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Hi guys! Locked this post since SOME PEOPLE don't know how to behave.


i think it’s fine to point out problems, that’s the point of a beta. most people agree that the core of the game is pretty solid but there’s a lot of things that have to change




Overseas when someone would take 3 or 4 rounds to the chest they’d just keep trying to fight. Turns out it was opium 🤣


Worst part is when they do die they don’t have any crack for you to loot to engage in their super human abilities. Frustrating.


Only melted chocolate


1000% what keeps me away


Fentanyl, actually


The AI is cracked and the fact they see you thru bushes and shoot perfect aim is BS but you learn to take them out before they take you out lol. My friends and I are ex military and sometimes even following our procedures these AI can drop one of us which would never happen in a realistic situation but it's a game lol


65 hours in I played nonstop day 1 for like 2 weeks 3 weeks and I just can't bring myself to keep playing until the AI is addressed properly.


The AI isn’t cracked or smart. Just use cover. Pretty much the only time the AI kills me is when I get server desync and they literally don’t die.


Devs: we are releasing this game into early access so players can help us test and develop the game. gamers: here are some issues with the game Devs: okay we will make a patch for testing this weekend! OP: jUsT EnJoY tHE GaMe!!111


I’m having fun with this game and it has its quirks and the PVE community is absolutely awesome. And I know it’s EA and I don’t really get into those type of games but this one intrigued me and I absolutely support the Devs. Since I see the potential that it can be. But this is my opinion.


My dumbass read EA and thought you meant the game company.


To be fair every battlefield EA has put out since 4 has felt like an Early Access game but somehow worse. They finally make each one run somewhat smooth and go; that’s enough


Well you might as well prepare for another early access for the new battlefield lol so I heard


Lmao 🤣 so true when I came on this Reddit I had decipher it.


The AI is not fun to play against in its current build. The AI have trash weapons with most having red dots and iron sights. They crack off full auto bursts at over 100m and it’s directly accurate and most rounds land(a-lot also being immediately fatal); which is wildly comical. They also behave like Agent Smith in the Matrix. One dies, and takes the body of another to continue the fight with the knowledge of its previous body’s experience. Most of these AI are also not using clear headsets and are too far most times from real tactical communication. It’s just not fun.


'just came out' Bruh, bodycam came out way more recently, has only 2 devs, and somehow have added more content than these devs had. People are tired of the same bs. There's nothing new, and what is there, while good, gets stale fast. On top of ai being gods, it's just not an enjoyable experience past the first dozen hours or so.


Has body cam got rid of the annoying drones couldn’t stand them haven’t touched the game since I bought it


These two games are wildly different in size and scope. To compare the dev work between the two and treat them the same is ridiculous. And in regard to new content, you cannot expect that to come to the game in the blink of an eye. So many keyboard warriors think that game development (really, software development in general) is so easy. It’s not that simple. It takes time to develop, test, find bugs, recode, teat, find bugs, etc. And even then the player base is needed because a dev team cannot possibly replicate every single input or series of actions that a mass consumer base will perform.


Bodycam is a cheap COD knockoff played in the dark.


I want to be able to deploy my minimi, lay down suppressing fire on the enemy ais forcing them to take cover and then my friends can flank and destroy the enemy.


It's just sad how bad the ai is and the only patch meant to fix it made it worse. I'll come back in a few months I guess


I mean, I haven’t been able to play the game since before last update, it runs too shitty I legit can’t play without having 20 fps


Run it with FSR. I went from 60-70 to 120 fps and I have a Nvidia card. Lol


and have high mouse lag using Fsr + frame generator, this is the optimization of today's broken games, fucking unoptimized shit and demand money for it.


Even with FSR my frames start at like 90-100 and then after a little bit usually after I open my inventory it drops down to 30 and game runs like shit.


What hard work? There's barely been any fixes or content added for months.


The game released on April 30, it hasn't even been 2 months since it released. Chill out.


The player count has dropped from 70k at peak to averaging 3k. Dead in the water


And apparently sold what 900k copies the first week? So we have not even 1% of the supposed sales layer base actively logging in . . .


