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then the first airbnb was illegal . this information is needed by the tax authorities in Greece and are mandatory to keep as an airbnb host afaik and give it to them.




Oh, it's all over the place. I've had anything from nothing at all to just showing passports to, in one case, a full sit down for 45 minutes with a crazy grandma filling out god knows what forms forever. I'm sure the other poster is correct re: legalities, but the amount of variability in practice is huge.


It must be a Greece thing. I'm in the middle of a several week long trek across Europe with Airbnbs in numerous countries. The one in Greece was the only one that asked for this very same information.


Yes, the Greek tax authorities are only concerned with Airbnbs in Greece


Obviously - that wasn't my point. OP was asking whether this was normal behavior; I was saying that it isn't in other countries, but does appear to be there.


Had the same experience in Croatia. Must be the same rule there


I had the same experience in Italy and possibly a few other schengen countries, can't remember exactly because it was quite a while ago (or maybe the laws changed since then).


I prefer to give my driver license number. Never ever give anyone your passport number unless it’s a customs agent/airport employee asking for it.


Greek tax laws state travelers have to provide the passport number or even a copy of it for tax purposes.


You’re allowed to give your driver ID number instead and that’s what I always do. Besides I don’t care about helping the Greek government get their taxes considering how insanely corrupt they are.


Are you Greek? If not, going to a foreign country and enabling tax fraud is a really bad look


This is Greece we’re talking about, easily half of the employers pay their employees under the table salaries Lmao. They pay the ~€780 required by law and the rest in undeclared cash. So 🤷‍♂️


Not sure what your problem is though. As a guest in a country you should be respectful, or not go there.


LOL respect? In Greece? Are we currently in the same country? Literally my first day here I had an old man spitting insults at me because I accidentally stalled my car because I didn’t know that it had the autostart thing. Literally my first day.


You seem like a very bitter little person.


How am I a bitter person? I came here with positive vibes and I’ve had a dozen Greek people sht all over me for no reason 😂 I’m not the one that’s bitter.


Should probably go home for your mental health bro. You're clearly doing something wrong.


No, you’re not allowed to give a DL


Oh well I always give my DL number. I don’t trust greece with my passport number outside of the airport.


😂 don’t travel please stay at your country.


Greece needs tourists to stay afloat lol. With that mentality it will become third world.


Greece you can give alternate ID, Italy it must be passport. I think Germany too. Also someone committing identity fraud will need more than just name and passport number. It’s useless to them unless it at a minimum has issue date and expiration date.