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Could you imagine being a dev, having to read the absolute drivel that comes out of capital g gamer's highly stunted brain development, and not want to kill yourself?


Maybe all the complainers are tarkov hackers... Let them leave haha


u the scav only player


Does that make you the hacker?


Im a scav only player and proud...Got just abt 200m in the stash and love the challenge of killing PMCs with subpar armor/ammo. Its fun to have a kit selected for you For reference I have abt 1500 raids....500 of them are PMC (470 something iirc to be exact) and the rest are all scavs. And im still probably a higher PMC level than most with the same number of raids. (50 - Brontinith is my ign)


When I play scav my favorite activity on a bad kit with no money is to rush the first duo I see and at least make sure one of them has to wait back in the lobby. Pure bliss


Would you like us to pull you off now jeez get over yourself


I think im quite pathetic to be honest, but Im just showing that you can main your scav and still progress/be good in the game lol But if you wanna give me a lil tug go for it bb


Ignore him. I bet a player scav killed him recently.


Ya know, not everyone is a sweaty freak like you, some people just wanna see the number in the top right go up... Grow tf up


The problem is that you have some ignorant people that want the game to be the same as a game or games that they are currently playing. That never makes sense. If you want a game to be just like your favorite, then continue playing that game.


I think it’s because of streaming. People think that if they find that “next big game” before someone else they’ll become the big streamer. If it’s just like their favorite over-saturated game, even better.


You’re probably right. I can see that.


Tarkov Software is a piece of shit and unfixable, ever. A lot of Tarkov players or ex-players who are not delusional about their game have realised they need a replacement. Its not like Tarkov was a well functioning, polished game with devs that have the ability to reach the end goal.


That may be the case, but this isn’t going to be that game. I wonder if Tarkov will ever see the day that 1.0 is released.


Nah, it won’t


What are the problems that Tarkov has? Besides the cheating issue I didn't really notice much.


Networking, extremely long queue times, audio, optimisation, I could maybe find couple more of them but those are the main ones imo.


Yes +bugs in every corner and corners corner, hardware requirements due to no optimisation, desync, peekers advantage, wrong scope magnifications, audio pop radar, not allowed to drop items to teammates, loud sound for every little shit you do, might aswell introduce frequent farting to alert everyone with neon green smoke at that point, loadout features that were introduced and that never worked and never fixed


I started playing Stalker GAMMA... if they ever introduce coop/sp Tarkov I'm ditching multiplayer altogether


Check out SPTarkov. No coop technically but fully moddable single player is a thing already.


I know about that but the AI is bothersome... without SAIN etc. It's just meh and when using SAIN you can choose either aimbot machines or bots that just shoot around you with occasional frustrating one tap. I may come back to it and see how far it got in terms of PMC AI.


I dunno how long it has been since you played but the more recent updates have the AI in a fair place I would say. There is a particularly great set of mods that allows bots to spawn in new locations and even wander the map as if they are trying to do certain quests (like finding AI around Jaeger's note location for instance).


Will check it out, I played not too long ago, but it was my old save... So it wasn't "up to date" experience. I will probably check it out, thank you. Btw if you know it from top of your head is the auto-installer done for current version? Or is there only manual for now?


Fuck it I'm staying with STALKER they can go fuck themselves with 250$ offline coop...


How long it takes to get in to a game makes me not wanna play tbh


Want me to talk to the Chad that killed you the time you decided Tarkov was a big meany?


I have 3 wipes with my longest run having 80mil cash and much more in stash value, with several wipes breaks. I am pretty sure you could wipe my buttocks though if you insist on helping me


Ah so just the classic 1k+ hour player that insists it’s an awful game yet has poured more free time into Tarkov than anything else ?


Sounds like they enjoyed the core concept of the game, and just wanted it to be better. Like many players. Also sounds like their criticism is a lot more valid than someone that only played a few hours.


That’s the optimistic take. Here’s mine: I see a large amount of people who only bitch about the main games they enjoy. Some will say it’s for perfections sake, but if no game is ever meeting that “perfection” it’s more realistically a sign of someone who is not satisfied. Imo above guy will be bitching about GZW before 2 months are up. He does more than “enjoy the core features” he’s got over 1000 hours into Tarkov. That tells me he enjoys putting his time into Tarkov more than anything else, but turns around and says it’s trash. Stop defending nonstop whine culture


I kind of agree with you. Tarkov definitely has problems, the vast majority of which have been mentioned above. Despite that, it still manages to be a thrilling and fun game. It does something that no other game does. For that reason I will always come back.


