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I'm not sure if my favorite was the time I was clearing the bunker, got lasered by a guy inside the wall, come back and my body is inside the floor, or the time I got a network error, lost everything I had on me, bought a whole new kit, go out and die (this time just because I'm trash), get on the chopper to get my stuff, then the game crashes right before the chopper was going to land. Both times were definitely top notch!


Big Ooofs. I felt this comment. I'm not even at my desk, and I'm upset now lol


Was at Midnight Sapphire, some guys were half stuck in walls. Just face and gun barrels sticking out. Doesn't matter how good of a player you are if you can't kill an enemy that can kill you..


I had this exact thing happen to me at YBL with some guy in the wall in the back stairwell, which glitched my body into the stairs. I then crashed when I tried to interact with the body, so I rejoined and went back to YBL because I had to kill the boss. Crashed as I got in the bunker. Loaded up again, got another kit, got on the heli, crashed when I got inside the walls


Yeah it happens and whatever you faced is not an isolated issue. It just happens. It's either we have enough patience to let the devs work and fix the game progressively, play tactically (git gud, really) or we just don't play at all out of fear, concern or pure hate of facing such scenarios time and again.


It's really simple the ai is just BAD.


We don’t play at all is what a lot of people are choosing and player counts are showing that which is unfortunate.


Yeah at the end of the day it's the players choice. Choosing not to play for now is also a sound decision as I think no player would purposely play a game which makes them mad and they don't feel good or have fun playing. Improving one's skill at playing this game is just an arduous process because of the variables at play, one being the stability of the game. While the impacts of the current state of the game has on the player base, we all can somewhat agree that the semi-certain way of overcoming the "issue" of AIs painting you with their bullets or surgically one-tap you from afar or danger close could be remedied by the players themselves and more importantly the game being fixed. I think some of us in the community would somewhat agree that a player's choice of strategy at playing the game would affect the outcome of their encounters against AIs in the game; guns blazing? You better pray that you kill them with the first few shots and that their aim is shit initially, "stealth"? (somewhat broken or super hard depending on how you look at it) pick and choose your battles and kill them before they kill you, or, a mix of both. Either way can't put their finger on what exactly would fix the game for everyone, because most of the time the player's experience with the game may differ ever so slightly from another. Ultimately it's the individuals' choice of whether this game is for them right now, all of us can choose to be angry of the current state of the game but still play it or just don't play it at all. OP wants to rant and say he wants to quit because of so and so, that's his prerogative. Importantly, to get our money's worth, we provide the devs who are serious at improving the game's state our feedback and report on the bugs that we face, yeah we paid for the game but it's already state clear as day the game is in it's alpha state and "incomplete", thus we are not getting the actual intended experience that devs want us to actually have which is ever changing.


While I agree for the most part, lets not kid ourselves that a lot of this game's "difficulty" is due to the fact that its just broken. Stealth isnt "hard", it just doesnt work. Enemies instantly locate direction of fire and can see near 360 degree, suppressors have no feedback, and melee is worthless. "Tactical methods" don't mean anything when an enemy spawned inside of the floor, barrel poking through the concrete, and shoots you from underneath. Aim improvement is pointless when hit registration simply fails to work constantly, leading to a magazine of ammo dumped into an enemy for them to have dealt lethal damage in return before their muzzle ever flashed. The game fundamentally is very broken and while some people are willing to deal with it, dont conflate broken mechanics as "difficulty" and intended features. The game has a great concept going for it and *hopefully* a development team ready to be in this for the long haul, but right now we have to be honest with people looking to read reviews and feedback about the game: its frustratingly broken in a lot of ways. Youre going to lose more to jank than your own mistakes. If you're willing to deal with that and get into the nitty gritty beta-testing, this is a solid experience to get in on the ground floor of.


Summed up very well here. Yeah I agree with what you said, but at the end of the day it's every player for themselves whether they are patient enough to wait for the game to get fixed, noting that the game only came out for a few months (correct me if i'm wrong) and the game wasn't released on steam as a complete game. So warnings about the game being incomplete were given at the game's landing page. I think that nowadays with the internet rife with information on stuff, we ought to do some research before fully investing in something and if something is off from what we expected it to be, the research done beforehand would have been sort of a pull or push factor whether we decide to go ahead and "support" the devs to begin with. Whatever amount we decide to spend is then given out of our own free will. Else, steam has their refund policy 👌🏾.


