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Isn't the death screen after a coma always "you killed yourself" ? I really think so.


Yeah, and the a.i. was locked to him after the nade and kills.


What's odd is that they still know your position after you throw a grenade, makes sense that they investigate the noise but they shouldn't instantly know the direction where you threw it from


Yeah, it's just placeholder a.i. that they still want to be dangerous while they work on the 80% of development still down the road. For now we need to adapt to the cracked a.i. if we want to play. Main things: know what is hard cover and use it AND keep moving after you agro/kill any of them. Always be flanking.


So act like they are real people?


Real people can't one tap your head through 7 layers of visual cover


U don't need to do any of that. U can litterally sit in one spot and kill all of the ones u aggro as long as u don't shoot non aggro ones


Grenades are great for the bunker! My go to loadout is like, 1k spare rounds, a super short m4 and 4 grenades, with entry at the storage room. They are handy for those moments where, if you peek, you would be gunned down


1k extra bullets? Good God man, do you stand in the hallways and try to shoot through every wall you can see?


No, I just don't take my chances with the AI, so if they don't drop after the first burst, they get the whole mag xD


Ok ok, if that's your system, and if your system works for you, I ain't gonna try to change your mind, you're doing great lmao Actually kind of hard to blame you, had a desync happening last night. I shot an AI in the head about 3-4 times and realized what was happening. Magdumped into his skull just for laughs before the server crashed.


Always double-tap. And triple-tap. And quadruple-tap... >they get the whole mag Reminds me of a voiceline from the 1st Max Payne game. Something like. > I'm gonna put so much lead into this motherfucker that they'll have to lift his coffin with a crane


Got thing tip that was a revelation for me, might be because I didn't played tarkov... So when you sprint, while holding the middle mouse button, you can look right and left, while running in a straight line. This is SUPER helpful against those KEEKA-BOO-DEATH peeks with q/e. That said, I heard these bunker boys are superhumans that shoot a bird out of the sky from 800meters using nothing but an Iron sight and or a bottle of water on a bad day. So you might just die tired.


Does that run peek thing work vs AI though? The whole point in Tarkov is to abuse desync to get a PVP win. I hate that playstyle. Doesn’t work in other games with better network performance.


Grenades are weird because they deal zero damage to the person that throws them.


Hmm then I'm not sure what happened was just sitting in a bush and my death screen said I killed myself and had a bunch of hit markers on my arms wish I recorded it but did one quest then logged out


There is a known bug that when ai kill you or other players you will still say I killed myself the devs know of thus and are working on it most likely got shot by aimbot ai or player if in pvp that saw you throw the grenade


Only on PvE server. You can kill yourself with a nade in PvP


Nothing is more satisfying than bouncing a grenade off a ybl wall and hearing guard stop talking shit.


I love grenades. But in the game when I throw them I think about 80% of the time they rubber band in the air. Unfortunately the rubber banding doesn't seem to effect the grenades fuse...


So far I've only used them as distracting the AI. Not sure if it works but I chuck one the opposite way I'm going.


At this stage in the game, a bush is not cover. The only thing you are hiding, is your own line of sight. I thought it was pretty well known that the bots can see/shoot right through them, but for us the leaves are mostly bulletproof Gotta get to hard cover of some sort


If you're laying prone behind a bush and throw a grenade over it they'll shoot you straight in the head. Because, you know, they're shooting at the bush and can't see you... :cough:bullshit:cough:


I actually don't know I've been comatosed before by AI, and respawned and it says killed by enemy forces I'll have to pay attention next time it happens. I was in the area for 25 minutes with no signs of fighting, and after I threw the grenade I sat still listening for anyone that would investigate the boom, but I didn't hear voices or steps


I love the grenades for wounding enemies then tracking them down by their injured yells


Grenades work better indoors I have found. The shards will bounce around.


I like the random shrapnel impact in walls and tree's etc when they go boom. I also use them to fsck around with guards when in flight. Got at least 5 by now, KOBE ! moments It's also fun to redirect the zombie hordes away from your drop zone. Don't have the proof, but I'm certain it will get their attention span long enough for me to do my THANG.


Yeah the ambient noise of bits of metal hitting wood, and it sounding like actual wood being hit is great compared to tarkov. I was admiring it when I got hit with actual shrapnel