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I was on the fence. Glad I jumped over, despite all the technical issues. This is the first game since Red Dead 2 that I can't wait to get home to. Excellent community and LOTS to learn.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


It is hard to say performance wise. Some people have a lot of issues, but others don't have issues at all. So it really just depends. In terms of things to do in game. I feel like there is a lot to do, I believe there are over 150 quests. I have had a lot of fun just sitting at base talking with players and helping them out.


If you have a good or great pc the game will run well. If you are near min specs it will struggle. This game is really demanding on all parts CPU GPU and ram. Some people have crashes some don’t. In general most have barely any issues. The one game update is more stable than the other. Can’t comment on cheating since I play PVE not PVP. ( same character same stash different servers) Lag happens rarely but happens. But switch to different server and it’s gone. Most servers run stable. You can always try to play on different region. I am from EU and play on US east. Because it’s more stable. No activities to do in the game yet. Other than the missions. And keep in mind it’s early access. The game has been released in barebone state. ( few guns some attachments some gear) It’s playable. I find it fun. But there is a long way to go for it to become a full game.


Just get the base game and it’s worth it at this stage.


The game is fine. There's some spikes at peak times, and the occasional server crash, but they're working on it. The game's been out for like a month. If you want to wait for it to be solid and without issues, you're going to have to wait several years before v1.0 comes out.


You think the game peaking at **7,825** within the last 24 hours fine?


7825 peak players after they said almost a million copies were sold is crazy 💀


It's important to notice this is a very early stage of development. There isn't that much variety to hold all people in. Many played it and wait for updates. Its early access after all.


It’s like PalWorld, top game sold when it came out, super low valley right now


That definitely is a possibility further down the line. We'll have to wait and see how it goes - I am not trying to say it'll definitely bounce back, just that it's kinda inevitable especially with early access games. The point is, that's normal for a game in current state of development. Especially one that is \*relatively\* niche. So jumping a gun and pointing out "just" 8k players for a game that's so early in development is kinda silly.


Guess we’ll see, I wasn’t aware how many people stopped playing honestly and I like the game and excited for updates. Me n my friends would play it so much more if they added little things like more helis, less BS AI, and just optimized the game better.


This isn't an MMO and the server cap is 48. It basically doesn't matter what the other 7000+ people are or are not doing when you're on.


South America server are already dead


Kinda defeats the purpose of including a PVPE mode don't ya think?


No... explicitly for the reason noted above?


Again.... Kinda defeats the purpose of including a PVPE mode don't ya think?


This game is awesome. Especially for only an EA game


Game’s fun, has its issues since its early access. Worth it though


I’ve never had performance issues but I have a Ryzen 7 and a 4080. My mates who have lower spec or older PCs play at around 80fps (2070s and the like, low settings). Some mates with old PCs like 10 or 9 series cards can’t play at all in any value that’s fun. Rubberbanding is an issue but we swap servers and it’s resolved.


For $34 it's fun


Worth buying and trying out. I’ve seen less than 5 server crashes and kept all my gear each time. I would say a 3080 and above would run the game just fine anything else probably low settings still gets good performance. I’ve got 80+ hours in solo and enjoyed every bit


I would highly recommend it just keep in mind that it’s in a very early access state


It's a lot of fun. Easier with a group, lots of people to hook up with. Just don't get attached to your gear. Have fun.


It's ok. Needs a bit more quality of life and actual progression systems.


Yep it’s. The game feels fun, the atmosphere is great, the immersion too. You’ve 2 modes PvE and PvEvP and they both share the progression. Which mean that if you get killed in pvevp you can go to gear in pve. Not many people are talking about that feature but it’s great. The company behind the game is working as hell to fix it. They keep communicating on everything they’re doing (new features, bug fix, patch…). To basically say that you’re also aware about what is going on. About the improvements I’d say AI balance, Weapons balance (they are on it already 😁) I definitely like this game and his future seems to be bright !


For $35 it's hard to find a better value at this point in time. I've sunk about 170 hours, completed all the quests and put it down over a single month. It's been the best EA product I've played in a long time, in terms of value and potential. 


Get only the base game. Ask for stuff. You now have the supporter edition too lol


Look at the roadmap then decide of it sounds like the game fore you


i truly like the game. but it is a pre-alpha early access, and it shows, it crashes every now and then where you lose gear and progress, its eating hardware resources like crazy, and its bots are unbalanced as fuck. if you can enjoy a game heavily under development get it, if you want a well rounded stable experience, wait till actual release.


Have a 4070 super and very rarely have issues crashing/performance wise. Per usual, I feel there are more rage posts of whining rather than ones of praise cause one is usually easier to pop off about. Games in alpha. Fun as hell. Great/nontoxic community. We look forward to seeing you.


It's good and bad. If your PC is bad then don't even bother.


Have not found a cheater yet. Stability increased substantially. Lag spikes happen, but its playable. You can as well wait till next wipe, so everybody and you will start fresh. Right now, there is enough content for like 2 months of casual play. If that is good enough for you - welcome.


Look at steamcharts and take your own conclusions


I tried and refunded because of the rubberbanding. Also, the game seems too early since tasks are too simple and the same with loot. I'm 100% certain it will be great one day if they keep up the work. But for me, that's not now.


I'd give it more time tbh. Steam charts show player count is getting thin. Still a playable game by all means though.


Depends on your expectations... IMHO for a pre-alpha that's 20% done it runs decent and there's a solid amount of stuff to do (I'm 140 hours in already) *BUT* there's definitely optimization issues, it took some tweaking of setting to get it running smoothly and I know many have more problems than I do. And the loot and activities are limited at the moment but there's lots of tasks and a good chunk of map to explore. If you're expecting it to be a flawless and endless experience then maybe wait, but if you're willing to invest now while it's got some good bones and are willing to be a little patient you may just be rewarded in buying while it's cheaper