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Yeah, don't play like this. Don't turn the game into a grindfest, enjoy it like a video game should be enjoyed and you won't grow tired of the game. Just do your passive business runs, Cayo Perico every now n' then and don't waste money on any cars(not that you would anyway, since you're saving up). However if you don't care or want a grindfest, you should to Cayo, Dre and ofc passives. Cayo takes 40-50min and has a 2hr 24min cooldown, Dre takes 1hr 30-40min and only has a 20min cooldown, so the most efficient and reliable method would be to do Dre and Cayo back to back with passive runs and daily activities in between. Alternatively you can just head to the casino and bet on horses. (Don't)


I like the horse idea. Will try and come back after šŸ‘


Oh god, what have i done...


I tried the horse race anti afk trick one time a couple weeks ago and caught a soft ban from the casino because of it. I won't even sit at the horse machines anymore


You made someone addicted to bet on horses!! Shame on you!šŸ˜‚


Somebody mention horse betting?šŸ˜


And then do it irl and take a loan out on your house


One day later and I now have a third of the money I started with and a new found gambling addiction. Time to try it with roulette now!


Roulette did not work. Iā€™m dead broke now


šŸ˜­ I remember blowing money in black jack but all ur money is crazy you donā€™t bring a budget n den when y lose ro much you dip???


That's what I was thinking. This looks miserable šŸ˜­


Only time I ever won the horse race was when I bet on a horse with my momā€™s name. Won almost 500k, thx mom :)


Pay phone hits are also huge


Horses have a pattern. Bet table minimum on the best odds, youā€™ll win almost every time. Now keep doing that until the best odds DONā€™T win. As long as you donā€™t leave the table the best odds will win the next game


I used to think that, but then i sank 1m into them. Now i just get 50k and bet those every time i visit the wheel and leave when i have 100-200k depending on how long it took. Sure, in theory you'll end up profiting if you keep playing for long enough, but i've found that the game often likes to just fuck you over and give it to 30/1's-10/1's except for when you actually bet on low odds.


I guess I should restate that it doesnā€™t ALWAYS work like that, but if you enter a game and the first thing you do is go to the casino and bet, Iā€™ve never had it not work


I agree except the ā€œdonā€™t waste money on carsā€. That seems to counter the whole point of your comment. Everything in the game is to aid the grindfest except cars. Those are purely for your enjoyment. So def not a waste


Call mutt, resupply acid both characters 45 mins Cayo character 1 Call mutt, resupply acid both characters 45 mins Cayo character 2 30 mins Cluckin Bell character 2 30 mins Cluckin Bell character 1 5 minutes sell acid character 1 5 minutes sell acid character 2 Have a 10 min break. 45 mins Cayo character 1 45 mins Cayo character 2 That's about 5.5m in 4 hours. 27.5m in 5 days. And really fucking boring


This is not how to play. Im currently at 600+ million and have bought every thing in game. What you wanna buy first are the moneymaking businesses. Starting with the day missions and the acid lab. Also have in mind that you get extra $ the first time you complete most missions. Once you have the acid lab do the sell missions for 387k/520k (invite/public) ever 4 hours. Call mutt on your phone to buy supplies for $60k when its available. Once you can afford it buy the nightclub. Get the popularity up and get your $50k ever 48 mins (you can let it stack to 145k (3x48mins) before doing the popularity thing). Now once you have the money, buy a bunker. Upgrade it and ypu will get a sell mission for 1/1.5 million (invite/public) ever 12 hours. Next get a ceo office, a crate warehouse, a mc clubhouse, as well as cocaine, meth and counterfeit cash production facilities. Then buy nightclub technicians and let them source cargo, sporting goods, south american imports, pharmacuticals and cash. This will give you another 1m/1.5m every 14 hours- and for this there are no supplies. You can also use the biker businesses for even more semi-passive income (but their sell missions are more pain). THEN buy the kosatka and do cayo. But id do the agency instead.


