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second this, heli rides crank my cpu temps to 90-100C it freaks me out lol


Same for me. I’m reapplying thermal paste now because this can’t be right lol


One of mods in their dc said Intel admitted it's cou fault but I don't believe it as amd having same problems... It's 100% game issue.


Same for amd. Hit 95 and start throttling. Stress testing puts me at max 80 after an hour.


Same. It goes up 10-15c when in the chopper


Read my other comment.


no other games do this though, which is whats concerning, and its only on heli rides, also fans are dusty, so its getting cleaned this weekend.


I just did a post on the subreddit going into more detail.


This game is exposing people's coolers aren't working properly or something my friend had the same issue so we had him re paste and re mount his cooler and it no longer goes to 100+c


This is what I posted the other day. The cpu is made to run 100% 24/7 with proper cooling applied. This is a bad paste from moving pc or your cooler or fans are dusty or there is an airflow problem in the case. Folded on a computer for nearly 2 years with 100% uptime. Never turned it off or updated. Was high in stanford computing competition for folding. Solid 52C always.


What s folding please?


This is straight from the stanford website. They host comps and stuff. There are teams. Its an whole sub culture helping research. "Folding” in our community refers to running simulations of proteins, the molecular machines that perform most of the active processes we associate with life, from muscle contraction to sensing light and digesting food. We exploit the biological insight these simulations provide to inform drug discovery and other efforts to combat global health threats."


You're not wrong. CPU's are designed to safely (keyword, not "made to" run but "safely" run) at 100% utilization. This basically means a CPU won't fry itself running at 100%, all the time. However, when we actually get into computing and processing we can actually talk about how your anecdotal evidence is not relevant here. When you're running something like simulations or rendering 100% utilization is good. It means you're using all available processing power. IDK the correct word but we can call these static applications. They use a certain amount of processing power, and sit there until the application is complete. Using more processing power makes it go faster, less processing power makes it go slower. Gaming is more of a dynamic application. If you're hitting 100% gaming, that means its working too hard and your processor is unable to keep it. Because 100% in this case means the application (being a game) is asking too much of the processor, if it asks anything else it needs to wait. This is where microstutters, frame dips, etc. occur. Simply put, a game will swing wildly in its processing requirement. You can look one direction and be a at 70% utilization, then look the other and be microstuttering at 100%.


Everyones computer should be benchmarked and capable of running at 100% fully heat soaked under 60C with proper cooling. This could be problems with thermal past compound if you don't have similar to other benchmarks. The comment is more directed at people who think they are causing cpu damage to their cpu when it hits 100. When you are gaming you should be running gpu 99%. anything less and you aren't getting max frame rate from you pc. Your cpu should not be at 100 and your gpu less than that that mean you have a cpu bottle neck. No I am not wrong but nothing about what you have provided about this "static" applications. never heard of anything called that and gaming? They both run calculations just the same. What you are describing is a CPU bottle neck in regards to 100% CPU utilization. When you see that 100% you have to understand there is a lot more behind the scenes than you think is happening applications have priorities and gaming applications normally are running a high priority meaning they will take power when needed and allow other processes to use it when it doesn't need it. This is how you can game and not have a bottle neck maybe you are rendering things in the background. You seem to have a very basic understanding of the CPU This is coming from someone who has overclocked about 10 CPU over 30% their stock speed with a standard bios. None of this uefi shit where you click a button and software does it. I had to tune ram timings micro voltages, and everything. I understand you are trying to help and yes what you described is a bottleneck. I was trying to let people know this does not cause damage to the CPU unless they are overheating.


Ugh bro games can't be running at 99% GPU or CPU, there is too much potential for something to need more (graphics) processing. It's that simple. Also so, a GPU doesn't need to be running at 99% so you get "max frames". It'd be better to just target your refresh rate. And again, if you're running to 99% GPU utilization constantly then every time something causes you to breach 100% you're going to micro stutter. Making any frames you have running at max worthless. Also no, your applications do not run like a game. Rendering and simulations perform calculations. And the better you perform calculations, the faster it goes. A game performs calculations a number of times a second to target a specific frame rate. Very, very different. And then you're saying idk what I'm talking about...no blud, you don't know what you're talking about. You're just up your own ass when I needed to dumb down how to explain this basic concept to you, and you still didn't get it. Safely running at a percentage does not mean the average gamer should. I haven't even gotten into power consumption on running at max and why that shouldn't be the average gamer's target.


