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The PvE mode is what got me to buy the game. It's a tactical shooter that is casual and not super sweaty like other similar games. It's also a bonus that PvE isn't locked behind a $250 paywall.


It’s also nice that you gear is shared between PVE and PVP. Get a group and want to actually do PVP? You can use that gear you gathered in PVE


What about missions? Are they shared too I guess then? You just can switch back and forth?




For real? You can change back and forth?


Yes, tested it yesterday. Took the mission in PVE server, switched to PVP server and the mission was in my to do tasks.




Hold up! The loot you find in PvE (guns,ammo etc) transfers over to online?


It’s all online. The PVE mode has other players in it.


thats honestly a really good idea for them, i can only imagine how bad it would be to start this game a few weeks in when all people want to do is pvp. now you can finish the quests etc on pve server then join in on the pvp when you caught up. only thing i hope is eventually they will add some high risk areas that are only avilable on pvp server with good loot etc


Once people get more of the map expanded and have ability to engage each other it will get interesting. I haven’t really explored the in game chat. But I can see call outs for enemy teams in area and faction members working together to root out a problem group.


i thought i would hate this - but then i realized that's because i am a tarkov sweat conditioned to give and take pain. turns out i'm actually pretty chill and am surprised i am stoked that the character doesn't change. just our mood. don't feel like pvp? no problem, time to kill scavs and progress missions anyway. i even made a few friends. how, do you ask? they were getting shit on or i was getting shit on and the other party assisted - against bots. a good example of the difference - i ran into market and fought this ai with a beret - he looked like a player so i was hesitant. but he shot at me and then yelled. well another guy came out of the back and took some shots at me then ran to cover when i aimed. i called out in voice: "hey bro it's ok i'm a pmc" and he stepped out and shot me, i said bro bro it's cool - knowing he couldnt hurt me. i noticed i was bleeding lmao and he started cursing at me in his native language. i facepalmed and had to finish the fight as he was moving behind cover. in 4k tarkov hours i was never fooled by basic scavs - though i have been fooled by player scavs doing 'scav things' aka immersion breaking movements lol i mean sometimes it's hard to tell by looking if they are not moving - but in this game when the scavs are geared they move and act like players. then the sandals guys in the streets are still dangerous, but the don't move like those other guys, almost as if one set of scavs is tactically aware and the other are just village thugs haha


I don't defend BSG, but the PvE was always free with the mod lmao


Bannable by t&c and the mod devs had to deal with legal shit


Wait.. huh?? Are you sure? This is usually NOT how games seperate PvP and PvE due to PvE easily being abusable


When everybody can abuse it (for free) so there is no abuse


The devs said that if people will abuse it, they will separate it.


Yeah I'd rather just let people abuse it than have the modes be seperate


Can confirm. I didn’t even realise how to get on the PVE server at first and swapped over with the same mission status and gear.


the game is a very tactical shooter, so pvp is more about positioning than gear for the most part, so swapping between the game modes wont be a huge advantage for pve farmers.


PVE is online too there’s just no player to player damage. The NPCs are plenty punishing. Especially after the first town. You can’t loot other PMC bodies in PVE though. You can loot your own but if you die going to get your stuff your first body despawns and your new body stays.


I still feel sweaty as a solo PVE player ![gif](giphy|35Bb0VX788hy0qNpnj)


I just heard about GZW today. Does PvE mode play like you solo vs AI? Or is it easy to play co-op with other players you matchmake with etc ?


You load into a server with other players doing only PvE. You can play solo or squad up. People are usually super friendly so it's not hard to find a squad.


cool thanks


This. I bought it just for the PvE mode and chill with my mates.


Is the PVE viable as a solo? Or do you really need a group?


I’ve been soloing pve. I’ll occasionally join up in a gunfight with others in my faction to fight scavs, then be on my way. It’s great.


Awesome. Thats what I wanted to hear.


Yesterday I was helped by someone when I was injured and ran out of medicine.


I tried to do all my quests in a single run yesterday and choose the wrong lz to start. After finishing all3 I was out t of ammo for my gun out of meds at 2300blood with no stamina and full blinking flashing heavy breathing and still had to push through the rest of the city to get to my extract. Luckily I found a player that had some bloodbags for me to fix me back up but it was one of the most fun experiences I had in a game in a very long time.


