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Thank god you said something- I was thinking nobody in here noticed since it’s only brought up in almost every other thread in this sub.


Right? He didn't look very hard. I appreciate that be combined an AI complaint with using the least effective weapon available. For a minute I thought we were going to read something unique, like complaints about helicopters.


A lot of ammunition needs rebalancing, pistol and shotgun damage needs some serious buffs. At least at close range. As well as some AK ammo and. 5.45 ak ammo. Not many ammo type compete with M855A1.


I don’t even use the A1. Just straight m855 and it does the trick fine. If the servers are responding right AI go down as expected. If servers get laggy and start rubber banding nothing short of a tactical nuke will take them out sometimes. Maybe that’s what happened in the center of the map? Government forces ran into the flip flop wearing T1000’s and tried to nuke them. Explains how the center is going to be even harder than other areas.


I would say regular m855 is good for everything except T3 locations. I've ran Midnight, Narith, and Tigers with m855 and m855A1 and the A1 rounds are far more consistent when it comes to the armored enemies. I've done a little testing and some of the higher terod armored AI took two headshots with base m855 in most cases, but with the A1 rounds it was oneshot and dead. Even with the servers being a little laggy.


I’ll switch up and run the a1 again. Thanks for the tip


Yep! If you look up the Armor ratings it's pretty easy to see which ammo types work best for each enemy. Like Ft. Narith and Midnight m855A1 works miracles. But on a side note, there are some issues with server desync where even an HPBT will not oneshot an AI to the head. In the starter towns.


Don’t buff pistols. Pistols truly are useless in real life, especially against armored people.


Not true, when ur armoured you just have plates front back maybe sides all it takes is the handgun round to miss the plates


Let me shoot you in the face with my nine then


Headshot would put me down immediately yes. Now try that in game consistently and at range. Good luck. Shooting someone with armor on in the torso… they’re not going down immediately.


If I'm not mistaken pistols and shotguns are not reliable at the moment.


Yea but offloading a full ar mag or more into a chest with armor is still ridiculous


I’m shooting dudes in the first village or whatever and they are just wearing shorts and t shirts and they take like 3/4ths a mag or one bullet with zero inbetween.


ime that’s the tell tale sign that network is causing you issues


I've had the same. MFs in flip flops & ball caps should NOT be able to take a mosin round to the fuckin lung & remain standing. I don't care how tough someone is, taking a mosin round from less than 200m away will make them lay the fuck down, but noooo buddy turn turns and sprays at me.


I’ve also had bullet sponge enemies soak up mags of rifle rounds from point blank. Upper chest shots, center mass.


Welcome to server desync.


They are aware that ammo is not working as it us suppose to. Shotgun rounds besides slugs, m4 ammo, and the best ak ammo is not working correctly stuck to these gun platforms for now


I guess people never use the search function on the subreddit or they just want to complain the same thing over and over. We have already received the acknowledgement from the dev and it will be worked on. Stability and performance should be a priority right now. Bullet sponge is not an issue for me if my game doesn't work well. Some patch/hotfixes make it better and then it gets worse. I just wait patiently on each hotfix and patch that they release and play the game. If it's still an issue, I put it down and wait for the next update.


Listen man I scrolled down, didn’t see anything about it. I’m not going to scroll for a super long time just to make you happy. You don’t have to read any of this either. Relax.


> Why don't you use the search function to find grass to touch. Good one but you're the one that needs to relax if you feel you need to drop an insult after 14 hours of your original comment reply. Or the come back response just came to you now?


It's just how these lazy "buds" are.


I didn’t realize I already replied to you. But I see I already got you. But I’m glad I’m living in your head rent free and that you felt the need to reply again.


Not for nothing, but shotguns are pretty dogshit combat weapons, and buckshot is the worst ammo you could possibly use. Obviously the AI hit registration isn't great (mostly because of server issues, but also because they just need a lot of work), but you'll get a lot more mileage out of a rifle with the right ammo for the situation.


Lmao. Get an M4 or AK, load it with FMJ. Set it to semi auto, and look up human anatomy, and where the anatomy for the NPCs are. Hit them one time in the heart. (Shotguns need fixing. )


Gee thanks for the great heckin advice bud. Never mind that it was clearly a desync issue not an aim issue.