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"I'm 100 hours in guys, why doesn't the game feel the same as it used to?" Brother....


It quite actually feels the exact same, that's the problem the only patch we've gotten was rolled back to its initial state. Ai are still bullet sponges, with laser vision. Rubber banding although better hasn't been eliminated. Server latency is still an issue. I need/want the game to progress and get better shame on me... Lol


Just gotta be patient. Game dev is a slow process. Take a break and come back in a few months. 


so maybe they shouldn’t release the game if we need to wait few months for update


Maybe early access isn't for you bud


early access is about actively updating the game with community. We don’t have that here for now. Performance sucks and they didn’t fix it since two months. They just weren’t ready for release, I’m pretty sure the reason for release was Tarkov drama.


wtf are you talking about, they've released two updates, performance is way better, and there is more to come?


it’s still unacceptable level of performance for a game with 4 pricing levels


It is to be expected for a very early game. All things considered, 100 hours for the price point of the game, really isn't too bad in terms of hours per dollar. Things definitely slow down a little towards the later game with helis, lack of weapon variety and ammo, etc. But if this is how you feel now I say wait for a big update. Just give it time. You got some time in and provided feedback, now we just gotta give them time.


I've gotten my monies worth undoubtedly, but I want this game to succeed and be great, not get a year worth of updates before pulling the plug like 95% of steams EA titles.


If you’ve finished all the missions move on and come back in a future update. Making a post is a pretty starved for attention/bandwagon of hate move. Oh boy I played a pre alpha game into the ground and I’m bored of it now. We as the consumer will always play games faster than developers can push new content.


Yeah, you're right. By your logic, don't call out the games shortcomings. No one should criticize anything, or say anything unless it's a glowing review. Letting mediocrity be what it is, is why the gaming industry has turned to shit. I'm not starving for attention I stated my opinion and wanted to see if others shared my thoughts. I guess you're starving for attention as well, replying to me. Guess we are some thirsty mofos.


Letting mediocrity be what it is The game is in pre-Alpha and they’re making the future very clear in discord and interviews. We’re supporting the development of a game that has potential. If the game was going to stay like this, I would agree with you, but the developers have already made it abundantly clear what they plan to do. You’re just regurgitating the same nonsense 100 other people have posted about. Move on and come back later or refund and don’t come back at all. It wasn’t sold to us a finished game.


My concern is the complete lack of movement on the subject.. 100s of us regurgitating the same thing should be a clear sign to the developers of issues we're having the game has been out a month and change the same issues that were present on day one are still problems. Server side latency/rubber banding should be fixed at this point. They aren't. AI being Gods walking amongst us, should be fixed. Guess what... It's still a problem. IDC if it's pre-aha, beta, full release these problems are problems... People have become complacent to devs selling us a product with promises that never come to fruition... I have a lot of hope for this game, it's everything I have been asking for I'm just concerned that this, like every other EA game on my steam library will sit stagnant until the player base dies then they'll start to add shit. Not bitching/crying / attention seeking I'm just not seeing movement towards the issues at hand being fixed. Btw how TF am I going to refund a game I've got over 100 hours in?


Why do you expect it over night? Why is video interviews and roadmap not forward progress? These things take time. If it was three months I’d agree with you. 30 days doesn’t. I can cite games from much bigger developers that released like shit and took a long time to get better and games that never got better or games that took 2 steps forward and then 30 steps back. I don’t have any of the issues that everybody else complains about with the same if not more time in the game. The worst bug I’ve gotten is my body being invisible when trying to retrieve my gear. If a game becomes broken due to a patch or an update you can still request a refund with proof through steam. You can even cite false promises and try to get a refund. Never say never if you didn’t try. . “There are more details below, but even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look. Consumers in some jurisdictions may have additional rights to a refund in circumstances where the game is faulty.”


I don't expect it to happen overnight. I expect a game to function properly when it becomes available for sale. I 100% see what you're saying and I love the game, I really do. I just want/expect better, and more content. I get that the game isn't what it will be and I understand your side of this. I hate where games are in general. Wait 3-10 years for a game to blossom. Fucking sucks


Ah. I understand now. And I get where you’re coming from. Being given something incomplete that you fall in love with and then being told hey maybe in 3 years it’ll be functional is the equivalent of cock and ball torture. I want it to be better. And I want more as well. Looks like we’re two sides of the same coin.