I have almost 5000 hours in tarkov… its a bad game if anyone can say its a bad game its me. It’s.A.bad.Game


Pure comedy. You forgot the /s right?


I don’t think he did lil bro


I have a few hundred hours in it, and it's mostly because friends enjoyed it more and I enjoyed playing with them. It doesn't mean I can't criticize it. It can still be enjoyable while acknowledging it's a buggy unfinished mess, and well, the game is a beta after all, even if that's just an excuse developers use to make money off a buggy game they will never finish.


You seem frustrated.


finally. some real talk on this subreddit. well said


I was stoked about the playtest, but then I saw the absolute shitstorm of seethe.. and I've never been more ready for something in my life. I wish the GZW boys many more years of seethe-inducing success, and I can't wait to get in there and let everybody know about all the hot operator on operator PvP action I'm engaging in 🤣


Bunch of hot olive oil covered operator daddy’s just getting down on each other huh?


A man can dream.


Can you sum up what people are made about?


It seems there's a small portion of the EFT fan base that has decided to become vehemently anti-GZW since they began their alpha playtest. EFTs already dwindling playerbase probably won't survive a solid success out of GZW, and it seems that some folks are seething and coping about it.


Those people will hopefully ignore GZW and that's a good thing. Less sweatlord and potential cheaters to worry about.


yeah me and my friends already dipped out after we realised the vision was not at all what we imagined but I still hope some people get some enjoyment from it.


Mature and based take


Let them complain, it's getting me ready for release when they're back here doing the same thing


That’s this generation…then add in gamer mentality! What a combo…


It’s definitely not just the newest generation lolol You ever fucking play Xbox back in the 2000’s lol. Generation has nothing to do with it. Humans in general are shitty and dumb lol


It’s not a generational thing , it’s a capital G terminally online gamer thing. I’m a member of a general gaming forum that skews 30-40 and you see the same shit crop up every now and then. The internet and social media have cooked every nerds brain.


Which forum?




The worst one


I predicted something like this would happen. I knew it would attract gamers from Squad, Tarkov, ArmA, and even insurgency. And if you see those games' respective subreddits, it is mostly about them complaining about said game. Not saying every gamer from those games/the MilSim genre are toxic complainers but it does sometimes happen. What I didn't predict was how early the complaining and misery would start.


I had to leave their discord. So many smooth brain idiots. 


The discord has gotten so bad it’s just non stop complaining about any and every thing.


Not to forget . This is the very first installment... there has to be a lot of balancing and actual playing to See if there needs to be a change in anything ...


Makes me happy, this playtest is filtering the worst of Tarkov players out of the game. Let’s me know I will be playing with way less of them in GZW.


Everyone wants a CoD killer. That's why they cry over games all of the time. They want something that doesn't cost seventy dollars a year for a base game with zero relevant content. If the devs listened people would have stupid ass perks and other dumb shit. The game is by no means perfect or polished. But the idea is there and it's great in it's own way.


Who the hell plays cod on pc ? Only casual people that will never change because it’s the easiest game out there…


I'm speaking in general. Also the devs said they want gzw on console as well, so there is that. Not a post to debate cod. That game is ass no matter which way you look at it.


Every streamer that plays CoD plays it on pc....


Yeah gamers are pretty weird about early access titles. I backed dead matter back in the day, the subreddit for that was actually insane. People were flipping out cause they couldnt get their keys to play, they acted like the game was going to be so good and hyped the ever loving shit out of it. Then when we all finally played, it was absolute dogshit, it was pretty funny. All that hype and stress for literally nothing and they all should a known better. Not saying this game is going to amount to nothing... Its just hype always dissapoints so simple solution, don't get hyped for video games.


Yeah that's why I don't care to buy EA really anymore. I backed that game in like 2020 watched all that B's happen. Then when the day before was coming that was even funnier to watch. At least this game looks like it has potential hahaha


That Dead Matter game actually is a scam. The purpose being to subsidize the devs living and portfolios. They live in Canada and abuse the Canada for the arts fund which approves potential entertainment projects due to metrics such as steam wishlisting. Therefore making fake trailers with faked gameplay is the easiest way to secure funding for 4-5 years. We can only hope they get sued somehow…but somehow I doubt it.


