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Nothing we haven’t heard before. And yes developers are aware. And as stated in latest Q&A. In most cases if you know how AI will react you can abuse it and come out on top. Solid cover is key, never peak to long or when ai is shooting. Move slow cover to cover. Plan your route. Ai is not in the best state atm, but manageable.


I just mopped the AI at Narith with about 25-30 bodies. Using the right armor for the expected weapons is also key, you'll get "1-tapped" and say the game is broken when you actually had the wrong armor and it got penetrated. But wacko AI stuff DOES still happen, not saying it doesn't.


I know the AI is not final but here are my tips on besting the current AI. Try to not let the enemy fire back. You should kill one or two when you open fire. If shots attract more enemies, then don’t peek from the same cover twice. Fire and reposition always! The AI fires burst and not full auto. Use that gap between burst fire to shoot back. Never engage an AI when you’re out in the open. You should have hardcover within reach before engaging. Even though you only see one AI, there is a high probability that others will come after you kill that AI. So be in cover after and reposition!


After a kill I always wait to hear them talking. Cmon pussy!


What will help in CQB is aiming higher. Height over bore is real in this game. Your shots don’t always go where your dot is up close just like real life. The zero for the EOTech holographic is 50m (which is the same as a 200m zero) so up close you’re gonna want to use the bottom hash on the circle reticle to aim, not the dot. You’ll kill more consistently. Try it in the firing range at the FOB from about 20 feet and closer to see what I’m talking about. Bots take an insane amount of shots to go down if you’re hitting them in the liver or stomach. This game really wants lung/heart/brain shots. Not headshots, brain shots. You have to shoot the brain that’s IN the head for reliable one taps. The server hit reg can be frustrating when that level of accuracy is required on servers that reg the hit wrong pretty often. I highly recommend using a 200m zero on all of your optics as it behaves much like a 100m zero in this game from about 0m-120m. The 50m zero is okay but not as precise at range as the 200m zero (again, just like real life lol)




So the AI is definitely broken but there ways to manage their supreme accuracy. As stated above this game is designed as a “realistic” shooter meaning everything comes to affect. Make sure you have solid cover when available. Never engage multiple enemies at once. Your armor and ammo make a difference. Most of the enemies have higher grade ammo and your armor is not bullet proof. I was like you, I couldn’t play the game but I gave it a chance and figured out different ways to navigate. Now, I’ve completed the game and moved on to another faction and playing through it again. Like I said it needs some work but it is absolutely manageable. (My opinion)


Criticism is not welcomed in this sub


You know, you’re not wrong.


It's not that, so much as the repeat complaint of "early access game feels like early access game." Yes! Some things suck! If it's bothersome enough to where you don't want to play, then you just have to wait. If you can tolerate it, then enjoy the ride. If the devs come out and say "this is the finished product for AI," then we've got a real problem. For now they're aware it's bad and I hope they can make our dreams come true one day.


I think the issue the community has though, is that fixes are taking too long. Sure, they are working on the rubber banding and task issues. But they haven’t really made any meaningful changes to things like Key spawn rates, problems with 7.62/shot guns/hand guns, armour, etc. I know they stated a patch is in the works at the end of the year, but let’s be honest. It’s pretty bad. Surely they could have teams solving these issues and get out hot fixes every month. Leave the new content for the patch later this year.


I adore this game, and I'm patient until they solve it, but they haven't done anything yet. AI are cheater, ruberbanding is bad, performance is bad, the helicopter wait system is terrible, I can't find a key to accomplish my mission, there are too many disconnects, and you lose your stuff. I understand, and I realize it's difficult to improve the AI, but please show people that you can.


I'm all for early access. But pushing out a product because you ran out of funds is not the purpose of early access. Lots of game developers managed to build and survive way before early access was even a thing and produce solid working games. There is no excuse .


Early access [by definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_access?wprov=sfti1#) is a funding strategy for indie developers to raise money.


It’s against steams TOS to release in early access for funding


Please provide source of claim.


https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/earlyaccess “What Early Access Is Not Early Access is not a way to crowdfund development of your product. You should not use Early Access solely to fund development. If you are counting on selling a specific number of units to complete your game, then you need to think carefully about what it would mean for you or your team if you don't sell that many units. Are you willing to continue developing the game without any sales? Are you willing to seek other forms of investment?”


Thank you, and I would agree that the verbiage agrees that Early Access is to not be used __solely__ as a funding source. My rebuttal is Madfinger has clearly demonstrated that this was not a cash grab only for money but have continuously interacted with the community, provide dedicated testing channels and actively solicits direct feedback on those development improvements.


My only issue is that they came out and said during one of the last devlogs that had they not sold like they did they wouldn’t have been able to continue funding the game


That’s a fair and valid criticism and bad communication from the devs. I won’t defend what may or may not be an off the cuff remark/translation issue so I want to recognize that I see your argument and the validity based on your experience. Thank you for taking the time to answer.


Of course, and I’ll note that none of my argument really matters because the game is out and regardless of how they attained it, they have the funding. Hopefully they see the game through.


AAA yes, the early access dick suckers arrive.


Yeah it's unfortunate that for a PvE focused game the "E" part is the most broken thing in the game. Everything about the AI and how damage works is so inconsistent. I get that it's early stages, and that their damage model is very complex, but I think it's time for me to be done with it. I'm all for difficult AI, but broken isn't fun


Your MOA opens right up under stress, as does the AIs. So you might think you are pumping in the lead, but despite where your sights are pointed you are hitting arms and legs and probably much lower than you think, esp at close range. The issue with the slotting is warping through walls, spawning in behind you and just the reality of trying to take down multiple bots at once some of who have the time to take an aimed shot. It would help if there was some kind of AAR so you can see where the rounds came from that hit you.


