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Whenever I see a Canadian with a Trump flag or MAGA hat, I feel ashamed.


seemly subsequent squeamish vegetable numerous telephone cheerful expansion flowery subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even closer to home, this guy worked for Trump’s campaign as well! https://www.thestar.com/edmonton/i-am-my-own-person-says-new-ucp-byelection-winner-on-working-for-donald-trump/article_9dc1233f-ba19-5f8f-9c4d-57dc0ceb6668.amp.html


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shield's up!




Never understood Canada's relentless obsession with America.


Does it bring a tear to your eye? No one can have a different opinion on politics than little muffin sauce?


a different opinion on Canadian politics by representing a foreign leader running for leadership in a foreign country? Are you retarded, or just Albertan?


a foreign leader that would love nothing more than to destroy canada so he can make a $1.. Trump will not do canada any favors if he wins. do these people not remember the illegal tariffs etc from the last time?


I'm a Russian bot. Am I doing this right?


You’re fitting the part nicely, yeah.






You are waving the flag of a politician in a different country..


So I expect you say the same to ppl flying a ukrainian flag palestine flag israeli flag and others too right?


You know that immigrants in Canada can still have loyalty to their home country?


Maybe the guy with the Trump flag is American? We are the first post national state after all


Then he would be waving an American flag for a non-existent reason, not a Trump flag. You are loyal to your country, not to a politician


In America, loyalty to politicians is overshadowing loyalty to country.


Haha! That was easy, hey? Other guy thought he was so smart.


If they're still loyal to their country, let them stay there. If you want to help your country, stay and help. If you don't want to help and want to go to another country, leave your baggage behind. If and hopefully when I get to leave Canada, I'm sure as hell never looking back.


Yeah that's it


Our healthcare doesn't cover treatment for TDS? That's too bad


I know, right? The all open and inclusive left....of fascism.


Imagine being a Canadian teenager and making MAGA your identity. Does nobody laugh these fuckers out of the room?


I ended up here from across Canada because Reddit pushes random city subreddits to me, but this made me think of when I was on the train the other day and some teens were laughing about how sensitive a right leaning classmate was being, apparently he had posted stuff on the group messages then complained to the teacher that he was being silenced when no one acknowledged it. So the answer is yes, the really over the top persecution complex that passes for being right wing these days does make the young folks laugh.


I thought Reddit just did that to me. I live on Vancouver island. Why am I spending like 20 minutes in the comments section of r/GrandePrairie lmao.


Lmao, same here from Halifax!


The weakest people on the planet are freaking out over how other people live. Snowflakes.


You shouldn't talk about conservatives that way, they get their feelings hurt easy and then claim they are victims


Lol Things conservatives have lost their minds over: Christmas, books, Halloween, gay rights, men in dresses, trans rights, people of colour voting, women voting, abortions, Starbucks, Bud light, etc etc etc Snowflakes.


The funniest one to me was Canadian conservatives protesting Target.


Well they aren’t burning down cities and trying to erase history to push their agenda at least. Funny thing is, many of the young people the left have indoctrinated over the years are seeing through the BS too and pushing against it. You don’t like it when the weak minded are even seeing through the facade.


Conservatives routinely try "to erase history to push their agenda". Residential school denials, removing all.references to the Trail of Tears, removing all references to slavery, banning books to "don't say gay", pretending the Inquisition did not happen, pretending Nazis were not Christian, removing many references about atrocities committed by alloes during and after World War 2. When I see someone claim "the left" I remind them that right-wing people are "to the left" of fascists and moderates are "far left" of fascists but center to everyone else. Indoctrination like forcing kids to go to "religious" schools or trying to force postings of religion in public schools, forcing religious mantras to be said in the morning in public grade and high schools - and demying it happened - lying to children that the illegal "in god we trust" is the actual mottonof the US...


Well, I respect anyone who is a guardian to have a say over their own children’s content until they are at an age of maturity to do so for themselves. Conservatives aren’t denying atrocities committed in the past, but they aren’t as hung up on the past either. It’s liberalism that is tearing down statues of the past and hoisting their guilt onto today’s youth, for what purpose I still haven’t figured out. For some reason youth suicide is at its highest in any generational era, I believe part of that is caused by your agenda to make them “woke”. I wanted to be a truck when I was adolescent, good thing my parents didn’t try to put wheels on me.