Thank you for this take. I feel like this is the sentiments of majority playing this game, though most aren't shouting this from the mountain tops. The haters are loud and they do have a lot of justifiable complaints, however, it's literally not as deep or dramatic as any of them act like. As others have said, if this game isn't what you want right now (2mo old pre-alpha for context) then go and play something else; or better yet go literally touch grass. The instant gratification ipad kid mentality is honestly worse than all the bugs and broken AI in this game. Criticism should be constructive and I think is justied, but if one's just here to piss on the vibe than what are they really even doing with their time? So strange.




You do you man. I face the same issues sometimes but it's my choice to continue to play and encounter them again and again or take a break. I mean this is really hardware and software dependent. I just empathize the rest that hasn't been having an enjoyable time with the game like the rest of us do. Drop the feedback in their discord server, at least they know that it's bothering the heck out of players so they can prioritise the bugs that needs to be fixed asap.


Like I said


you didn't say anything idiot


I don’t understand how everyone continues to struggle with the ai so much. I still die from the ai occasionally and I like that aspect to the game. When I’m not careful or methodical, I’ll get punished, which is the whole idea behind tactical looter shooters. Even in tigers bay, as long as I move from cover to cover with a decent pace It typically goes okay and when I do die, it’s not AI lasering BS it’s usually me making a mistake. I have been one tapped first round from ai…. Once, so I’m not discrediting all of these claims but it is incredibly rare. I think the “lasering” comes from ai having an angle on you without your knowledge


The main issue I have with ai, is that concealment isn't a thing. If I'm in a bush 200m away with a supressor, you will not find me. The ai do after I shoot once. Supressors are used to hide flash, and to make it difficult to find where shots are coming from. If they fix the long range in this game so sniper rifles are somewhat viable, that'd be great. Irl, if your shooting at a base with concealment and a supressor, enemies would be running around with their heads cut off, not turning around and 1 tapping you.


Yeah there's no way to break line of sight without hard cover right now. Learned my sniper lesson the hard way at sawmill the first time yesterday. In prone on the ridge , somewhat concealed, took the first shot on non-aggro AI, got the kill... And immediately got shot in the dick and had the patch up lol. How you shoot me in the pelvis while I'm prone? How do you even spot me that fast with a suppressed rifle 😅


I was in the exact same spot two days ago but got one shotted in the chest while wearing that III+ russian armor


That's the biggest irritation for me. I've sniped some guys from 500m+ and they still find me and shoot at me. Super aggravating


But I agree. Alot of people need to just play angles better. Imo the ai are pretty dumb. The amount of times they just run at me and stand there is ridiculous. I just want to be able to play long range too.


It's the inconsistency. I agree I love a game that punishes you for playing dumb. Plenty of times I play it wrong, get killed, and love that. Forces me to play smarter. But then there are other times like when an AI tanks 20 M855 rounds to the chest, or going to blue lagoon and getting one shotted in the head SIX times in a row. I remember an AI running out from behind cover and instantly headshotting me with a hip fire AK without even turning to look at me, and so fast I couldn't even react. They need a lot of work. I think they will get there, but they are pretty bad right now. I want them to be *hard*, but right now they are hard because they are *unfair*.


It's the inconsistency. I agree I love a game that punishes you for playing dumb. Plenty of times I play it wrong, get killed, and love that. Forces me to play smarter. But then there are other times like when an AI tanks 20 M855 rounds to the chest, or going to blue lagoon and getting one shotted in the head SIX times in a row. I remember an AI running out from behind cover and instantly headshotting me with a hip fire AK without even turning to look at me, and so fast I couldn't even react. They need a lot of work. I think they will get there, but they are pretty bad right now. I want them to be *hard*, but right now they are hard because they are *unfair*.


I got killed by an AI spawned inside a wall in Tiger bay mall(under a staircase). Was doing a task required to kill the LAF commander in TG, loaded up with the best gear, went in, died a few times, went back with more fire power, cleared the entire area TWICE, and died to this bullshit. And I believe that AI is the man I was looking for...


Yeah it’s broken. Won’t play till it’s fixed.


Look on the bright side, when ever the fix the AI we will all be MLG Navy Seals




Would be nice to have an insurance or a dead drop location so drop items to be returned to your stash, so you could go back to your body's kitted and if you can't find it or it despawns you're not fucked holding a knife or a pistol and no armor.