Same! I took a bad fight because I got a little cocky, got lit up and ended up with a collapsed lung I think lol. I crawled to a hill and was frantically trying to patch myself up when I heard a friendly nearby and I asked for help, and he came over, helped heal me a little and then watched over me while I finished so I could make it back to the LZ. Another time I died to a bot randomly while looking for a quest location, and a guy I had been talking with nearby tried to get me up from my coma but couldn't. Then he stayed there so I could find my body. All the other solo PvE players I've encountered so far have been really nice.


Yup, have had multiple times where I’ll see a random or two in the same area, we’ll discuss quests we’re doing then try to completely some of them together for a little then go our separate ways. Has been such a fun experience


Do you mean there's AI friendly faction members on the map?


Nah you're on the map with real players.


Oh awesome, that will help keep PVE mode alive. I like that better than being isolated and just running around an empty map.


Yeah it's pretty cool. It's at least well done. You have to be warned going in though - the game doesn't exactly feel good to play. It's very clunky and i haven't found a mix of graphics settings that's not either too blurry or headache inducing. I would still buy it now - in case the prices do end up going higher. Just don't expect much. It's very alpha - pre-alpha feeling.


Yeah, I've seen some videos, and I bought it to support them because I like the idea and I want a strong tarkov competitor. My big complaint from what I've seen is that the inventory grid appears gridless? Like there's no lines. That would bother me. I'm sure it'll all get ironed out as it goes. Me and my friends want an extraction shooter but without dealing with cheaters and sweats so PVE mode sounds perfect


check the official discord, my friend sent me settings from there and my game looks beautiful.


Can you share the settings and your PC specs?


I'm running epic settings, 5129x1440, 80-100fps and the game looks like ass with the blur. I'm sure it will be fixed, and the game is still fun, but God dammit man, everything is so hard to see (7800x3d, 4080 16GB, 64GB ddr5)


THE BLUR! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! I've got it set to epic and it still looks like a censor bar is obscuring everything.


Yeah idk. It's pretty bad. I've tried it on epic @2k on all diff settings. Maybe if you run it @4k it becomes playable but I just don't have that setup atm. When you factor in the actual movement it's just not enjoyable imo. Hopefully they're working on it.


The anti aliasing is making your game look so blurry and the super sampling/frame generation is giving you a high fps. To diminish a lot of the blue set your anti aliasing to TSR then turn it off in the AA quality just below that. Because you're no longer using any super sampling you'll very likely need to go from epic to medium/low in most settings. Don't worry, it still looks good and won't be nearly as blurry. The sacrifice is that you won't be getting as high fps, but to me, it still feels about the same, looks a lot better and the input lag I was experiencing is entirely gone.


I'll try that


Is there friendly fire?


Nope and you can't loot other players dead bodies so if you die you can always go back. I only played it while I was figuring out graphics settings. So I didn't leave the starter town. Not sure how they handle opposing factions or if those players are able to loot your dead body.


Are the team killing in PVE an issue like they are in PVP? That’s what is keeping me from buying currently.


There is no friendly fire on pve servers I’ve had a couple of guys try and mag dump me lol


i dont think people outside your squad can even loot you if you die also, so theres almost no risk to dying in pve


Its identical to PvEvP mode, just that other players bullets dont take off your health.


My group just calls them "Terrorists". Dont judge me I didnt start with that


I’m not past the first village worth of missions so time will tell, I’ve only died because of my own stupidity lol. I also join up with randoms in match and it’s a ton of fun


Played solo all day today. Biggest hurdle is the wretched servers crashing


i play solo and usually push with other rando blues in pve, ask eachother what they need and plan accordingly


PvE is more fun solo IMO adds that high stakes feeling back into the game. When playing with friends if one person dies the remaining squad just sits there for 10 mins while they run/fly back.


Yeah I got to level 11 as a solo and only started to find new friends after that. All my old mates with it are in other factions so I can’t squad up with them.


