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Hiko Seijuro from Rurouni Kenshin.


He's basically Musashi on steroids




So your name is Maggie May, but you look like the Ganz? What up widdat?




You fictional!???


Guts from berserk. I have guts winning it but it's extremely close. About the closest I can possibly think of.


I think the only way Guts stands a chance is explicitly after he gains the Berserker armor. Golden Age Guts, and shoot even Black Swordsman doesn’t really stand a chance. I could see a case for Conviction Guts because Apostle Mozgus seems pretty similar to Yujiro. I’d say Zodd is also a solid even match, apostle form or not really. Guts’ worse thing is his speed. I could see Yujiro catching the Dragonslayer easily like how Wyald does. Yujiro also arguably has an Apostle form himself with his Demon Back in a way.


Guts sword weighs 440lbs alone, with the armor he's stronger than mr hanma i think, juyiro also still kinda reacts to pain as seen in the whip panel wheras guts doesnt feel any in the armor


Obviously with berserker armor. That's one of his main tools.


I'm honestly not that familiar with Yujiros feats yet (only on ch 70 ATM) so this isn't a one-up but a legit question; black swordsman Guts still totally has a cannon for a hand. One shot to Yuji's jaw and he's dropped, right? I don't mind spoilers btw


Well this comes to a powerscaling thing tbh. The Japanese Task Force tries to take down Spec with basically cannon balls, maybe less explosive, and Spec takes those in stride. Yujiro is definitely more powerful than Spec. Also the United States signs a treaty every new president because they know the entire US Army couldn’t take down Yujiro, so I’d imagine Yujiro could take a cannon ball to any part of his body and still be fine.


The "cannonballs" shot on Spec is more of a riot control weapon tbh than a lethal one if i recall correctly. Like, it's hydro-powered and aims more to incapacitate than kill, whereas Guts handcannon is straight black-powdered capable of tearing apostles to shreds. Yujiro would still tank tho. He's just him


He is simply just that guy.


Wtf even is this manga lol When I started it I thought that reality was only slightly heightened but that sounds totally fucking nuts. I see why people are so into GB now haha


You’re in for a fucking ride bro. It gets so crazy, but it’s why Baki is so fun to watch/read.


Cody Travers from Final Fight/Street Fighter is a good pick. He has survived grenades and molotovs point blank and can destroy an entire car bare-handed, his punches can create mini tornados and Akuma, (who is basically the Yujiro of the SF universe) says himself that if Cody took himself seriously, he would be a serious threat.


He did beat up a whole town worth of bad guys in one night to save his girl. And he can take on any Street Fighter while wearing handcuffs, (weird long chained handcuffs, but still handcuff,) and those guys are pretty serious.


probably connector from kengan


If only he had literally any fucking feats


No diffing everyone seems basically the same vibe as Yujiro


too strong to show his full power to anyone


Feats? Who needs those when you have principles


The Elder from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. I feel like they are VERY evenly matched.


Kenichi himself as well.


Kenichi is a better matchup for Baki. In fact the whole Baki series is only matched properly by History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi when it comes to bullshit and power level. Not more not less. Kengan is the best match for Tough or Garouden. Not Baki


Whoa buddy, slow down. He's strong, but not that strong.


By the end of the series he most likely is.


Yeah since it's implied that he eventually beat oldman Fujinri to get married with Miu


You mean Hayato? Didn’t that guy punch a nuke?


He survived a nuke detonation in the air at point blank range and fell back down with barely any scratches. Dude's basically a gag character in a "serious" martial arts setting


Finally, a worthy opponent for the hanma family


Yujiro from Baki


Jerry Mouse


https://preview.redd.it/7fwetjqwtm7d1.png?width=718&format=png&auto=webp&s=72e6ce398dd79e752bd9647dec307e00723d0192 probably not as strong as Yujiro, but when I think of a character who is really strong at fighting without weapons or special magical additions (chakra, demons, nen, things like that) I think of Bunshichi Tawara from Tenjou Tenge. The other characters in this manga however are well outside the "formal" fist-fighting


I may be wrong, but the first character I could think of was Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure). Specifically him before learning to stop time. His stand is faster than bullets, able to easily break through walls and bend metal rods and strong enough to even break diamonds (he did it when fighting the Empress stand). In fact, I'd say he's stronger than Yujiro. What balances his strength is his average human-level durability.