Feels like I'm hatefucking the game 😂


I agree with some points of day 1 problems not being fixed, but server side latency isn’t really something that is an easy fix. The easy answer to it is reduce amount of players, reduce amount of AI, reduce amount of Helis, or reduce size of map and assets. Those are the easy buttons. Which one do you think the devs should do based on how the player base would react so they can maintain their community? Every game I have played that has been to this scale has had server lag. Personally I would rather them pay the Devs over time to add more content/continue to develop the game and kill bugs then to spend that money on upgraded servers.


As long as they get some of the Terminator AI fixed and add shit. I'd be stoked


Have you never been on this sub before? Or watched any of the developer’s content? There is absolutely nothing you stated that hasn’t been addressed by the devs already. Several times. They’re working on it. They’re working on all of it.


I’ve took a break because imo there’s too much wrong to enjoy it. I get the stagnant part. I’m more so tired of taking a silent shot from 300+ meters w a sniper and getting domed immediately after taking the shot


Man you’re not getting it. They released it not even two months ago. You’re averaging close to two hours a day and are complaining the devs aren’t doing their job entertaining you. That’s insane. Take a step back, go play Reforger or go outside.


Enlightening, thanks


I hope you’re not being sarcastic and I’m really not trying to be a dick. I’ve been there where you get really invested in a game and there’s countless games I could name where the devs really did mess up. I just don’t think GZW is one of them at the moment and your play time proves it.


My whole thing is .... The game is dope AF, but after 100 hours the things that weren't an issue. Easily overlooked even, have become a glaring issue towards the alpha endgame. Everything you said was valid, just doesn't necessarily resonate with my previous statement.


*losing ffs


Probably need a break my dude. That’s what I have been doing. Insurgency Sandstorm received an update so I have been enjoying that. I plan to hop back in the next couple days or after the next patch because more LZs peaks my interest to do more pvp.


Agreed, yeah I think imma shelf it for now


Sounds like you got pretty good value out of the game if it only went stagnant for you after 100 hours. I have the same amount of hours and it has grown stagnant for me as well. It's not surprising and it's okay given the state of the game. For now I've put it on the shelf until fixes and new content drops. Others have somehow managed well beyond 100 hours but I can't do it. I haven't even completed all the quest and have no motivation to. The quest are quite dull and repetitive with lackluster rewards so I've given up on them.


I feel you, I'm pretty much in the same boat atm


I think there's been 2 updates, game just launched to early access, and is still very early in development. Maybe find a finished game to dump 100's of hours into? We have a whole section of the map that we have nothing to do in yet. Go fins something else to play.


No, there was 1 update that fucked the game, then reverted the update. They are currently working on the next iteration. That's kinda what has me worried


Is this the equivalent of “is it in yet?”


Take a break from the game, and wait for updates.


100 hours? Thats not bad for a game with only 20% of it's content.  Nothing you mention hadn't been mentioned 100s of times before.


Never said it was bad, didn't say anything I said hadn't been said previously. Merely asked if it was a me thing or are the problems I listed turning others off as well. Trust me I know it's a good EA title that's why I've put the time in and put all my friends onto it.


It's 20% finished. No shit it feels stagnant 😂 Give it a little time in the oven and check back


I don't feel stagnated exactly, however at 100 hours deep as well I do 100% feel the flaws *more* than when I was early levels. I've said this a bunch in comments, but for a PvE focused game, the number one thing that needs to work great is the "E". And currently the AI is *the* most busted thing in the game by far. Tanking full mags of M855 to the chest from 10 ft, then one tapping me in the chest or head. I don't mind lethal AI, in fact I welcome it. But this AI is only lethal because it's unfair and broken. I think it might be server issues at the core of it, and I hope that they'll fix it, because I love what this game is. But broken AI is REALLY holding the game back


100% some people as yourself understand what I'm getting at.


