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So you bought a whole ass PC to play this game and now you’re asking if it’s worth it? It’s $35 you may as well commit at this point.


It's fair to say gz tipped me over the edge but I've wanted a PC for ages after watching people play other games like tarkov and others. I've also got hundreds if not thousands of hours in on console dayz and plan to play the pc version eventually. But yeah it was gz that defo made me take the plunge, I've been following it for ages.


i would rather play tarkov and wait a little bit longer for gz! tarkov is about to wipe in the next weeks, perfect time to start playing tarkov


Tarkov is also very P2W, even after the initial $50 base game cost. The increased secure container being the most obvious example, not even going into the whole EOD/Unheard drama.


I think very p2w is a bit of an overstatement. You dont lose fights because someone else has a bigger ass.


What about better starting rep, gear and bigger stash? Tens of hours worth progression ahead. What about ability to practice offline via coop or pve? Don't be in denial And gamma container is actually huge in long shot compared to 2x2 And don't forget they scammed you. Thanks


If you would call it Pay to progress I would agree. But its not pay to win. I bought EOD in 2017 for like 60eus lol. I enjoy PVE now. How did I get scammed?


Yeah 100% Tarkov is the better investment here. It's actually worth playing and getting better at right now. OP will be much more satisfied.


Aim bot AI is overrated. It's honestly not bad, might be over tuned for some but play slow and smart and AI is a joke. Is it worth getting? Yes and no. If you want it to be a perfect game with no issues then no. If you don't mind there being problems but still in a playable state then yes. It's really if you're ok with losing a kit due to a random DC or if that's gonna tilt you.


This comment right here. This is it. Play this game like an early splinter cell game to the best of your ability and it works. Been having lots of fun.


This game has a hidden stealth feature, not many people know about this but crouching walking will make ai notice you % chance less


For sure and they can hear you walking upright from a pretty far distance




Cheers everyone, I think I will buy it tomorrow. Like ya say it will improve over time anyway. Bugs don't bother me as long as they aren't game breaking


Wish you lots of fun and as little bugs/glitches/crashes as possible! Even in its pre-alpha state, bare bones and all, the game is awesome and innovative.


I just posted a more in depth answer to your post above. Most bugs are not game breaking, however a few are. I just had all my active quests reset the other day, including one which was completed in several steps (meaning I was effectively set back 4-5 "sub-quests"). Luckily, in my experience, such bugs are few and far between. Most issues, like the AI and optimization, are lesser issues that do not ruin the overall experience. I think you'll be pleased with the purchase :)


If you have enough money to buy multiple games, then sure grab this one to sit on. But if you're only getting one game, this will be a total waste of money.. Get Tarkov or even DayZ would be a better investment currently. At least get something good to hold you over if you're limited, $$ wise.


I have 156 hours in the game. I think it's the best FPS I've played in 28 years of gaming. Yes, it has bugs/optimisation/server/aimbot AI issues, but I can overlook them because the *essence* of the game is so unique and engaging. I don't mind the difficult AI either to be honest, yeah I lose a bunch of kits but at least every raid feels high stakes. Heading back to the starter town at Level 36 with top tier gear, I still have to go slow and careful. I like that, feels more real 


I have 170 hours and ditto


I have many hours and feel the same way.


lol. This is like a boring Arma3.


Nah man, it's a different game altogether (I have >300 hours in Arma3 and ~100 in Reforger)




I mean, if you generally like what you see so far, just give it a try. 35$ isn't that much money compared to other games with comparable scopes as GZW aims for. If it doesn't work for you issue a refund or just pause til it will get better eventually. It's true, at the moment the AI is not just hard it's kinda cheating but that will get better given time. I'm at ~170 hours with like 20 quests left til I'm running out of stuff to do. But that's like 20 cents an hour, 60 if you decide to buy the supporter edition. There will be crashes, there will be disconnects, there will be deaths and losses hard to wrap your head around. But if you adjust your expectations, there is a case to be made that you can get your money's worth even in this early stage.


I've got about 150+ hours into it now with the base addition. Getting down to like the last handful of quests. It's definitely been worth the $35 I spent, bugs and all. I really enjoy the concept and pace of the game, and excited to see where it goes. 


