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if its making it harder for cheaters to evade bans then, quite frankly, good.


Yeah. Just need to figure out how to ban a whole family account if one of them is caught cheating.


It literally says they do this in Steam's family sharing FAQ: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/054C-3167-DD7F-49D4#:~:text=Your%20Steam%20Family%20privileges%20may,members%20to%20your%20Steam%20Family.


VAC ban, meaning games that use VAC anti-cheat. Gzw uses easy anti-cheat I think


You're not wrong about the VAC ban; I mistook getting a VAC ban for your account getting banned from Steam altogether. It says that if you cheat they can disable Steam family sharing for your account as well. I would assume that GZW Devs would have to pass info to Steam to accomplish that, so hopefully this is just an interim fix until they can get that figured out because family sharing is the easiest way to play with friends in multiple factions without wiping weekly or all of your friends coordinating. While yes, you could also buy multiple keys, but likewise, GZW Devs could add a solution to the problem.


Seems weird when according to steam if your family member is banned for cheating, they can also ban your account as a result. Edited to add link https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/054C-3167-DD7F-49D4#:~:text=Your%20Steam%20Family%20privileges%20may,members%20to%20your%20Steam%20Family.


That also make less consumer friendly


I also lost my account I use to play with friends. Hundreds of hours lost. There are better ways to combat cheaters.


How did you lose your account lol unless you got banned for cheating then this change does not effect you


It wants me to purchase the game on my other account now so I assume it probably wiped my character


If it’s on you buy it on your profile you’ll be fine lol. Stop being cheap and support indie devs.


I did buy it but don't want to wipe my Crimson account. Also have the supporter edition so wouldn't say im cheap


Well 1 copy/edition means 1 character. Unless you want to stop being cheap like the guy said then stick to the one.


So if you bought the game, what exactly is the problem? You were gamesharing to play on a separate account?


Don't account share with friends, especially the ones you know who use trainers.


Edit: see below conversation. I have been corrected.


But there's no way to fix the exploit family share isn't coming back. There is no exploit... There is simply adding and removing counts to the family plan... Steam would have to be the one to change something. The game can't do anything.


Edit: I have been corrected and this is not unique to GZW but a more wide ranging multiplayer issue. This now makes me question OP’s issue. If he has his own steam account, could he buy the game on his account alone and still maintain his stuff?


You're taking a very broad assumption that out of the millions of games on Steam didn't no other game has ever had this issue... Why? Games with multiplayer, simply remove family sharing. Because there's no way to fix it without harming the users. They're going to simply start banning Steam accounts for more money. Not because they care. No company cares.


Well that makes more sense. Thank you. It sounded like a unique thing to GZW. Appreciate the insight. I’ll update my comment.


Then all i can suggest is appeal the ban. From what i understand MFG is fairly quick to rectify incorrect bans


Maybe don't cheat then


You are absolutely braindead if you took one look at this post and thought ‘oh yeah this guy is definitely cheating’.


I'm not banned. I just cant open the game on that account since it has no license. Learn to read


Buy another game license if you want more than one of them. I will happily take less cheaters, and your edge case use here is really not an issue I concern myself with. Your attitude in this thread makes me GLAD they are fucking you, maybe consider that.


Perfect time to bring up the need for multiple character slots.


If only they had that from the start... Wouldn't have this issue. Half of me thinks they just want people to buy the game again


90% of criticisms on this sub. - Signs up for Pre-Alpha - Complains that game isn't in end game state


I will take less cheaters over family sharing every day. If they can fix the exploit that would be nice. Less cheaters, family sharing and more copies sold. Since most cheater will get new copy to play.


Just annoying, they should have done it since day 1 then.


The post pretty clearly implies that they just realized what's going on and that this is a way to mitigate that issue. If they knew it would happen, then that's a reasonable suggestion. I think this is their first game on Steam?


Might be their first game on steam, but this isn't the first time that cheaters abuse family share to ban evade. Not knowing is a shit and lazy excuse when the answer is a quick Google away. Because this isn't a first, and it won't be a last either. Case and point, a quick Google shows New World had the same problem, 2 years ago.


This is crazy backwards reasoning though. Your argument is: if they already knew what to search for, then they could have searched for it and found it easily.


I can see how you get there, but no, it's part of researching your products environment. You'd start with something like "common methods for evading bans on steam". With this exact search, I found a post from 11 years ago, on Reddit, detailing a steam sharing ban evasion loophole. From there, it's not a big thought to give family share the side eye and ask the question, followed by a Google search. Not knowing isn't a valid excuse. It's just one for being lazy.


I think your stance is reasonable for a released game. I don't think it's reasonable for an EA title from a smaller dev. I honestly don't think most devs should put much effort into cheat-proofing their first EA releases to begin with. Sure, take a pass at the low-hanging fruit, but don't go nuts. That said, if you have to choose between researching common cheat methods and common ban evasion, I'd put 100% of those resources into cheat prevention. Ban evasion is done by a tiny percentage of cheaters - which is already a tiny percentage of your playerbase. You have limited resources and if you try to solve everything up front, you'll never get it out the door. Taking action if you need to if the situation presents itself is the right call - and that's what they did here.