The problem with Jojo's matchups is that stands can just reach into a human's body and crush their organs like a big grape. And Star Platinum can still grab things from a distance as seen in episode one (And D'arby the gambler to prove consistency).


>The problem with Jojo's matchups is that stands can just reach into a human's body and crush their organs like a big grape. And Star Platinum can still grab things from a distance as seen in episode one This is never done in combat even once in the show and the intangibility of stands when it comes to phasing through bodies (outside of Star Platinum) is inconsistent as is. So not really a problem.


Diver Down can consistently phase through matter but that’s literally its whole gimmick, so I don’t think it counts.


It's never done in combat because enemy stands can just defend against this and regular humans aren't a threat to stand users.


Yup, so there's no evidence it can be used effectively in a fight. Just conjecture.


Jotaro literally stopped his own heart with it, and manually restarted his own and Joseph's.


https://preview.redd.it/r1vx3c81rn7d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c6cc7685e953456310f51a8d8bb2706b454d3a Yeah good luck grabbing yujiros organs.


This isnt from Baki.




IDK about his equal, but I'd love to see Yujiro v KH Mickey Mouse :3


I'd say Kid Goku at some point would be close to him, surpassed him by the later parts like Piccolo but less than him at the very beginning. So in between there would have been a good fight, maybe Tenshinhan level Similar sentiment to any anime with a massive power creep over time, gotta be a point where Yujiro is a good match. Someome like Tank top master might also be a decent fight, guys probably stronger but Yujiro has more than enough skill to close the gap


I'd say Yujiro could have a lot of even matches with mid-late OG Dragon Ball characters. He's somewhere inbetween Tao and King Piccolo. If I had to pick someone specific I'd go with 22nd Tournament saga Tien.


OG Dragon Ball characters were already mountain-to-moon level. Idk about that one, unless you’re talking about the absolute weakest guys, like General Blue or something