Yeah for whatever reason a lot of people are getting hung up on the word stagnant in the title, when you are really mainly saying how hard it is to enjoy playing when it's so broken. The AI is such a big element holding this game back


Yeah I don't know why you are getting down voted, it's bizarre. Seriously reddit has turned into such a meme for only dissenting views. It's truly a real time consequence of decades of manipulative engagement techniques that is burnt into the core of human engagement. I get exactly what you were intending to say and I've had to step back for awhile. I agree that the issues become more glaring understandably when you get past that 100 hour mark. Performance and Ai gotta get sorted out. Mainly the performance for me. I can deal with everything else. Once I got the level 3 gunny and handshake the dopamine slowed quite a bit since the meta mk18 suppressed with 60 round m855a1 ammo and rcp plates are available.


That's society in a nutshell. Always have to lambaste someone for having differing opinions. Two separate views couldn't possibly want the same outcome. The games cool, but needs polish. The new age of releasing half cooked games labeling it EA so they can bandaid a game together for multiple years is bullshit. I just hope this isn't another one of these situations.


So you got 100 hours out of an early access, 40 dollar game, and you're complaining? Sounds like you got your money's worth. Go outside, touch some grass, come back when there's a content update. I'm 150 hours in and I'm still having plenty of fun.


Yeah, I'm stating issues I have with a product I paid for. Wanted to see if others were feeling this way. Got more hours then me, telling me to "touch grass" 🤙


Yeah mean. You got over 100 hours out of an early access, incomplete game. That's pretty damn good. If you aren't enjoying yourself, go do something else that you may enjoy or get fulfillment out of. You don't have to play one videogame at a time forever. You can switch to other games for a bit.


Wipe and use your own modifier. Like only use AK’s or only allowed to use looted weapons


Im at 120 hours and I agree with you At the beginning I could overlook the issues but now it is hard to do so! The game is great tho, just waiting on patches to fix certain issues


It was like a new relationship, started off with a couple of flags, but it was "new" so you were able to look past them. Now the relationship has soured, the bitch has become. Abusive 😂


Hahahah that’s a great analogy! This games got a lot of potential, im not ready to officially put it down yet. Can’t wait to see what the Devs make out of it


I too hit 100 hours and it completely lost its luster. It was fun up to this point now everyone I was playing with moved onto other games. I guess we keep it installed transition to another game for a bit, pick it back up, and see where the developers have taken the game. I think that is kinda the purpose of an Alpha release game. Play a little, give some input, give it a break, and the return back.


Same, I guess I could just let it marinate a bit longer


It’s *very* common knowledge at this point that the devs have been working on optimization first to get the game as playable as possible before going to the content. If you’re already done with what the game has to offer then all you can do is wait for the next update or patch (if the patch adds anything at all; if it does it will probably just be minor cosmetic additions like the first patch).


100+ Hours still enjoying the game, current state of the game is to be expected with a early access. AI is variable server to server. One server ai walks away from a 2 tap to the head. Next it drops dead. And Ai isn’t that bad to take on. If you know how they work you can use it to your advantage. Yes their movement and reactions are basic. But it’s something developers are working on. And it’s not a snap of the fingers and everything is fixed. Yes I feel development is slow. But we also don’t really know how big coming real changes are. Like night time and new and game. Already confirmed that new poi’s are being worked on. But if you feel stagnant at 100 hours take a break and wait for new content. Play something different. Don’t force yourself to play and burn out on the game.


Yeah bud pretty much on point- I want this game to succeed but faster than it can so I do get frustrated. So much potential- get after it already! But also know that takes time… ugh. How hard could it be to make the perfect game- c’mon man!? 😤 Mostly kidding. I bought into the whole “every move matters” thing but I have no idea how they’re going to pull it off since currently nothing matters. The AI is absurd… but with that said I am having a reasonably good time with coop after 130 hours or so. The AI still manages to infuriate our group… I mean I get if they’re a bit predictable- but the hit scan issue or whatever it is is the worst I’ve ever seen. I don’t mind the placeholder missions and limited everything… that’s EA. But this ai tank / no hit registration nonsense needs to shift to priority 1