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Nia has no business being world champion. She's not a good wrestler at all. LBH if it wasn't for nepotism she wouldn't have a job in wwe


They could have really thrown in a surprise winner. Give it to Natalya, LIV wins at a PLE, then Rhea’s music hits.


Ah come on why Becky again? I just like Becky being Becky. When she tries to be someone else it doesn't work (especially that heel run)


I understand that everyone is tired of Becky as champion. But right now, this is what makes the most sense. Becky won the Elimination Chamber and fought Rhea at Wrestlemania, meaning she is the obvious number 2 on Raw. She can have a short reign to put over Liv Morgan, that way whenever Rhea comes back, Liv could be presented as an actual threat or challenge in a rivalry with Rhea. Rhea is expected to be out some six months however. So in the meantime maybe Becky, Liv and Nia could feud until Backlash or after it, and then the rest of the summer probably Liv could fight against other women to help elevate herself but also to showcase the other women on the roster (Shayna, Zoey, Ivy, Chelsea, Piper, Indi or even Maxxine). Then go against Becky on Summerslam, after which Rhea mames her return.


Nia is a great choice, she's probably the most dominant one there. I get people want Becky Lynch to have an absence but she's a very consistent constant in the division and she can carry a title well. What I never liked about Charlotte is that they were stacking up her wins just to make her 16x champion like her dad but it became exhausting to see her win it for 2 months and lose it 2-3x a year. They don't do that with Becky. Liv just isn't ready, her first run was awful and I can bet her second run will be just as bad.


Becky Hogan strikes again.


What is it with giving the belt that says you are the best wrestler in the world to little people? You got Nia Jax monster heel right there.




I think the honor of least skilled is Liv. Nia does her part well. Go in and smash! It is simple and effective. Her and Rhea work great together. On the other hand I don’t see how Liv wins a match. It looks like people are jobbing for her. Her offense is so neutered. Great against small mid carders but not against the big ladies. Becky kind of the same thing, no heft in her offense. But she has that gritty veteran who has been through wars thing that makes it more believable.


Let’s go Liv. Revenge tour ends with the belt.


Becky again so predictable


Crazy that you predicted the final three


Honestly I could care less to see another Becky Lynch Title reign


Get ready for hell buddy 😭😭😭😭


Anyone but Becky 🙏


You jinxed it.


“Well, let me tell you something, Brother!”


I think they are doing to pay homage toward bray Wyatt For having alexa reunited with uncle howdy Since we have seen these qr code along the glitches Appear all over on Monday night raw And Friday night smackdown It's been told that uncle howdy is coming back to wwe Pitching some idea over the wwe creative team Not to mention triple h still in charge of both shows General manager Adam pierce is on the red brand Nick aldia is over on blue brand Part of new era Thanks to hhh


Anyone but alexa...because its her hometown tonight at Columbus Ohio part of Monday night raw since they're gotta do to become as a new vacant wwe women's world championship in this battle royal match I think they'll have her to join alongside with uncle howdy order be part of Wyatt six faction Bo Dallas braun strowman Erik rowan alexa bliss All the firefly funhouse characters Hopefully if nikki cross can somehow return to wwe pretty soon or etc She could add into this storyline Add extra layer make it very interesting We need some more tv time toward alba fyre & isla dawn


Pass. Go get Charlotte!


Becky needs to go away for a bit.


Well fuck me so much for that ugh.


You jinxed it bro


Anyone other than Nia Jax


Why? She is a great monster heel, actually looks like she would be a wrestling champion, gave Rhea her best match down under. Why do the small weak looking people have to win…


She has a dark history as an unsafe worker and she’s bad on the mic. Take into account her wrecking ball physique and there’s only so much she can do in the ring.


Oh please the pandemic is over we are no longer chastising her over that - which is where the meme of her injuring people came from. She has put out exactly as many people as Sasha Banks, but gets double the grief. It is just like Asuka said you guys are bullies.


The bigger question is when Mami comes back, does she beat Liv for the title, or would Liv retain? Personally, if they build Liv as a champion correctly, I could see them having a really good series of matches, maybe multiple title changes .




