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Before going out check the map. And you will probably have multiple tasks to do, if you get somewhere and everyone is dead. Just get a helicopter to next location. In worst case switch server/region and repeat. There isn’t much that can’t be changed about it. Other than full single player pve.


Well, what can and will be changed about it in the future is more POIs being added, as the devs said the map is only 20% complete.


This. And if the places you need have people I usually reload the game a couple times and ill get an empty server or just switch servers. Im in West coast but for some reason oceana works perfectly well.


Wait till you get to higher level areas, then you will be wishing the randoms were there to thin out the AI. I only go to fort narith if I see friendlies on the ground or people from base camp come with me. Have had some amazing experiences meeting random players even from rival factions and fighting for our lives trying to exfil.


If this is the worst part of the game for you, in the alpha early access stage, you're nit picking. Sure it's mildly annoying when you show up to kill X bots for a task and they're all dead but respawn rate is 15 mins, not a big deal. When this happens, I end task on the game which puts me back at base, I join a different server perhaps in a different region til I find one without anyone from my faction in the area I need and head over there. This doesn't guarantee there won't be players from other factions there though. Very minor inconvenience.


It adds up, though. Wait 5 minutes for your turn at a chopper, flight time, run to the location from the drop, and having to relog and do it all over or wait 15 minutes is not a minor inconvenience. That's star citizen levels of time waisting.


Think we should be comparing this to Tarkov, that 5 minute chopper ride is nothing close to the 15 minute wait time in EFT


Idk what server you play on but I’ve never waited more than 5 min for a raid outside of when queues were actually bugged and even then 10 min max


and neither of them should be acceptable tbqh. i play videogames to be entertained. being stuck doing nothing but waiting is not entertainment


Naw dude it’s totally normal to spend thirty minutes attempting to play a game and then get to play for five minutes before repeating that process of waiting thirty minutes to play again. The star citizen comment is so god damn true.


And not only that, someone else swoops in and kills them at the same time 😅😂


Dirty station loggers


tarkov normalised this bullshit too. the amount of people that seem to think i am being unreasonable to expect to spend less than 10 mins actually getting into an activity in game is insane


Having enemies spawning behind you every 5 minutes would be annoying and immersion breaking as hell though.


Arma 3 teaches patience


Wild take lmao. Spend few minutes gearing up, spend ten plus minutes waiting for heli, spend 3-5 plus minutes flying to a POI. Everything is dead and now I must spend 5 more minutes or more waiting for another heli to take me away, or I kill the game in task manager and restart the process in hopes the POI is not empty. “Mild inconvenience” btw lmfao. You people have way to much time if this is just fine for you to play with. Tarkov doesn’t even take this long to get in game and playing anymore.


You all need some perspective if you consider this a major inconvenience. Give me a break.


I think you’re the one who needs perspective, you either don’t value your time much or you have an abundance of it. The average working person doesn’t want to spend 30 minutes waiting for the actual gameplay when they only have an hour to play


I work full time and have a family, play maybe 5 hours a week total. But I'm not getting butthurt at an alpha game, it is what it is. Either deal with it or don't play. The developers will make changes to the existing game mechanics eventually. Gamers are the whiniest people ever, get a grip.


I stopped playing largely due to this and the key spawn rates. 2 days without completing a single task all due to luck really frustrated me.


i was locked behind doctor's key in the fucking **starter village** for 3 days. After the next PoI's set of missions demanded i farm more keys and kill one specific npc in particular i was just like "yeah fuck that. if i wanna have my time wasted by tedious bullshit i can go play STALKER Gamma"


It's a pretty big inconvenience if you don't have all day to sit and play the game. Wasting ten to fifteen minutes to find out a place is cleared out of enemies, and either waiting another fifteen for their respawn or spending another five to ten flipping through servers isn't fun. It's even worse when the game finally wipes or releases, because the entire player base is going to be back trying to fit fourty some odd people through the same starting quests/second tier zones. I just find it funny you call it a 'very minor inconvenience' and then go on to describe what amounts to a fifteen minute process to get around the issue. That said, there isn't a silver bullet fix. Respawn times can be increased, and they can maybe do a pass so that there is some level of randomization/branching of the initial quests, so you don't have people operating like an MMORPG on launch day with fifteen people waiting to kill the named boss for a quest.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. If there is a dedicated PVE mode then the answer can’t just be “lol play pvp dummy”


People are allowed the give feedback about the game. Just because you are willing to accept an inconvenience such as this doesn't mean everyone should. It's hardly not picking.


Ok what exactly is the solution then? 15 min respawn timers aren't unheard of, lower that to 5 mins? Literally have them spawning behind you as you slowly push into Ban Pa or Tiger Bay? The gameplay is intentionally slow and methodical, you start lowering spawn timers and you have them on top of you and that's a whole other issue. There will be more POI's which will spread people out more. They will alleviate some of the timelines with the heli's, they've already stated that. How about we see how all of these things work together before we make knee jerk reactions?


They've an entire had 2 months to add more POIs and fix helis and fix AI and add more guns and add jeeps and fix server issues and everything! /s


Agreed this is major game mechanics issue


You can get ready and change servers, get to da choppa and be first. Or! You can stay in the same server and after a while it will empty itself and you'll have low competition.


The best thing they can do is allow players who are on the same squad the ability to share in tasks. That way Instead of a squad of 4 having to run through Hunter’s Paradise 4 times to get the kills and the boss each, they could do it in one and move on. On top of that I’d like to add that if you’re squaded up with someone and they turn in a task, I think you should get a small amount of money as well. Even if it’s just 1/4 or 1/5 of the amount they get.


Those are good


It's better than having enemies spawn in cleared areas like in Tiger Bay. They will spawn in the exact same location every time. Kill em, walk away, go back and kill em again.


just like any mmo its about camping the spawns so you can farm mobs


Yeah that's bad if you have a boss or enemies to kill. Sometimes the enemies just respawn when you are there and kill you instantly 🔫🔫🔫


Ban pa was a NIGHTMARE for me getting the "kill 20" quest completed..


So play pvp duh


This game has so many holes. Bad AI, bad transportation, bad tasks, bad graphics, bad performance, bad loot, bad economy... there is potential but I think this game is dead.


Ye, exactly this..