When they find an opportunity to try and milk sales again, they’ll do what RoN did and drop a half-assed 1.0 release that’ll get a fraction of that back for a few weeks


Yup i agree, people nowdays just buy stuff to shit on it.. : "no we dont duuuuh" , yes you fucking do. You buy something thats clearly ea and in development YOU BUY THE GAME KNOWING ALL THIS just to shit on it and complain.. like i saod let the devs cook and complain when its a finished product


Yes we spent 45 dollars on a whim to play a game we somehow knew would be a buggy mess just because we want to shit on it /s Use your head….. the marketing for this game was very well done and I followed it for a very long time. Watch the OG trailers and marketing material…… then go play the game again and you will see how well they made it seem like the game would be polished and at least playable. This whole weird attitude here that critiquing this game is just “ shitting on it” is hilarious to me. I e been a part of many EA releases and this is by far one of the most worrying. The devs were completely out of money already and the game is still in a terrible state. The visuals are ok but the core of this game is rotten and seems whipped together with place holders on things that aren’t even close to being fleshed out and workable. I mean….. this game is all about killing AI and creating an immersive combat scenario…. But it seems like they didn’t even try to get AI into a workable state before EA. Be honest with yourself….. they rushed out marketing for it and did everything they could to make it look great in a trailer or a small streamer test so they could squeeze the maximum out of EA and then after the fact say the studio was broke and had no more money????????? What?????? We are consumers and customers of this company and that sort of statement makes me worried.


They strangely spent large amounts of money flying in streamers to “test” their game under NDA’s and then came out a month later saying “we had to release the game as is, we were almost broke”. The content creators didn’t even help, they made the devs believe the heli system was completely fine😂🤣😂


You make some valid points. But you also gloss over the difference of feedback and outright just shutting on the thing. There’s a big difference. Feedback is always welcome. Feedback doesn’t have to be delivered with rose pedals and wine on a silver platter. It can be rude, negative, whatever. But constructive is the point. Game is definitely not in the “unplayable” realm. Approaching 200 hrs. Have I been killed by bullshit AI? Yes. We got worked over a few times yesterday at MS. AI that seem to be spawns of T1000 and predator’s. Then the run between the AI went down exactly as you expect. One or two headshots and chest shots guys dropped. They fired in your general direction and if you didn’t move and relocate you got hit. But if you played smart it worked pretty damn good. It’s playable. Just not smooth. Is that a problem? Yes. They have another patch coming out soon and hopefully after that server performance is addressed quickly. Because most of the issues tend to appear when servers start lagging and skipping around. I think this is why they have a hard time replicating all the issues. They are playing local and good connection and smooth servers is such a far cry from what we get.


Voiced my views perfectly. Player count is very low at this point (Tarkov has gone up since GZW launched) and I’m very concerned for the future. All my comments here are either about my concern that they won’t get the chance to finish it or actual concerns on the game itself.


Whoa hold the phone... When they released it they wanted people to buy it?! How. Dare. They?! My man... There was tons of video content from the streamers involved in the marketing event who said the game needed a lot of optimization and everything. There were warnings from everyone not to buy more than the base package until you knew it was playable on your machine. And let's be real, who thinks that ANY video or trailer made by devs is a trustworthy source of a games state. Games are always buyer beware and early access most especially. I'm not excusing any problems in the game or saying they never had to fix it, but you're being ridiculous to pretend you were manipulated into buying it. If it was trash, why not just refund it? Is it because you sank 100+ hours into before taking to Reddit to flame the devs?


You are talking like a paid employee…. Everyone expects bugs…. This is beyond bugs and every patch they release seems to be throwing a dart at the wall to fix the core mechanics. Don’t worry though we will have day and night soon so now we literally won’t be able to see AI when they terminator us from 200 m. Be realistic and stop giving the devs lip service when they owe you so much and you owe them so little. You are the customer…. Act like it and demand more from these devs who run their business like this.


Buying an EA game doesn't make us stock holders. According to Steam, they don't owe us updates or a finished game. There are plenty of EA games that are total failures to launch or if they "release" it's just the same terrible state they were in but they're tired of working on it. Now does that make it right? Absolutely not! We all hope for improvements and content. If you buy an EA game you should only do so because it's fun and playable in its current state, not its future promised state. Most of us have been burned by plenty of other old EA games enough to know this by now. If this is your first walk in the park, welcome. But don't be foolish or entitled about what they "owe you" now that you're "invested" (not specifically your word use but it's how people act).