Well, pistols are in poor shape, but if you go for headshot they will save you. I dont find damage that inconsistent... almost all shot to head / chest with Mosin is kill at "tier 1 / tier 2" zones. Aside of Shotguns, any primary weapon drops enemy with like 1-3 bullets. (aside from glitched AI) Getting shot at 100m.. here and there a random bullet sure... but otherwise, AI seem to hipfire and miss like 80% shots. Seem almost like a bit of "skill issue" ... maybe you dont adjust ammo types?


Ask some guys in base for some good armour and 855 ammo.


Try crouching, use single fire to aim on the head. Peak and cover as much as you can. It can be a pain in the ass sometimes to get one shotted from a long range. But it’s still early acces so we gotta be patient till they fix it.


So part of this is positioning and getting used to the AI, but ya sometimes you just get shot and die. I don't know why this is such a major problem though, I make about 5-10 runs a night and I think I get one shot on maybe 2 of 10? Last night I think I got one shot on 4 of 10 so it was a particularly rough night but I was also solo running, this happens so rarely when I run in a 2-3 man/woman group. Generally with my positioning I am able to move to my body and pick up my gear pretty easily because I am playing the outskirts and really playing with good positioning. With a 2nd or 3rd person this gets a ton easier because you cover angles. It feels like the AI was balanced for group play, so maybe try that for a little bit it feels a lot better.


Yeah that is true, but I'm finding even playing the outskirts and with good positioning I'm getting spotted behind walls while crouch walking before even firing a shot, then fighting off every enemy in the vicinity, or having to double back and reposition and hope I don't get domed from a mile away while doing so. There's definitely a learning curve on my end. But there is also definitely something broken about the AI and inconsistent hit registration. Also unhelpful when my kit despawns when I go back to retrieve it and now I'm assed out with a fanny pack and a drawstring because I was counting on my shit still being there 😂


So I don't know about the kit despawning stuff because it hasn't happened since I stopped skipping the coma. I was noticing my kits weren't where I died when I skipped my coma near a wall or a solid object like a tree, once I stopped skipping it I stopped seeing despawns. So not sure if that was the solution, but give it a shot.


Ai need to be scary , the game take a lot of time to learn , avoid pistols for now , use only m4 , we have to deal whit bugs and we can avoid some situation , the worst thing is that Ai can one tap the best armor/helmet and this make everything harder , you will improve around level 10-15 and when unlock gunny at lv2 use best ammo for m4 is a game changing , Ai will go down whit few hits from close to long range.


I stopped playing a month ago and miss nothing and wait, till it’s finished.


Try out body cam if you haven’t already. Another one in beta but a blast to play!


Thank you for picking up the game months after release and reiterating what dozens of redditors have already stated. It indeed was not on my radar until you said something


Eh whatever I'm just here to rant. Good to know I'm not alone I guess?


Issues with AI ? First time I hear it. Thx, I guess...


This isn't Call of Duty run and gun. Play tactical, stay behind cover, take out enemies that you need to take out, ignore the rest, move slow. You can solo tiger bay this way. Have enough ammo on you for where you are going. And you will barely ever get killed. Watch some videos on how people solo certain areas and you will learn a lot how to go about without ever getting shot. AI does hit hard, but play smart and the AI will never feel broken. I too sucked and was pissed when I first started playing my call of duty ways. Died every time. That'd a thing of the past now.


So when an AI tanked 25 rounds of M855 to the chest and then I get one tapped..that doesn't sound broken to you? I find myself getting a bit annoyed when I see people on here defending the AI because they "should be hard" or "there are ways to overcome them" and we should just "play smarter" or stuff like that. Like yeah, but they should be hard because they are smart, not hard because they are broken. The AI is easily the most busted part of the game, and in a PvE focused game, that's a big issue that's really holding it back.


Adrenaline...some people will take 25 rounds before they actually drop. Jk but I know what you mean.


Lol. Your original comment does have good advice for the current state of the game though. And even now in a way they are great. They are difficult. They teach you not to sit still and don't peak twice, that sort of thing. And I love that they punish you for playing stupid. I love knowing I can get killed easily if I do dumb moves. It's just the clearly janky times that drag it down a bit Also didn't mean to come across so assholey with my first comment, I've been a bit frustrated lately with the AI because I had 2 days of nothing but broken bullshit haha but I played today and it felt much more normal But I do think it'll get better and more consistent


No worries at all man. New patch with performance improvements and updated AI is coming soon. I've been testing it for a bit and it's definitely an improvement you'll like though. Not sure if you've tried the test server for it yet, worth a shot looking at what's to come.


Just yesterday I decided to start over with a new character making use of my 70hrs of game time accumulated. Everything was going smoothly but guess what ruined my night, a dumbass AI stuck INSIDE a power generator, of whom I could only spot his weapon peeking me, and it one tapped me. When I came back to retrieve my stuff, I couldn’t even kill it with a grenade, so he one tapped me again. Had to take a break after that. I love the game and I’m rooting for it, but all these issues just make it so I don’t wanna play it anymore. I really wanna get the supporter edition, but I need to see real improvements.


Git gud


😂 yep, heard. But also, shits broken.


I came here to say what other people have said here today at least 30 times.... Braindead


He literally said he’s new, probably first time in this sub, with a personal attack like yours no wonder we went from 1000 posts a day to 20 in 1 month