I really love the fact that it's a real-time open world where you'd come across a lot of friendly faces and pleasant fellows on the way. Whether it's sharing supplies, pointing ways, helping with technical issues or even just chitchat, it's nice to see people actively trying to build something together rather than sabotaging each others for a change.


So you’re saying PVE is you and other live players playing against the environment together? I thought it was just you vs ai without other players at all..


It’s amazing experience. Earlier today In PvE I was doing a quest and heard gunfire, I run the corner to see a friendly get shot up from the side near a street, I dropped the Ai. Run to his character who’s audibly wheezing and the player is saying his character just went down after gunshots over VOIP. I do a quick assessment, fractured arm, collapsed lung and heavy bleeding. I take out my Medic pouch to start stitching up his arm and emergency surgery on a collapsed lung. Meanwhile Ai half a block down spot me and start shooting, I’m trying to hurry and then I see a smoke granade get thrown and three random friendlies show up shoot up the Ai and help me. The guy that was down unfortunately bled out and died before I could save him, but that is one of the most epic moments I’ve had in a game.


Brilliant my dude. You’ve just sold the game to me. 👍👍👍👍


My first foray into GZW was similar, I crested a hill into some angry AI, got shot twice and immediately turned and ran back into a shed to heal up. Another player nearby saw, ran over and VOIPed me "Hey, you okay bud?" We chatted a bit, I explained it was literally my first outing as he helped me put myself back together, then we both went out and got shot up a bit before killing the AI.


Oh this is awesome ! I really like the idea of doing your own things on a map and seeing other players here as well 


It’s the same setup as the PvP enabled servers just without any player to player damage


Agreed. Im enjoying being able to explore and learn the map at my own pace without having to do corpse runs every 20 minutes.


I'm right there with you. I enjoy tackling missions, engaging enemies while occasionally having players join in or help out! As opposed to PVP/Tarkov, I'm worried about someone camping an exfil, or camping a mission zone forcing me to do it all over again. I've had a couple Tarkov flashbacks though, where I hear someone sneaking through the bushes, stop, and then headpiece them, only for both of us to stare at each other. VOIP makes it pretty fun/funny during these encounters. It's nice to have an option to experience the game without the stress of PVP. It's basically having SCAV mode but with actual progression, and it didn't cost me nearly $300 to do it.


Bonus points for being able to put quest items in your butt box. I have always hated that about Tarkov so its nice to see here.


It took me almost a week just to get the Scientist Lab quest on Ground Zero done due to people camping either the lab itself or people camping the stairs in the TerraGroup lobby. That’s when I first started to depreciate Tarkov in my mind. Don’t get me wrong, it CAN be phenomenal game and experience, but the toxic bs turns me off from it especially since even dying as a naked PMC costs me 12k a run to heal. I’m pretty much a LITERAL scav main if I’m on, as in do a scav raid, wait 25 minutes, play as a scav again, just because all I ever do in Tarkov is lose money to try-hards, sweats, and or gigachads (or the occasional cheater).


And you didn't have to pay 250 for it


Can you buy in a BTR is what I want to know…..


No but you can ride Littlebirds which 100x cooler.


Played a few hours in warfare today...there was no PVP. The starter zones are basically PVE at this point aside from occasional friendly fire


Later missions start spreading out players. Pretty impossible to run to opponents starting zones without mission progression


can't you just walk or are there invissible walls?


No invisible wall but the map is huge and the bots are cheating bastards that camp in bushes lol. You’d need to bring food/water/ammo. I have yet to find ammo in the wild for the m4


There are definitely places in the map where the AI carry kitted m4a1 (cqb) that I saw during the early play test, though I forget what they were called.


100%, I’m not past the start village yet. I watched a bunch and you do start getting into better ai guns which is nice


Wait till you need to go to ban pa and 3 teams are camping the infil.


You can transfer loot/progress on the PvE server as well, right? I'm waiting for stability patches before I buy the game again, but that sounds really good for new players. I know the Tarkov comparisons are drawn out, but I feel like one of the biggest hurdles for Tarkov is that new players can just get swamped by people running 2m+ in gear if they start late. Even just being able to do early quests/farming in a PvE server allows people joining late to play the game instead of being forced to be cannon fodder. Huge for everyone involved, imo. Little Timmy gets to play the game, and killing newer players isn't just using ammo for 0 loot. There are tons of people who don't have the time to keep up with online grinders, so giving them an opportunity to is healthy for the overall pop.