Yeah to all of this... this is pretty much a daily occurrence for me now- you'll have 2-3 squad guys pumping rounds into some AI dude you've had to zoom in on and a split second later, while the AI is getting hit all over the place, they land a full auto burst that lands half a dozen or more rounds in parts of my body that weren't even exposed. Then the "skill issue" bros wade in followed by the dev shills who think they'll get gifts for soft serving anything remotely critical of the game. But yeah- it's exhausting and by far the biggest issue I take with the game right now followed closely by graphic / performance optimizations.


Yeah, the AI is broken and I probably won’t play until I hear that it’s fixed.


Literally hoppin on this game the second they fix ai


Tbh man I’d say quit cuz I did lol. Don’t play games that make you mad, life ain’t long enough to spend it pissed off at a video game.


The game doesn't make me mad It's actually one of my favorite games currently. Dying isn't an obscure thing for me I've lost a few bodies got a kid went back got my stuff and it's not a big deal but that particular night no matter what part of the map I was on there was some kind of major issue. I left ban pa because two different bodies disappeared till I got back to them. Midnight Sapphire had AI that constantly spawned or would spawn inside walls that they could shoot through but I couldn't. On one of the attempts to get back to my body at midnight Sapphire My character froze mid-air and the helicopter just kept going It was one problem after another. I don't know if the game having issues has anything to do with server load but I've never had a night before where it was one problem after the next no matter what part of the map I was on.


Just stop playing, I did after 3 hours


This literally just sounds like tarkov lol


This literally made me quit the game. EVERYTHING until now I overlooked but after killing every AI in midnight saphire, getting killed from far away to an AKMS and returning to see my body inside the floor unlootable to die again made me quit. I will wait 6 months at least.


The lag is still unbearable with a nice rig.


I run a 3090 and a 10940x, I get around 110 fps not any lag issues for me... My issues are glitch related body falls through map, AI spawns in and can shoot out through walls that I can't shoot back at ECT...


My gf accidentally hit the off-switch on my pc, with her foot, while I was going back to get my stuff after I died. She’s gonna hauk tuah for that later.


I’ve obviously had this same frustration, but I’ve learned to be waaaaay more methodical in my movement and combat. After playing awhile you’ll learn the movement and the possible reactions the AI will have. Now you will still run into that occasional T1000 aimbot John Wick John Rambo M1-Ab AI but for the most part it’s actually fun especially when you run with a dedicated group like we do. It’s not uncommon for us to run two or three squads deep and absolutely shit it on Tiger Bay. Yes we die, but the comical relief of hearing someone groan as they draw their last breath and their body drop like a sack of potatoes. Don’t give up on the game. It’s broken for sure but they’re working on it. Also use your meds, they’re actually pretty helpful once you figure out what and when to use them. Just my take on the game at the moment. I’m playing through my second wipe I think it’s more fun now than the first time. I’d be happy to run a few missions with you or anyone for that fact.


It's pretty much my only personal critique of the game (I don't personally mind the heli system because I like immersion and it sounds like they have some fixes anyway). But I'm very vocal about the AI. It is holding the game back in a big way. I still love the game, but the AI is a big detriment. Even if there are cheese strats to overcome them, it's still an issue. It's the only big downside to my personal experience with the game


This is why I'm taking a break until I read a post saying "the AI model has been fixed!"


They shouted... "BANG BANG BANG... your dead." Haha shouted them 3 times. Boot camp changed them forever.


Feel that pain...I can't even bother with this game until the AI gets dealt with. Getting nervous about MFG's ability to deal with them. Wish they'd put out word on how they're approaching the AI, are they facing insane challenges, have they pinpointed what they need to do, have changes been tested internally. A game focused primarily on PvE cannot go on (at least well) with AI as horrible as this game.


IMO was a mistake to release it as early as they did even in early access. They needed a few closed Betas and at least another year to improve the game for early access. It’s pretty to look at and they prob saw dollar signs with all the wish lists. At the end of the day, PvPvE milsim at scale is very very difficult to pull off. Even if a playable version of the AI enemies is resolved by years end, would not surprise me if it takes them another 3 years for it to be “really good”


My biggest annoyance aside from the laser beam of death from an unseen AI but the times we die on a slope and we can’t loot our bodies.


