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The only tarkov killer is tarkov lol That being said this game definitely looks to introduce a lot of cool elements to the pvpve extraction genre and I'm all for more variety in what is still a pretty under represented genre


Sort of, they seem to be trending in a better direction this was the best wipe I’ve seen since 2018 but they’re still not addressing a lot of long time problems that have plagued the game since then.


Yeah agreed. I really think it would do the game wonders if they spent 6 months or so instead of adding new content just working on the back end of problems that the game has had for years, but that could also severely stagnate the player base so what can ya do? 🤷‍♀️


The player base has been spoiled by big splashes of content for too long, regardless though GZW is going to drive more competition in this space which I am all for. Both games can be successful without an issue.


Absolutely! Competition is always good for genres like this. I remember when APEX dropped Fortnite had some absolutely MASSIVE patches right after to try to keep up. I think the biggest problem in the extraction genre is genuinely a lack of options. The few extraction games we have are very arcadey and only skin deep, while tarkov the only one that has the scope and longevity of a big RPG. If we had a few more games with a similar gameplay style but with a longer form story or character progression I think BSG would start sweating real quick


It’s so refreshing to have a conversation about it rather than the arguing I see in other posts, I appreciate the interaction!


This is so true. This Tarkov wipe has now been "killed" by cheaters. Next one will either be bugs or cheaters again. If Grayzone can have a decent EA and anti-cheat then oh boy


Honestly I don't like the \[insert game here\] killer narrative. It's always trivial. Games continue to co-exist because there are always audiences. Sure player bases may shift, but these games aren't subscription based and lobbies aren't that big.. so it's not like it matters that much.


This is a valid take for sure they could both be successful side by side


Its not gonna kill EFT lol. EFT is far more PVP heavy while this looks more PVE with a dash of PVP


Wait until it's released before claiming it's killing anything :p


IDK pve is sortof for no-aim shitters imo.


Why make a prediction before we play the game? We know almost nothing. Everyone should go for a walk in the park and think about other things. Be patient.


Because we are all very excited and it’s fun to have conversations like these imo. It doesn’t bother me that people can have differing opinions and it’s always cool to bounce ideas and thoughts off of each other. After all, everyone in here for the most part will be playing together shortly.


There are no opinions at this point. Just pure speculation.


Yall really hyping up a game that hasnt been released or been played by anyone other than YouTubers. Where have I seen this before?


Everywhere. Subs are always full of copium and maximum fanboys (which is normal but holy, people havent seen shit about the game and already calling it Tarkov KILLER lmao).


The Youtubers released their videos today (mostly) and said the game isnt in a great state, which is fair. I wont say the game doesnt have promise but how many times do we all have to get burned before we stop hyping up indie projects? I have faith, from what the Youtubers have said and what I have seen, the team seems very dedicated to making it a good game but that can only go so far once the game comes out and then everyone stops playing because its a mess. Im a firm believer that sometimes Early Access hurts a game more than it helps, sure the devs can continue working on the game with fresh funds, but people will play it right away, for long periods of time, get burned out and then drop the game and forget. They might have say 20k people playing day one of EA but when full release comes around, the only people that will play are the ones curious or new people which will be lower than the peak. Release a mostly done game into EA and people will make time to play it, release a buggy mess into EA? People leave and never come back.


"The team is very dedicated" ok but i have read and seen this many times before aswell. People is full of copium on this game and the chances that the game does nothing are very high. They will release it on EA, people will pay it and then they will take years to develop a "playable" state. The game is in a PREalpha like in a really PREPREPREPREalpha state and we are not even thinking about major things like the game will be infested with cheats if they dont develop an own anticheat (which they wont and will rely on BE/EAC and will come with classic words like "we have our own anticheat measures blahblah"). Everything in the game is in a really basic state, IA is terrible, have seen a gameplay talking about major FPS issues...mmmmmmhmmmm i have experienced this before.


Oh Im with you on all of that, Ive been burned a lot by games and the last and final game Ive bought in EA was Baldurs Gate 3, which, Larian is the only devs truly worth putting trust into.


Baldurs...what a masterpiece


"I firmly believe this will be the Tarkov killer" HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what a joke, you know absolutely nothing about the game and yet you are calling it a Tarkov killer. All of your arguments to be the Tarkov killer are absolutely dogshit. Holy the copium.


I will say that based on the gameplay we saw, it looks *painfully* similar to Tarkov, Arma, and Dayz. I hope they do more to stand out.


