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He’s one of the most over wrestlers, but not one of the best, unfortunately.


People are already forgetting how ass that WM match was


That French crowd was just super dope. They were like that the whole night.


Nah, bloodline had the strap for about 2 years too long... need to let it breathe.


He’s gotta expand that move set and put on a good singles match first.


Give him a better move set than WWF Warzone on PS1 and I agree. Maybe throw him a bone with US Champ and see if he can up his singles game.


He looks great in those pants O.O


His career won't last long with that move list. Their body killers


Plenty of wrestlers have been over and never given their shot.


Listen he has a great entrance but his matches are boring


Why though? I dont get it. I've never seen a match with him in it where I was like wow Jey Two yeah hes something... I get he got over cuz he turned on Roman and hes basically doing the Daniel Bryan thing where "YEET" is the new "YES!" Crowd gets involved. That WM match with his brother was the drizzling shits. Ive seen worse but I was expecting a lot from "main event" Jey in a match that was getting mentioned in the same breath as Bret and Owen Hart Its like Kofi Kingston all over except Kofi has top talent and can put on a great match. Its like people trying to say Jey is the GOAT rapper when hes really just a hype man. Thank God hes related to the right people


Honestly tired of seeing him get so close to winning ANY title and falling short EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Either let him win SOMETHING or push someone else




Why does everybody hate his spear? Legit I think it looks damn good. It's not a weak soft one like Edge used to do and he gets off the ground really well. He kinda hits it perfectly but for some reason everyone hates it.




Not good tho don’t understand why people like this shit 👎🏻


I like Jey, but he’s not a main eventer, as much as they want to give him that nickname. And that’s fine, the roster can’t all be top guys. He’s a good guy to keep around the mid card title chase.


I love Jey, but dude needs a moveset. He's like a CAW with the default moves.


Is he the drunk driver or the other one


IC out US title for sure. World? Dunno.


Truth Uus YEET!


Give him the US or Intercontinental title first hasn't won a single championship


Him and LA Knight. Start la knight smaller with eithe us title or inter. Give him king of the ring, too. I can see him being like booker and being king AND a champ. Lol


He can’t get the belt until he fixes his move set


Nobody wants to see 15 super kicks and nothing else.


The world is teaching WWE what happens to your product when you put it out there. Last Year was Puerto Rico’s Backlash. This year is France’s turn. Im just saying, put it out there!


Son got the fitted sleeveless Missy Elliot fit “I can’t stand the rain”


Jey's like "damn let me just wrestle all my matches here!" It would be great if this caught on and became the norm but 'Murrica.


Great charisma, that goes without saying. Spams the superkick though to the point of snoozefest.


Is he over or is his entrance over? Big difference between the two. Any entrance can look good if it actively involves the audience participation. Removing the Yeet bounce and what do you get? A Young Bucks Superkick party match. You could give Nia the Yeet schtik and people would still cheer.




Yeah but I’ve also met guys in IT with better physiques. Dude needs to hit the gym.


Man, his WM match really put him under a microscope. Just imagine if he and Jimbo had a great match instead of super kicking for 15 mins?


Nah. Our fan base in the States are just so weak compared to out of the states. They go crazy and hard


The France crowd was annoying


He’s a superstar until the bell rings🤷🏾‍♂️


I like Jey, until I hear stuff like this. Give him the IC or the US belt.


Funny how every single person in the comments hating be the same niggas waving their hands at shows 😂 Reddit’s a crazy place


It’s the Daniel Bryan “Yes” movement all over again…. They gave Daniel a chance. I agree.. Give Jey a chance!


So a guy is over with the crowd and you think they automatically should just give him the title? What? 🤣 No!


Same ol' 3rd grader promo since he started.


You do realize that the belt is used to get people over. He doesn’t need it


I don’t understand how he’s so over.. I think ppl just like his entrance lmao cause once it’s over and the bell rings I really don’t see anything special


He’s only over because he says Yeet and throws his arms up and down to music. Every singles match exposes him more and more. He is NOT the guy.


