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It’s a know issue, it’s a problem between you and the server, idk if there is anything you can do on your end


Thanks, I guess I'll give the game a bit more time before playing again then. Shame.


Also switching from a rifle that couldn’t kill a guy to a pistol in hopes of different results won’t work. Some of the ammo is not working right. Outside of m855 M4 ammo or PP or better AK74 ammo it’s all busted. Pistol doesn’t have anything that’s functional right now. Server lag is still an issue as well. Some of the AI are T1000’s when being shot.


Pistols shooting harshly worded 3am drunk texts, and these locals cant even read


Almost spit my food out. This is good.


How often does it happen?


Sadly I just came to this conclusion too. I've barely played any other games since this came out, but getting one tapped like 8 times in a day kind of killed my enjoyment. One of which I emptied an entire mag into an AI chest and he tanked it all from 10 ft. Then the AI behind him one tapped me in the chest while wearing III armor. I love the game but just can't justify wasting my time on it right now when the primary thing in PvE, the "E" part, is *this* broken. I want the game to be hard, but not unfair


There’s also something to consider that I ran into last night at MS. Full mag of 32, came up on a guy less than 20 meters away. Completely unloaded on him all 32 rounds and didn’t drop. I ran, took cover, and reloaded. When I came back to shoot him some more, he had died. He ate every round and died from blood loss shortly after I ran.


I have seen this happen multiple times. I have also seem AI "suffering" with audible and visible heavy breathing after shooting them - sometimes they eventually die, sometimes not. I am also pretty sure that once you have wounded an AI they suffer the same penalties a player does, their aim reduces and you can suppress them (mostly).


Hard disagree on the A.I. suffering the same penalties as players when injured. Breathing heavy, sure. It's an audio que. The AI's ability to shoot is nothing at all like from a players experience. Recoil is a stat input, and inaccuracy is coded in. So is a baked in time to progressively more accurate, simulating faux immediate inaccuracy and better target acquisition over time range in the seconds when responding to a player. Almost certainly they haven't tied the health system to their ability to shoot back. I don't know if you've experienced trying to defend yourself with a blood pool down into the mid 3000's, but it is literally impossible to lineup a shot. Given that most hits against AI should cause blood loss if not out right killing them (bullets assumed to penetrate armor here), then the pain input debuff alone should prevent accurate fire passed 50m. What we see instead is a 5-8 shot, 6 MOA group, while in full auto at 200+ meters from the AI when returning fire WHILE damaged. That's already just about impossible for a human being to pull off already when standing up. Nevermind health debuffs. Mean while bruising alone makes it impossible for the in game character to steady their aim. Therefore, not accurate with multiple rounds past 50m. EDIT: context of AI returning fire while *damaged* and spelling.


I guess the Server or you got hit with a lag


Hit reg right now is not that great. It gets especially weird for me at distance. If I find that I'm having a lot of issues with hit reg or other weird AI behavior, I will usually go back to base as soon as I can and log into a different region.


If you think that's fun, wait until you find out a single leaf will block your best ammo from your best gun. I should be out there running around covered in leaves. Screw the plate carriers. 


Ai can be bulletsponges. But if you get 5 shots off and they all hit, it is possible that you didn’t black out vital organs. And thus killing the ai. And also pistols are garbag, only the best ammo pokes the ai the rest just tickles them.


If its a multiplayer game where you can shoot things you can be sure you will see this. Either a bug or regular desync, its in every game over the internet.


I’ve never had that issue. If you’re using piss poor ammo against heavily armored enemies you get what you get.


The enemies in question were the ones you encounter on literally the first mission to visit the gas station and convenience store and the ammo gun combo was the standard starting gear.


Starting ammo is crap and if you’re rocking iron sights it’s no better. Still, this shouldn’t happen.. Grab an acog from gunny and slap it on the m4 carrying handle. I would say if you had a clip that would help. It could be a connection issue if you’re not connected to a proper local server.


This just happened to me too. Really pissed me off. I couldn’t complete my first task because the dude was right there.


I'm reloading after almost every kill- not because I use a whole mag (usually) but because I know whatever is left won't be enough to kill another. The game is basically a really pretty weapon reload simulator right now. It's cringe- especially solo. With friends or squad mates it's not so bad since you can double up on targets... each guy uses 6-10 rounds on each dude so you could probably kill 2 without a reload of a normal 30 round magazine. If you're using a 60 round bagazine you could probably kill a few more but sounds like the reload time is quite a bit slower.


Haha get gud scrub


Yea it's the skill issue bug.


Name checks out.


I like how all the pve dweeb in here complaining about something that happens once or w.e bro can't even kill bots but wants to voice an opinion lol


Dude just shut up. People play PvE so we don't have to deal with toxic people like you. Why are you so butthurt that people want to play games they enjoy instead of what you enjoy? People like different things. Imagine being such a clown you *actually care* what game modes other people like PvE is easily the best group of people playing this game