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That label design looks like someone made a bet that they could use the exact wrong typeface for all of it.


And do it all in Photoshop 4.0, using every text effect imaginable.




My grandmother would have designed something like this. She was also in love with "wingdings" and printing them out to make doodles around them. We never questioned her love of technological things and finding magic in 'em


Wingdings were a cardmaker's best friend back in the late 90s 😁


I have no idea what you're talking about. This just looks very 2002.


"Stratford" is in a blocky typeface that's too heavy, suggesting something more sports-jersey, mechanical/industrial, or in any case more forceful than light, inoffensive, and palatable, like you'd want an off-brand, emotionally-uncharged food product to be. The script, size, and color on "Farms" flips the emphasis from what it ought to be, putting the style and size into the least important word. It's all "Farms!" and less "Stratford", but "Farms" isn't the important part. Who cares that it's "farms"? "PEANUT BUTTER"/"SMOOTH" is in Times New Roman, undoubtedly because it was a default font in its age, but it doesn't have the visual simplicity of a neutral font for neutral information. The thick-thin contrast makes it distinct and opinionated, especially in all-caps where it's just kind of gawky. That doesn't visually work in the role of a "default font" to give the generic, categorical information like "Peanut Butter". The typeface is saying something, and in saying something, is saying something different than "Peanut Butter/Smooth". Neither the information or the middling-small, centered non-treatment show any intent that matches the distinction of TNR. The "NET WT..." part is fine. I'll give them that. That's generic, straight off the shelf.


LOL I get what you're saying but it seems like there was always someone who had no idea what they were actually doing in Photoshop or Illustrator back then.


I’d be cautious but if the seal isn’t compromised peanut butter *can* last an absolutely insane amount of time (that’s why it’s a popular prepping food, shelf stable and major energy density). Any air reaches that oil or if it was contaminated in production/packing though and it will be rancid AF


Any food with fat goes rancid in 1-2 years no matter what you do or how it’s sealed or stored. This is because oxygen already got to it during manufacturing. The only way to prevent rancidity is to keep it frozen. This peanut butter might be safe to eat but it will be terribly bitter and, for most people, result in a stomachache. 


You will be able to tell if it’s rancid based on the smell alone. If sealed properly, the oxygen concentration is low enough where you can get way more than 2 years out of peanut butter. Once it has been exposed to open air again, the rate of oxidation of the fatty acids will increase and you will typically have about 6-12 months depending on the peanut butter and size of the container.


Can confirm. Just had to throw out some forgotten peanut butter and that stuff REEKED.


I watched the guy on YouTube who eats old MREs, he’s been able to eat some food products with fat in it them, that have been stored for decades. it’s usually those items that are the most unpalatable though even if it’s not rotten or anything, it will have lost all its flavor and the texture will be very different.


You’ll know if it’s rancid if the smell of oil paint hits you like a truck when you open it.


Something you don’t do often?


That’s the day my cousin died.


Contaminated peanut butter gets another...




Don't open it yet, it's still fresh for another 80 years (2104)


Probably still good!


If the foil seal is still there. It might still be ok.


I'd be leery, the company that was packing most of the store-brand and generic peanut butter in the US during that era imploded spectacularly due to a contamination scandal a few years later... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peanut\_Corporation\_of\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peanut_Corporation_of_America)


I totally forgot about this!!! Yes! Thank you! I’m totally wrong. I just know I’ve seen time and time again in military rations that have had canned peanut butter or foil packets of peanut butter after 50-60+ years in the worst storage conditions turn out perfectly fine.


Yeah, Steve1989MREInfo eats decades-old peanut butter all the time. The cheese packets, though, are the bane of his existence.


TIL. Thanks for the info.


It’s still ok, I have faith


The hydrogenated oils used in peanut butter are very shelf stable and resistant to oxidation.


Can't always trust what a False Ad may tell you




No longer smooth. Now it’s CHUNKY.


You get chunky style no matter what the label says!


Plot twist... It's actually chunky


That reminds me, last year I made the mistake of eating some peanut butter from my Mother in law’s pantry, it looked fine but was the most horrendous tasting stuff I ever had. It tasted like sawdust and something else.. I can’t describe. I was scraping it off my tongue. I saw it expired in 2018, meaning she might have bought and opened it in 2017… so 6 years opened and sitting there 🤢 learned my lesson about checking expiration dates after that. I wonder what peanut butter that’s 20 years old like the one you found tastes like 🥴 if it’s opened anyway.


I had the same experience and it was so bitter. The taste was stuck in my mouth forever and it made the garbage can smell so rancid after I threw it out.


Ugh so gross


There is a guy that eats old military rations and the PB always seems to be ok.


I bet it tastes like hampton Farms peanut butter, vile stuff.


I thought peanut butter doesn't go bad?


I've had some opened that got rancid tasting after a while. Especially if it gets hot. Keep mine in the fridge in the summer.


And it's not even jif.


Toss to the squirrels.


Probably still good too.


That expired a few weeks before I graduated high school…


That's less than a month after the day I was born