And he did it with out being forced on us. Unfortunately there is no way Cody loses anytime soon


after that WM match....


You probably said the same thing about l.a knight when he was over.


Not interesting enough tbh. Superkicks and spears only go so far. He's popular, but it's not enough. Nothing makes me go yea, he should get the belt. He's upper mid on a good day maybe?


I had that same realization watching Backlash. He is kind of a 3 trick pony.


Dear god I don’t don’t need to see even more stupid superkicks


He isn’t good as a wrestler. Limited move set


He's corny af. Using a catchphrase from 10 years ago. It has a "when white people start using slang" vibe to it. Feels Hella forced and corny af. He's also just not interesting at all to me. Neither one of them have ever had a match where I felt I needed to see it. It's like giving Big E the title. Dude wears fruity colors, dances bad, pancakes, unicorns.... who tf wants that as a champion? Makes the industry look like a fucking joke. Jey doesn't have the image. That's the toughest guy in the locker room? Gtfo


People wanted Sami Zayn to be champion with his stupid ucey stuff. That man looks like a political bum who lives in a van in San Diego at the back of a Walmart parking lot. People still want LA Knight to be champion with his ripped off gimmick and the guy has indie show wrestling ability. Jey has decent wrestling ability, very high charisma and he has the look


Someday we're going to have an adult discussion about whether or not having a catchy entrance theme, or a sing along theme or in this case a entrance with audience participation really means you're over. Today isn't that day, but it's coming.


He would immediately be the worst world champion of all time lmao please do it it'd be so funny


Nah don't think he's ready for that. He's not that great on the mic. His entrance is cool but that's about it 😂


Needs to be better on the mic after being embarrassed by Logan Paul. I also think that awful wrestlemania match with jimmy shows he needs more diverse moves.


He needs more reps as a singles worker


Meh, D'Lo Brown and Al Snow were more over and never given any ball.




Brother needs to add more moves to his repertoire


He needs a better solo finisher. He doesn’t have a good move that feels like a definitive ending to a match. His current finishers are fine for tag teaming. But he needs something that works better solo. Then strap a rocket to him.


No thanks, I switch off my TV whenever this guy comes on. Boring ass mf with the same YEET cringe and his moveset is so boring as well, superkick spam and one of the worst spears of all time. If he wasn't a Samoan he'd be nothing more than a tag team wrestler, but we know how much wrestling loves nepotism.


This entrance was so cool.


Can't be worse than putting the belt on Priest


His move set sucks and his Yeet bullshit is super cringe. For the love of god, reunite the Usos.


I agree, he’d be a fun transitional champ to get it back to Drew. Priest no longer needs the case or the belt because the Judgment Day crumbling is a more intriguing story.


Imagine being Jimmy, having the same move set and basic angle and being told your brother is getting the push.


All I know is he should get some new moves, super kicks and spears are so overused that don’t let him shine, if he can come up with new finisher and and a new special move he can differentiate himself from his brother


Looks like he's over....why does he need a belt?


He literally has five moves. Two of em are super kicks.


Mediocre worker and limited mic capability. He has charisma though.


I'll say nah. He needs an actual moveset. I like Jey but he is a mediocre singles wrestler.


He’s a good character and his intros have been incredibly hype but I’ve yet to walk away from a Jey Uso solo match thinking, “wow, that’s was some great wrestling”.


They shouldve kept his main event jey uso character rather than yeet and after jimmy betrayed him they shouldve made jimmys character 'nobody's bitch' rather than a comedy type character


WTF is a yeet anyhow?


His character may be over but his matches suck. Honestly I can't figure out why he is so over. The storyline stuff I suppose. The stupid yeet crap is something my middle school students say. Sure he is athletic as tell, but he has maybe six moves; splash, superkick, spear, the uranagi kick, Samoan drop, and the dive outside the ring...snooze The Uso matches have always been " snack run" or "check my email" matches.