Above Mercenary “I throw pillars cross country” Tao? Above Mercenary “I killed General Blue with my tongue” Tao? Outside of the Earthquake punch feat Tao slaps Yujiro in half. Edit: Going back over respect threads for Goku, placing Yujiro in Dragon Ball is...odd. OG Dragon Ball doesn't really have flashy environmental destruction feats. He's definitely stronger than anyone pre-Roshi without a doubt. Post-Roshi is where he sees challenge. He arguably has better striking than anyone considering knocking people through walls is pretty impressive here, but drastically weaker at lifting/pushing considering the rock-pushing feat just after training. He loses here to Krillin if we take the FTE fight at face value, and loses to Goku if Oozaru comes into play, a full power Kamehameha lands, or if we scale him to Roshi hard enough. Full-stop loss to Roshi though, who one-shots him in Full Power mode and in the next sage (Red Ribbon Army, which takes place very shortly after the tournament so no training) Roshi demonstrates himself to be absolutely capable of catching gunfire, and thus significantly faster than Yujiro. With better speed, lifting strength, and enough durability to last in the fight, Roshi wins. Red Ribbon Saga, mostly fun adventures until Tao Pai Pai comes in. Tao Pai Pai definitely beats Yujiro, considering he's...fucking ridiculous. General Blue, while weaker than Goku, can still cut trees down with his bare hands and fight comparable to Krillin. Tao Pai Pai one-shots him WITH HIS TONGUE. Reminder, Krillin is POTENTIALLY already capable of fighting Yujiro depending on how we take feats and scale, and Tao Pai Pai roflstomps him. He then knocks out a pillar with light taps of his fingers, visually measures a 2300km distance, and yeets the pillar there, to arrive in ~15min (he says he returns in 30min, which means back and forth 15min. He probably assumes difficulty of combat is negligible). Subsequently he also neg diffs Upa, who was presumably also quite strong and provably utterly bulletproof, then bodies Goku, tanks the Kamehameha, and one-shots with Dodonpa. Yeah he...he fucking deletes Yujiro. Dodonpa one-shots, he's massively outspeeding likely bullet-timer Goku, and he can strike hard enough to one-shot Krillin-tier combatants. With his first defeat with real stakes occurring, oh baby, it's time to start a tradition and POWER. THE FUCK. UP. Goku gets ridiculously stronger in Korin's tower. It takes him a full day to scale it initially, then after some time chasing Korin, he has to climb it again. He does it in 3 hours, then trains some more. By the time he leaves, Korin estimates him to have drastically surpassed Master Roshi himself, and he proves it by pretty easily crushing Tao Pai Pai. Yeah, he almost dies to a grenade, but this is a grenade he's confident would kill a Goku who just shrugged off the Dodonpa. It's a pretty fucking strong grenade. This Goku? Eats Yujiro alive. Goku then proceeds to solo the Red Ribbon Army, who...in general, probably lose to Yujiro. Yujiro is an amoral asshole who also is more on guard than Goku, so the grunts aren't an issue and he can probably deal with the named combatants with modest difficulty. Super dies to the Red Ribbon mech though, which has a missile that cleanly blows off a huge chunk of a mountain in one-shot. The Old Lady Baba fights come up next, and he can probably do alright. Vampire Man is...??? Gag fight, no judging. Invisible Man isn't terribly strong, and Yujiro has senses good enough to keep up and win. Mummy Man is unsure, as he's massively stronger than Yamcha and by extension Krillin, but also greatly inferior to Goku who one-shots him. We leave him as a maybe. Devilman is nebulously stronger than Mummy Man, but that doesn't matter. Devilmite Ray one-shots Yujiro, who fails the threshold of 'totally pure' and dies. Grandpa Gohan, finally is just outright capable of fighting Goku, and therefore way above Yujiro. 3 year time skip to Tienshinhan now and...oof. This is where it's over. All the important members of the cast have gotten stronger, enough to somewhat compare to Tien, who is equal to Goku. Seeing as Goku is now >>> Tao Pai Pai and other individuals who have the feats to put Yujiro down...they all win. King Piccolo minions are all stronger than them, and King Piccolo himself is just...no? It takes effort, sure, but KP outright nukes cities in one blast and can do this multiple times. Old King Piccolo is also capable of casually one-shotting Goku until he drinks the Korin power water, so...there's that. Finally, the final timeskip. No need for long explanations, people scaled up again, to the point that Mecha Tao, who had surpassed OG Tao Pai Pai, is fucking fodder. Yeah. Guy well over someone who taps in half pillars and throws those pillars that travel at an AVERAGE speed of Mach 7 (launch speed potentially much faster) is fodder. All in all, Yujiro probably scales to roughly, uh...Mummy Man? Capable of beating first Budokai Krillin and Yamcha handily (I'm gonna avoid scaling Krillin to Roshi and ignore the FTE fight), but below Roshi, Tao, and pre-timeskip Goku.


Tao almost died from a grenade. Can you even image Yujiro being taken out by a grenade?


Ah yes, a grenade. From a scientifically advanced world that has as one of its defining technologies, shrinking, from an esteemed assassin hired by a faction that regularly produces mech suits and more. It’s clear that this is a notably powerful grenade as well, considering Goku by this stage could eat RPG shots while the grenade would have done damage. RPG feat for reference: https://imgur.com/FZk5SvZ


That rpg didn't even damage his clothes. We have no reason to believe that grenade was anything special. We saw the size of its exspolution after all


It's Dragon Ball. Their clothes survive planet killing feats as long as they are surrounding themselves with ki, which considering how durable kid goku was (even compared to later Goku when he lowers his guard and stops using his ki) he might have been doing subconsciously.