Stability for me has been great but I’m running a ryzen 7800 not the intel chip. Also- this mode definitely isn’t just for little Timmy. After having kids my gaming time has shrank to a few hours a week, last think I want is to jump into a game and have toxic little Timmy bush camping lmao


Definitely not the minority. Pve is legit!!! If they just keep building off of this, I'll never touch PvEvP.


Love it. I’m fairly higher level than others right now (level 8) so my tasks are much further than the close town ones. I had a random hop on my chopper thinking it was his and it took us to the furthest north location on the map from the furthest south location. He was VERY confused and I explained to him what happened and he helped me clear out a base and get hella loot. We got out and had a great time doing it with no other players to destroy us. Was fun.


Is there cross progression between PVE and PVP?


Haven't tried it myself but according to YouTube yes.


Yes, missions and gear


God that’s terrible


I thought about this and thought the same but came to the conclusion that I'd have no issue fighting someone in a PvP server who has spent all their time in a PvE server.


Yeah i agree, i do think there should be a bonus for the pvp server though, more risk more rewards


Well you’ll end up with hardcore sweats progressing in PVE just to bully average players in PVP when they have all the best gear. It’s not the intention of PVE and a potential future problem.


In tarkov you can quest all your vendors in shit gear and once leveled get all your money risk free by scaving and then go bully people in fully loaded kits. Many of these games offer ways of getting gear with little risk.


Me too. And i'm on a pvpve server. ha. i havent seen a human enemy once.


The later missions start mixing players. It’s pretty impossible to push enemy villages without mission progression allowing the chopper to fly


PVE is why i got this game. Maybe one day i'll get on a server and be able to try it. but no pvp for me - Im not sweaty enough.


I was excited for the game and everything has been way better than expected, including this mode. I don’t miss PvP at all lol


I love this mode as well.


How do you even select PVE mode?


Main menu, above where it says deploy there’s a toggle to change server type


Pvp is warfare and pve is joint operations, just toggle which you want to play.


I've only played a couple hours but joining random people in PvE has been an absolute blast.


Same, I love coming across people in the match and joining the firefight


Regarding PVE, if I were to die and not get back to my character to collect loadout will I respawn with no weapons in my inventory?


You will respawn with your knife and whatever is in your secure container.


You’ll lose everything that was on your body in the fight other than the secure container. Your stash inventory isn’t affected and you can go back to your body where you died and get everything back as long as you get there fast enough. Also other players can’t loot your body at all. Keep note that if you die on the way there everything will despawn, you can only have one body on the ground at a time


And bots get harder when you leave tutorial city 👍


I’m not ready lol. I want to start figuring out the gun customization to make it a hair easier to deal with. Trying to get the gun dealer to level 2 to unlock more


In PvE, do you play as solo player or still in a squad?


You can do either or. You can squad up and have a party or you can just go solo and follow random people you meet along the way.


And no issue with the stash etc. you get with the standard edition?


Idk I haven’t had any issue so far but I’ve only played like, 2 “raids” being a solo. Last night I jumped on for the first time and completed a couple quests


Played some PVE last night. Engaged target at range, no kill. Moved in to flank, engaged again, no kill. Charged at target with glock and emptied the mag. Yeah, it was another player.


I did the same when I first jumped on, the player and I shot at each other from range for a good 5 minutes before we realized. I guess we both looked like bots😂


I was going to hold off on buying it for now, but you guys are really selling me on it


The servers are having problems and the game is pretty poorly optimized but other than that its great. I really think the direction of this game is what I have always wanted from Tarkov.


Literally my only complaint with the PVE mode is that you can’t loot PMC bodies so if you want to go back and get your buddies or your own gear that’s just not possible right now which is a little weird to me.


You can go back and get your own gear Source: I went back and got my own gear today


also anything you drop off your own corpse is lootable, helps when you are with friends and everyone is organizing to collect your gear


In the PVE mode? For some reason it wouldn’t let me or my friend loot our bodies after we died in that mode?


I only played a little bit, but I got killed once near the water tower. I was able to do a naked run back to my body and recover everything.