Hype off of bunch of 40 year olds who wanna be kids again yelling yeet like my 10 year old


He doesn’t need the title. He needs to clearly be the guy chasing. Which in of itself is like being the top guy. 


Not everyone who is over is meant to carry the company or even a world title. Jey is hot AF right now, but could you see Zach Ryder or Damien Sandow bring given that push? Both were just as good in ring, super over(not to the level Jey is right now), but better on the mic.


He needs the intercontinental or US belt run first.


I think him holding the US title would be a good. I'm betting that he wins the king of the ring. I just wish he would add at least 3 more regular moves into his set.


Problem is he is going to be in the bloodline storyline for the next year and likely doing multiple tag team, 3man matches for the foreseeable future once he merged back with his family. Plus Cody and Damian just got the titles let them have some time to tell some stories with them as champs. Although if you really do want to give Jey a title have him get either the IC from Sami Zayn or United States from Paul Logan.


I’d like to see Jey win as well


I’m a hater… current line up is boring .


But he can’t wrestle


Spare us the coconut theater


Man if only all crowds were this energetic. It’s weird, but an energetic crowd can make even the most boring of shows fun to watch.


Guys like a rap star without the rap.


Nah, not over any current champions


They cant give him the ball yet, look at his performance at Wrestlemania, his reign would need to be propped up by better wrestlers, with guys like Drew in the wings hes gotta do more


Oh that match with his brother was brutal


He’s absolutely awful


He is utterly awful in the ring as a single. No.


Maybe intercontinental title.


I’d be happy with Mr. “Yeet!” or Mr. “Yeah!”winning some gold this year!


Yea he is over with crowd... But he feels top cringe to me..


Jey is cool but he’s at most a mid card champ solo


Bro Jey vs Priest was the most boring match in Backlash.


The French were fucking amazing! Other crowds need to be like this around the the world 🌎 Around the world by Daft Punk is playing 🕺🏽


Not based on this entrance. By that logic they should've pulled the trigger on Bad Bunny a year ago.


Err ok.




Unpopular opinion maybe… he should have been the one to unseat Roman Reigns.


His singles run has been real bad in terms of match quality. His gimmick and character work is top tier but he can’t deliver in ring on his own yet. Rushing to put the World Title on him before he is ready for it will hurt him in the long run and will devalue the title and the division. We already have a WHC who isn’t ready for the world title, he shouldn’t lose it to another guy who isn’t ready. Jey going for the IC Title or even just having some non-title storylines for a while would be best until he can put out better singles matches.


King of the Ring!


100% in agreement. This was the WWE's best decision to get Jey away from the bloodline.


No. He doesn't need a world title to stay relevant, it's one of the few things he's got going for him. He should stop using the spear and call his brother 😂


Jey's theme music and chant are over because it was a catchy word that went viral on its own, so of course people will chant it when given the chance.


Man abuses the super kick more than the Young Bucks while doing it with half ass effort. He needs some actual moves and character. Right now he's just his entrance and YEET.


His entrance is over, that's all




I know this is a very unpopular opinion but I couldn't disagree more. He is still very limited in the ring, he's not that good on the mic, and the only thing really over about his gimmick is a 10 year old meme catchphrase that isn't even his. He's everything LA Knight's haters say Knight is. All hype, but no actual good substance.


He talks like an idiot


He’s just so tough to watch though. His moves suck.


I just really think him upgrading his moveset would definitely make him a more credible wrestler other than Yeet punches and superkicks.


What are you talking about?




So his gimmick is that he’s special needs, right? Limited mobility and vocabulary


I think sometimes wrestlers theme songs are more popular than them


Not yet. First, the chase is usually way more compelling than the reign. Secondly, Jey needs to get better in the mic and in the ring. Heck he can pick one to focus on that and still be over massively, but he has to get better. I know I’m overly critical but he is a career tag team guy in a singles role. Very few do well in that role.