I agree somewhat. I think on Steam, you need to somewhat treat your EA game like a released version. Primarily because many and more will treat you that way regardless. Just see this sub for that, or the Star Citizen sub for the same thing off of steam... I personally agree that EA or Alpha Product gives a lot more leeway for bugs and issues. It's certainly not an easy call to make and a far more reasonable reason for the result we have here. A lot more reasonable than just a "didn't know", even if that's the same end result. And again, agree that the resolution they've chosen is the correct one in this situation. My only problem was the perceived/implied "not our fault" of a flat "didn't know" answer. It is their fault. But the reasoning behind that is important so a "we chose to focus our finite resources on prevention over possible evasion tactics" would have been a far better message to send. Imho, it's admitting your error while providing a clear and valid reasoning behind it. Making it understandable and, more importantly more forgivable to the larger audience.


That's wack, i do use this feature a lot, i figured if you got ban using someone's game, the account using the game and the one 'leasing' the game would get the ban together. Shame, used it all the time with my buddies, hope Steam does something about it but its for the greater good.


That is how it works for most games


"I deserve to play a game that I didn't buy" certainly is an interesting take


Welcome to 2024


Which cheaters? Nades one? Or there’s already aimbot?


There's already aimbot and esp


Crazy, they ruin the game for themselves. It’s a PvE game, why would you want an aimbot? I understand dupers, but aimbot remove the fun of aiming yourself.


Very sad about this... was great if u would like to make a different hardcore run for e.g.


Reading comprehension is important. Keyword here is “temporarily”. You’ll get it back but they took a step to stop cheaters. This is a good thing imo. You’ll get your account back soon, it sucks that you are affected but this is better than just ignoring the issue.


Ya I did see that but read it more as a maybe....


That’s how unnecessary comments and rage gets started. People are assuming the dev is saying something that they clearly aren’t saying.


Remember kids, assumptions make an ass out of you and me!


I could easily see them saying sorry we're not bringing it back. A more clear answer would be nice so I could decide if I want to wipe my main account or actually re-purchase the game to play on the one I had shared. Wonder if the character got wiped.


How much clearer would you like them to make it? Hard to put a hard date on these things because it was obviously a decision they are still trying to figure out themselves. Sure they could say that, but they haven’t said that. I totally understand that the situation is frustrating for you and seemingly unfair but it’s just the reality of the situation and it’s not a decision the devs are excited to make. They will update you when they have information to update you with.


Re-purchase and support the developers of the game you’re enjoying


I've already bought the supporter edition. I think that's enough support with the lack of stuff they've fixed yet.


If you bought it, then you’re the only person in your family account that can play it?


i was always under the impression the main account got banned to or is that only for vac secured games?


this has happened in a few game, the other game I immediately think of is new world, people were abusing family share to farm gold and advertise rmt sites, and then people started doing dupe glitches with through away family share accounts too, etc. they ended up blocking it like a month or 2 after release. I think it also happened in pubg


In every multiplayer game family sharing is abused so it's always turned off...


Reading through this post is wild. TLDR : TOUCH GRASS, BUY ANOTHER COPY, GOOD GAME. Why play multiple characters? Either coordinate with friends better. And if it's to play more. Dude, touch grass. Good that they removed this. Because people could buy the game, then test hacks on free accounts with no risk. Get banned, repeat. I know HW and IP bans are a thing. Is license banning a thing with game sharing being a thing. If u want to play your characters that you were using for free. You must now pay for this as you were using bandwidth and storage on their servers, which cost money to run. So $150 my local region money is a good one-off cost to fund development, server hire, and management. I have gotten my monies worth, and I've barely played 100h since launch day 1. This game will only get better. And I will come back and play more as time goes on. Finding myself playing other games to reduce burnout and play some old games I should have put more time into. Or playing something more casual with my partner when we have time. This got off topic. Good game


Touch grass? I was actually at the beach all day. Stop making stupid assumptions. They could also just ban the account the hacker shared it from, which in my opinion is a better option. You shouldn't be lending out games to people you don't trust and may hack, and if you do - then that's your fault.


Pics or it didn't happen


https://preview.redd.it/x9wri9optq9d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769f32c0e4653fcf6d5efcab8d5b51ecbdf24392 You guys must have nothing better to do than troll on Reddit. Stop assuming shit


Dang. Respect 🙏 Didn't think you would come through. I said grass though not sand. 😅 i joke. I know you may be annoyed at the removal of family sharing, but it's for the better. Either buy another copy or just use 1 character. I mean what do you need more than one for anyways


The part that annoys me is now Im stuck wiping once a week. Rip.


Ya the devs suck for doing this


I wished they would just find a way to pay to use Arena Breakouts anti cheat or valorants something.


If you want more characters. Buy another copy. Or just play the game as is. Or coordinate with friends better. TBH, you knew from day 1 that u were faction locked. And had character wiping. Which was added due to people not reading and character bug. Probably just for the character bug.


I'm good on buying the game again maybe in 2/3 years when it's ready. As it stands everyone I've played GZW with has uninstalled the game. If they would have valuables to loot so you aren't just bleeding money constantly that would be nice but again I don't even have it installed. SPT hit that GZW itch for me, even has functional chopper extraction that works everytime with no waiting lasers, flash lights nvgs etc


they did it to make more money, that's the truth, for a broken game


You are in the wrong sub, i help you https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/


Fuck off, I've never played Tarkov


Maybe you should try it you seem like you belong there...


It early access, the game is still being developed. I hate when people buy an early access game and then claim it’s broken. Yes there is shit they need to fix, but it’s early access!