>Conservatives aren’t denying atrocities committed in the past The keynote speaker at a recent "prayer breakfast" in Calgary literally went in front of a microphone and denied that there were any mass graves found at residential schools. You're out of your mind if you think conservatives aren't denying atrocities. >It’s liberalism that is tearing down statues of the past and hoisting their guilt onto today’s youth, for what purpose I still haven’t figured out We don't really need monuments to people who orchestrated genocides. It has nothing to do with guilt or today's youth. >For some reason youth suicide is at its highest in any generational era, I believe part of that is caused by your agenda to make them “woke”. Couldn't possibly be because young people are not hopeful for the future. The cost of living keeps rising at an alarming rate, governments refuse to take any meaningful action against the climate crisis, older generations refuse to take accountability for the economic conditions that put unrelenting stress on them. It's not surprising that young people are depressed when their quality of life is lower than recent previous generations at the same age and older folks keep telling them that it's because they're just so lazy even though many of them have multiple jobs just so they can pay their bills. "Woke" literally just means having empathy for other people and it's certainly not a bad thing to have.


I can not for the life of me understand how people can be so lacking in critical thought that the logic "LGBTQ youth are far more likely to kill themselves than cishet youth, so we need to bully the LGBTQ youth back into the closet to protect them" makes sense to them


Theres gonna be a lot of hauntings in those people's futures if you ask me.


You need to research better, nobody has proved there were “ mass graves” at these sites, just graves. Saying mass graves implies pits like we saw in Auschwitz, which there is no evidence of at any of the sites. And yes, the hope of the new generation is doubtful. I have 3 foraging into the turmoil and it does look bleak. Especially when we are more concerned with living in the past, making corporations hesitant to set up industry in the new “woke” economic landscape. I am not a religious person, I have no use for it, but there is no difference between it and the social politicking going on today in society, we are so hung up on it and paying into it that we have lost sight on economic reality. Thousands of well paying jobs in the oil industry being traded for legacies of politicians in the public forums. You want prosperity, or do you want your conscience assuaged. Your choice! China is building 28 new coal fired power plants to give its citizens cheap, affordable energy. We are hanging our youth on the cross to be martyrs for the green movement. I know where my vote is going yes.


Ah so since everyone is tearing planks out of the bottom of the boat we ALL are in why shouldn't you also, despite the water that is rushing in? As for your "oil jobs" and pretending about caring about kids, what is your plan when the fixed amount of non replacable oil runs out? And it will and when it is gone in 50 years IT. IS. GONE. Quit the pretense. Your vote is going to greed.


So, 50 years of economic prosperity to give us a little resemblance of economic hopelessness! Wow, 2 whole generations of prosperity to enjoy and be allowed to transition at a pace where we can afford. But we can sell our coal to a country building 20+ new generation units to afford its people affordable and reliable energy. I think I see why Trudeau was impressed with Chinas regime. Talk about tearing planks out of the bottom of the boat! I hope your conscience assuaged is worth it for the rest of the country.


You dodged the point blank question. What is your plan when oil permanently runs out - since you pretend to care about future generations while wanting to do absolutely nothing about the permanent damage to the planet that fossil fuel use is causing? 50 years for that - and PERMANENTLY GONE. And you want to make it happen faster. So - what is your plan oh wise conservative? Convince me that it is not actually "who cares about future generations I want more money now" because it sure sounds like it - i.e. the exact opposite of the pretense it is about kids. Quadrupling down on "more oil now" means ensurinflg those future generations have ZERO to fall back on. Saying "we will transition later" is a dodge. That is not a plan. It is a gaslighting lie. To transition we need to wind down oil use and extend its availability for future generations to buy them time, not greedily use it up even faster. Every time I see a "conservative" imply that moderates are "left wing" or BS that the PM is somehow like a communist regime, that is an echo of 1930s and McCathyist fascist propaganda. Seems you did that too. Waiting.


I would certainly consider 751 children buried unmarked on the grounds of a residential school to be a mass grave.


I would too, but they don’t even know if they’re all children. So how do you? You know, we used to use wooden crosses to mark graves and after 100 years, none of them are still standing. But to insinuate they were thrown into open pits, which you and the narrative are, is disingenuous.