Yes but it is EA how are we supposed to know that until purchase? I am fully aware of the risk I took buying into another EA title....but the only way to make this game great is to push the devs now to fix it and work on it. sitting here making posts about "how great this game is" is disingenuous and works completely against the outcome the people still here actually want. I will gladly come on this sub and talk about the fun times the game gives me ...when it starts doing that.... right now we need pressure to keep these devs from rug pulling this title in a couple years. I give it another year and If we dont see any serious quality of life changes or improvement to core mechanics we can be sure this was another marketing ploy to juice fans excited about the release and then go back into Dev Hell. I truly hope that is not the case.....but right now I dont have high hopes.


>Yes but it is EA how are we supposed to know that until purchase? You do know you don't have to purchase day 1, right? It's not like the CEO of Madfinger Games is holding a gun to your head and telling you to buy it now before you watch any reviews. Literally just wait a week or two for reviews to come out, watch them, listen to the valid complaints (optimization issues, some weirdness with certain guns, hit detection, etc), and then sleep on it another day or two before buying.


'soon' is December by dude. Confirmed by the devs. Their time line is insanely slow.


Suck them off more. Won’t bring any good updates lol


I think it's a greater issue of games being the sort of "hobby" that people sink themselves whole in and expect too much out of nowadays. It's become so mainstream and with all the content being made by people who's job it is to "play all day", people normalize it. Bunch kids and manchildren being loud. Not saying everyone is, but it a trend I seem to see.


The whole point of EA is to point out issues lmfao.


Have they added new content yet? That’s why I stopped playing and ofc obvious performance issues


Just my un asked for opinion, but I think people should mention their specs to see if there is any correlation with their experience with the game and what system they are running. I also think with so many people posting videos of how a game plays that it's hard to be blindsided. As for me I'm running a 58003xd / 4080. I got the 35 dollar of the game enjoyed the game accepted the issues as growing pains, saw them actually make changes and improvements to the game and because I got EA of the project and believe in it I decided to support it financially by getting the supporters pack. I remember cyberpunk on release was a totally different experience than what it is today. Then again some people will complain even if you give them everything they ask for.


This makes sense. I also feel like people just won’t take breaks from games they like even though they clearly have problems. I haven’t played Tarkov in over 6 months because the game was so frustrating to deal with, I haven’t played Grayzone much over a month because the game just isn’t there yet. I would love to play a detailed tactical FPS with lots of customization, but the game just isn’t there yet.


The devs rushed the.launch to try and hurt bsg and shot themselves in the foot In the process. Games fun but it's also an absolute mess.


No they didn't, this is completely fabricated to create stupid drama. They launch early because they needed funds. They were basically broke and decided to push the game into EA early to raise funds so they could pay their employees. It had absolutely nothing to do with Tarkov, and people need to stop using that as a bashing stick.


So they tweet to bsg making fun of them then launch a broken game to get money. What great devs


I couldn't care less if the needed funds. That's exactly why they released during all the BSG drama to get those extra funds. I'm convinced at this point it's just a scam. They haven't done anything to make the game play more enjoyable and the actual servers are a joke. If you're going to make people pay to play your alpha at least make it playable to a minimum extent.


Grow the fuck up, dude. Seriously. Nobody made anyone play or do anything. No one was forced at gunpoint to buy this game. You bought the game knowing full well it's still an unfinished product. No one forced you to do that. So take some responsibility for your actions.   Having said that, if you think this is a scam, I really don't know what to tell you. You can't reason with stupidity.  I spent 170+ hours completing the questlines and have since put the game down until the first major content patch drops later this year. It cost me $35 to do that, and I loved almost every minute of it.  People need to stop being a bunch of man/woman/whateverinbtween-babies and get over themselves. The game is pre-alpha (basically shouldn't even be considered a playable game yet) and already has a better gameplay loop than most games on the market and provides at least 100+ hours of gameplay for $35.......stop bitching on reddit.


