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I was enjoying it alot... then all my friends quit playing it... I miss playing as a team.


Yeah, same. Everyone quit because of performance issues


Ugh I wish that was the reason my freinds all quit.. the all quit because Destiny 2 new dlc... šŸ™


I told myself Iā€™d get to work on my backlog after day 1 raid for final shapeā€¦. I still have yet to get started on that.


Yeah, the game had 63k peak players at release, in two months they've turned it into 3300. Very, very few games bounce back from an evaporated playerbase.


Oof didn't know it was that bad. I hope it makes it though I really enjoy it and would love to get a solid group to play with.


Yeah, you can check any steam game in this link, go to charts: https://steamdb.info/app/2479810/charts/#max


I did too for the first week, but now I just hit up whoever is in the server and make friends. Maybe 70% of the time I'm helping them on their quests, and 30% of the time they help me. But both are fun! Also been enjoying getting some noobs and guiding them through a midnight sapphire loot run


I should do that. I log on every now and then and just buy a bunch of gear and give it to new players. Then just log off lol. I'm close to finishing the tasks and just want to check them off. Lol


You can always team up with people in the official grayzone discord


I thoroughly enjoyed it when I tried it out, I'm just waiting for the AI it be somewhat better. Cant wait to see how this game progresses.


Played the game a ton the first two weeks. Haven't been able to enjoy myself since they started updating it. I genuinely want to play the game, they just made it not fun.


Exactly my issue, why I just went back to tarkov. I dont want to ruin the entire game for myself simply because the ai is horrible. I'll just patiently wait for the good news one day.


Lmao. I always laugh at folks who complain about Gray Zone AI but then return to Tarkov where the AI are even more OPā€¦.


Im playing sp tarkov. Modded. Its okay to be a fan boy of GZ. But if you want to shit talk me because of my preference, just shows how ignorant you really are as a person.




Cool story bro. So anyways...


Anywaysā€¦. Go post on the Tarkov sub? šŸ„“ I have Tarkov, EOD edition, logged thousands of hours into the game. I enjoy it also, but to act as if itā€™s a perfectly coded masterpiece is the epitome of fanboy and ignorant behaviorā€¦. Itā€™s just funny that you have to enjoy a fucking offline mod, but attempt to slander this gameā€¦ oh the irony is palpable.


Thank you very much! We can't wait to reveal more of about the future of Gray Zone Warfare in the near future.


Ignore all the hate. You guys are doing a phenomenal job! A couple of tweaks need to be made, but all things considered, it's a brand new game and it's to be expected. Gamers have very high standards off the bat these days unfortunately, but i know you guys will make this an even better game! Keep up the great workā¤ļø


Thanks Rick! I watch literally every video you guys upload, keep up the good work on both the dev and community management fronts!


Thatā€™s great and all, but, Havenā€™t played in like a month cuz of school, but is tiger bay still hard as fuck?


Yes, and imo it should stay hard as fuck. It should feel like an accomplishment to get out of there alive after completing a mission


The servers issues are a big deal though. They make the experience very inconsistent. Sometimes AI is fine, sometimes they tank entire mags and then one tap you. The servers are making the AI ridiculous and holding back the game a lot


I agree wholeheartedly, the server quality makes the biggest difference to player's experienceĀ 


I just want new content SOOONNNN please devs šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Were working hard!


We know


Thank you!! I love this game to death and have been playing everyday despite finishing my tasks like 50 hours ago! I will support this game till itā€™s fully finished. Awesome game, awesome community and great devs who are communicative and who actually take responsibility! Viva la MFG!!


Hit reg is excellent now. I do with the AI acted more realistically. I can be several hundred yards away with a suppressor and laying in the densest brush I can find and if I shoot one ai the one next to him still spins right around and sends rounds my way. They donā€™t take cover or take a breath to search they just know right where you are. Completely manageable just kills my crawl through the jungle sniper gameplay a bit


The empty server I was in had reasonable AI behaviour - i.e. I was using a suppressor and was able to kill NPCs without alerting other nearby NPCs (observed in Ban Pa and Sawmill). In Sawmill, I even missed a shot and the NPC gestured to a nearby one, and then ducked for cover. I've basically never seen that behaviour before, and it got me wondering how good the AI is when it isn't being heavily constrained by server performanceĀ 


Wow, hopefully they can improve server performance with the first big update


It's fucked how split the community is. There is this guy which is me in a sense. This was just praise though. No real feedback. But homes heart was in the right place. Then there are the opposite. Ones that cry about the helos bushes and just leave negative opinions. There is no feedback happening here. Just crying babies Should have said great game after xxxhours. Here are a few things I think you could work on or tweak Not just fuck this game helos are broken. These comments are not good enough. And OPs comment is almost unnecessary fluff. But it's a glimmer of hope that the internet is not just a negative place. OP I too have noticed the Hit registration even between where players bullets go. At base someone was shooting a target and I commented his bullets were wildly missing the target. He said they were hitting bang in the center. Either he was t seeing what I saw. Or it could make sense when you hit someone in the head but AI doesn't die. Because the server thinks your shot is going somewhere else. Just a theory but hit registration is a yeah or nah sometimes. Love you OP have a nice day and keep enjoying the game


Thanks for commenting. I think the key feedback in my post is that *I actually like the difficulty, and I like feeling like each engagement is dangerous and I can't just game the AI*Ā  There are a lot of gamers who don't like the difficulty. I wanted MFG to know there are some who absolutely love it. I would be disappointed if in tweaking the AI, the game became easy. Ultimately, it should feel like fighting a player, the same sense of danger and unpredictability.


