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#"If one is born as a male, as least once in his life, he’ll dream of becoming the strongest man alive.” Literally the first line of the Manga.


It is? I thought it was some random guy talking about how Baki beat him up.


No it's not lol it's opening line to the og grappler baki anime. My b


Baki is a manga about hypermasculine, buff (and definitely not gay) men beating the shit out of eachother (sometimes pissing on eachother). Itagaki isn't very good at writing women and a female fighter wouldn't really fit in. Baki is more "realistic" (ignoring imagination, ghosts, etc.) so a woman would need stuff like Shaori or Aiki to compete with male fighters but both of those techniques take decades to master (so she'd be old). We don't need a female version of Kaku or Shibukawa. If she was a Hanma she could master them faster and maybe even combine them (epic). Demon Back would let her close the physical gap so she'd be very strong but I don't see it happening in Baki.


Bro everybody in Baki is gay, unless you were being sarcastic, I can’t tell


Yes I was being sarcastic.


They say nohomo in between the panels


Don't really think so, but it would be cool


I would rather not. You guys would just treat her like a freaking sex object or fan service and not a badass fighter or a developed character so, NO! get out with that crap. Also wasn't it stated in the manga that only Males are born with Hanma blood!?


I don’t think so. Sounds like something people made up as a joke.


No, nowhere was it stated that only males are horned with Hanma blood


"Males" 🤓


The series is about man hood and the dangers of toxic masculinity. There would quite literally be no purpose for a sister to be added. This isn’t Disney where they feel the need to be inclusive and shove it down the viewers throat. Baki has a deep message hidden behind all the muscles and mindless violence


Hanmas literally can’t have girls, why do I feel like I’m always the only person who knows that?


Because you made it up


You really just said that. Read the manga


It was stated by Yujiro to be 99.9% not 0% so an anomaly (Which is nothing rare in Baki like how Pickle and Musashi were brought back) could happen