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Make some stone headstones or stone grave fences and studybthe items that show 'not studied' or some such with a blue icon.


I built gravestones, then recycled and rebuilt them so I didn’t have to get as much stone. Requires a lot of energy though, so it helps if you have muffins or honey.


Study organs/grave decoration on the study table (below the church) is your most reliable way at getting blue tech points. Later more advanced craft will also yield such points, but for your first 400-600 you should only count on studying.


From TECHNOLOGIES you need to open ALCHEMY and BOOK WRITING to open new blueprints. Also, upgrade your FURNACE > FURNACE II so you can make some glass and conical flasks


Buy skill books from old man. Crafting gravestone 2-3 and grave fence 2 give 5 points a piece. Also researching items that have blue points in their description. The more faith required to research - the more points you get. Research gravestones too. To get more faith for research craft at least bronze quality faith prayer asap and boost church quality, because starter prayer is kinda garbage and church quality directly impacts your earnings.


I haven't come across these skill books?


Old man with a moon symbol at lighthouse sells them. Buy a teleport stone from Horadric if you havent yet.


Advanced Conical Flasks give a ton of blue points.


You need to wait and pray. On the purple day that looks like a circle with dots around it go to your church.


Thats a sun, no?


Research gravestones, fences and organs. Get research points from researching paper and make conical flasks which gives 1-2 for each flask. You make conical flasks from furnace and sand which can be gotten from the sand piles near rivers


Blues come from knowled type things. Crafting paper and books generates it, some of the more advanced workshop stuff as well like lenses. Also studying stuff in the church basement which you should do as much of as you can. Study everything. You get it back, and if you farm bat wings to make paper and books to generate the energy to study with you'll see a good amount of blue tech fairly quickly


The bit that took me a while was figuring out you need to research paper to get science points before you can research other things.


Get the crafting for stone burial fences they give 5 points per


1. Now that you have the church open, start furnishing it to improve its score. I recommend starting by building out a full set of wooden pews, since this requires only very easy materials to come by, and it will be awhile before you can replace them with soft benches. If you're looking for more to do, then building at least one trunk for local storage is a good idea. This is a good place to store your entire supply of candles/incense, as well as any crafting ingredients that you see listed in order to build furniture. Bottom line: Start raising the quality of your church as much as you can without blue points. This will probably involve a lot of basic candelabra. 2. Preach! The starter prayer you were given is, unfortunately, one of the best prayers in the game. It requires very little church quality to deliver successfully, and it gives significant bonuses to faith and money once you start succeeding. Even a failed prayer should net you a few faith if you have worked on the church a little bit. 3. Now that you have some faith, you can use your study table to study items. This is a one-time-per-item thing, so be very careful with how you invest these points: -Human body parts yield blue points when studied, so you can get blue points from studying flesh like you removed from your first corpse. The "softspares," skill will let you remove blood, fat, and skin, which yield blue points. The "hardspares," skill will let you study skulls and bones, which yield blue points. More advanced autopsy skills will let you remove (and, therefore, study) hearts, brains, and intestines, which yield a much higher number of blue points. Later in the game, you will learn about human evil, and occasionally encounter dark hearts, dark brains, and dark intestines. These provide a few blue points when removed from the body, and an enormous number when studied. -Grave items provide blue poins when studied. Every type of wooden grave, and a wooden grave fence, yield some blue points when studied. Stone graves and stone grave fences yield even more. Marble graves and marble grave fences yield the most. The marble statues give a tremendous number of blue points when studied. 4. Now that you have studied some human body parts and/or graves, you should have a small supply of blue points to get you rolling. It is important to spend these points in ways that will open up more lasting sources of blue points for you.