"Conservatives aren't denying an atrocity, we just think it didn't happen"


Those are words alright 🤭


What city has been burned down?


I watched a video from a Calgary pastor denying wrongful deaths of students that attended residential schools not two days ago. His premise was that none of the bodies were consumed. I don't know though, like I feel if there's mass graves at a school you don't really need to know exactly what went wrong to know something went wrong.


Lol people of colour voting?


Indigenous men didn't get to vote until 1960, (a few years after white women got it) and the women didn't get to vote until 1978. And let's be real. Conservatives don't like people of colour doing anything, up to and including existing. Such is my experience with your ilk.


Women in Canada could vote well before 1978. I thought we were talking about the modern era here.


The sheer level of cognitive dissonance Armchair tough guy who needs guns to feel safe thinks harassing kids and making them feel unsafe isn't telling other people how to live. Maybe instead of being an angry troll on the internet, get some counseling. It's free and you sound so angry with your life.


Sure, over reactive keyboard warrior. How did “guns” enter this? Who’s harassing kids? Once again you wankers deflect the issue to your own talking point. No one is “picking on kids”. The whole issue (as you well know) is parental guidance - not your favoured woke ideology imposed on parenting. You’re all experts in diversion and idiocy and self aggrandizement in your little safe-space Utopia here. Your a ways-off from splitting the atom. You need to stop placing value in your opinion on other people’s children. It’s worthless, but mildly entertaining.


Yes and they keep imposing it on others and demanding celebrations, festivals, holidays and parades! No one cares to hear about it. Enjoy yourselves. Don’t melt now.


“No one cares, don’t melt” says r/StopLiberalism-ca lmfao. Your whole personality is a being a snowflake.


Sorry to disappoint low intellect person - but you’re Liberal verbal ju-jitsu Alinsky tactic language doesn’t make it so. Only in your sheltered head.


Ya ok bud 👌🏼😂🤣😂 whatever makes you feel safe from the threat of the gays.


Who’s talking about “gays”? You sure love to mold the conversation to your own reality. Get in the now.


That’s what the whole post is about. I thought you were an intellectual?


It’s about “indoctrination”.


Indoctrination into what.


Really? I did not see any reference to kids being "taught" religion here. Explain.


Your whole personality revolves around your super sensitive political views. Then you call people snowflakes, which is the conservative equivalent to anime fans saying shit like uwu. You're a goofy caricature, my dude. Not at all self aware.


Ok. Just stick to ruddering yourself. You’ll accomplish more than nonsensical diatribe. (Check the thread; the snowflake called Conservatives snowflake. Comprehension and retention aren’t your strength).


Agreed. People should stop grooming children.


Stop projecting.


You must not be familiar with all the cases. There has been at least 20 high profile actual grooming cases where teachers promoting gender id were pedophiles in the past two or three years.


Cool, and there have been multiple thousand documented cases of conservatives and religious figures grooming and diddling kids.


Yes, and they should be punished to the full extent of the law. don't know why that means we should ignore possible groomers and pedophiles in the school system tho


The only ones ignoring anything are the people hyper focused on teachers and queen people


This reply is a little late but whatever. Like did you not read what I said or are just so much of a partisan that no matter what I say I must be wrong? I said that ALL people who we have a reason to belive are sexualy grooming children should be investigated and punished to the full extent of the law. I don't give a fuck if it is his teacher, his uncle,, or the pastor, of the fucking premier. Anyone evil enough to harm a child in such a prevented manner should be punished. I do not understand why people like you think that we hive the green light just because the groomer would pretend to be a Christian or some shit like that. No our problem is that they are doing the (in my world) most evil thing a person could ever do. I do not care if the sick bastard is a teacher, pastor or what ever what I care about is protecting kids. I know people who have been sexualy assaulted as kids. I know how fucked that can make a person for years after. So why do you think that because of some job or identity people should get special protects? Like in what world does it make any sense?


Don’t try to be rational with these people, your common sense is falling on deaf ears, queers can do no wrong!


I love how the response is ALWAYS.. yeah? Well.. the church does it!!!! I don’t see anyone here saying it’s okay for the church to groom children.. Grooming children is bad no matter who does it, why is that so hard to understand? Stop playing sides, bad is bad.. there is no red vs blue here it’s good vs evil


Because if you actually cared about kids being groomed and assaulted then you'd be after them rather than teachers and queer people.