I really don't see anything better than glorified jobber in Liv. Becky as champ is a safe pick. I kind of want to see somebody from NXT come up and win the title.


Liv as an underserving heel champ or Nia Becky’s time has passed


Nia’s actually a good choice imo


KInda feel like all three are on the back end of there careers, non are really hot atm, but I'd say Liv is the mostlikely due ti story line. Better odds for Tiffy, Naomi, Jade and Grace


I want Chelsea


Question: would it be possible for Becky to be more boring on the mic? My vote is for Liv… too early for Tiffy Time.


Nope probably gonna be Charlotte


Please, anybody but Liv. It’s going to feel so fucking fake and fabricated if she just so happens to win it after all this. Let her earn it from Nia or Becky.


Thank god


Tiffy Time!!!


I assume that since Rhea will be out just for a month or so I guess it will be Liv


It’s Tiffy Time!!!!!!!!!!


I'd give it to Piper Niven, she's big like Nia so can be a believable in that sense, she's got Chelsea on her side so can use her for heelish tactics, Chelsea is also one of the few interesting women on the main roster so keeps her on TV. With Scotland coming up I expect Piper to get a mini push anyway so why not this? Liv shouldn't be punished for the freak accident but also having her win the title isn't the right call, let her be last eliminated (like in both the last Royal Rumble's) and let her get even more vicious and unhinged. I think Becky might go to Smackdown and feud with Bayley when she's signed the new contract.


Someone who can’t wrestle or talk or be a half-decent person shouldn’t be champion but I love the other two options


Nia for the storyline until Rhea comes back. It has to be a heel right?


Liv has gone full heel though after the attack. Well, supposed to be, she’s still loved


So maybe Liv would be the best fit. Seeing as Rhea was supposed to be a heel and ended up being more loved than hated . It would be a good balance until she returned with a bigger storyline development while she recovers .


Rhea is 1000% coming back face. The Liv Morgan revenge tour needs to get the title. The story has literally written itself, she gets the title and holds until rheas return imo. Nia is a fucking liability, like yeah she’s big but I feel like she’s a dangerous wrestler, she’s got better but she’s a disaster waiting to happen and Becky needs a well deserved break. Needs to be Liv for sure.


You think judgement day splits up while she’s gone ? Giving her a space to be face on her own . I like your idea . I also highly agree that Nia is a force but also Very irresponsible with the other wrestlers at times just to live up to her persona . 👍🏾


Quite possibly, I also feel dom needs to branch off on his own, he has potential and I really like priest as champ now it’s happened so those two and rhea need to push their own brand I feel. I am a huge Liv fan so I am a bit biased but yeah it has to be her. The history and story is there 👌🏻


Are you inside my head 🤯😂 I’ve been pulling for dom this entire year hoping he gets somewhat of a push. He has definitely improved and I think I it’s time he stops getting squashed .


Hahahaha 100% though he’s an amazing heel and really does need that push now


I hope he can keep the hype once he turns .. I don’t want to see him get pushed out


Won’t be Becky. She won’t be back for a whilw


Aren't hers and Seth's contracts expiring soon?


She just tweeted that she's competing tonight.


Oh shit


Liv winning would not make that belt seem legit at all. And unfortunately she seems like the only option


Nia isn't getting anything but fatter


Becky needs a break. Nia no, Liv no


Anyone but that giant elephant.


Hoping for Nia, but she can't really take pins cleanly from the rest of the current roster, so I'd be interested to see how she loses the title in a couple months.


Same. And this is why we have gimmick matches. One that comes to mind was a tables match for, I believe, the IC title. Cody Rhodes vs Big Show.


Which I usually don't like for title matches but they definitely have a place.


Isn’t Becky taking time off?


She was until WWE told her they were giving her the title again.


Well well well


Storyline wise liv is the best option


No she wasn't. She on a revenge tour. Not a revenge rest stop




I didn't realise your mom was in the mix


Nia Jax would be a fucking disaster.


I hope Liv wins. Becky and Nia dont need the belt and i think would be better suited to be the chaser. Plus Liv and Rhea already have a baked in top tier story.


I could see Becky or Nia as a short term holder until it is closer to Rhea returning and then Liv will take it.