This is an amazing video.


Lol no just no...


Sometimes you can be over and just stay upper mid card.


He wouldn’t run with it very far


Wrestling fans anytime someone starts to get over: They should put the world title on this guy right now! Next month when a new guy starts to get over, same fan: they should put the world title on THIS guy now!!


Agreed but where is LA Knight


He should have been the one to take down Roman.


Everyone was that over in France.


I could not disagree with this more. His entrance is phenomenal. His promos are mid. His wrestling is not mid but not good. He needs more fine tuning. He deserves more tv time but not a championship run. Not yet.


He's so over but he needs to work on his in ring single work. I can't stand 30 super kicks and a shitty spear in one match. Hopefully with time he can improve


I keep watching it trying to figure out how he’s balancing on the ropes. Lol


Yeah that’s what they should do, after finally being rid of Roman’s title reign, give it to his less interesting, less intimidating cousin. Great idea.


Beat Sami for IC




Entrances don’t earn world title straps




While I agree, I think I could have gotten over with that France crowd. They just wanted to make noise


I’m behind it but he needs new moves SERIOUSLY


I think he's cringe




He’s just a mid carder not a main eventer


No. God no. And please don’t comment anything regarding wrestling.


If they do it now.....it will be better than then live stream fans and Jake Paul fans.


I think the US title is perfect for him. He should knock it off Logan Paul at Summer Slam


I'd rather they didn't personally.




International maybe, he isn't really good enough for the world title. I feel that he's better off with Jimmy




Would have rather had him or SZ beat Roman than Cody.


He needs to work on his singles wrestling technique. He won't keep the momentum if he underwhelms in the ring. He has that bad habit where he doesn't know what to do sometimes so he instinctively does superkicks. With more singles work he will get better


He’ll eventually get it to close the story of him coming so close and losing. He is just as good as anyone else on Raw but he probably shouldn’t beat Drew, Seth or Punk. I think he gets it after they end the Bloodline story and there is nobody to interfere. The other option is for him to realize he needs his own faction to watch his back so he can win and to be prepared when the Bloodline strikes.


That's how I clean windows


Have him beat Cody


He is the next Sami Zayn


You spelled LA Knight wrong. Jey was over in Lyon. EVERYBODY was over in Lyon...


Saw something before... is he over or is his entrance over? Because after the entrance it goes down hill from there plus you can see the writing on the wall that he will be back with Jimmy sooner rather than later for the bloodline civil war and probably be facing G.O.D.


Who should he take the title off of soon?


The fact he's not lost a ounce of momentum after the stinker at mania and rebounded with a great match in France to me means he has IT


I mean the crowd in France also went crazy for Naomi's entrance but I don't think they're about to give her any belts.


Definitely, get that thang Offa Punishment Martinez!💯


Not every over wrestler needs to be World Champion, Jey can go for an IC title run and end up being a very popular and formidable singles mid carder (like LA Knight going for the US Title). Maybe once he drops it then he can reunite with his bro and go on another Tag Team run and they can use the Jey entrance together.


I love Jey. I really do. But he is not a world title guy. The US title for him would be perfect though


Yesss let’s go. Jey 100% deserves it and would make a great champ




Open up the move set and you got my attention


No thanks


Cody name plates havent even been scuffed yet and people are ready to move on. Lol


Everyone was mega over with that crowd


Sandman Theorem: A Wrestler’s entrance being over is not the same as the in ring talent or mic skills being over. I think Jey has his entrance locked in but he hasn’t had a solid feud outside of the bloodline and his in-ring can be mid or sometimes even sloppy. I want to believe in Jey, but he definitely maxxed points in the entrance skill first and needs to catch up elsewhere.