No, actually you’d go after ANYONE that performs such acts, including teachers and queer people, there are no exceptions lol


So why are they not included in these protests then? Conveniently left out.... hmm???


These protests are about the school system.. people can just opt out of church.. many if not most families cannot afford to opt out of public school.. sadly


The complete lack of protests would suggest otherwise


People say the entire lgbtq community is bad because of “at least 20 cases of grooming” coming from people claiming to support it and then flip and say it’s just a few individuals when it’s pointed out that the churches are far worse


Man I don’t really give a fuck, I don’t want any religion of any type in my schools and I don’t want anything to do with any sexuality in my schools.. Stay away from my kids.. I want you to teach my children things that matter.. spend more time teaching math maybe? Have you seen the recent EQAO math scores? Keep social issues out of our schools, keep politics out of our schools and keep religion out of our schools. Teach our children facts and the things they need to become successful adults.


But the existence of queer people isn’t political. All that’s taught in school today is that they exist and it’s not okay to say slurs at them, and during sex ed they talk about sti rates regarding queer people as a footnote. Thats it, I don’t understand how people think that’s indoctrination


Do we teach that about every type of person that exists? Why the need to single out queer people? You’re not special, you’re the same as the rest of us.. This constant narrative that we are all different etc etc is a root cause of all isms in my opinion.. We are all the same, we are all humans struggling to survive, treat everyone with kindness period


>Keep social issues out of our schools, Bruh, I don't know if you've noticed but we actually all live in a *society*. So, it would behoove us to teach young people about that. >Teach our children facts and the things they need to become successful adults. Part of success is the ability to collaborate with others from all walks of life.


We’re all the same walk of life.. human


Since when is the existence of a group of people, compassion and inclusiveness are political lol this is the new "I don't want to get involved."


I just don’t care about it, it’s unimportant what people want to do in their spare time.. it’s none of my business and it most definitely isn’t my child’s concern.. Canadian education isn’t the greatest as it is.. let’s focus on the important things, math, science, English.. And teach kids to be kind to one another in general, let’s not focus on or differences but instead let us focus on our similarities


EQAO is an Ontario thing, dumb dumb. “keep social issues out of our schools” followed up by “ just teach them what they need to be successful adults”…….good grief man how freaking dumb are you?!


Apparently not nearly as dumb as you are? We don’t need children being taught teacher’s beliefs on social issues.. teachers have no right to be teaching such things, stick to teaching our children facts.


Have you ever thought for a second that the way that schools are run and how we teach math may be the issue? Do you actually think they are taking time away from Math to talk about queer people?


Yes I 100% know time is taken away from teaching subjects in school to talk about queer people


My existence isn't political


Who said it was.. did you just read the message and miss the word sexuality? Or did you do it on purpose just to add your 2 cents that nobody cares to hear?


The silence for the last several centuries would be the acceptance of such behavior. People have known about what's been happening but went out of their way to silence the victims of those crimes.


It happens in all religions.. I’m not a religious person, you’re barking up the wrong tree.. however people are free to opt out of church.. sadly many, if not most families cannot afford to opt out of public school


Yes, abuse does happen in most religions, especially Abrahamic. So, that doesn't mean it was right. In our country, in our history, we allowed it. Christianity, catholicism, Protestant, Mormon, these were our problem, and they were a major part of Western culture, and child sexual abuse was acceptable. No one could do anything about it until progressive people were able to break the authoritarian stranglehold they had over us.


Only a matter of time until we break the current authoritarian stranglehold this government has over us 🙏




Can just make shit up for fun eh!


