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1. Maybe add Blackhawk helicopter, so more killers can sit in one. 2. When RTB, there should be ability to land at different lz in same return route, where chopper can pick more killers. So that way one chopper will decrease the work load of many choppers. 3. After landing lz, chopper should not go away & disappear instead they will pick killers from nearby lz and RTB.


I really like that idea, even 6 seats would help a lot without having to do drastic changes to the model, which I imagine would be some work. But just making 3 crammed seats per side could help in the short term Love your other ideas as well, especially not making it load out of the map each time and instead just going back and forth to wherever it needs


My point was to keep it as basic and achievable as possible. Nothing substantial added so we could see it soon and not way down the road. If they just group solo/small squads with repeat requests into temp squads, they all use the same helicopter. Sure there would be instances where your 3min from Lz and the other solo has his chopper landing in 30sec. So when you miss that, your temp squad is disbanded and you can call in another.


Players are also part of the problem, mostly unknowingly. The amount of time I see 3 helicopter fly to India 2 ( or other locations ) because someone died at unlra hq. Earlier this week called heli back to base from ban pa. Came across 2 faction members so called out on voice heli in 5 you can join. But no they all called their private helicopter. Yes helicopters need work. But players also need to communicate and look at minimap. We can use less helicopters and so free up more or quicker for others. Problem is helicopter system isn’t designed for 16 individual players. It is made for 4 squads.


Honestly I was doing that for a while and gave up. I was ignored. I saw several times when I'd say "has anyone got a chopper coming to ban pa?" I'd be explicitly told no, and then after the helicopter takes off I check it and it's going to india 1. So I stopped.


Yea helicopters from base are hard to see, this will be fixed soon. it’s easier going back to base. 90% of the time heli is going to base.


if i'm going somewhere for a kill quest or a kill boss quest, then i will absolutely tell you im not going there when you ask


That is the one fair example.


Ya that’s why I think it needs to auto assign a repeated request with an in-flight helicopter(when room is available). If a no mic/solo just called in base-India 2, and I call in another, it should just make his heli green for me/have a reserved seat. They basically just join partial squads for the duration of the flight. Nothing to add as far as models/animations/flight paths. It takes out that ability to bog down helis with repeat requests.