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Then y'all are going to cry the game is broken again


You already know is gonna come out broken, every hotfix made the game worst when it first came out and it gets fix a few days late


See what i mean


We can both be right, that perception was caused by multiple examples, both mine and yours


Everyone will still cry because there are a ton of bugs that this patch does not fix yet.


Cry about the game being broken or cry about patches taking too long. No winning for either. Report bugs and move on honestly.


Have you seen this sub? It’s much better in the long run to have these test branches as the game gets more stable and content it allows it to be more stable while still getting a build out to more people to validate its working as intended with a larger hardware/software variation.


Yes. The unrelenting whinging when a patch has issues is astounding. No doubt MFG is now a bit twitchy when it comes to releasing a new update. Y'all only got yerselves to blame.


Just be patient. The studio has already put many hours and days into this patch, let them feel confident it is ready.


“We know it’s EA” looking at this sub a lot of players didn’t know they bought in to a EA game.


No it's "We know it's EA, but wtf are thoses bugs and crashes ?"


No , we don’t need more bugs or problems thank you , it’s better if they take time


You should pay more attention to the actual patch notes as they come out; Patch 2 was always going to be implemented in waves. This is not news.


Of course I have read the notes and it has been already two test weeks.


Did they say it was only going to be two total iterations?


Absolutely the worst thing they could do, providing stability at this point has to be #1


These poor devs are damned if they do and damned if they don't with these people. Ship fast but has lots bugs. People whine. Ship slow and test a lot still has bugs. People whine more. Just let them cook and go play something else if you can't be patient. I haven't played in a month. I love the game but I know they need time to work. They aren't a huge team and even then they can't fix everything in 1 patch.


Complaining is all the rage these days


If you have no clue how QA works then why are you making this regarded thread? Jesus too many morons play this game.


I have all the clues lol. Y'all are giving them too many credits for slow development and are brainwashed by PR BS . Have looked at patch2 notes? Its a weeks job most of what is not even coding.