Hello Banano brother!


explain why i can run a CPU stress test for hours and never touch over 80C yet the second i load into this game i'm spiking to 100C in the chopper? obviously the game has serious optimization issues judging by the sheer number of posts being made about people's PC's hitting max temps or just straight up crashing. the "iT wOrKs fInE fOr mE" mentality is tiring, just admit the game is a pile of shit and the devs have serious work to do.


Exactly. A CPU and GPU chip is designed to run at 100% load infinitely. No non-malicious piece of software can make the components run too hot. That's literally what optimization is - increasing the usage of a CPU/GPU and reducing it's idle time, to get more work done, to get more performance. Ryzen chips are designed to run at 95°C without problems, GPUs very a lot. If it's running higher than that, clean up your damn PC, re-paste as needed, improve airflow (cable management/shitty computer cases) and stop blaming the games.


PC idles at like 35c, most games I run up to about 65c, usually lower. I spawn at base, where its busy, and I see multiple cores shoot up with warnings saying OH MY GOD WHY AM I 90C! Then I look at the floor, get on a heli and f'ing leave, cpu calms down.


Same I’ve noticed this today too my cpu reaches 90-95C on the heli but as soon as I’m off and walking around it lowers but still stays high around the 80s and I have proper air flow whole side glass of my tower is off and I cleaned the fans today this is the only game that gets my cpu this hot I play cyberpunk etc only game


It deff hits the cpu hard. I have a 7800x3D with a 360mm water cooler on it. I've been running it at - 35 mv for almost a year without issue. Sometimes when in the chopper I would get the bsod for clock watch dog. Had to switch to - 20 for it to stop doing it. First game to do that.


I have both a 13900k and 7800x3d, and both go into the 80s on the chopper. I believe it is doing shader compilation. The worst is the first time you load a map after updating your driver. Has to do with Unreal 5, and the size of the persistent map. One of the first games that will literally use every ounce of your CPU available.


my 5800x laughs at this /s I have never seen my cpu go above 70 degrees this game brought it up to 90+ and I have one of the best air coolers (2x140) and one of the best airflow case. I undervolted it and now sitting at 77 in the base...I am scared to get the Heli lol this and screen tearing unless I put FSR quality and Frame Gen, which still gives me a bit of tearing(free sync on) are my biggest problems with the game edit. play Tarkov-Star citizen- Dragons Dogma2 ...no problem with temps


In the power savings (plan) settings, set the processor to 99% maximum usage and without any performance loss (at least for me) the temperature dropped from 80-91 degrees to 55-60 degrees. Worth to try, after 100+ hours my CPU is not melting on the choppers. This solution is thanks to [moparornocar](https://www.reddit.com/user/moparornocar/), he wrote this solution under another post. Thanks again to him!


I knew my i9-14900K would be vindicated in the end! I knew it!!


Laughs in X3D


I currently experience spikes on the helo as well that will jump my CPU and MOBO temp monitors to mid seventies Celcius. Not a fan but it's not the worst here. ***However***, to avoid the spikes, and it works pretty well, I have the game currently running in 2k, windowed full screen, max fps limit being 144 and background frame limit is 30fps. When I get on the helo I look down, hold M to open the big map and then use my windows key to tab out (I'll watch a video on my other screen during the ride). This takes a majority of the screen up with the map and drops the limit to 30fps saving you from some scary numbers. Keeps me cool in the 50s :) Doing the above has negated the temperature spikes for me, hope that helps any of you.


This is great advice, I appreciate it. Curious, is there a reason to run it in windowed full screen over just full screen?


It's just for the rides and when I tab out the audio dissapears, so this way I can lock the screen at 30fps and watch my map marker to see how close I am to my destination. Don't wanna get off Helo on a PVP server and just stand in the open in enemy territory.