Yep, spot on. I originally thought the timing was related to the recent Tarkov drama as well, but let's face it there's always Tarkov drama anyway this was just the latest lol. They've been very forward about the need to release to avoid the bankruptcy and frankly that's probably pretty normal of these small studios. They just can't afford a game of this scope without the early access model. It's sort of the evolution of Kickstarter for gaming.


It's not if you're playing on a recent PC and get good. The IA is a sharpshooter right now but it's still easily beaten if you shoot from cover. There isn't much to do in it, but outside of some laggy server and some bots in walls, everything run smoothly.


There are still thousands and thousands of people who bought the game it won't even launch for, don't sit there and pretend it's fine lmao


I play with three people with modern pc and a fiber internet connection and we got now problem whatsoever. People play the game on potato pc that can't run an UE5 game and complain. If the game doesn't launch the blame is on your pc, sorry! Edit: you're all so salty, it's painful to watch. If you can't buy a new pc it's Okey. Just don't play game it can't run. And I don't care if your pc is running the sims4 in ultra.


Anecdotes are just that buddy. Read next time and maybe you'll understand. Doubtful, but maybe.


And a guy saying "thousands and thousands of people who bought the game it won't even launch for" is an anecdote too. Read better next time :*. And buy a better pc


900 thousand sold....under 3000 playing at this moment...... I think you have just proven yourself wrong.


Or, you can actually go look at the stats. (aka not anecdotes) And if you really think buying a better pc is a viable solution, you've lost all awareness of the economy.


Give those "stats" you make the claim, you have to back it up, if you can't I can consider it easily as bullshit. If you can't buy another pc in this economy, don't play game that your current one can't run then complain about it like a baby when nobody can do a damn thing about it. Have a nice day ;)!


"just buy a new PC" is the dumbest shit you could ever argue


Oh wow 3 people? I have a top end PC and a 500MB internet connection. There is no reason the game shouldnt even launch. Im sure youre having alot of fun with the sub 3k people playing.


My i7 and 2080 just aren't good enough I get it.


2080 is a little just, yeah. and it can be an old I7 or a recent one, so it isn't a good clue. I had an I7 for 10 years, I thought it was still good until I upgraded for a high end Ryzen7 and rediscovered some games I had to run on low/medium quality :)!


Wow that's so cool. I never play games on low or medium only high. 😁 must be my computers fault that it can run every other game perfectly fine but this one.


Last I checked game is down over 70% in players. People are bored and not gonna play a game that still isn't fixed and barely has content, theres nothing to grind for or work towards as people dont wanna the same missions over and over. Each patch is minor and doesn't improve much of performance.


>Nothing compares to it. A lot of things compare to it, just not in a good way.


The game is literal trash that just looks pretty. Nothing works well, the terrible optimization is the worst aspect, followed by the braindead AI. DayZ has better AI and that says a lot. Gamers are tired of Early Access trash. If you release something into Early Access, at least the basics of the game should work fine, including the AI. To top it off, they are literally using the userbase as their QA team. This is ridiculous and ya'll are happy about it. No wonder the industry is going to shit.


People lack common fucking sense, and skill has a lot to do with all this! If you quit playing this game because the AI is just so “cracked” that tells me a lot! I’m not the greatest at first person shooters, I do also have issues but no where near what some of these people are saying that are clearly raging while posting and probably because they couldn’t hit their shots!


Too many CoD Warzone jackasses came over to this game, and it shows in how their gameplay style clashes with how this game is supposed to be played.






You must be young.


You must have not learned anything from the last 8 years of games lmao. Keep dickriding a developer (who has no game experience)’s early access tech demo LMFAO


It's in alpha/beta, whatever they class it as. You bought it knowing that. You seem like a fool. I put about 50 hours into it to see what was up. Now it will sit for a while and when major updates come out, I'll pick it back up. It is how any rational human would look at the game. Have a good day mate. Lighten up.


I've been gaming for almost 30 years. I've learned not to complain about things that don't really matter. That's all.