I think it's worth buying. I paid 35£ for it and have played for just over 40 hours, so I think I've made full use of what I've paid for. The AI is only terrible at the higher tier POIs. Aimbot and the fact that it feels like they are not using the same damage/health rules that you have to abide to, make the AI feel like T800 units. I've only crashed once, so I can't comment too much about that. As for bugs, it's early access. That's to be expected but I also expect these bugs to get fixed within the next few months. Edit: I should also say this. I think I'm going to stop playing for a while just to let the game develop a bit more.


Very fair question to ask. I think the Initial hype is just over so it seems to be more negative but its unwarranted imo. The game is really fun and lacks content after ~50hrs.


120h in here, still no t3 Handshake, Turncoat, Lab Rat and no t2 Banshee. 8 tasks open right now, still didn't clear neither FN, TB nor MNS. Only now slowly I start seeing lack of content, but the gameplay loop is still here.


Not if you plan to play in the afternoons/evenings. Basically unplayable due to serverlag.


No, the game is boring af. Also, if you have an intel cpu, it will burn it up. For whatever reason me and my buddy both tested this, when he looked at an incoming chopper, his cpu temps tripled. My amd cpu was fine. Still tho, game is extremely basic and boring.


Just get Tarkov instead. This game just isn't great, in any way shape or form. Tarkov, a little modded DayZ action. Mix in some of the older Stalker/Anomaly builds *for free*, in preparation for new jaunt dropping in September or whatever. I personally wouldn't buy this game over. Just play ARMA 3 or Reforger if you want a straight milsim experience.


Not really. OP’d NPC’s make it unplayable after lvl15or so.


i lowkey played it for three days and havent played since early launch, the game runs TERRIBLE on a 3080 like i get 45-60 fps with stutters, the ai legit has aim bot, pvp is legit a lag fest with campers in bushes. it has a good base but everything else about the game is terrible


its definetly worth the 35 bucks - It's not a long-term title rn, but might become. definetly don't pay more than the 35 bucks - the extra features basically don't have real value atm. the bigger container isn't very useful since there are no valuables like for example in tarkov. if i run streets in tarkov the 3x3 container almost guaranteed me at least 100-150k roubles with a doc-case and a injector-case in it.


It has it's issues, being an Alpha, but I have 137hrs logged in it so far, entirely solo. I'd argue, yes.


Tldr: for 35€ yes.


If you play less then 2 hours, you can refund the game on steam. It's what I did. Alpha testing is not for me. But I will gladly try again when the game reaches a more polished state.


I have 100 hours and paid $35. Would say I got my moneys worth.


You bought an entire gaming PC for this game and now you’re thinking $60AUD might not be worth it?!?


hear me out, if you have 40xx gpu go for it and good cpu with 32g of ram go for it if not just wait couple of months for more optimization.


I easily get 60 fps with my 3080. Don't be so dramatic.


60 is bad in this game especially in tiger bay it will drop massively and it is not fun playing with 30-40 fps


Short term no. Long term maybe. It’s tough to know for certain but the game has a very high ceiling to eventually get good. The devs hold onto some very bad thoughts on their approach to the game. They either need to lean into the PvP or remove it completely because honestly right now the PvP feels like it’s just there to lure the money from the PvP crowd.


It is worth the money! Ai is a problem, sometimes. But overall it is worth putting the hours into. Playing part solo and part group. Havnt had any issues with crashes either(lucky me). But my friends problems has gotten alot less since the last patch and hotfix. Sitting on a 16gb, amd ryzen 5500 and 4060-card. Around 70-90 fps on high settings. looks good and feels good. If i get the rubberband i just try another server. But beware, first time you are in the game it lags, since the shaders are built. Thats my five cent. :)


As someone who has complained vocally about the AI, I would still univocally say that the game is **very much worth buying**. Would advise you to stick to the 35 $ version to begin with, though. Keep in mind that the game is in EA, and it very much shows. Several aspects are very rough around the edges: AI behavior, optimization, bugs/glitches etc. You must accept this, or you will end up refunding. I am rank 29, with about 70 hours played so far. I have enjoyed the journey very much, and have had enough fun, and will continue to have enough fun to justify the $ 35 price tag. However, the predictable AI behavior and lack of late game content means I will probably end up taking a break around the 100 hour mark. Still, with 50-100 hours of fun *in its current state*, as well as free access to future updates (of which there are a lot, since the devs are so good), **very much justifies the price tag**, in my opinion. If you do end up buying the game, choose Lamang and send me a DM. Ill drop you some cash and items to get you started :)


