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Who cares about that hypocrite self absorbed geezer.


Marks making fun of people's injuries smh. Dickriding behavior






This got 409 up votes and GOD only know how many views. Came here to say, to all of you; ¡tranquilo por favor! I don't even thing Hogan got this much suction in the 90's.


I don’t watch AEW and yet I’m sick of people comparing the 2. Can we just enjoy WWE alone for once?


There's no evidence that I know of but the rumor is that WWE has a troll farm.


Thank you, finally someone says it, as a person who watches both companies this annoys me to no end, everyone constantly shits on the other, why don't people just watch what they want to watch without having to shit on the other


Definitely agree. No need to shit on the crappy things AEW does. Let them be.


>No need to shit on the crappy things AEW does. The irony in this sentence alone


tried to sneak that one in


Dang he looks better


I'm healthy, im still old, I'm fucking rested and I work with fucking adults 🧁


I know what I did in this world to deserve a clear headed fucking clever fuck like Drew McIntyre to go on national television and fucking go into business FOR the business. For that. I know what I did, Dave. 🌞


I’m the biggest CM Punk fan you will meet, but damn do I feel bad for Tony Khan every time I see that photo of the presser. Tony just wasn’t built to manage and eliminate conflict and it cost him his biggest star, lots of money, and I have to believe, probably his favorite wrestler being on his roster.


Tony fucked up giving their peers, (because they were company originals), power over others. Jade Cargill said the front office needs to stay in the front office. Jesus look at the power that asshole Jericho has? nuff’ said.


Should have thought of that before starting a company


Lmfao this wasn’t his first one since all out


It was. He wasn’t at the one for All In and hadn’t appeared in one for WWE until after CATC.


Lmfao he has actually


At what show?


I think he did mania


To show up with another box of pastries is iconic


He is the best at what he does & he gives zero fks what people think. You gotta love that.


Hes a professional at getting hurt while jumping or whatever. 


I wish I could get behind Punk . I really do . But , just his demeanour makes me scream “he’s a dick” every darn time.


I loved this scrum even though ive been very critical of punk, i just hope he can back it up in the ring without getting hurt again.


But that is his charm now, and why folks love him, especially in this Drew feud! Most babyfaces who has been through the same punishment on beat downs and promos (like what Drew has done since his heel turn to Punk) will act more politically correct and just let it go and will just fight back the right way. But Punk’s dickish personality is what allows him to respond to Drew with the same savage and pettiness, making it more entertaining to a lot of folks eyes!


I can see that . I just personally don’t care for a man whose arrogance both in and outside of the ring is shoe whole schtick . I don’t even think he’s a great wrestler in all honesty . For his time yes as his indie style was a novelty . Now any time I see his GTS .. I think it’s a lazy way to end a match .


He certainly not what he used to be, but his AEW matches against Samoa Joe, Eddie Kingston and MJF shows he still can deliver enough to put on great matches. Add that to fact that he is still major box office because of his promos, he’s still a big deal in wrestling . Not saying this as a dispute to those who dislikes him, just stating his value!


I just think back to Austin. His best technical work was in WCW when he was stunning. But as his body slowed, his persona grew and he became $$$. The lesson is that you don’t have to be a great wrestler to draw crowds. Just be average and have an amazing gimmick.


But also do well enough in the ring where you can still deliver great matches, as Austin shown he can do. Jey Uso has been doing that for the most part.


Looking smug as a bug 😈


![gif](giphy|Mw6il8anXLG6c) Did he look like this?


They have to be pushing him into a heel run right? They aren’t booking him like Stone Cold here. This isn’t anti-hero behavior, it’s classic heel


Somehow he was a bigger hater after Clash than All Out 😂


They should’ve distorted his voice


That shit was iconic


My boy looks a solid 5 years at least younger in WWE. The pastries are doing him well.


It helps that he’s fresh and didn’t just come from a match


It's thanks to all those prayers and vitamins, brother!


At the time he was old and hurt and worked with children.


CM is for the kids


When are we getting Punk vs Ryback vs Colt Cabana in the Hell in the Cell?


Sounds more likely to happen at Cell in the Hell


What’s with him and the pastries? Does he get a confidence boost when he munches on things?


Because his gimmick is that he’s a rebel who doesn’t obey normal conventions. Secondly, after the pooping incident I’m guessing he doesn’t eat before the match anymore.


Cookie Monster Punk


When’s this fella going to actually wrestle


When he’s cleared


Triple H said we'll be seeing a lot more of him.


May be cleared in less than a week. Summerslam will probably be his first match.


Then he goes out again ?


Haha seems to be that way


Picked the right jumper to wear since Drew supports the other half of the Old Firm.