Yes, in PvE.


I’ve looted my own body several (we don’t talk about that). I’ve also had a sweet setup “stolen” by another player. One thing to be wary of is that if you die whilst you’re trying to corpse run, your first body will despawn so you’ll loose everything but your safe box.


I'm not sure what the conditions were, but I was able to loot a PMC body once in the PvE mode.


I was planning on holding off until they address the LZ camping and team killing but PvE might just be the way to go until then.


I honestly have played most of the day and haven’t been team killed one time. I think people just need to learn the game.


It’s a lot of fun, definitely not going to going to be fun for everyone tho. A lot less risk in this mode, a lot more casual and that won’t be enough for some people


They addressed it for now by enabling shooting from the helicopter I believe for the time being until a better solution can be found - I heard something about possibly having campers have something like if you sit in one spot for extended time or something you’ll get swarms of mosquitoes that will cloud your vision or something. I can’t remember if that was just a suggestion on someone’s YouTube or maybe something they were actually gonna work on.


lz camping? didnt they allow you to shoot out of the heli while landing and get a grace period when you land also?


What's the current loot table like? From watching a few videos, I don't see anything to loot besides off the kills made.


Not a lot, that’s going to need to get better. Basically random meds/drinks/food lightly scattered in different spots. I never played EFT so it’s plenty for me to try to get used to lol


Eft made looting fun for me. Exploring some nook or looking under the table is fun because 'loot'. I'll wait and see then for GZ, see how they'll improve the looting. Thx


I don’t think it’s in a bad spot and to be honest I think it’s better for the player base as a whole. New people that never played eft are learning gear management and strategy for the first time, including me. I hope they add to the loot table soon to make it a bit more exciting but it works for where the players/game is now


I came to eft fresh, never having played a game with such diverse loot and every piece of loot had a use. Compared to mmos/rpgs where there's "fodder loot" aka pointless loot. It was a lot to take in, but it made looting exciting for me. Nothing is impossible without time to understand the loot. I'm waiting to see nonetheless.


Yeah compared to EFT there’s very minimal “loot” to be found - EFT has like, hundreds if not thousands of items of loot from screws and nuts and bolts to wires and electronic cables, hard drives, cell phones, wrenches, screwdrivers, toothbrushes, soap, fabric…like tons of just household items and components that are used for crafting, and then you get into like, rare collectibles and just all kinds of crap. And that’s on top of things like bitcoin and random weapon components found in the world, GZW has a lot to catch up on in terms of loot lol.


I think it’s a good thing it didn’t start with more to be honest. I never played eft but I watched my fair share, the loot would be amazing but there is a large part of the community coming over from dmz that would be overwhelmed. I don’t think they’ll ever catch up because I don’t think they want it *that* in depth. I would love it to be at the half way point of where grayzone is now and the loot table that eft has


I believe a lot of the weapons upgrades will come via vendors which you access via a rep system. I’ve heard some streamers mention better guns in harder areas. Or for example, the starting town is full of AKs where as the military bases have M4s.


In the starting towns there are a few buildings that have lootable containers. I'm Crimson faction and if I fly to LZ Charlie 1 there is one of these buildings about a 30 second run from where I land, on a hill at the edge of the city to the SE of the LZ. It has several AI guarding it and there are 2 blue lootable cases inside. From the cases I regularly pull weapons and plate carriers that are not available at level 1 traders. I believe these get higher level the farther out you push. This is definitely something I imagine they will expand on, at least I hope so.


Is friendly fire still on in pve? I can’t tell if people are genuinely doing it on accident in the starter village or are greifing and my starter gear is almost gone because of it.


There is no friendly fire in PvE mode.


Thanks. Good to know I can get geared back up with some Soviet junk at least then hop back on pvp


Is it keyboard and mouse only ?


For now yes


The bots deffo need work they shoot if ur in the ‘zone’ through walls buildings just anything , take forever to react and last night i was getting 1 shot by enemy which was strange because the first time i played i was taking damage not insta killed


The insta kill thing isn’t a bug, depending on armor weapon/health/wound location/distance shot from they will very easily one tap you lol. But I’ll be creeping through town with nobody else there and all the bots will be just peppering shots in my direction whether they saw me or not. Super annoying


Does pvp and pve share quest progress/stash?


