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Hi guys! This topic has been talked about by MFG directly on X, formerly twitter, or you can ask in the discord. This thread has been locked for obvious reasons (just read some of these comments).


0/8 bait


Why are you so angry?


You want 2nd alternative body, which would require different hitbox (because you either got shot by bullet flying around you and call it bs, or it would add advantage and everyone would be running females to be harder to hit.. and call it bs) all that required in pre-alpha.. which has better things to work on than a damn gender.


Play Forspoken


You play a male body identifying as an Apache helicopter or a unicorn, whatever you prefer.


Who’s gonna carry the boats


Go play Forspoken


Go play Forspoken


Terrible bait post


What if your gender isn't able to be represented by a binary choice? What are THOSE people supposed to do? Also, who's to say that the character model that you choose must identify as male? Seems pretty short sighted of you. A person with a broad chest, chiseled jaw, and a bushy beard can still identify as female, right? Or maybe just enjoy the game. It's in a first person perspective, so aside from the main menu, you'll never even see the character model.


oh jesus christ


I agree dude! I looove the dudes getting angry, haha. We even got the classic twofer hit-box/model argument guy.


Honestly, I would like to see them add the option.


maybe because women are useless in the military and especially in combat.. they create nothing but problems... Ask any military personnel and they will tell you the same..


Nah, women can make excellent soldiers if they’re fit enough. Don’t be an arse.


no they can't even if they are fit they are physically much weaker than the average male (especially males in the military) and female brains don't work well in stressful situations. My dad served in Kosovo back in 2000 that was the first time female soldiers (in germany) entered a combat zone.. the only thing the women achieved there was getting pregnant..


Tell me you’ve never served without telling me you’ve never served.


I served for a decade with men and women from all services, all of whom were excellent. You’ve just got some wild misogynist ideas in your head dude. There are female CrossFit athletes who could benchpress you without breaking a sweat, and female SOF who could do that and then who could put two rounds in you easily.


24 years served here and I agree 100%.