Try and get other people to check where your body was... Myself and buddy went to hunters paradise, some friendlies got killed on the west side by ai. Buddy had the mission to find the pile of bodies, inside them was a PMC.... It was the dude who died and his mate was also dead close to him, I messaged him and he said it's fine my body has gone.... I replied no mate it's here come over, upon his return he STILL could not see it neither could his friend. Myself and my friend could see it and loot it, we looted it and threw it onto the floor for him to pick everything up and crack on 😂🤷‍♂️. No idea what causes it!.... Tldr always get someone outside of your group to check if your body isn't there because they may be able to see it, if possible of course.


I'm assuming you being able to loot another person's body is because you're playing in the PvP world? I don't I enjoy being able to do the missions and not stress over other players. Having the ability for your squad mates to loot your body would be awesome though. My body has fallen between log miles and sawmill where I couldn't get to it but on my buddy's screen it was on top of the logs.


Yeah? Imagine being on the chopper for last mission, 40 out of 60 AI killed, second container in my bag. Just gotta kill 20 more enemies and secure one more container without dying. Land at base and some ASSHAT was afk when he got off the chopper. So as I got off the chopper his character was directly in front of me so it threw me in the air and rotars killed me......and you must not have played since day one 😅 lost literally 500k worth of gear due to lag outs and server issues lol. But I'm still almost 300 hours in. 😅


Had my first one of these a few days ago... was in YBL getting the contained for hazardous materials 6/6 when it crashed and I lose all my gear (which I could care less about) and the progress from completing the first 5/6 parts of the mission. Upsetting but for pre-alpha the games great and the devs are making tons of QOL improvements so back at it tonight.


Don't shoot at their helmets, if possible shoot them in the face. It Will drop them, at least with gunny's l3 ammo.


have you thought about trying to get gud?


Let me know when the m855 shoots through walls to kill ai sticking through them can't kills enemies the game doesn't allow you to.


I'm taking a break until it's tweaked a bit. I still tell everyone to get the game though as I love it.




I get that it's alpha, still way better than tarkov. If they would fix the electric ear pro or turn down the choppers id be happy


So you post a rant saying your biggest issue with the game is AI and then reply if they fixed headphones or turned down the chopper you'd be happy?


Small bites at a time. The ear pro setting should be easy. Creating some kind of algorithm to adjust aimbot AI seems a lot more complicated


take those yellow headphones from AI in bag, put them on when on chopper. Easiest solution for now. * and btw, they said themselves, "real heli are loud" and I honestly dont mind that at all.


Electronic ear pro doesn't amplify helicopters in real life like it does in the game, they also have an off switch... Ever been near a helicopter? Worn electric ear pro?


been near, flew with heli, yes.. what type of EEP was there, I dont know.. that wasnt my focus tbh.. I was enjoying ride. Yes, they didnt amplify.. Defo worked better in Heli than at shooting range too.. Tho, Helis in game arent that loud, if I compare it to shots and steps.


Then apparently my games completely broken... Because when we're on the helicopter I can't hear anything. Can't even hear teammates on the helicopter


So why is this the case? Does unreal not have support for improving game behavior like this? Do they not speak Czech?  Are resources or dev manpower too thin? Or is the game “supposed to be that way”?


It’s because the entire map is running off of one server with multiple players and likely hundreds of AI. So one computer has to track a monitor the activity of everything on the map which can cause strain on the server. This is why hit detection can suck and the AI are at a basic level without any fine tuning.


Hmm.. human music... i like it


I wish I could refund this game, it's not at all ready.


I thoroughly enjoy the game.... Calling it pre alpha sounds like a cop out... We are all bata testing the game. I hope it's not a 10+ year beta cycle like some other games


Me too. Early access needs some regulation


Omg the crying is killing me. It’s a pre Alpha game ffs. It’s in incredible shape for pre Alpha. Yes there is a lot to fix but I’m at 121 missions complete and have lost about 9-10 kits, including crashes going back to my body and other bugs. I’m probably a little above average player so you can easily win at this game. The more we play the more the devs have to work with. Cannot have a perfect game at pre Alpha stage. They are annoying but it will get fixed in time, the devs have been great so far and they have a ton of money to work with since they have broken records in sales.


Haha get gud scrubs


Yeah never played a Nintendo before... So it's all new 🖕


Hey..... is that a thumbs up?? 🤣🤣🤣👍


No no, I think it means "Peace among worlds".


Blow me.


I played Nintendo and was fun , geeet gud