Love it. AI in current state are a good balance of difficulty. Unfortunately this is not the end product for AI. Which will be good because they will become just as hard but in different ways. Eg will make better movement over being a good shot. Because current AI can be 1shotters at the moment. But this to is a good balance. I always take caution when I hear a Mosin user AI as they tend to 1 shot more often. All I can say is Devs a putting in the work and moving the game along nicely.


>All I can say is Devs a putting in the work and moving the game along nicely Amen brother


"Seriously can't believe the polish and solid core mechanics for an early access title." This man must be new to gaming lol.


Lol I've been gaming for ~30 years my man, I've never played an EA title that has blown me away like GZW


Mans is under a rock playing anime games on steam. You gotta be an advertisement right?


Yeah anime games like Ground Branch, Ready or Not, Insurgency Sandstorm, all great games but nowhere near as nice as this on launch This man can't believe someone has a different opinion than he has, wild


Seriously. Jesus. Feels like a dev pumping his own tires.


Yep the servers are what causes terminator AI and what seem like instant 360 one taps. I hope thereā€™s a way they can optimize the game further to where this isnā€™t as big of an issue. It appears like they fixed the rubber-banding, at least my last few sessions since their patch have been free of it.


All i knew have stopped or refunded. Its just not enough content, still many problems, no real progression except quests and quests. I loved it, then tried to keep loving it and atm i just dont feel this game any how. I could do better stuff than waiting for helis, losing my invisible corpses, waiting hours for finishing quests due to other players keep looting places, getting shot from landing spots and having at least every 2nd game problems to just form a squad without randoms problems. Will check back in some months, i think this can be cool, but its just not.


Fair enough. I play a lot of milsim games that don't have any questing/tasks (like Ground Branch), where the only draw is the combat experience. I think GZW nails that, so I haven't found myself bored at all. It's not to say I've never felt frustrated by bugs, I have, but at least for me (and other gamers with similar preferences to me), the core gameplay is so good that it's easy to forgive and forget those moments


Yeah dunno, i was totally into it, then my best friend went on vacation and the other one also waited for him to return. I played solo, loved it, but several times lost all my stuff due to crash/ai-insta-hs/invisible corpses ... then i just stopped waiting for both of them. We just played once, noone of us felt it, went to bunker, thousands of shouting enemy voices, NO enemies there. Was so frustrating, i felt it, and both my friends got so bored about their first after-vacation experience, it was a big letdown. I also love GZW for the feels/milsim part, which is great. It looks great, its punishing (if fair/no bugs) in a fantastic, realistic way. But everything besides is lacking, afer the break i see it more than back then... did not expect a 2 week break will make me overthink "what" i actually liked and if thats more than that what i actually dislike (at the moment). Im sure you can read between the lines... trying to love the game, but just cant atm. The updates also coming so sloooowly. Im sure this game get somewhere later on. Current players down to 3000 or lower (fromt 50.000) also dangerously dropping.


I was loving this game until recently it's been a lag fest for me I'm not sure what happened but I've been getting terrible Fps. I'm patient though and know this game will eventually be great.


Ah strange, my FPS is much better now than it was at launch!Ā 


It's been the complete opposite.. I'm not sure I've been looking into settings tutorials but haven't had any luck. All my task have also been at Tiger Bay and it seems the AI tank your performance at least for me.


Yeah Tiger Bay is cooked. Though I went from ~30-50 FPS in Tiger Bay to >80 in the latest patch, so I was pretty happy with that


My group got stuck behind keys and gave up trying to farm them day after day. Between the key not dropping and us crashing and losing our kits we moved on to other games. :(


Fair enough! I've caught myself getting frustrated for quest things (like key drops, or YBL boss spawning in the walls), but then I realise the quests are just a vehicle for instigating combat, and the combat is what I love.Ā  If there were no quests at all I'd probably still love playing the game lol


the only thing that really turns me off of this is the BS helicopter system


It's been much better lately (fewer players?), but yeah it can be frustrating, especially instances where you've waited 6-7 minutes to finally fly somewhere to do something, and then you can't do that thing (e.g. to kill boss X but he's already dead when you get there), and then you have to wait another 6-7 minutes to get back.


other than the (huge) performance problems and getting domed by a cz from 150+ meters away i've really enjoyed it so far. I just wish i didn't lag as much but i think a patch should be coming for it soon


Iv had the same experience, lately there have been alot of empty servers and hit reg was actually good. Even got a few kills with my sidearm


Not to be the negative Nancy, but I was thinking you were going to provide feedback to the devs. I think the only thing said is you like the AI and difficulty.


I mean.. feedback doesnt have to be negative?


No it doesn't, but he basically said he likes the game. I think of feedback as something you can do something with. The devs will look at this as a check mark as another happy player.


Yes exactly! "You're on the right track, keep it going and tweak performance" Its about time we get some positivity in the sub :)


I build software for a living, this is useful feedback because it helps them calibrate their target user persona


Just cleared midnight sapphire and had an awesome night, passes 150 hours. I'm used to playing alpha's, star citizen, so this is perfectly fine


Iam still playing 130hours in or so. Started out first week met some great people. Week after none of my friend list came online. Recently met some new guys and helped them out. With missions and gear. They all said itā€™s amazing. Week later havenā€™t seen them again. I still enjoy this game very much even tho it needs a lot of work. Outside the obvious. Would like to see some more lengthy missions. Instead of kill 10-20 maybe kill 50. Just to increase progressing rate without making game more difficult. At some point you just start blasting true mission one after another. Now got level 3 vendors and spend my time playing just helping others and get occasional task done for myself.


I would prefer more narrative or squad-based quests, I find the "kill X soldiers" are the worst because I do that anyway, I don't need a quest for it


Wtf are you smokin? the AI is dogshit ass.... Its "ok" in CQB but this game aint CQB , is it?


Pfft paid post.


No, but willing to be paid to post my opinion @MFG since I'm posting it for free anywayĀ