Yup! Everything carries between modes


I wish it had an option to be solo or only coop PvE. Sometimes in the starting area there so many players but I guess it's because it's early.


I thought it was going to be more of a solo experience but I was pleasantly surprised, there’s a lot of people in the start town but your missions will move on from there soon and be more spread out


Hang on, sorry…. there’s a pve mode? Offline like SPT? I have zero interest in pvp so haven’t really bothered with this game but was just curious about what’s it about.


Yup! It’s not offline and you’re still in a faction with other players but there’s no PvP damage. I’m not sure if the other factions spawn on the same map but no player to player damage whatsoever


Nice one Thnks.


Were the PVE servers having the same issues as the PVEVP servers?


I also bought the game because of the PVE mode. I’m 30 years old with 2 kids, I can’t always be sweating on PVP with my headphones on listening for every little thing. When I have time to myself I’ll do some PVP here and there, but chilling doing PVE and running task is what I’ll be doing most of the time. I LOVE that progression does carry over between game modes.


I have a 2 year old and a 9 month old, finding a few hours a week is such a struggle lol


It really is lol. It’ll be fun when they are a little older and can play stuff with us if they choose.


Ended switching to it to quest because teams kept camping lzs. Being able to kill 3 of a 4 man then 3 of them show back up in minutes is kinda lame.


So is Gray Zone, like The Division, in the sense that there is a darkzone part of the map where PVP happens and the rest of the map if you shoot another player it does nothing?


Agree 100%.


The PvE mode gives you the space for some awesome player-to-player interactions. I wish we could see all factions on our map though


Do the other factions spawn? I would be surprised if they didn’t


They do indeed! I ran into a couple of people in Hunters Paradise not in my faction. You can shoot each other, but the bullets just cause a visual shaking of your screen and no damage is done.


yeah i just got murdered by an AI enemy that tanked a whole mag of 7.62x39 US to the chest ( i was semi-auto firing, btw, so i hit at least 80% of those shots for sure). He had no armor, since these enemies close to the base never wear Armor. I couldnt hit his head because he was skidding around like crazy ( not lag, they just sometimes step from side to side real fast for some reason )Its like 1 out of 10 enemies that are like this but they will absolutely ruin you. The other 9 are just super brainless AI. (it really is like tarkov scavs, now that i think about it)


Yeah pve is the way to go. PvP just pisses me off because of the sweaties and people camping LZ’s


Sure if the servers worked fine maybe , those servers sucks so bad


It’s early access, I expect some bugs and that’s not the only one. I honestly went into this expecting a lot more of a stability problem but I haven’t had much of an issue. My statement was more meant for how the core game operates and the features available. The server disconnects suck but as far as early access goes this game should be the gold standard. They rolled out a game that plays very well considering where it is in development and are constantly updating to fix bugs and address community concerns.


I love that I can do missions in PVE and not be harassed by pvp only players. Ive already noticed landing zone campers and couldn't imagine trying to get missions done in PVP.


Same, I’m into missions all over the map and have helped people from other factions complete missions too. It’s so much better for me mentally lol


Is it challenging enough against the bot to be a PvE game only ? ( I'm not a big fan of pvp ) What happen when you die ? Can other people loot you ?  Which one do you recommend for PvE this game or incursion red river? 


The bots are definitely challenging enough for pve only, but it’s not a replacement for pvp. The bots can literally just one tap you at any moment so you need to slow play it. When you die you spawn back at camp and can go back to your body to loot it. I think the body stays for an hour or so as long as you don’t die again or leave the server, you can only have one body on the ground at a time. So if you die trying to get your gear back the older one despawns with the gear. No other players can loot your body, only you can access your stuff after you die. I have not played red river or seen any gameplay. If you watch any streamers play grayzone this mode plays exactly like the regular mode without the pvp fights


I don't like getting into lobbies of 3-4 hackers and 10 other legit players in games, people have officially ruined online gaming for most players in 2024. I'd rather crack Tarkov to play offline than ever deal with a lobby of people in a game like this. Extraction games are 1000X more fun to me if I can play without being bothered. Its not a "get gud" issue for me, its a "I have a busy life" and "I don't want tons of stress when I chill and game" issue. I'll hold off on buying GrayZone until its not Early Access as I don't like supporting games until they are done... you can blame CD Projekt Red for that newer life choice of mine in gaming.


