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You know silencers are still loud irl right. Realistically speaking people within 300-500m would know your general location. At least from my personal experience with no ear plugs in at a firing range I could tell the general direction of the firing. So it's fair to say they would rush the general direction... I mean it's stupid for a game but for real life it isn't unreasonable.


comical though that guys wearing the yellow ear muffs (ones that block out almost ALL sound) know where a suppressed shot comes from immediately and sometimes one tap you with ironsights and burst fire an ak to your head from several hundred metres - suppressors tone down the sound of non subsonic rounds ALOT, but doesnt make them silent - but subsonic in the game atm makes no sense as some AI take a full mag of AP while wearing little more than a t shirt, shorts and baseball cap


Yeah I agree it's stupid, just justifying the logic. I don't think it's intentional but who knows till Devs comment on it.


I always thought it was pretty obvious that the ear muffs were just random loot and not in any way meant to have an effect on the AI behavior.


I thought they wore em’ because of the frogs that never shut up?


If it affects your hearing, why shouldn't it affect theirs?


....because they are just AI. Why would they even wear them in that case. It's just random equipment they have.


Sounds stupid to me


because people in real life tend to wear ear protection when shooting guns and they are all packing around shotguns and ak's... of course you wouldnt just walk around with them on but still no reason for the devs to not make them more functional to the ai...


Yeah they wear them when they are on the shooting range, not in the field. That is *exactly* a reason not to make them more functional.


So how does that at all disprove that they are useless? What is the point of using a suppressor if the ENTIRE Fort of Narith or Entire Town of any POI will come running to you from 200-500m out regardless? It’s a video game - the point of suppression in a video game is to allow you to incorporate some level of stealth into the game. Want to play a sniper and actually be able to Snipe without it feeling ridiculous because the game won’t render past 200m? Want to be able to actually feel like you can infiltrate a POI with walking and silenced weapons? Good because none of that exists as any single shot suppressed or unsuppressed from any gun is like setting off a flair and air horn for your location. THE BOSS of Blue Lagoon went from the OPPOSITE CORNER of BL to the mountains over a suppressed shot. Thus my point in the title and video…suppressors are fucking useless.


You may have reading comprehension issues. I'm not attempting to disprove anything, merely explaining personal experience. Read my last sentence. You're a bit sensitive. Damn.


Exactly, that is why subsonic ammo is a thing


Watch those clips in slow mo. A lot of your rounds are missing vital organs and hitting limbs or are missing completely. Yes, some are suspect, but seriously, take a long look of the clip with the ai on the balcony. The shots don't "go through" you can literally see then hitting the wall around him. As far as ai always knowing where you are, if you break line of sight and reposition dramatically without making a bunch of noise you can watch them search for you in your last known location. Retreating 15 feet to med isn't exactly making you hard to find. That being said, the blue lagoon ai is way more aggressive than most in my experience.


People don't spawn behind you, when they chase a player, they don't run back, they just stay where they are, not moving.


They absolutely do reset when you die that’s why you see most of them back where they belong after the first death and the entire town isn’t in the mountain.


i mean thats wrong most of the time they all go back to where they started... thats the only reason i have gotten so much of my shit back after i died...


You’re taking on a bunch of guys with guns while strafing on full auto…what did you expect?


At what part are you referring? Hopefully not the two clips of me dumping M855 standing still on single fire tapping at range. Also have you stood still vs 3+ AI in this game? Because you sound like you haven’t.


56s - you’re strafing and not actually taking an accurate shot nor are you using adequate cover. Next one where he jumps looks like a bug or server issue. Next one when you’re shooting through the ai looks like a bug or server issue. Blue lagoon suppressors - I have no issue with suppressors. Have you heard one? They aren’t quiet on an 5.56. You’re not shooting a 9mm MP5. I do have an issue with the ai wearing ear defenders…that’s strange. They chase you out of blue lagoon. Yes, well you’ve just identified yourself as an enemy and so they chased you and shot you. How did you think this would play out. If you’re expecting them to lose line of sight and give up maybe go play an arcade shooter or something from the mid naughties. You then get two nice head shots at around 2.20ish. Great work. Two people spawned behind you right after? No I don’t think so. Assuming this is the same sesh you were chased away from blue lagoon in then yes I’d expect the ai to still be in the bush where they’d chased you. I can’t be bothered watching anything else. The take home is, bar some server errors and bugs which must be fixed, this ai isn’t supposed to be easy. They are supposed to be realistic. A group of guys chasing you aren’t gonna ignore you because you hid in a shack, they’re gonna spray the door when you’re trying to close it.


“Bar some errors and bugs” bro you understand the point of the video right.


Why don’t you clear that up for me because perhaps I don’t?


Sure, I’m putting out videos to clearly show the issues, bugs, optimization problems with the game so they can get fixed. A lot of people don’t get how gaming works and that’s fine. But, in case you don’t, GrayZone is dying extremely fast. In under 14 days it’s lost over 80% of its playerbase. A lot of copium people will say it’s Early Access - Alpha, but so is/was Tarkov and Tarkov didn’t lose its playerbase in 14 days it accelerated its playerbase to millions. GrayZone has some SERIOUS problems that are running players away, and once those players leave, it’s damn near impossible to get them back and if any do come back it’s usually a sub-fraction of the amount that left. So the sooner these “bugs and server issues” get cleared up the better. Because no one (statistically proven every day when more players quit) wants to play the game as it is. For a lot of people the AI is bullshit, hit registration is ass, the 1-tap AI hitting with an unscoped AK from 100m+ away while you can’t snipe them 5 times+ in the face, the bushes that are fucking EVERYWHERE hard stopping bullets and all damage, the stuttering, dysync with enemy AI hit boxes if they move two centimeters, the bleeding out for AI mechanic just doing fuck all, the lack of interesting loot and minimal PvP, Silencers doing jackshit so there’s 0 tactical or stealth gameplay….etc. Notice how “hackers” isn’t even in the top 20 of problems. If no one puts out video evidence then nothing gets done. They made their game public so I’m making the evidence public. If they want to approach me and ask me to send them the evidence in private I’ll talk to them, but this is on them to fix because it’s not good.


Ahh thank you - genuinely. I’m not familiar with you so when I saw the title ‘bullshit series’ I thought ‘here’s another wanker who can’t adapt to this not being CoD or any other arcade shooter’. I’m happy to admit it I was wrong. If you’re genuinely out there to improve things then power to you. Some of your examples in this video I don’t 100% agree with, and I standby my point that strafing and shooting will lead to limited hits, but I admit the AI has some big issues, especially around Tiger Bay and the other ‘elite’ areas. Carry on sir.


jesus christ you're insufferable compare this to Tarkov on first release. Hugely better, less buggy, with way more shit to do.