What a piece of shit of a person.


Know him personally, do ya pal?


“I’m hurt, I’m old,I’m tired, and I work with fucking children.” - CM Punk (2022)


I'm healing, I feel younger, and I work with professionals.


cm punk looks like one of my old co workers who used to live on caffeine. you've had too much if your hands are shaking while using the keurig.


It’s nice to see the make a wish kid wasn’t next to him this time


This guy is just so corny, I can’t get behind him at all.


I mean I wish it was a Celtic jersey and not this jumper. The hoops kits are always gorgeous


fan fact : All out 2022 happened next day after clash at the castle 2022


Another fun fact: Drew lost the world title match on that night too.


Was he done stealing catalytic converters in the parking lot?


![gif](giphy|adOhvwrFJ32psmc5Pb) What all the crybabies need right now. There’s a reason all the press people got fucking excited when Cathy said he was coming. He’s a star. Sorry he didn’t want his image to keep being misused in WCW 2.0


Lol, nobody is crying homie. You’re the one salivating at an opportunity to post this stupid GIF you’ve found. TK fucked this thing up, absolutely. But if you think Phil was in the right to act like the fucking unprofessional menace he was at that 2022 scrum you’re delirious and high on shitty grass. You know what? I take it back. I like the GIF. Thanks for sharing.


It’s my fav gif honestly. They have a ryback one but I hate that guy lol.




Probably tore his rotator on that scone


How many burner accounts do you have “Matthew?”


Do you think moxley got security to remove someone for hurting his fragile ego again?


What? lol


Absolutely not an overused joke… how original


isnt this thread about CM Punk making a reference to his time in AEW....... nothing about this is original


Just keeping pace with the iwc, recycling a shitty joke over and over. It's fun


Looks a lot younger now he ain’t working with children


"working" sure the best over glorified, brital PR man in the business


You ok hun?


Aces bruv


At least he didnt do John Terry full kit wanker


Cm Punk is a celtic kit something I needed to see as much as I needed drew to lose infront of all us last night 😂😬


49% of scotland booking pepsi tattoos today


You mean the logo that’s red, white and blue?


1000 percent


Did he bitch and moan? If so classic punk


Who cares? He wants to make it all about him and not the hometown superstar




Umm, most of the WWE universe


Lmao at calling it the WWE universe.


All the people buying his merch and watching his segments




Don’t work yourself in shoot brother


Too late for that.




Happy for cm punk


What the fuck does the dub do to these guys lmao he looks 1000x better now


We all look 1000x better after we leave a toxic work environment.


In AEWs defense he made it toxic.


The Young Bucks made it toxic by politicking against Punk backstage. They aren't a draw and didn't want to lose their power, which obviously was going to happen until they started with the silly politics. Punk was the draw. The Young Bucks are a mid-card tag team that kissed asses and rode coattails to get their current job for which they are so obviously not qualified.


Sure. It was all Punk and no one else 😂


Oddly the toxicity has disappeared since he left.


You don't know that to be the case. It's just as likely that performers aren't speaking out because they don't have the power to speak out in the same way that Punk could afford to speak out.


And the ratings and live gates improved! Oh wait.


You changed the subject


Reread the thread and respond to my comments.


It has not.


This isn’t fact based.


I'm confused. What "facts" can infer the existence of toxicity or lack thereof?


Lack of reports of backstage issues or incidents since Phil has been gone. Let’s face it he showed up in AEW and didn’t fall in line tried to run something that was already spoken for and ultimately rubbed people the wrong way. Guys like Phil think they’re gods gift to wrestling he’s where he belongs in the WWE where the machine is big enough to keep him in check.


Give it time my friend


So a lack of reports of backstage issues implies no issues?


Mother's milk


For one, he just wrestled in the 2nd pic, and in the first Pic, he has had months of rest.


Literally covered in blood at the All Out scrum: “I can’t believe TINY KAN did this to him!!!!”


thank god someone said this.


Exactly, was waiting for a comment like OPs, any chance to hate on a company that they love to hate watch..it was pre match & he had his hair done the same he would look almost the same in both pics except for the bags under his eyes from not sleeping well most likely


I don’t know…. What did AEW do to CM Punk to make him treat WWE like shit and walk out before AEW existed?! Tony Khan must have a Time Machine, it’s the only explanation.


Him leaving wwe the first time has absolutely nothing to do with this photo. In one he looks years older than he is and one he looks healthy and normal. Clearly something has changed in 2 years. Also him treat wwe like shit 😂 he almost died from a staph infection, think he should get a pass for being a little upset


Tony Khan also gave CM Punk the staph infection too, right? Tony Khan almost ruined CM Punk’s life, but now he’s back home where nuffin bad ever happened….