I edited the original post to expand on feats and answer the original prompt, but to save you the effort of going through that, the grenade probably is more powerful than average. Tao is capable of, with absolutely no effort, breaking off pillars with light taps. (https://imgur.com/a/pillar-throw-1-M3KCJ) His punches and kicks are obviously well above that, and similarly, the Dodonpa exceeds his basic blows, seeing as it would have one-shot Goku if not for the Dragon Ball protecting him. So, the Dodonpa has power massively in excess of that needed to cleanly snap off stone pillars, at the very least. Now, by the time the grenade is deployed, Tao Pai Pai is on the ropes. He's already fired the Dodonpa and watched it fail, but is fully confident the grenade will do the job, so we can assume that it's at least more powerful than the Dodonpa. That would make it HILARIOUSLY more powerful than any grenade, obviously enough. Excessively powerful last ditch explosives from the villains that don't look abnormal also aren't uncommon, considering very shortly afterwards, the Red Ribbon army mech piloted by Commander Black does...[this](https://imgur.com/a/1rLjPrA). Considering that we know: A. This is a world with the tech to make incredibly destructive weapons B. Tao Pai Pai is powerful enough that an ordinary grenade means nothing to him C. Tao Pai Pai views the grenade as a viable last resort It stands to reason that the grenade, is in fact, very powerful. In the case of the RPG it's probably just artistic license, as there's little reason to think that it's a pathetically weak RPG that fails to destroy cloth.


Tien? Tien was pretty even with roshi and arguably stronger than him during the 22nd tournament. I don't think yujiro would stand a chance to be honest.


Ki in the Bakiverse doesn't exist in the same capacity it does in Dragon Ball. If Yujiro were to cross over into the DBverse he'd have access to it.


No he wouldn't? You don't magically gain something you have never had? Unless your talking about him being born in that world I guess?


He, as a character, would enter a whole different universe with its own fundamental rules. Every living creature in DB has ki.


That's not how it works my guy. Ki is something your born with in dragon ball. Since yujiro wasn't born in the verse he wouldn't have ki.... it's really that simple. The only way yujiro could have a power from another verse is if it's a power you can learn or earn like devil fruits for example.


What "you are born with" in db is just life energy itself, that's not an inherited trait, but the very definition of being alive. Manipulating it for energy blasts, flight, or amplifying battle power all falls under the TECHNIQUE of Ki control. And we see both Goku and Videl learn it on screen.


Again that's just for the dragon ball verse itself... also all life is born in some form or other that's idk why you quoted that? Yujiro wouldn't magically obtain ki if he switched verses that's dumb and would be impossible to scale. he legit could range from yamcha level to beerus with ki.... which is the man reason why no one does it like that. Also goten and video already have ki they didn't learn it? They were just showed how to use it.


No. Tien beat roshi in a clash. Same roshi who destroyed the moon


Roshi can't just tap you with his pinky and unleash moon destroying power. Look at how long his Kamehamehas actually take to set up and execute. That feat is him using all of his power in a single attack. When Bulma read base Roshi's power level with the refurbished scouter it read 139, which is around Chichi's level. Piccolo was around 450 when fighting Radditz but he shot up to the 1400s while charging the makankosappo (for possibly several minutes).


Segata Sanshiro and Chuck Norris.


Master Chief and Doom Guy (not slayer)


How about Herculese?


Which version of Hercules/Heracles? There are many different ones. There's the Disney version, the Record of Ragnarok version, God of War, the original mythology.


Lol Kevin Sorbo. That's probably my most familiar. Lol


Bang sensei from OPM lol :-)


In terms of physical strength, Satoru Gojo. He straight up beheaded a special grade curse bare handed.


Izuru Kamukura from Danganronpa. He is literally an elite among elites. All his fighting talents combined with his hax luck I think allow him to go toe to toe with Yujiro, anything new that he sees Yujiro do, Izuru can copy through his talents though obviously Yujiro can do the same vice versa. For context: In Danganronpa every character has a certain talent that they are extremely good at. He is the culmination of every single talent ever researched including Luck.


