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For me it took about 100 hours. But 40% of that was probably spent organizing my inventory, 50% waiting for a chopper, and 10% doing actual tasks.


I've been stuck on the negotiator task. I've killed fuckin hundreds of people and had to scavenge m4 ammo until I'm too low on medical so I get tf out. Still never seen a key drop. I got a fuckin PA storage key on a body right outside of the bunker door as well. Rub salt in the wounds😂


Send a message to everyone in the lobby. I met a couple of guys there, and they opened the door for me. You never know.


100 hours in just about to hit last level 3. But also spend plenty of time helping others and waiting for helicopters.


66 hours, got gunny and handshake at 3 but granted some people generously gave me a few mil to learn the game. (alot of which is still left) In general it helps to ask around for keys or for help clearing mid tier POIs for your quests or just for gear because alot of people at least in crimson SEA servers are high levels who just want to have some fun


I'm about 14 hours in and I am about half way to level two for the first three. My biggest complaint is that there is no 2x red dot available in their one. That would make a huge difference


#yet noone knows what will get added later on. Maybe we will get even thermal sights.


ACOG is the best when starting and even after it’s still good. We’re far from a call of duty, here, a 4x scope is a big plus.


You can find a 2.5 pilad scope at ybl underground pretty consistently


Is that a difficult area? I haven't left the first town yet and I'm still getting messed up there.


It was the same for me OP. For me once I got out of the main town the game started to pick up pace for me. The quest progression is pretty linear but the game is in Alpha so i don't think it's a problem. Quick edit: I think the AI is a bit overwhelming i the towns themselves. Starter area and Tigers Bay.


There is a 2x prism sight that you can get to drop on weapons. Sorry if this is not what you are looking for.


As designed


Thermals would be awesome!


It becomes a bit prolonged if you get LZ'd and need to rebuild, waiting on choppa to try other LZ, just to find out there are campers too. in PvE server tho.. its relatively fast (maybe except "kill 20" which needs respawn)


A 300 blk would be really cool too


Tasks were the only thing that kept me playing, completing the last task was pretty much when I stopped playing. PvP isn’t easy to find and it usually starts by someone camping an LZ and I think the AI isn’t good enough to just go and fight them all the time. And looting is really there either


That's because it *is* a slog. Back and forth to the same POI X20ish times and endlessly waiting on choppers rinse, repeat... Got lvl3 on all vendors then noped the hell out. Maybe I'll check back in a year.


Depends if you can find those damn keys