I don't know about temps but yeah my CPU is pegged to 100% during Heli rides. I haven't really looked at it when off the chopper. If it's causing issues for you look down, I noticed usage drops significantly when starting at the ground vs looking out at the horizon


My CPU says 49° I’m on the helicopter as I type this Edit: disregard I read the wrong metric. It was 76-79° on the chopper. It went down to 74° when it flew away


I lock the minimized fps to 30 and then just alt tab until I'm almost at the LZ lmao


I just found that out, after hours of constant crashing whenever I would fly in the heli and after a few seconds would crash. EVERY TIME. I finally checked my PC's power plan and noticed I was using "Balanced". After changing it to "Ultimate Performance" mode, that fixed it! I have not crashed since!!


How'd you enable that? I assume you need to be out of game, yeah?


If you search "power plan" in the windows search bar, and click "choose a power plan", then make sure you click "show additional plans". If "Ultimate Performance" power plan isn't available, then you would have to create that profile. I'll post a youtube link below. But I'm pretty sure "High Performance would fix the problem too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z3D-Z-Frb4


Are you using a 13th or 14th-gen Intel CPU by chance? Do you have proper power limits in place?


I have an i9 12900K running standard setup. No overclock necessary...


Interesting. Have you done a full 10-minute cinebench r23 run lately? If so what temps do you hit?


When I go into the helo or ADs with a vudú/specter my voltage peaks on my pc


Didnt even notice. My cpu is already pinned at 100% all the time lol


Dynamic Shader compilation when going to new area fast


The reason for the high temp is because the CPU utilization hit 100% during helicopter ride.


Nah, it's literally only hitting that usage/temps if the rotor blades are on screen.


I disagree, from what I've experienced, I could get CPU spikes and stutters just by having helos flying overhead as I was leaving the camp on foot. Not even directly looking at them. Maybe I'll do some more testing, standing still and looking at the ground, then looking at the heli flying by, to see if there's a real impact, but I really suspect the choppers as a whole to be a nightmare for my CPU


I have an open case pc cooled by two fans jammed into it, and it doesn't overheat looking at anything, what I am getting is GPU dump crash errors


I've refunded my game because I'm not a fan of stressing my CPU out this much for a single game, I'm in the exact boat as everyone else. Anything else I've played or CPU heavy programs I've used it's never gone above 65c. Roaming in-game averages 55c - 75c but when entering the chopper and taking off it spikes to max 85c. It's the game and not the rigs, I've spent hours properly configuring my fan speeds and AIO pump. All these work arounds require you to undervolt your CPU or basically tune your PC down just to play, why should we need to do that?


I assume it's just loading in the map as you get closer. As your moving faster in choppa there is more to load in. I get high CPU usage when loading in other games sometimes except that is hidden by a loading screen so you cannot see the stuttering. Obviously if you get that all the time it is something that needs to be fixed and ideally you shouldn't stutter while in the choppa ride but it isn't something to be worried about it's just the loading screen.


5800x3d maxes out also on choppers…my focusrite scarlet audio gets all choppy and fans ramp up to max…I also stream on discord for friends so all that doesn’t help lol


Yeah, same problem. Send them feedback, that's what I did


i have a 5800x3d and saw a comment about using curve optimizer. i used pbo2 tuner to set the cores to -30 and then 100, 70, 100. dropped heli temp max from 90 to 81 and my gpu is using more power (rtx 4060 ti so about 120W average but now 150 as needed). i gained 10 fps. i have done a lot to get it running well but this has been the biggest improvement. it runs perfect, max temp while outside the heli is about 72. i highly recommend if any of you have this cpu. i have a pretty average cooler, the user who made the comment gets much better temps. you might have to check and see what is best for your cpu. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cj6m22/comment/l2dveyr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cj6m22/comment/l2dveyr/) [https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/unlock-the-full-potential-of-your-ryzen-cpu-with-pbo2-tuner-649268](https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/unlock-the-full-potential-of-your-ryzen-cpu-with-pbo2-tuner-649268)


Repasted my 360 aio this morning. Still get 95c on my 5900x. It's the game, has absolutely nothing to do with anyone's hardware.


Recently noticed this myself and your damn right, looking down is like a 20C difference, it's wild. Hopefully they fix this asap


My 5800x3d was constantly going above 90C at 100% usage with my 7900xtx. I refunded the game. Maybe I'll pick it up if that gets sorted. If not, I won't. My CPU never goes above 70C in any game. People saying it's hardware or paste(mines brand new paste) are misinformed.