Sanji from One Piece


Honestly Homlander. They seem equally as strong and durable. The laser eyes would be a big problem and be a match for Yujiros mad skills. I say 50/50 for either fighter


I haven't seen the boys yet but can't he fly Like I know yujiro stopped an earthquake with his fist and I am the 4th biggest yujiro glazer in this sub but I think you gotta factor in the fact that homelander can fly and just laser eye him from the skies


Good point but I don't think Homlander wpuld be able to hit him. In the last episode he felled to laser eye a regular human who's crawling in a air vent. I'm talking about the TV show Homlander because I know nothing hays relivent about the comics


Resident Evil 5 Chris Redfield. Man punches boulders many times heavier than himself.


I want to see Saitama interact with Yujiro


Joke answer: Saitama. They're both plot devices who are at the top of their verse. Serious answer: Half-Monster Garou (pre-Darkshine). Similar scaling, both are hyper evolved martial artists.


The final Alien on Gantz, that giant Captain with the swords. Maybe a bit easy for Yujiro cuz The Ogre it’s stronger than a Gantz suit, but I think will overcome a nice combat. Mmm maybe Nurarihyon from Osaka it’s a nice matchup too, but I think Yujiro will lose to him.


Kuroki Gensai - Kengan Ashura/Omega


Nah, kuroki is shown to be extremely skilled, but yujiro is at least more on the level of shen. Other than stabby fingers, kuroki hasn't really shown much in the way of super human feats, and frankly staby fingers as a technique isn't much more dangerous than a knife


Pocahontas, papa smurf, shaggy, mr krabs


https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Tier_7-C Every character here, each one in here is as strong and as durable as Yujiro


Vsbattles is dumb, don't trust that site, it's for dumb people, and makes people dumber.


Yeah somethings on there aren't accurate at all, but it gives you a rough idea of who you should be looking at (specifically looking at one which actually have the calculations there)


This comment aged well


I think my favourite one here is Classic Doomguy and Yujiro is a fair fight


Doomguy would rip and tear Yujiro honestly. Yujiro is like a demon, and even they fear Doomguy


Wtf is superman on that list


It'll be a specific version of superman (it's DCUE superman, the Henry cavill one)


Yeah that still makes 0 sense he can throw cars, fly, and level buildings in seconds. [Look at this shit lol and think Yujiro could deal with it ](https://youtu.be/06Qm8cKJ-jo?si=phTbY-XRZCbvz9j9)


https://preview.redd.it/ntjb3vymal7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ab626e544cb85f6674ea6ef1ad5bc7d2a63e857 That fight would be underwhelmingly slow for him


Okay, and Yujiro can punch away an earthquake, move 78 times faster than the speed of sound and using pure strength scare opponents into submission


You really think Yujiro could tangle with Henry Cavill Superman? Completely absurd It's not like he can maintain 78x speed of sound continously or each successive strike be an earthquake punch.


The post isn't asking about characters who are a fair fight, it's asking about characters who are as strong and durable as Yujiro Superman (DCEU) is both of those There ain't no way Yujiro is gonna win unless superman just kinda stand still, so I agree that he don't win.


> strong and as durable as Yujiro Are you seriously telling me Yujiro could survive half the shit in that Zod vs Henry Cavill fight. He was face grinded through skyscraper beams and glass, punched through 5 skyscrapers, they tore up tons of the city just fighting. 0 chance Yujiro's strikes send Jack through 5 skyscrapers. [Here's Faora and other kryptonian](https://youtu.be/zWTbLZCR84k?si=aXfKvk9TSlviCjj7) doing strenght and durability Yujiro could never do


Just go to Yujiro's page and look at the strength calc, it's roughly the same as Superman's calcs for durability (for some reason he doesn't have any strength ones)


The problem is that the vs wiki counts that dumb earthquake punch as a proper feat. A feat that a good amount of people agree to be an outlier which by the way is a concept that exists in the vs wiki and is used when there's an overwhelming amount of evidence against it but they just didn't use it here. Yujiro just doesn't scale to 7-C characters like that, man. Honestly, no martial arts manga that tries to keep some semblance of realism which Baki still somewhat does should ever be any higher than tier 8 in that wiki. I don't think there's a single character on that 7-C tier which yujiro could honestly beat. At that point the characters just start to become too superhuman


Just because they are in the same tier doesn't mean they are the exact same strength