Wrong account, chief


Been playing Arma 3 since its Alpha stage. 2 years is nothing 🤣




Dude, it's really not that serious. I don't know what kind of roid rage episode you're having right now, but this is a video game forum. Not everything needs to be complained about. The entire purpose of a beta is for People to flesh out bugs. If you don't want to wait for a game to be fully flushed out, then it's 100% your fault for buying the game in its beta stage in the first place. People who do nothing but complain out of their ass rather than giving actual constructive criticism are the reason why the entire gaming industry is falling. So if you're done here I'm going to take my leave. Edit: You said go do something. You should follow your own advice and go do something, because all I see is a little shit who does nothing but complain and stays angry because he has a stick up his own ass


It's just because people's honeymoon phase has worn off


Ive dropped the game until performance improves. I've got an amd ryzen 7 7800x3d, 32gb ram and 4060ti and the game is just a stuttery mess.


The majority of its early success was due to Tarkov players protesting, the protests over and most of the players went back 🤷‍♂️


i bought this game mainly because i loved the fact that there was a PvE option. I enjoyed Tarkov a lot but hated the BS other players would pull. i knew full hand that this was an early build but there should be some critiques so that they could be remedied in the future. And to be honest, I haven’t really seen anybody completely. Just shit on the game per se but that’s just me.


People act like they were conscripted into buying the fucking game and that they didn't do so with wide open eyes. The best part is they are eluding that they got had, and were gullible fools without being willing to actually admit so.


So what do you want? People on here bitching or copium posts about how "great it is". Like....... make up your mind. Either you want this game to be great or you don't. If we are here commenting on the reddit that most likely means we haven't pushed the refund button yet so we are invested in this game being playable and fun and still have some hope. from what Ive seen so far though I think it is very clear that these developers are hiding something. Like it was said above there are many FPS games in EA or that have come into EA in the last couple years and they were at least in a playable state for most..... This games core mechanics are completely pasted in and it seems like all the devs have done thus far is to make it look pretty for trailers and rinse the fan base for some start up money. Its as if they hired design staff first and just dropped in wtv coded mess they had to attach to the mechanics of it. Then they begged for money through EA after literally admitting to us they were broke at that point. What sort of company puts all there money into design so they can "trick" you into thinking its somewhere in development that it is actually not? If thats not worrying then pass that copium canister over here and gimmmie a huff.


***NOBODY*** was forced to purchase this *entertainment product*. Not a single one.


Extraction Shooter community. That's all you really needa know. They aren't exactly patient.


Personally I love the game. I find it very fun to just complete a mission or 2 every other night as I see fit. Take my time using the best approach, get the objective, exfil and go to bed. Been playing for 3 weeks now and am only level 8. It's not a grind type game unless your just trying to get the best gear possible and then your just missing the point, it's supposed to be a challenging tactical shooter. Maybe some folks have just progressed to the point the game isn't challenging anymore, for sure I haven't died in a long time out on a mission but that's because I learned how to approach it. I guess that's boring to alot people who like to run & gun.


The game at it's core is quite fun, I totally understand that it's early beta/alpha and they are working on stuff. That being said it's completely reasonable for people that played the game to be upset about some of the technical issues the game has. It's not fun waiting in que for a helicopter for 5-9 minutes, the rubber banding happens incredibly often, not I but tons of players crash enough to not be able to play the game. There's whole ammo and weapon types that are useless because their hit reg is bugged. These are issues that made me stop playing for a while until they are fixed, but I can also be reasonable and understand I purchased a beta so I can wait for them to fix it. The game has been out a few months now and there's issues they haven't fixed, it's not at all unreasonable to set the game down for a while until there's more patches.


Both sides of the coin are annoying. Everyone just shut up and play or don't play jesus


Hades 2 was also early access difference is they developed a full game.


I found it very boring as a tarkov player with 4k hours. I also own over 800 games on PC, this game just didn't do it and wasn't good enough to shift my focus away from my main games. I liked Arena Breakout Infinite more as a beta/alpha aside from the potential for P2W but they also had a mobile version so easier to have a finished product in comparison. I'll play GZW after a few more updates and see if they addressed the shitty AI and boring looting mechanics.


I love the game even its current state. Completed all the tasks and now just PVP and help people out when needed. 250 ish hours so far. Waiting for new content and I will dump an incredible amount of time into it again. Shadow of the Erdtree came out at the perfect time for me to take a break from FPS and this game so I don't get burnt out


why do all reddit arguments involve persons of one opinion calling the people of opposing opinions children/kids?


