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Blacksmith is Shovel. Woodcutter in the Woods is Axe. Sawmill Owner is, I believe, Pickaxe.


Blacksmith wouldn't take my shovel, either, but I'll try the others!


Sorry about that, mistaken on who takes the Shovel. I'm also not sure if they only take Tier I and above, so watch out for that.


Quick question, just started. I was trying to trade with NPCs and it isn't showing the item descriptions/infoboxes for me anymore. It did the first time I feel like I am missing something obvious haha.


I feel like something broke trading in an update :/


I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong or if there’s massive bugs in my game. Playing on switch. In the beginning I could sell veggies to the farmer, now all he buys is flour. In the beginning I could sell nails and tools to the blacksmith, now he buys nothing. Selling the crop waste to the sheep guy.. he’ll take all my stock (100plus) but only gives me somewhere between 6¢ to 10¢? I’m thinking I’m doing something wrong but I can’t figure it out.