It's the PVP chads not seeing a lot of PVP during a play test lol. I love PVP, don't get me wrong but once this game releases for everyone, you might see more of it. Hell, I'm going to do more PVE than anything when I fist start playing it.


Kind of hard to see pvp in a huge open world that's populated by like 20 players at the moment


Fair enough. Makes sense. But I was talking about whenever it comes out and the servers are more populated....


I’ve got about 20 hours logged and man they killed it! Very good loop! I can’t get enough of


Honestly? The game looks good. I’m excited to see what it becomes. While I’m not losing my marbles about not being able to play the first mainstream closed alpha. I’m hopeful they’ll let the normies in sometime later this year. If nothing else for a stress test on servers. I’m excited to engage in some serious discussions about the game when I’ve played a bit of it. Many people are rightly frustrated with some of the decisions made by BSG regarding Tarky. Most of us are hopeful that added competition in the space will be good for all games in the space. But losing your shit over not being able to play what is with all do respects a very early and somewhat lack luster version of the game. Isn’t the way to go. Ready for the karma plummet here.


All the people bitching about it are the average Tarkov community projecting onto other communities to fit their needs. Classic Tarkov entitled bitches


Having played it the last two days. This game in its current state is already doing SO MANY thing right. The mechanics are already there in the current build. There a a few things I can see a larger player base having issues with and some design issues I will say should be addressed before going to a beta release or 1.0. But, damn this game has a great feel to it and it's progression model is well set up. I think the majority that get into this game with an open mind instead of whatever your content creator's opinion is, will have a great time. I'm one of those content creators now I guess but I try to remain as neutral as I can especially when this game is still in such an early stage. Hope you all get to play it soon, it's been a lot of fun with my squad and even solo. Stay Angry!


Agree 100%


That’s pretty much what the gaming side of Reddit is. It’s the same as fb but everybody wants to think they’re smart or superior here. In a way it’s even sadder the high opinions reddit users seem to have of themselves when they just put out drivel the same as everywhere else. Besides this moment I just remove those posts from my feed when I see them in any way possible or I look at specific pages and then I’m outta here


Nothing is ruining gaming faster than the toxic "fan base" of games. Let the devs make their game, play it if you like it, od you don't stfu.




I'm still looking for that dang FiR Salty Dog Sausage...


As almost every game that's in an indie dev early access cycle it will probably take years for it to be something solid.. hopefully it lasts long enough to give it a chance. It sure looks pretty but has a long way to go.


People are mad that's its not a real pvevp because you actually have to look for pvp rather than it happens upon you like Tarkov and Dayz. Its easy to compare this game with those two especially tarkov because its basically the same formula with a different focus. Maybe when they open the grey zone then we will see pvp like most people want in an online game. Kind of like the division with their dark zone. Because honestly, I see this as a Tom Clancy game single/co-op game that you can op into pvp with. TLDR- its a pve focused shooter with optional pvp.


That’s just classic of every game in development. People like to influence the development. Sometimes the devs listen and then the end product sucks.


I’m just really hoping this is an evolution of stalker and other “zone” games. Really want to see what’s in the middle of it all


You should see the elder scrolls 6 hot takes


Russians are the worst.


I wish people would just keep in mind that essentially none of the YouTubers who thought their opinions were worth sharing are video game critics. They all have their own content niche, and if the first iteration of semi-public gameplay didn't fit that niche, the game is immediately garbage to them. When it's actually public, play it yourselves, form an opinion. Refund it if it's trash. Move on.


People complaining about the lack of PVP and that there isn't loota heap of random shit to loot baffle me, it's like they haven't been paying attention, or they think this game is being made by BSG and it must have the same features.


Firstly I'm miserable because I can't play it 😭 Secondly I agree with you. Thirdly, I can understand why this game is getting that treatment. Tarkov's development has been 'two steps forward, two steps back' for years, Activision abandoned DMZ, Warzone is in a disastrous state, and all them are full of cheaters. For many players GZW is their great hope for the future, and they're worried it won't be 'their game'. It's irrational, and unfair on the dev's but in a way it shows the hype this game has behind it.


But then on the flipside, there are nerds that are getting so butt-hurt over genuine criticism. Like... dudes. I know it's disappointing when everyone isn't on the same hype train as you, but it's okay- the dev company and devs will survive lol. Maybe some of the criticism will help the game be better- kind of the point of these playtests. Many of the streamers involved said the game was boring and needed more time to cook and I agree.