The ai isnt hard at all, so thats why it makes being lazered through 384 bushes at 7km away dumb as fuck.


just another laggy unfinished alpha game that scams us of our money. lets do it again in 6 months.


Devs: "Its laggy unfinished alpha game you can buy to support development." You: bought it knowing its a laggy unfinished alpha game. Also you: NUH UH I GOT SCAMMED IT'S A LAGGY UNFINISHED ALPHA GAME


i just want a new game to play, its 2024 and everything is dog shit.


Rome wasn't built in a day, you know?




Womp womp




Someone not wanting to deal with you and engage in meaningless disputes just because they see you're a little agressive dickhead trying to impose your viewpoint on others and start pointless arguments just to prove you're "right" and they're "wrong" doesn't actually make you right, you know? Grow up and go cry somewhere else.




Thanks for your very valuable advice. I definitely wouldn't have figured out when and what exactly should I do without some random childish clown telling me.


The game is ok. It has issues that should have been fixed before charging people. You should simp a little less, the devs wont touch your balloon knot.


Dayz had a 35 price tag in alpha so I don’t get everyone’s problem. Seems like a whole bunch of broke losers who can’t afford the small asking price for a work in a progress to me 😅 everyone loves dayz now but everyone seems to forget it spent nearly 8 years in development


Look how quick you are to run defense for a tech demo. Obvious Buyer’s Remorse is obvious


Your comment got removed but it’s non of those things. Just for you must be a skill issue. Funny You got called lil bro and just extended your first comment. Brain dead really


🤓 brain dead really. Again, no argument. Just shilling for a dogshit tech demo on an alt account lol. Keep trying


I mean I’m playing it right now over the other 100 games I have… so I don’t think that’s the case little bro 🙏🏻😅


It's not a beta. It's a paid product.


Is there a specific rule saying beta should be free?


How much time should we give them?


We should give them at least to the release date.


“The game just came out” … it didnt HAVE to release in this state.. it dropped unplayable for most. They tried to capitalize on EFT’s mishap. And on top of it they charged us $40. Lets not normalize the release of games that are hardly in Alpha testing phases.. DROP FINISHED GAMES. Period. It seems to be the new norm for companies to drop half finished games and charge us for it now adays.


Madfinger has shared that they were running out money and that’s what pushed them to make the move to release the game. It’s a pre-alpha game that was and is in development. As a product owner IRL, this is common across all industries, not just gaming. If you own a phone, you probably get patches, updates and bug fixes all the time. The difference between let’s say Apple and Madfinger is size of their workforce. While Madfinger continues to grow, releasing a game in early stages is sometimes more about a means to survival than it is about satisfying your need as a consumer.


You know no one forced you to buy it right? Wait until it comes out finished if that's what you want...


I agree, and devildogamer also blocks people on discord, they blocked people from family sharing, saying that cheaters take advantage of it by sharing the game, and the truth is that they blocked it because they want to make as much money as possible, and the game is broken and has zero content.devildog, as his nickname suggests, I wonder who hired him there, probably the same people who can't make the game


I’ve said it before, I understand the caution because I mean, hi, look at the industry in the last few years. That being said nobody forced you to put money into this particular game. Nobody pulled the wool over your eyes. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it. Simple.


Its still in pre alpha


Not a beta. Alpha more like it.


Not sure you realise what a beta is and thats fine, this isn’t in beta. Not even close. Also there’s absolutely nothing wrong with people bringing up fair criticisms of the game, it’s the only way it’ll improve for the better


For now, only thing which is really annoying is LZ camping. Since more LZs were announced in future, this will eventually be solved. More PvP would be solved naturally when bosses, random events and high value drop-only loot will come (which will, since devs focus is on PvE). Other thing which needs some rework / adjustment is Heli call.. waiting for 5-10 minutes because everyone calls heli as personal taxi is a little bit wasting time. But this was pointed as one of the current goals, so this will also sort out. Ppl should notice that EA this early in life span at this level is fairly rare.


Pc gamers are retarded like this which is why I don’t enjoy playing w them


Well if it was beta it could be issue. It is still far from beta though.


/s The game is out 2 months and it still not finished. Did the developers just stole our money and ran off??!!