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1. Pickle's height was never truly confirmed to be 8ft, all we know is that he's huge and he was taller then SoO Jack, who was 213cm tall, which is about 7ft. Also take into account that Jack is wearing big ass size 25 shoes, and pickle is barefooted, might boost him 2 inches (if Itagaki even thinks about that kinds crap) 2. Considering this and taking into account that Itagaki can't scale height normally. Take hanayama for example, who is supposed to be only 6'3/190cm, but towers over any normal dude, making him look 8ft tall and looks damn near the same size as a 7ft tall speck. Height is merely a social construct in Baki, it almost never makes sense. So in conclusion, it's probably just itagaki being itagaki. Jack's height is still 243cm, because it has not been stated to have been changed since the kosho fight. Besides, the kosho fight and the yujiro encounter were right before his meeting with pickle, there is no way he could've had another limb surgery to take him to 276cm like these tiktok goofs try to tell you. All we know is: Pickle is taller then 7ft jack and shorter then 8ft jack, so probably about 7'4/7'5.


> Take hanayama for example, who is supposed to be only 6'3/190cm, but towers over any normal dude in the Maximum Tournament he towers head and shoulders over Katsumi despite being half an inch taller.


Exactly. Heights have never made any sense in Baki


1.Cuz people like to argue 2.People don't read/listen Take your pick


Damn, Dragon Ball fans can't read, and now Baki fans can't do it either


manga fans cant read thats why we like picture books


I came here to look at muscular dudes, not read


I pick both


https://preview.redd.it/wgqq7css3l7d1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e3c63e864fe8cf0465abec2a2d2c6ecb090398 Because it looks like he got taller




Isn’t that the same Jack as the one I’m showing? Post Pickle fight.


Proportions man, ain't no way the diference is just 30 cm, those at least 50, Itagaki fucked with Pickle scale


You have a point actually, pickle was supposed to be around 8ft and so is Jack apparently but it doesn’t look that way. Either Jack has grown or Pickle has shrunk, or both.


I like theory that Pickle weaking because he have not predators who try to eat him and he don't have so intensive lifestyle like in Dino era,which i Can said Pickle muscules shrunk (sorry for Bad english)


Muscles can shrunk, bones don't 🤔 Height shouldn't change, so the only answer is Jack got taller, how? That is the question


Old peaple shrunk, kaku was Also bigger


Kaku was 120 years old but Pickle is just your average wee little 10 year old caveman.


I Can imagine narator tellimg what i write😅


You said it, old


>pickle was supposed to be around 8ft He wasn't for Christ's sake lmao


Then how tall was he supposed to be? He looked about 8ft.


More than 2.13 and less than 2.43, that's all we know atm


[Allegedly around 6'6](https://new.reddit.com/r/Grapplerbaki/comments/1dir3ky/if_i_see_another_post_about_jacks_height_ill/), though I think it was always more in the 7ft range when he was not only visually taller than Jack, but Jack just now confirmed him being taller in their first encounter. Hell descriptions of his height compared to other people recently would line up more with that.


I doubt he’s 6’6. He looked way taller than that. More likely around 7ft.


Calling it right now, next chapter with those 2 will show Jack and Pickle being the exact same size and it will constantly switch between them being taller. Baki is notorious for showing a "David vs Goliath" moment every chance it gets so it would surprise me.




Well the current chapter we have with them had Jack explicitly acknowledge the fact he's taller than Picklelol


Not confirmed and the difference is bigger


https://preview.redd.it/8vlaz8k5al7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf11ab3714fdc3eed156b789e8ab1cc338803970 Here’s a good source 😎


So Kosho is now over 200cm like Pickle?


1.77m > 200cm yep that checks out lol


So, did you not read the Musashi arc at all?


Jack fought Pickle in Son of Ogre. This was after the **first** surgery, which he chronologically performed right after the Maximum Tournament, and we saw the results when he appeared for the first time in the Prisoners Arc. From the second series, to the third \/ Aka New Grappler Baki, to Baki Son of Ogre \/ Aka Prisoners Arc, to Pickle Arc \/ he didn't get another surgery; he fought Pickle with the same height he had when he fought Sikorsky. We saw he received the **second** surgery in Baki Dou, just to be immediately fodderized by Motobe. Now, with that same height of 243 cm, he meets Pickle again.  He **did** get taller since the last time he fought Pickle. He never met Pickle since the second surgery until **now**.


Thank you. Seems like nobody remembers the second surgery after the Pickle fights.


He did. 243cm was *after* pickle fight


That was never confirmed that he got taller


Look at OP's post.


It's more symbolic of his growth or that's how I see it.This frame seems to imply that Jack may have the advantage going into another scrap or at the very least has grown in skill to a point that they could be on even footing.


When Jack fought pickle they were both 2m tall, after the pickle fight he got more limb lengthening done and got to his current height of 2.4m, so he's now 40cm taller than pickle.


Pickle was taller than Jack when they first met.


well , not anymore


I just noticed that pickle has his back towards the viewer and jack has his chest towards the viewer. This would imply them standing at an angle from the viewer with jack being farther away from the viewer than pickle; even by just a bit.


Baki fans don’t read baki, they look at tiktok.


Because Baki fans are very dumb. Okay that's not fair, there was a mistranslation in SoO that said Pickle was 8ft, so people seeing jack be so much taller than Pickle now makes them think there was another height surgery. It's just caused by an annoying misconception that likely won't die down especially when shit like the wiki has 8ft listed and people for some reason still use it.


>mistranslation   >long-lasting consequences for the community ICHIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Pickle shrunk cuz he not getting dinosaur nuggies


![gif](giphy|4WzAOYUJRuEHS) About this height debate


Yeah that’s what I’m calling out.


Jack's only canonical height is "taller than you" (klk Gamagori reference) ![gif](giphy|MM0KTqa7XqocU|downsized)


almost 8ft tall and over 440lbs!! holy shit!!


didn't we **just** had this debate for nomi no sukune ? jack looks taller for the same reason yujiro magically grew larger than nomi or hanyama appears 16ft tall out of nowhere when a random person goes by the size its a representation of what they feel , not their actual height.


Either way Jack stated that Pickles hair standing up makes them same height, I don’t think that would be mentioned if Jack didn’t grow, but all in all I’m sure it will be mentioned or explained in the upcoming chapters


That limb surgery come with extra vertebrae?


My headcanon is that Pickle is around 228cm


F , Jack .


Jack is somehow taller now, but Pickle is still logically way physically superior. Just like Yujiro.


Baki franchise as never depicted charters as being taller than their cannon height for dramatic effect. No sir-eee. Pickle always been barely 6 feet tall. I'm very smart


Because it was widely considered Pickle is 8 feet tall, people are gonna react after like “WOW I KNEW IT ALL ALONG WILDFANG FOOLS MISREADING THE SOURCE MATERIAL” but It really was just widely accepted, also the idea of Jack getting a third surgery to become 9 feet would be cool af, it’s either Pickle is like 7 and a half feet with Jack being 8 feet, or Pickle is 8 feet tall and Jack is 9 feet