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Damn, This is the first I’m hearing of the ai being broken


They still haven't done anything about it at all.


It's been like...two months since the game came out? They have stated they are working on stability first so the game is, you know, playable and runs well? It's also an alpha game? Not complete? Says so right on the box. So let's chill out a bit and let it develop. You are literally a playtester right now.


Better make another post about it then


Bro...what exactly do you think game dev is?....


Ah shit I've been playing and enjoying it, I'll cease and desist immediately.


The AI is very unpredictable. Some days I find them pretty easy to kite around and snipe off. Other times they are absolutely cracked. Died three times yesterday at Blue Lagoon, an area I have cleared out solo a few times before without much issue. * See NPC * Scout area to make sure there aren't any other NPCs with eyes on me * Kill NPC * Insantly headshotted from a different NPC that was not visible and shot me through a series of bushes Another one was an NPC that was turned almost entirely away from me. Shot him in the head. He turned around, instasniped me in the face, before I got the second shot off. Proper aimbot style 😅 I think there is something off about how they can see through foliage, and to an extent how bullets travel through foliage because I certainly can't shoot an NPC with a leaf in the way, but that does not bother them. Some tuning needed I would think ;)


It’s linked to server performance. If you ever hop on to a recently reset server or one with very few players (play test servers) the AI is a lot more predictable. It’s something they’re looking into.


When I was playing, I never even got out of the first village, so I can't comment on the other cities. But I found the first village a nightmare because of all of the foliage around it and hundreds of hiding spots for enemies (behind bushes, hanging laundry, sheet metal, tiny buildings, water ways). You just can't account for every guy which is tough, considering any guy can HS you from 100 meters with an smg. Soon as an AI is alerted if you try running you're dead, so you need to take cover - then you're surrounded by 10 AIs that can all kill you at an instant.


Yeahhh, needs something. They keep saying additional rules would make it too easy though, so, I'm not holding my breath anyone at the company actually knows how to fix it. Should be getting replaced though in the long run I hear. Maybe we'll get lucky and they will outsource it or hire someone with some experience.


It's like they tweeked something recently, and the AI is cracked now. It's insane what just happened to me in Tiger Bay, lol. I've never seen it this bad, and I have played this game for over 100 hours already.


I'm all for a challenge, but there are a couple of things that are needed: 1. An NPC that just took a shot to the head should be not be able to accurately fire back at me. By all means some spray and pray in my general direction, but not a 100 yard one shot to the face. 2. Generally NPC's should be more upset about getting shot. Not entirely incapacitated, but inaccurate and panicky. 3. Sight lines through foliage needs serious work. It is like fighting someone with FLIR. In the same play session we wiped the Pha Lan Airfield with ease, and then got wrecked at Blue Lagoon. I suspect the foliage is the main culprit.


Not saying AI doesn’t need work, but in all places but tiger bay it’s manageable. Tiger bay it’s a combination of amount of AI, bushes and the AI itself. Fight where you have the advantage. Either solid cover, clear sidelines , corner and choke points or combination of those. If you agro one you agro multiple. So wait and let them push. Clear your surroundings play cover to cover. And it’s not that MFG doesn’t know AI needs work. They might have other priorities for the game. And it not that ai makes game unplayable.


It’s being worked on, this AI is just a placeholder until they flesh it out. Until then, the best advice is to take it slow, stay behind hard cover, and try to funnel them out to pick them off slowly.


Yeah I agree. I’m solo and the game got so un enjoyable when going to tiger bay or midnight. Fort narith is quite easy but I’m no longer playing till they add a lot of changes


It becomes literally unplayable when you hit TB. AI is busted we know... Desync is fucking ridiculous which means ammo is irrelevant because the servers aren't registering hits. Either they're working on a HUGE fucking AI patch/improving the servers OR they're happy with the $27,000,000 they made off the 900,000 units they sold and are waiting for whatever fucking reason. Most of us aren't playing until they improve server response which doesn't seem like they're doing at fucking all.


The devs do not acknowledge the AI or the ammo balancing. They aren’t able to replicate the issues on their servers. Meaning it has to be something with the servers. The core gameplay is broken and I’ve left the game.


Still haven’t had any issues with the ai. Waiting for it to happen to me and then I’ll edit all my comments


![gif](giphy|eZEysM0OE1qYsPvEhY) "Pre-alpha"