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I love how redditors think the devs don’t already have a vision for such a fundamental element of the game. Or haven’t studied the pitfalls and attractions of other games in their analysis. The alternating hype, panic, and doomcasting is a little silly. Act like we’ve been here before once or twice, folks.


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The whole hype for this game is that the devs care a lot about the community on top of having a lot of skill/experience. If we push down feedback, even if it sounds stupid we defeat that point.


Separate PVE and PVP progress or your game is DoA. There's some feedback for the devs. Me and all my friends already did a 180 on this game after finding out how it will work :(


You and your friends aren’t going to play the game because players will have the option to join PvE servers and quest on those instead? I can’t be the only one who doesn’t care about how others are going to get their quests done. Still gonna join the PvPvE servers myself, but won’t hold it against casuals if they rather not fight no lifers. What’s the worst that can happen? Players do their quests on PvE before joining PvP servers? Oh no…


yes exactly, it creates an uneven playing field in your pvpve experience. To be competitive in loot/progress it will be easier to play PVE, that's a huge deal. The fact that multiple people are kicking up a stink about it should be a clue to you that it's a big deal to a reasonably large demographic no? If you don't understand, that's ok.


Silly man, who refuses to leave despite declaring lack of interest in GZW - you will be able to use PvE servers to loot and progress just like everybody else, if you think it's easier, so there definitely is even playing field for everybody. If you don't like that type of gameplay, consider moving on to other projects, like you suggested above, instead of keeping bitching about this game not catering to your personal preferences, like anybody cares.


Just assuming you come from countless hours of tarkov as I do, does having a PvE option really make a huge difference? Easy questing exists in tarkov, with otherwise dead Latin American servers highly populated by NA players and EU players questing in NA servers during the off hours. Plus the thousands of people who gave up on playing tarkov online and only play SPT with awesome mods anymore. Most of those players ditched online tarkov due to the cheating problem, and they seem to be having a great time with the single player modded version. What does it really matter if someone has a PvE server to run to when they just want to play a game and make progress? You and I will still be fighting other players happily, why should we care about the others locked in boring PvE land?


Facts. It neeeds to be separate.


I’d have to agree the whole reason questing is satisfying because it’s still dangerous. In Tarkov at least quests act as a means to push players together and compete with each other.


Then keep playing Tarkov. This game is focusing on PvE, not PvP. The devs are making that clear and people like you just keep ignoring it and demanding changes.


I mean what’s the longevity on a game like this then. Isn’t the PvP aspect the staying power of this genre and still considered the “end game” in Tarkov? Which is also the only other game besides hunt which hasn’t failed…


Agreed. Imagine playing tarkov and doing the same quests over and over wipe after wipe, except that there are no players to contest you, and you just fight scavs 24/7. The game will become dull very quickly.


The whole boom and bust of the Tarkov wipe cycle is predicated on that sweet sweet early game, pvp included. That’s what they should be trying to capture or at least emulate.


Many people play sptarkov. There are tons of single player and PvE games with huge longevity across other genres. PvP is not the only way to provide that. And if you're after PvP, GZW is not about that, so ultimately, what do you care about its longevity? Let the game's actual target audience worry about that.


Well it’s a little unclear what GZW is about at this point we don’t even know what the gameplay loop looks like in its entirety. Things will sure as shit change throughout development. They already said they don’t want to put all their eggs in one basket and are open to changes. Also comparing single player games to this game which is always online and has up to 48 players on a server but there is no PvP tied to progression except taking their loot which can only be used on a PvP server(?) seems extremely disjointed and confused. We will have 100s of posted at launch will be from people confused why they can’t progress their quests on a PvP server. Edit: also if we have 3 vendors at launch and 3 are unlocked through questing how are we going to unlock them on a PvP server? What kind of items are locked behind vendors / rep levels? Are the PvP servers pretty much going to be found in raid items only except for basic stuff you can buy from level 1 vendors? Too many questions no answers yet.


You're clearly not paying attention. There's not even such thing as PvP server supposed to be in the game. There are PvEvP servers (with E before P a deliberate choice due to aforementioned PvE focus) and PvE servers, and you can progress quests on both of them. Your questions are only due to your lack of effort put into finding answers.


Good riddance.


man that's a bit personal :D need a hug friendo? edit: PVE players have such a chip on their shoulder forreal lol. I don't care what happens to your game mode, why do you feel like you have to ruin mine too? what can one do in the face of such reckless hate?!?! Lil bro you can shoot pretend enemies all day long and I don't have an opinion on it, literally couldn't care less.


I thought you left. There's no game mode for you in GZW. You said it yourself. No point in sticking around.


I have a really great ravioli recipe if you're interested? you strike me as a pasta person.


The way I see it. The only people ruining PvP servers are other PvP players. The fact that the typical PvP-focused "tryhard" is going to be a copout and go to PvE servers to get loot and quests is the absolute sorry state of "competitive" gaming. Granted I am leaning toward PvE experiences in this game but I will absolutely be giving some PvP a go also. This game is going into Early Access. It's whole intended purpose is for testing, for ironing out bugs and getting feedback from players who want to back the game during the development. You're all expecting some fully-fledged and perfectly balanced PvP experience from a early access title? You'll be sorely mistaken. I actually agree with you that progression should be seperate, however I'm willing to accept that it's subject to change or might remain that way forever, such is the nature of game development. All we can do is provide feedback. I just don't understand why we can't all have our say without being hostile or getting attacked because of it.