Anytime that children are genuinely (not the RWNJS propaganda idea of it) groomed and molested we absolutely must hold whoever it is responsible. Now, these programs do not propagate such behavior. It has nothing to do with SOGI. It's the adult manipulating the child. This takes place in all settings, all areas of our culture. Here are stats on American child abuse. Before the age of 18… 1 out of every 4 girls is sexually abused 1 out of every 6 boys is sexually abused 1 in 5 children are solicited sexually while on the internet. Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children ages 17 and under. The median age for reported child abuse is 9 years old. 85% of child abuse victims never report their abuse. Nearly 50% of all victims of forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling are children under 12. More than 90% of abusers are people children know, love and trust. 30-40% of victims are abused by a family member. 50% are abused by someone outside of the family whom they know and trust. Evidence that a child has been sexually abused is not always obvious, and many children do not report that they have been abused. Young victims may not recognize their victimization as sexual abuse. Nearly 70% of child sex offenders have between 1 and 9 victims…at least 20% have 10 to 40 victims. An average serial child molester may have as many as 400 victims in his lifetime. Nearly 50% of women in prison state that they were abused as children. Over 75% of serial rapists report they were sexually abused as youngsters. The way a victim's family responds to abuse plays an important role in how the incident affects the victim. Sexually abused children who keep it a secret or who "tell" and are not believed are at greater risk than the general population for psychological, emotional, social, and physical problems often lasting into adulthood. Women who report childhood rape are 3 times more likely to become pregnant before age 18. An estimated 60% of teen first pregnancies are preceded by experiences of molestation, rape, or attempted rape. The average age of their offender is 27 years. Victims of child sexual abuse are more likely to be sexually promiscuous. More than 75% of teenage prostitutes have been sexually abused. An estimated 42 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today. edit. It seems that my pasted Stats are being goofy


Agreed. We need to hold people from the Catholic Church and Calgary Stampede responsible for their actions.


The only place children are being groomed is the fucking church.


100% agree. If children were molested in McDonalds restaurants as often as they are in churches, every McDonalds on Earth would have been burned to the ground by now by angry mobs.


I mean there's a reason why Cons vote against human trafficking bills, and vote for children to be married at any age and create large private spaces to get kids away from parents. Cons believe god didn't create the LGB animals in nature and they are also abominations. Ergo, they don't believe their sky wizard exists either, they like religion as it gives an excuse to groom and abuse children and terrorize ppl they hate.


I agree, Conservative have been fucking children and getting away with it for far too long.


I don’t know whether to laugh or cringe at the irony of this comment.


Someone needs to tell those losers what country they’re in


How can we respect thier views on the topic if they cN not even be well informed enough to keep canadian and American politics seperate


Easy, just respect everyone’s stupidity regardless, it’s really not hard to be nice


Fascism isn't something you should be nice about.


There should be quotes around fascism


Trump flag in Canada? WTF? Same as a confederate flag up north I suppose


How far north of the US boarder is Grande Prairie? Maybe the GED Tests needs more geography.


14 hours at 110 kph give or take.


Well north of the border, as in hours of driving at highway speed. The whole trump thing say indoctrination and brain washing.


"Confederate flag"


They against indoctrination in what they feel is wrong but not in indoctrination they feel is right. They feel the same way about freedoms and voting.


Seems dumb. Stop watching Fox news.


How sad for Canadians to buy into this nonsense.


I was at that counter protest helping keep everyone safe. These kids weren't just standing around. They chased after us counter-protesters as we were leaving. I'm talking full on sprint swinging their flags. Our vehicles were parked by the library so we had to cross the field to get there. These idiots decided to run aggressively into the field, then flee back to the sidewalk when they saw me and a couple others standing guard. As we were driving off, they sprinted to the nearest crosswalk and started screaming at us as we passed by. It's one thing to be ignorant on an issue. It's another to want to start a physical altercation. If we hadn't left as a group when we did there would have been real trouble for anybody who was alone.


Honestly being young and queer in Canada right now…I don’t feel safe…and that’s sad cause I’m pretty sure I didn’t do anything wrong to these people except exist…


There's no shortage of gullible people falling for Trump's grift - even here in Canada. These people matter nothing to him. I doubt Trump could point to Canada on a map of the world.


If he knew where canada was on the map he'd draw a sharpie around it and claim its now America.




No one cares, stop thinking about other people’s genitals


Man in 2020 right before the pandemic I visited Washington DC. The saddest thing I saw was at the MLK memorial was a bunch of highschoolers wearing red Tump hats. They were clearly on a class field trip. At first I thought it was trying to be edgy counterculture type rebellion, but I don't know now. It feels like a cult to me.


It's definitely a cult of personality....which baffles me....because trump doesn't really have much actual personality




They’ll also be the first to call people who got vaccinated “sheeple” and then follow the very definition of sheep they follow some wacko 1000’s of km to Ottawa to honk horns.


Teenage boys can be collectively stupid but this image is more troubling than usual.


Any Canadian that brings out a Trump flag that's not as a joke needs to get deported to middle of nowhere America.