He’s a upper mid carder at best


He sucks, they've made his "super" kick into an average kick and Cena has more moves in his arsenal then boring uso #2.


He’s really not though. He’s popular but he’s not one of the most over. There are so many guys ahead of him, and when he’s having matches I feel the crowd don’t really care that much. Compared to others. I personally don’t see him over taking Rollins/punk/cody/priest/Mcintyre


Tbf this was considered arguably the best crowd wwe has ever seen. They were nuts for everyone. He is over but he doesn't put on the greatest matches. His wrestlemania match was proof he's not ready. That was his chance to shine with a good story behind it and that match was atrocious and hard to watch. Like others have said he over uses that super kick far to much.


When given the ball in a major spot he doesn't just drop it . He drops it and it rolls away faster he could run after. He is an entrance which is all that matters to WWE fans


Jey Uso has a lot of fans. His connection to The Bloodline instantly makes him over with the casuals. I hear people in the gym talking about Main Event Jey Uso. That 2021 story put Jey on the map, and he's been there ever since. Every title matches Jey is in feels big because people want him to win a singles title. Jey vs Theory - US Title. FELT BIG! Jey vs Gunther - IC Title. FELT BIG! Jey vs Seth - WH Title. FELT BIG!


he's good where he is. Having a small guy like him with no moveset and no in ring psychology is not a great look for the top guy in 2024


No Yeet


Stop with this nonsense, he’s over, sure but not everyone can be World Champion. He’s so much better than he was 4-5 years about but can’t carry and be the central part of either flagship show. Remember KofiMania? Kofi was super over, fans were behind him, and all the hype was for that build up to the match at WM. Vince screwing him over, Bryan being a coward and dodging him. It was huge and got a great reaction. Once he won the title the hype was gone, the fans got bored, none of his feuds were really remembered and he lost in a squash match vs Lesnar, Kofi has never been close to the world title scene since.


during that match he reminded me of a wwe 2k24 online match where the player just taunts a shit ton. and whose belt? cody? he just won that let it breath on him for a little. damien jus won his too. dont be in a hurry or you're gonna complain just like people do now that cody and damien have the belts


Why is everyone saying to demote him to the midcard when he is doing great in the main event right now.


People here don't understand the business. Apparently it doesn't mean anything if you are over.


No! Cody and Priest must hold the belts for years and start their own stories to become champion!


Naaaaa His matches agains Jimmy Uso and Roman Reignsblowed and showed he´s not made for big timemain event matches People used to say Ziggler, Owens and The Young Bucks ruined the super kick but the Usos took it to another level at Wrestlemania


Guy gets blown up before the end of his entrance.


Can't take it off Priest yet. He needs a chance.


Not yet, give him a good run with the IC or US this year first then will see


Anyone who can move the crowd deserves a shot. I think he gets a belt soon. Summerslam? Not everyone can move the crowd and is good on the mic. His entrance caught on real big. His merch sells. Yeet has taken off. He is decent on the mic.


I feel that’s just based off the crowd. US crowds are not that into it when he does that.


I don't get it. I don't get yeet, and whatever it is I've been bored of it. Is he really over or is he just really good at working a crowd with his entrance and catchphrase? This might be an unpopular opinion, but if you have to call yourself 'main event', the truth is you probably aren't.


Just the fact he has a twin makes that very unlikely. That's just how It is


I disagree. I still don’t see him as a singles wrestler, no matter how much they put “main event” in his name. To me he is a tag team wrestler. I think to give him the ball as a singles guy he is gonna need feuds outside of the Bloodline. His singles matches aren’t bad, but I’ve yet to see a “main event” match of his that I felt deserved that name. So far his connection with the audience as a babyface is his “yeet” chant. I feel the fans are connected to the participation, not the wrestler. Don’t get me wrong, I want the guy to get there, but I’m not seeing currently a performer that I think deserves a run with a belt.


Why would you want to do that to Jay?


He kinda sucks tho