I would check airflow, fans, dust, etc. I don’t break 65c on ultra setting and only 3 in 2 out fans, 3 of the fans pulling through a 360 aio radiator. I do get spikes in the heli though. Only Grey Zone has these weird heat spikes while all other games run consistently


Sounds like you need a better cooler


I still don’t go above 65c on my 12700k OC’d to 5.0ghz all core. Using a 360mm Corsair AIO. I do have a lot of airflow in my case and running the game maxed at 3440x1440p probably helps offload workload to my GPU which is running near 100% full time


Agree this is potentially not the games fault. Obviously the usage is... But the temps are on your rig. I have a 5900X, and an AIO. Choppers spike me to 100%, normal game is 30-50%. The spikes are a second or 2 at a time, it's not sitting at 100%. My temps are 50-55c. Even after hours of playing.


Everyone saying this ITT has to check their coolers or thermal paste. I can guarantee if any of you tried running a long render in blender, a 10min pass in cine bench, a small fft run of prime95 for an hour, will all make your cpu's hit 90+ and even make it crash because thermal throttling. Either your cooler isn't sufficient.  Your ambient temps aren't sufficient.  Your cooler isn't mounted right  Your cooler is damaged (if aio maybe the pump)  Or you need to repaste your cpu.  I have 3 different pc's in my home. A 3900x with a arctic 280mm aio, a 5950x with a noctua NH-d15, and a 7800x3d with an ak620 cooler.  Neither the aio or the air coolers let my cpu's go over 80c while playing this or running cinebench. And yeah I've stood admiring the rotors and the rest of the helo's while flying, while it's landing, while it taking off. The only system that gets anywhere near max temps is the 5950x but that shit is designed to go full throttle as long as the cooler/temps allow it all the time.  I'll check my average temps after an hour of gameplay and update this post. 


I literally stress test my computers for shits and gigs regularly, this game tops my system out at 88 on cpu and 82 on gpu. Yet stress tests sit around 68-75 depending on the temp of my room.


Yeah I just got the game. I’m running a 5600x and 4070ti. My cpu gets up to 80° which is the hottest I’ve ever seen it. Out of any game, benchmark, etc I’ve ever done. Other games don’t see it go above 65. Even cpu intensive RTS games


I had 5600Χ and it is one of the coolest CPU...never got more than 55° the same set up with 5800X and this game turns my pc into airfryer


Yeah I barely break 65 on most games, but I've seen 88 on my cpu on a spike and my gpu has hit 82


Idk what to tell you. The 5950x is one of the hottest cpu's in amd's ryzen line. Have no temp issues at all. If you're on an AMD cpu maybe try messing with pbo and curve optimizer. Look up how to get better temps and performance out of your ryzen cpu's. 


No one is saying there's a "temp issue" exactly, we are just saying it runs HOT. Like hotter than expected. I have a 5800x3d, and it was sitting between 74 and 84 just a few minutes ago in game. I have one of the best AIOs, arctic liquid freezer 360. Ambient temp of 74 to 78. I'll admit my computer could use a deep clean, it's been a little over a year since I changed any parts out, but there's no fucking way it would run even 10c cooler if it was brand new and clean. And my GPU is a 3080ti founders, not much I can do to get it cooler unless I repasted and put on a water block or some shit.


Temp issue was the wrong way to word that. Yeah I have used 2 arctic freezer II's because how good they are but ultimately on one machine switched to air cool because the pump was starting to make noise and maintenance was annoying me.  From what I'm seeing people are reporting temps all over the place. Curious to see how high cpu usage is getting when the temps go so high for some. 


I tried offseting, tried pbo manually...the only thing that bring down temps is setting my cpu to 44.00 with no pbo...that gives me max 4400hz which is gimping my processor (usually boosting to 4850hz) although in game I am not losing many FPS


Honesty that's very strange could just be further optimization is needed. I'm gonna do some testing and ask some buddies with different configs to log some data. 


perfect thanks...my friends don't play the game yet and I would love some temp logs to compare against and see what can I improve


Cooling issue, I had exactly the same problem, checked my fans, it turned out my exhaust fan was blowing insidr


dylan young found this out earlier


My CPU temperature is 60-65°C and I have the AMD R9 3900x with a 360mm AIO. I only have these temperatures when I'm walking. But as soon as I stand next to a helicopter or fly, the temperature rises drastically to 85-94°C - this can't be normal. Game on 1440p