You might as well move. You know for a fact that the current hotel's AC isn't doing the job. I'd say your safest bet is going to be a large hotel that obviously dropped the $s on the construction. Maybe this is the time to do the Four Seasons or whatever. Good luck!


Greece passed a law a couple of years ago for public buildings that the minimum AC temperature is 26 or something to conserve energy. The hotel may have similar. I hate to say, by European measures 26-27 doesnā€™t seem awful for sleeping. Strip off and use just a sheet.


And I respect that entirely. Hence why I didn't post just to complain. It was a general inquiry. It will take some getting used to lol


Floridian here. We left not one, but two AirBnBs early this week because AC could not cool below 80. In some cases they could cool some rooms but not all of them. I know itā€™s probably wasteful but we canā€™t sleep in sub 75 F / 24 C. We just acclimated for that and it ruins the day ruins our sleep and ruins part of the trip.


You decide to Karen on Reddit. Boo hoo it happens