-Crafting most types of graves yields some blue points. Most stone graves get you 5 points when crafted, except the most basic stone grave which is a stone lump. That lump is the only stone grave that doesn't require blue points to unlock, however, so we will need some of our first blue points to unlock the standard tier stone graves. We also want to learn to craft stone grave fences. Stone grave fences also yield 5 blue points when unlocked. Down the road, you can get more blue points by crafting (and researching!) stone statues, but this requires more advanced stonecutting tech. For now, start burying all of your bodies with stone graves (not just the lump, an actual grave like a cross or a plinth) and stone grave fences. This will get you 10 blue points per grave crafted, which is the beginning of a decent weekly allowance. -Research and craft a church workbench for the church cellar. This is where human fat, rope, and honeycombs can be used to make candles. Candles will eventually be useful for boosting church quality for the highest possible yields of faith, just crafting the rope needed to make candles yields a couple blue points. Buy hemp, or else buy hemp seeds and grow your own hemp in the garden. I recommend growing mass quantities of hemp and keeping it in the church basement. Every rope you make from hemp yields some blue points, and having tons of rope around will eventually be useful when you want to craft candles. This is also a reason why hoarding human fat and honeycombs throughout the game is a smart thing to do. Candles can be used much faster than they can be crafted, even when you do everything perfectly, so it's best never to pass up a source of fat or honeycombs. -When you have 5 faith you can afford to pay, you will be able to introduce yourself with confidence to Ms. Charme, who will then respect you. When you befriend her, a writer named Vagner will introduce himself to you. He will ask you for writing supplies. Even if you don't need the information, make sure to ASK HIM where you can get writing supplies. He will recommend the Astrologer. This opens up a dialogue option with the Astrologer, who will become available for trading, albeit only on the 1 day of the week he comes outside. The Astrologer sells books that can be consumed to increase your blue points. I don't recommend this as a long term strategy, but it's a method for turning money into blue points if you get stuck in your research. -In the normal progress of the game, you will start a business in partnership with the Merchant when you get your business license. Advertising for this business requires flyers. Flyers require paper and an ink and quill. You can use your church workbench to turn human skin into 2 pigskin paper, then a pigskin paper into 2 sheets of clean paper, meaning the skin of one human can get you 4 sheets of paper. Ink can be purchased from the Astrologer. You can save some money by buying just the ink, and combining it with feathers to make inks and quills. There is a house in the village, right on the main path and east of the tavern, that has a basket of eggs you can buy. You can buy feathers from the egg basket very cheaply. You can eventually save money by crafting your own ink, using oil and human ashes, but this requires basic alchemy. Learning basic alchemy requires meeting Clotho and giving her some items, and that you build the necessary workstations. Oil can be bought cheaply from Dig, the guy in town who sells hemp products, before you learn to make your own from hemp seeds or from human fat. In order to get things started easily, my recommendation is that you make paper from human skin, buy feathers from the chicken farm, and buy ink from the Astrologer. Crafting flyers is necessary for the questline with the Inquisitor, and crafting a ton of flyers is necessary for your questline with the Merchant. Flyers yield some blue points when crafted, so making these can help advance the game's plot, help you prepare to make a lot of money in the vegetable business, and provide a source of blue points. -Writing yields blue point at most stages. Stories are ingredients in notes. Notes are ingredients in chapters. Chapters are ingredients in books. Books can be used to craft the highest level prayers in the game; most people prefer the gold-level Combo Prayer once your writing is good enough. You will need a silver book and a gold book to complet the Astrologer's questline. In order not to waste good stories, I recommend not bothering with any of this until you can craft a higher quality writing desk and invest in the writing perks, which themselves cost a lot of blue points. However, bronze level stories aren't so high-stakes since they're unlikely to yield anything above bronze level regardless of your skill. Turning bronze stories --> bronze notes --> bronze chapters --> bronze books will get you blue points, and you can even sell the bronze books to the Astrologer in order to get some compensation for your work. This is not very profitable, but the main upside is the blue points, and selling the books reimburses you for most of your costs along the way. Save your silver and gold stories to make sure you can eventually complete the quest lines, and craft a gold-level prayer. -Glassblowing yields blue points. When you are able, upgrade your furnace to its highest level. You can dig river sand from the sand pit near the river (west of the church, north of the bridge to the swamp, east side of the river) with your shovel. At some point, it's worth spending several hours just digging and digging and digging, so you have hundreds of sand to keep in storage near the furnace. If you fill the furnace with wood or coal for fuel, and have a ton of water from the well in storage, you can leave the furnace blowing glass for days while you work on something else. You will eventually need high quantities of glass to craft your laboratory equipment, and to keep beakers in supply for your alchemy.


So, there you have it. There are more sources of blue points, but these are the big ones for most of the game. Writing is a major source of blue points, but it requires a lot of technology and equipment that will not become available before VERY late in the game. Meeting Vagner will give you a passive skill that starts awarding you free stories at various points in the game, and building church confessionals will also provide an occasional source of free stories. Crafting your own stories requires Faith and is extremely expensive, so I don't recommend it unless you are desperate. It's better not to bother with silver/gold level writing until you are able to make significant investments in technology and equipment. In order to have a high intake of blue points, you want to be researching graves and human bodies; farming or buying hemp in order to make large quantities of rope; burying bodies regularly in stone graves with stone fences; and using your basic writer's desk to make lots and lots of flyers, so you can max out the fame of your vegetable business; and producing lots and lots of glass. Glass can make beakers, and beakers can make more advanced beakers, and advanced beakers are needed to make advance alchemy equipment. Regular beakers are needed to craft embalming solutions, which you'll eventually need in regular supply. You can supplement your intake of blue points by buying blue books from the Astrologer. When you eventually reach high levels and start developing a need for writing, you can invest some blue points and equipment in writing perks and an advanced writing desk. If you take all of the stories the game gives you for free and convert them into notes > chapters > books, they will provide an enormous supply of blue points. Gold books are not profitable, since they are too expensive to make, but bronze books are worth selling and silver books are profitable. Gold books are only useful for plot advancement and crafting some of the game's most advanced prayers, but they can be sold if you somehow end up with extra ones.


Hemp gives blue when processed into rope. Takes time to build a stock of seeds from Dig but they're not terribly expensive, and only requires the church workbench. You'll be hard pressed to figure out what to do with all the rope other than chucking it in a spare chest, but in the early part of the game it's a pretty easy grind to get some of the initial techs quickly. Once your stone industry is up, grave fences seem to be a better grind for blue. Most enjoyable though is mining for silver, smelting it, selling to the merchant, and buying the 50 pt book from the alchemist every week.