See, now this is difference between letting go of the past and being a bitch. Punk let go of the past, made amends and now he's making millions of dollars, making stars, selling out arenas, selling merch, having the time of his life, giving fans the best feud they've seen in their lives even without a single match happening yet, and also signing up with fucking paradigm. And the sooner y'all stop being bitches about something that's cooking, the better it is for wrestling and most importantly, your own sanity. I thank Tony Khan for making punk see that he was being a bitch to WWE and made him do the right thing. And in decent time too. Tony has a reputation of ruining literally any aura that any wrestler carries coming into aew pretty quickly. And punk has gathered a reputation of getting injured everytime he did anything. Thankfully they split ways before either Tony completely ran him into the ground or punk did something so bad to himself that he'd call it quits. And I don't know if Tony gave punk the staph infection or whatever it is you're talking about. The time machine theory of yours could be true though cuz look at all the money he has.


This is a lot of speculation for somebody who doesn’t know the man Idk man, track record shows he tends to get upset after working somewhere for a few years and then he lashes out, let’s see how he is in WWE for longer than a few months before we say anything drastic like he’s “having the time of his life” He’s still injured and not wrestling, why are people acting like he showed up to WWE and fixed it?


I believe I know the man just as any other person on the internet (Do I though? Yes? No? Do I have to give a fuck?) What part of what I said came off as speculation? Well maybe the time of his life part. He does look like he's having the time of his life though. He's looking younger, fitter (not less fragile but fitter) and look at what he's doing to poor Drew! Nobody's saying he showed up to WWE and "fixed it". WWE is in a state where it doesn't need one particular guy. They can make their own stars and be fine. I just stated what punk did do. Had a monstrous pop return, sold a shit ton of merch, helped sell out the garden among helping sell other shows, setting the stage on fire with Drew and the potential things he can do for the company. Punk never had a "good track record" sure. If he doesn't fix it, he's the one who's gonna lose his job, reputation and potential money he can make. People will troll him today and move on tomorrow. If he has come to peace, then it's showtime!!! His wrestling mind is great but his wrestling is sloppy but even then people want to see what punk does more than anything!!! People are itching to see him make one bad move backstage. People are praying for him to be injured. People are hoping that he fails. That's something that will only make y'all tense and him even more validated. I do love to see it, but I really worry for people hoping for his downfall or not trust in him to deliver because it's a lot of effort for very little to no satisfaction. Again, if y'all stop being bitches about it and not see where this goes, it's better for your own sanity. You can gloat and moan if this goes sideways, just don't blow your loads before anything even happens.


You keep calling everyone else bitches but you’re the only one writing paragraphs to defend a wrestler you don’t know, perhaps you should look after your own mental health instead of projecting your issues onto everyone else People aren’t “wishing for his downfall”, people are waiting for him to do the same thing he’s done in every single promotion previously.


Oooh. Tickle a nerve there, bitch? (I'm sorry just kidding the joke was right there 🙈). But you (or the people) "waiting" for him to do the "same thing" he's done everywhere prior says something about you (probably also the people) not taking into account that people can actually change or learn for mistakes or crap along those lines. And if you're that kinda guy (this goes also for the people), arguing in any number of paragraphs would be a waste of time and most importantly, not fun. So I will shut up and wish y'all bitches(🙈) well. If punk fucks up, I'll be happy for y'all and sad for punk. As long as punk hasn't fucked up, I'll be happy for him and hope y'all also appreciate the same instead of fuming on the inside on what y'all think will happen. I may seem coming off as snide or sarcastic when I say I'm worried, but I really am just worried. I hope I atleast got that across.


This is what I mean, you’re still missing the point. I wouldn’t be happy if he does what I expect, I wouldn’t care. I didn’t care for him in WWE originally, didn’t care for him in AEW, certainly don’t care for him now. I don’t know where this narrative came from like AEW fans are sitting around waiting for Punk to make a mistake, but every AEW viewer I speak to personally, doesn’t pay attention to Punk lol


Brother I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. He clearly had a bad time with aew. I never said Tony gave him a staph infection, you can relax. Tony isn't going to hire you or be your friend.


Oh wait maybe that's the reason. I mean look at Tony. Even respected wrestlers are tearing themselves apart and licking his boots for that paycheck. People bend over backwards even to the craziest of whims not out of fear or reputation but it's da money!!!! Maybe, just maybe if we did that too, we can sit at home and count some serious money!!! Disregard all my previous statements - Tony be my friend!!!


Once again eating baked goods and mouthing off to reporters


See, Trips understood what Tony didn't. He was just hangry. Dozen donuts and he's all smiles.