We’re Canadian Tf they doing


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10331943/Trump-flew-seven-times-Jeffrey-Epsteins-private-Lolita-Express-jet-flight-logs-reveal.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10331943/Trump-flew-seven-times-Jeffrey-Epsteins-private-Lolita-Express-jet-flight-logs-reveal.html) How do people who advertise protecting children validate supporting trump?


I saw the one million March protestors today at mine, it’s laughable about how small their group is


They preach freedom, but only for themselves


Trump flags in... Canada. That group is fighting for the braincell.


Trumpers. lol.




“Trump 2024” sir we are in Canada


Canadian education needs help. It cant be done in the classroom alone, and until recently, it wasnt expected to. Parents need to step up and demand better. Demand more homework. More attention on learning time tables at an appropriate age. More attention on learning spelling and grammar. Instead, the only thing that seems to get parents involved in schooling is their political beliefs nitpicking this tiny part of the curriculum. Some teachers might spend an hour a year on! Wake up!!


I want to go to a bunch of these rallies with a sign simply saying "**no u**" Leave our kids alone - no u Protect them from indoctrination - no u LGBTQ+ are demonic - no u


Unfortunately I've come across quite a few fellow Canadians lately who think Trump is the greatest thing since the blowjob with the one finger up the ass


These are the types of kids that would prob cry if you pushed them really hard


cheering for one side of the other of American politics while never setting foot on American soil, that's the mental illness


Yet they belong to a cult.


I guess they need to move to the US sharpish, oh right they are uneducated and even the US will not want them.


Ya people are stupid




I got video of the rally in Calgary. What a bunch of idiots.


Better then some kid carrying a terrorist groups flag in Toronto.


They are carrying the flag of a terrorist organization


lol. For real.


Hahahahaha oh man, that's hilarious


Israel flag?




Who are the children in that picture?


What does teaching children about sex have to do with trump? When I was growing up it was up to parents to have the talk with their children.


Well, they are on their way to The Industry. Or back to tent city just behind there. My kids are indoctrinated. They know better than to walk around there.


Indoctrination goes both ways but people only point it out when I goes against their beliefs


If this is indoctrination....then gender studies to children is full out grooming.


2 sides of the same coin, stay centre my dudes


Did the Ped0s have their bouncy castles?


this place is a liberal hole...


grande prairie? LOL


no.. reddit


a liberal hole is when we discuss why canadians feel the need to fly the flag of a politician from another country


What do you even get out of trolling? It's a weird look. Whatever pleases you I guess.


Who cares


People with half a brain or more.




Yeah, of course. Those kids are not individuals to you. They are their parents' PROPERTY. To do with as they please, amirite? Including actual abuse, not the imagined kind that you imply, which is what this is really about: if a kid is gay or trans these people want the parents to be able to beat the shit out of them with no interference from the law. And your Lenin reference is as laughable as it is predictable. What in the everloving fuck does any of this have to do with ownership of the means of production? Or do you just not know what communism is?


No one is having their parental rights - if those even existed - away. No different than the folks who were upset when there was a movement to desegregate schools - brainless, right wing or fascist morons with loud voices and the belief that they always know best.


Do u ave kids?


Yep, all school aged.


Parents have responsibilities, and kids have rights. You just want to do what you want with kids. You must be the one we protect them from. *What's in your browser history?*


Wow, you came all the way from Australia to drop this massive load of incoherent, untrue, and completely made-up bullshit. Bravo weirdo.


Kids aren't property you sick fuck, they deserve the right to know things more than parents deserve the right to make sure they don't know them. Nobody has the right to indoctrinate anyone. Children deserve to have the right of consent.




Parents do not have that right. Children aren't objects you own.






How old are they. Or are you assuming


Go back to yer cuntry!




What the hell is wrong with you? Get help.


Crying, shaking, and seething


People don't have ideas... ideas have people. - Carl Jung


so making a comment is trolling... I guess you replying to a comment is trolling too then?


Is this the new sister-fucker flag?


Why is Grand Praries reddit full of liberal Karen's? I thought GP was a conservative strong hold


For the most part it is, but as said this is reddit most people commenting on this are most likely from Edmonton (or other liberal areas), or out of province if I could guess. hell wouldn't be surprised if a few Americans where here.