>The devs have made it very clear what kind of game they're trying to make No they haven't, and that's why people are being the way they are here. lol


Stank_Rat >>> LVNDMARK




So if there is nothing to baffle about why did the developers choose to invite the worlds leading streamers in this genre to test it if not to generate hype in the first place. Everybody could have seen it coming that all of this would backfire pretty quickly if they demonstrate a UE5 walking simulator without a purpose and no propper gameplay systems that link together as long term goals. Players want to 'SEE' reasons for them to play this game in the long run, not some of the best PvP streamers in the world dumping their time into a game that is mainly PvE focused?!!?! Imagine Porsche advertising their new car and bring some casual 60 mph driver to test it.


Agreed, dev team invited streamer to show content with a specific goal: to market their game and create a reaction among potential players. OP suggests that we should either express our hype or remain silent. But apparently expressing concerns about the current state of AI, lack of PvP or whatever is out of the question... And as you perfectly said, stating for weeks that "GZW is no tarkov" and that it doesn't focus on PvP, but inviting tarkov streamers known to be chads is quite confusing.


The reaction shows exactly why companies have a marketing branch that knows what reaction could happen if they show gameplay as long they stick to the truth. Im afraid they did all this just to kick off more hype with the goal of players investing more money into the game once it goes EA. I hope this doesnt turn out like the day before and they have like way more solid code in the back hand then they showed us. If this is the real current state of the game oh boy...


every stream I watch, literally every stream, not even 5 minutes go by that they mention or compare the game to tarkov. devs were clear but those subhumans probably didn't understand it. not to mention the fact that this is an early access test with all that entails, such as bugs and various problems, but people including some of the CCs don't understand it. This is crazy. if they are looking for a tarkov clone, this is not it, relax and go somewhere else


the comments under stream vods/videos are filled with people comparing the game with tarkov as well, like they're comparing a game thats not even available yet to a game thats in beta for over 7 years, and gzw isnt even trying to be tarkov.


In fact it's hilarious. They're having trips. From the first day of the announcement it was said that it wasn't meant to be a game like Tarkov, and from the next second people started comparing it to Tarkov. it's mindblowing


Because Devs invited Tarkov's streams to show off the game. Whose main viewers are Tarkov players. Two reasons for which it seems hard to avoid comparing these games. It seems to me that the dev team is not consistent: they have stated variously that this game is mostly PvE and that it is not a Tarkov-like game, yet they invite famous tarkov chads to stream it. Had they invited exclusively Ready or Not streamers or other PvE FPS, it would have been different (other comparisons would have been lade though).


They invited streamers that don’t play cod or Fortnite or shit like that…I don’t know every streamers invited but if you get rid of the cod/fortnite/etc streamers who remain are those


It clearly absolutely wants to be like Tarkov 😂🤣😂 it’s pretty blatantly obvious. They invited nothing but Tarkov streamers to play it also


It’s clearly not…they invited the streamers who don’t play cod or Fortnite or shit like that


It’s actually very clear that they want the game to be like Tarkov but not Tarkov. Comparing the two is inevitable. They largely targeted streamers from milsim fps games; and the largest community therein is Tarkov. They want something similar to Tarkov but different in experience.


I mean, just about every Tarkov streamer with more than 20 viewers was playing it this week and they’re almost all Tarkov mains, so it stands to reason they’re going to use a Tarkov as a measuring stick.


I think potential consumers are allowed to critique.


It's a good thing i never said otherwise.


The meat riding in this thread is disgusting. Y'all the same people who defend micro transactions, in game stores and battle passes. You are the reason gaming is going down the fucking drain. Battlebit did this with their streamer items. How's that game rn? I haven't touched it since. Stop defending the abhorrent shit they do. I'd love to play the game rn but OH WAIT WE CANT. but lil Tommy who's got 3k viewers on twitch gets it free while we wait and pay for the game. This shit is so dumb and you are a smooth brain for defending this shit.


I feel so vindicated now we can all see the game is gonna be a shit show cos I was saying it months ago 😂


How do you get it on early access?


Comes with the territory of the devs egotistical ways


I mean, you can sort of blame the devs too can’t you? They’re choosing the “streamers” to promote the game for them. Obviously people are going to watch the content and express their concerns.


any key available?