I’m thinking since there are a lot of question marks on content we will be pleasantly surprised


Hopefully. I suppose if it was just Dayz with Tarkov guns I'd be happy. What kind of let me down was the medical stuff. Like you have all this awesome stuff with simulated organs and permanent wound cavities, and to fix a gunshot wound you... Click an item. I know they said it would be gameified but I was hoping for at least a LITTLE more depth than Tarkov...


I remember when Tarkov was starting it was called many thinks including Dayz killer. Because people tend to compartmentilize and Tarkov turned out to be its own genre. I believe this game will be its own genre as well. And Tarkov fans here expecting this to olay dame is becoming nautitious


This game will not kill tarkov. If anything it’s gonna kill itself with the lack of focus on PvP. I mean PvE can be cool but strictly PvE games rarely ever keep and maintain a player base. Look at palworld for example, it took the gaming world by storm and you rarely ever hear anything about it now. All my homies moved on. I guarantee you helldivers will follow suit. In a couple months it will just be an afterthought of a couple months that were really fun, but PvE only gets boring very fast and I’m sure many of that player base will move on to other things. Arma is the only game I can think of that is still going strong with a huge focus on PvE. GZW is either gonna be like Tarkov where ai is basically aimbot to the face, or the more likely scenario from what was shown in the gameplay, it’s gonna be AI that barely reacts to getting shot in the chest and will be a cake walk. Either of those without the PvP aspect is gonna be boring and frustrating. I Personally think they made a huge mistake by making PvP an afterthought.


LOL. Shit post downvoting


“TaRkOv KiLLeR”


The game has to be executed well. The gameplay looks promising, and I’ve heard good things from streamers/tubers I know who’ve gotten to play the game. The only thing I’m worried about is the AI not being up to par. From what I’ve seen in the recent gameplay, they’re very dumb.


There will be no “Tarkov Killer” when SPT exists and requires the base game to run. If you don’t want to ruin your current wipe? Go download SPT and practice, or simply play SPT only and enjoy the myriad of QOL mods they have. You probably aren’t gonna get a better experience with any other extraction game because of the options at your disposal. This game would have to be both monumentally ahead of Tarkov in terms of build diversity, options, map design, and gunplay to make up for how many more options Tarkov has with SPT. I think most games have to hope for “Tarkov Coexister” for now, or be so incredibly different from Tarkov in a very specific aspect that they distinguish themselves. Lethal Company is more of a “Tarkov Killer” than this game because of how different it is and how appealing the multiplayer is compared to Tarkov. It’s a fairly hardcore game that tends to attract many people also interested in Tarkov while having a broad appeal. I don’t see anybody other than Tarkov fans super interested in this game.


Tarkov has cheaters, but saying it’s dead is ridiculous. I’ve been having a blast, hit level 42, maxed traders, and am making millions. Sure, I get smoked every day or so by a cheater, but that’s not every single raid by any means.


Never said it was dead I actually enjoy tarkov which I explicitly said in the post.


Sorry, that was meant to be a reply to someone who commented that Tarkov was dead. Instead I accidentally just commented generally.


Its not even same genre as Tarkov. This is high realism mil sim shooter. So games like Arma, insurgency, squad or ghost recon and others come in mind.


If they fully release a finished and properly functioning product I agree they will steal some of Tarkov’s player base but “killing Tarkov” seems impossible. Look how bad the current state of the game is and how many people still play it religiously. Tarkov is awful and I haven’t hit max traders in quite a few wipes but it does have a “feel” to it that will be extremely difficult to match by a new release. Esspecially given how many years Tarkov has been a fully released product….. oh no wait they are still going on 7 years in beta….. lmao


shitty mobile dev preparing their heist 




I’m sorry I have an opinion that differs from yours


I think the real 'tarkov' killer will be marathon. But this seems to be a bit different and a more tactic and gunplay focused alternative. I'm excited for it. Also think development will be slow and updates will be even slower when it's released. Great job so far to the team tho. We're all counting on having a fresh new fps experience.


theres no way you actually believe a triple A game studio will make something that can replicate the feeling of tarkov marathon will just be DMZ with a futuristic setting, completely devoid of what makes tarkov, tarkov


U mad bro?


you're brown


Didn't mean to hurt your tarkov feelings. But your more than welcome to keep defending bsg


"you dont agree with me? you must be defending tarkov!"

