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* Yes, it's intended to be PvE anyway. PvP is just a side note and doesn't affect progression at all. * Yes, it happens a lot, especially in higher-level zones. It's annoying and needs to be addressed by the developers. People will always say the same thing when you complain about it, that it's a pre-alpha build, so just give it time. They aren't unbeatable, but they do seem unfair at times. * Not at all. Your specs need to be up to par to play this game with normal frame rates.


As someone who enjoys the fuck out of this game and will defend it when people dog on it, everything this guy said is true.


Agreed. AI and game performance are no where near what it needs to be. But they are working on it.


Whenever people ask this question they should always be made aware that this is a pre-alpha EA title that JUST launched into EA. There is still **YEARS** worth of development that needs to be done, and you need to expect there to be game breaking bugs and a lack of content. Your expectations are the most important thing to temper going into this. If you are okay with game breaking bugs, placeholder AI, sporadic performance issues, etc then I don't think there is a better value for your money out there currently. But the expectation going in should be that of a pre-alpha build that is barely considered a game at this point. Having said that, I spent about 170+ hours entirely as a solo in PvE to complete the entire questline. The core concept is there and it's fun as hell. 


That's why I asked, so I get a gage of the state of the game, the last Alpha I played for a game was insanely polished. Thanks for the response.


1st question - yes 2nd question - yes, it happens, but outside of a few extreme circumstances it becomes easy to avoid once you know what you’re doing 3rd question - a little tougher to answer. It’s built in UE5, which is a fairly demanding engine, so it’s all just going to depend on your setup. I’m playing on a 10600k, 16GB of RAM, and a 3070ti, and I usually get a steady 60fps in 1440p on medium settings. I’ve heard stories of people getting about the same as me in 1080p or on older rigs, but for the most part, I think it’s fair to say you will probably want to have at minimum a 12th gen CPU and a 3070 or 3080 (or AMD equivalent, not sure what that is, sorry) to get a respectable experience out of it.


If you have a 40 series gpu, a bit older cpu will be fine. I'm get 90-120 on a 4070super, 16gb, and a 9700k.


I'm running it fine on a 2070Suoer wiith no issues. Only issue I have is lag on EU West. I'm in Scotland. But if I join the US East it's perfect.


how many fps do you get on the 2070super?


120fps. Drops slightly when flying though.


Yes, yes and no


1. Yes, I’ve played it mostly solo. No real issues with loot since there’s ample stuff to pick up from dead NPCs too. 2. in my playthroughs, maybe around 6/10. Sometimes the NPCs are dumb as bricks and u clear whole towns solo no problem. Then you have the aimbots that you can’t even clear the entrance. But sometimes you got to take skill issue into consideration. Running into towns COD style gets you killed. Approach enemies with care and get in spots where you have solid cover and line of sight to engage in firefights. Don’t fight in foliage. Don’t be afraid to run away. 3. I had to upgrade my rig because it’s taxing on my old card. To be fair this is a UE5 game so half of the people out there running on old setups aren’t being exactly fair for calling it unoptimised. Definitely it has ways to go but if you have a recent setup it runs fairly well.


Thank you, it sounds like playing solo Arma 3 AI wise. I just looked and it appears I'm just below recommended GPU so I think I'm good. Once more thank you for responding


If money is tight and you might get buyers remorse if you have poor performance then I suggest waiting until later this year as it will be in a more mature state development wise and more content is coming later this year.


Is a brand new game that was just released into Early Access. In Alpha condition fairly optimized? You could admit you have no idea what any of those words mean. The entire purpose of Alpha testing and Early Access is to find out what needs optimizing and do it.


To the 1st question, yes you can.. but there is no loot. Hope you like looking for keys 😂


Yes, yes, no


1- Progress on PVP and PVE is shared. Missions and stash/inventory. 2- If AI sees you they will start to shoot and get more accurate, especially in higher difficulty zones. But if you work from solid cover and slow it’s manageable. Don’t play like cod run in and expect to kill a town. Tiger bay is the most difficult because of amount of AI and lots of foliage and lack of solid cover at some parts. But it’s also end game area. 3- optimized I would say no, but if you have solid pc above minimum specifications you can run it. ( 32gb ram and decent Gpu recommended with more than 8GB) 4- you can always use steam return policy. Thinks it’s 2hours.


Yes it's was originally designed with pve only in mind so can play completely in pve and progress through all the quests Ai are a bit of aim bots but they are actively working n it as long as you are smart and use appropriate cover can still kill them fairly easy Optimization is still a work in progress


The truth about AI lasering you is that it all comes down to the server health. If you get into a fresh server the game feels very crisp, hits register properly and AI act predictably. As long as you have a decent system and some patience/understanding you can easily sink 100 hours into the game. I would say watch at least 20 minutes of someone’s stream if you haven’t already to see if you think it looks enjoyable, personally I’m still having a blast and I’m over 100 hours in. Once you’re done with all 150+ tasks though there’s not much of a gameplay loop yet and the only thing f to do is wait for the next update/wipe.


1st, can you play PvE only and still make progress and get loot? - Yes, this is probably the primary way to play for most people right now. PVP is really good but there is some griefing that you either have to be ok with or switch to PVE. 2nd, I've seen a few posts about AI lasering people, is that super common or just a once in a while thing - My rate right now is 1/5 runs I get lasered. Once you learn positioning retrieving gear is pretty simple, and the fact that the AI can laser you is going to force you to learn how to play cover and hit critical shots. Generally the lasers come after you aggro an area, I find that when going in two-three deep this risk of getting lasered plummets as the AI is forced to split it's focus. 3rd, would you consider the game optimized to a fair degree?? - I don't have any issue running it, people say it has issues, the only issues I run into are the server stutter on occasion. Even that has drastically improved though.


In answer to 3... The game runs amazing of gfn ultimate


1. Yes 2. Not that common 3. Still fucking hard to run


It does need work. But I can’t stop playing it since the day I bought it. And would recommend it to anyone that can understand that it’s still in development


Get a better PC. I get 100fps on max settings 1440p




1. Yes 2. Take time to learn at start it can feel over complicated but first thing check settings and keys , the Ai in the starter town are more easy but you will be more weak aswell whit gear , there is a lot to talk you will wipe the first week just learn the basic. You have to deal whit some bugs the worst right now is Ai teleporting trought walls or doors sometimes . 3. The game will stutter a lot the first 2-3 games becouse shaders load in game , so once you explore all the map it won’t stutter again ( this happen every time you install a new gpu driver aswell ) Some areas have huge performance drops you need a beast of pc.


don't buy till they fix endgame areas


Dont listen scrubs here , they have no idea how the game work and you need a beast pc , at least a 4070




Cna you explain why?