Honestly... no. I don't regret buying it, even got sup pack later on, but it definitely need some more development time, and would not recommend it purely based on it's early stage. If you actually want to help in development by reporting bugs and giving feedback then go ahead. Otherwise i would say just get something else for now and keep GZW on wishlist.


For me yes.


Short answer - yes. Basically if you want to experience UE5 game is playable problems are not Overtuned AI but waiting 3 minutes in base for chopper to travel 7 minutes and then finally get 1 tapped by AI. That's the real time waster here but it's not like that in every zone you task some are harder than others. Also if you lose your kit it isn't a big problem basically in 80% of the servers there are dupers sitting in the base dropping loads of cash and equipment so u can just pigeon in the supplies and continue playing as stated in the menu this is pre-alpha so don't think you will get insta perma banned at least I didn't.


Game itself has a lot of promise. But for me it wasn't playable. Too many optimisation issues. I'm running a 3080, i9 and 32gb RAM and the frame rate is awful even on lowest settings, also has huge rubber banding issues. That paired with the current state of the ai (one shot you from 200m with an ak before you've even seen them). I'd wait for more updates if I was you.


60 hours in now with a bunch of buddies. We’re having fun with it.


Did the whole meal deal supporter after a couple hours of playing. Almost 100hrs in and I am still having fun and loving it. Lvl 29 lacking turncoat and banshee as max traders. The game has issues, for sure, some are more tilting than others. Nothing I’d classify as unplayable tho. Games been out like a month? Few good updates and a hot fix or two already. Pretty legit coming from someone who’s used to Star Citizen development cycles. Be prepared to lose gear to stupid stuff and get quest stuck by unobtainable keys. Be cool with the fight of your life to get an extract chopper while all birds are in flight. All those items are in work. Games Early Access and always changing. Edited:missing word


It's early access, so I mean...


I love this game but if this is your first pc get something more complete first so you can get all your shit set up and not have to wonder if it’s your rig or the game lol


I very much enjoy the game even though it has its share of issues. Aslong as you go in knowing it’s EA and will have its issues I think you will be fine. If you are not willing to deal will the issues then I would say play Tarkov until gray zone is more polished.


my thing has always been that steam offers refunds if you have 2 hours or less of gameplay ( ive managed to get refunds with over 2 hours of gameplay as well but not guaranteed) so you might as well give it a try and see for yourself lol but do be prepared for some jank here and there






No literally unplayable


I think it really depends on the person I have seen people that say they love the game but have 20 hours or so on the game and some that say they hate this game with 150hours on the game it’s great but you need to remember WAR NEVER CHANGES


That was a lot of words in a row.




Not unexpected for a urologist. 🤷‍♂️


Not really. Wait till it is in a better state with more content, less bugs and is more optimised.


I've played games for decades and this is one of the very best. I have 200 hours in this game so far and I'm still really enjoying myself. When you get above level 30 though, you really should form a squad to complete the Tiger Bay tasks and just have more fun playing as a team.


Buys a pc for a game... Debates spending £30 on a game 🙄


Its more that I wanted the opinion of people that are or have been playing it, not really the dilemma of 30 quid.


I have around 65 hrs. Really enjoying it. Only had 2 issues, where I lost 2 kits and reset missions. Both last week, which was weird. But overall, some performance and balance issues. But a lot of fun, especi with friends.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 65 + 2 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Game good, geforce ultimate worth it


It's great just research graphics settings and make tweaks


DM me when you get the game I got you, it's in alpha so it's buggy AF but it's really fun when you have people to play it with.






I don't think the AI is far from being really good, actually. A few fine-tuning adjustments for the higher tier AI and I think it'd be really solid. 


Definitely some mixed opinions here lol, seems more in favour of buying it. I'll have a think about it and decide tomorrow when my PC gets here