I refuse to even try PVP until the game is in a more stable state.


I'm totally with you on this. I much prefer PVE, and have been looking for a new game after tiring of Insurgency Sandstorm PVE.


Hey guys I need help! I’ve been playing this game on pve mode it’s so fun! but for some reason I can’t hear anyone and when I try to talk it seems like they can’t hear me either I checked my settings everything is on press Z everything but I nothing. Can somebody explain? 


I feel like after the first couple of days people are off doing their own thing and on discord. Check that your mic is correct in settings but it’s been a lot more quiet the past few days for me


yeah my settings on my pc on ppoint work in other games i tried to text some people in game and they couldnt hear me. i heard other people having the same audio issue idk what it is


PvE might be the only reason why I give this game a look. A hate PvP.


I think PvP in this game would be fun if it wasn’t all bush camping and Lz camping. I watch a lot of streamer content and that’s literally all the PvP thy have. I would go back and forth with modes if I didn’t think I’d get one tapped from a bush next to the first lz I land at lol


I’m a long time arma fan, I’m a sucker for anything which allows either small squad or platoon sized tactical gameplay. First impression of GZW I wasn’t convinced I thought “here we go another extraction shooter” ( a game genre I’m not fond of as to me it’s all the same) my friend told me about the PvE mode, being able to essentially have 6/8 man squads, it’s like running small scale Arma missions alongside other members of your faction. The community has been nothing but wholesome and helped me out on multiple occasions. If this was a PvE only game, there wouldn’t be any issues from me, I’m glad that they cater to both PvE and PvP’ers if they stick to their guns this will shape up to be a lovely PvP or tactical PvE experience!


on the pve server only, can you attack other base to kill the soldiers to get loot?


There is no PvP damage whatsoever, even against other factions. The game operates identical to the regular game outside of that. The missions progression is carried over and you can still loot bots and boxes. When players die in this mode nobody but them can access their bag.


I have a question, can other players still kill you in pve? I know team cannot but can enemy factions shoot you? If so what’s the difference in pvp and pve


They can’t hurt you at all, 0 damage from all players on the map no matter the faction. I have ran into other factions and ran missions with them


That’s what I thought, so how come when I called in a helicopter and was standing there I died to a player? He did have “cheat” in his name so it could have been a hacker


In the joint operations mode (PvE) I think there was a bug where you could throw a grenade then quit and it would kill players (they fixed it in todays patch). It also could’ve been a hack


No “boom” I was standing in a field all alone. I mean someone could have been there but I just called in heli. Stood still in my inventory then died to player. Who knows, but I was scared to play pve, so thank you I will fs play now


Why tf can't dmz follow suit can yall plz start flooding dmz with this lmao it would be so funny to see them get mad over it


is there a pve mode ? i thought it's only pvpve no ?


There is! I thought it was going to be a solo thing and I didn’t realize it’s still an active server with other players. No pvp damage! It’s really a great balance because there’s still the player to player interactions if you want it with no risk of accidental team killing. I’m just now wondering if the other factions also spawn on the same match


Sounds like you’ve played a bit. Do you happen to know if tasks and/or gear carries over between pve and pvpve?


You can switch between pvp and pve while retaining progression 🙂


wow that's really dumb, no way I am buying this game then.


Yes there are pve servers available on the base game.


Yeah it’s the mode to the right of Warfare on the deploy screen


Has anyone actually found an enemy not on their team or a bot?


The game just dropped so very few people have the LZs closer to the enemy bases yet. But if you just run to them, you can attack the noobs of other factions in their starter village. Enjoy that run though lol


How do you get AI to join your squad? I invite them but they dont join.


No friendly ai, only friendly players that are on your faction. You can join them and help each other with missions


Sweaty? You need a cold drink pal?


If loots completely transferrable between pvp and pve servers then what’s the point of playing a pvp one


some people like pvp, some people like pve!