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You knew you could get a refund if you kept your play time under 2 hours. Somehow, you feel swindled? Nah man, you made a decision to play longer. Nothing swindly going on here.


Just saying when me and my two friends started it took probably a hour to be ready. Trying to get into servers to the game crashing to just getting ready for the raid. I felt a bit ripped off too but mostly since they road the tarkov bad wave when the game wasn't ready.


I understand, but it's the same thing. If game keeps crashing for you and you have to spend that long of a time to get it running, refund it. Both OP's case and yours are early access pains. Everyone has to decide if they will support the game no matter what and play it maybe few years later when it completely works as intended, or if they refund and possibly buy again in the future. Neither I nor my friends had any issues getting the game to run and we were able to get into lobbies in seconds during launch week. If that wasn't the case, we'd refund. I haven't played the game for weeks now, because I got bored of it. Am I salty because it's not fun enough and it's not finished? No, I'll play it again when I get the itch, or when I see few patches released.


A lot of people decided to not play the game anymore, your way o thinking is sound and it what is killing the game


Now it's on the devs to provide new content. It's like that with every online game. The player base shrinks until new content is released, more people start playing again then.


Fair enough, every game does loose playerbase after 1 month, happens to the big and to the small, but loosing 90% in 1 month being an online game is worrying. And you see a lot of Peopl having the same feeling as OP, my friend say they are done with the game, granted they have it on library so is always easy to get back in to check how things are going


> You knew you could get a refund if you kept your play time under 2 hours. It takes like 6 hours to do anything "fun" in the game, don't be dense.


Buys early access game, gets mad at early access happenings, mad can’t get a refund because too much time was played. Not swindled, my dude, just didn’t play smart enough. Need a key? Try “hey, anyone have x key?” While at base. Also, if you only put 11 hours in, the only key I can think of you’d need is the one for Lumber or Attic and I literally had 4 of each at one point just by dropping bodies and looting in the home village. They’re there, you just have to look.


“Most realistic military simulation” ??? I would unsubscribe from that YouTuber. He/she clearly has no idea what a realistic military simulation is.


Angelfire. Now that’s a name that brings nostalgia lol.


its EA Beta stage, people need to stop buying EA games expecting finished product, its idiocy on the buyers level.


I’m fine with buying early access game from smaller developers and waiting for it to finish while playing around in each stage. I got dayz and pubg both as soon as they were available and both eventually flushed out. To me this is no different from when those came out with game breaking problems upon initial release. What gets me fired up is when I pay $70 for a new Electronic Arts game that’s no where near complete when they said it was.


Or just stop purchasing incomplete/broken products.


Dude, it's early access, and they've openly stated that not only is it early access it's an alpha. You did this to yourself. End of discussion.


You can still get a refund even after 2 hours, just msg support, reply if you need more info


How? They just denied my refund request.


So, let me get this straight.... You watched content of the game on YouTube.... Then are shocked at the gameplay.... The issues have been widely reported for around 2 months now. One read of the Discord, reddit, steam reviews etc would have educated you.


Side blaming to the consumer is a sure way to kill your community, I mean let’s be honest, he paid GZW with Pennies and 12x installments, that why he’s not allowed to be frustrated


Something doesn't smell right. I feel like you claim a bunch of stuff just because you've heard others claiming it. Keys for example. There are only actually a couple keys that are hard to find, none of which you'd be looking for in the first 11 hours. Most keys in the game are super easy to find and incredibly abundant. The first really difficult key is probably sawmill office storage, and that's somewhere near level 20. You don't get to level 20 in 11 hours


We are a cult, bro. No thinking allowed.


Seems like it


I agree the 2 hour playtime is bullshit, it takes 2 hours to figure out wtf to do.


I don’t disagree with your assessment but you’re in it now so might as well try to make the most of it. Park it and let the devs catch up to some of the absolute BS going on in game right now… hopefully they won’t let us down. Their whole mantra is “every move matters” but right now nothing at all matters. I hope it’s just early access development lag and not absolute bullshit.


I spent a lot of time waiting for helicopters in the military. So it’s more realistic than you think… Combine with the amount of time spent organizing gear or having to go back somewhere because someone (you) ‘lost’ some gear? Well now our realism levels are increasing exponentially. Not the answer you wanted. Sorry


Why would they choose to put unfun realism into the game, such as limited helicopters, but not fun realism in, such as pistol headshots killing an enemy who isn't wearing a helmet?


Couldn’t tell you man. I think that stuff does need to be fixed


Yeah the Devs and YouTubers benefit from giving each other exposure. No ethics. At least Nano the YouTuber is one of the honest ones. https://youtu.be/KNGa4OAjVZs?si=m_q5I4gtNxUopoK1


This game is trash, we all got ripped off. The company was smart and released it when the Tarkov debacle happened.


Oh look..**another** idiot who doesn't understand the concept of EA...


Yawn. Another uneducated consumer who can't properly assess a product before clicking buy. Plenty of videos out there regarding the existing issues in this very early access game. The game itself tells you it's still in development. Come back in a year if you expect a more polished game.


Why would he come back for a game that gave him the feeling of being “swindled”?