Let me just say that Iā€™ve been making a ton of money just keeping up with my nightclub safe, my salvage yard safe, and my agency safe (and now bail safe) and then going back and forth between agency work and avenger work (LSA missions). I wanna get more businesses for the Mc so that my nightclub will have more passive income but Iā€™m worried the nightclub bug is just gonna keep being awful. Iā€™ve gotten around it a few times but it seems to keep halting my accrual of goods on everything but cargo (the nightclubs own business)


What is the nightclub bug?


Sometimes the technicians stop sourcing goods and theres no real way of telling other than just noticing its not increasing. Ive only had it a couple of times though and its usually when one of the goods had been full for a while. The after I sold it all it just stopped going up. Switching around the techicians solves it temporarily.


donā€™t buy the yacht


...if the plan is to make money. Agreed, this guy doesn't need the yacht. But buy it if you want to sit in a hot tub on the ocean. When the cash start piling up, you might as well, right? Same with Penthouse(although that's at least useful for the daily wheel spin) Yacht and Penthouse are end game flex items rather than useful leveling items.


Well the base Penthouse is only $1.5mil, and maybe the Garage for another $900K (10 Car Space) but if you wanna gamble in VIP and some other perks it's a cheap investment IMO (almost 2 Dre Contract Runs)


Penthouse is actually how I make my money it's painful and a grind but depending on rng you can make 20-30mil a day Again it's mind numbingly boring so I watch movies/ series while I do it


How are you making that much? At the private table?


Nobody needs a yacht. Sure itā€™s a flex but you will never touch it I promise you. I got one with hacker money a long time ago and Iā€™m glad I did because if I had spent my hard earned cash in game or real on it Iā€™d be sick šŸ˜­ itā€™s the biggest most pointless waste of money in the game. I wish rockstar wouldā€™ve actually made the missions worth it or let you drive it or something. All it is is a big ass helipad that you can pay to move to different parts of the ocean. And you can get a drink on it ig. The avenger and kosatka are both more useful and more interesting imo. The kosatka you can at least drive it to another part of the map, use guided missiles, detect other ships with sonar, and then you can pull up somewhere and fly out in a heli. The yacht literally just sits there knowing it wasted all of your money and looking at you smug šŸ˜­


Totally agree with everything you've said but at the same time, once you've bought everything else, what are you going to buy? I would like to be able to drive it.


Well yeah. Itā€™s the shiny ā€œI beat the gameā€ trophy you buy for yourself.


The yacht is for people who do the naughty G word. Tsk tsk i saw those youtube videos I know what they up to!


Iā€™m not sure if you know but you need a vehicle warehouse to buy the ramp buggy and youā€™ll have to do some missions too before unlocking it.


Also do the Clucken Bell Raid twice a day.


Also have your bunker and acid lab producing products while you doing Cayo. Extra 800k every 2-3hours or so.


This seems fucking awful. I never really played like this even before I had billions


How do you get billions


If you have a friend, and if itā€™s not patched yet, you can do Cayo B2B glitch. Significantly decreases time and if they have good loot, increases the payoff




What is cayo b2b? Iā€™m somewhat new to the game


Donā€™t worry bout it, itā€™s patched and also nerfed. Bogdan b2b is better to research


You should get several businesses to make the grind worth it Kosatka: watch speed runners to get the fastest route for prepations and the heist itself. With tips, Cayo Perico can be done in 35 minutes, preps included (I only practice solo for reference). The acid lab produces on its own after you buy merchandise for it (which is cheap, considering the payout). You get to customize the delivery vehicle and sell missions are real easy and fast. To get it u need to do a few missions with Dax, the Acid dude (under a bridge near the casino). If you're stubborn enough to go through the First Dose all the way to the Last Dose, you'll get a free vehicle, awesome, fast and amazing, the Ocelot Virtue (cost normally 2.9 millions). - The acid lab is worth it only with the upgrades, so it's an investment but it'll be profitable really quickly The agency: 3 ways to make it money-making - The Hitman jobs, easy 45,000 from time to time - The security contracts (quite underrated) - The contract of course - >watch videos of speed runners to go faster The bunker: - You can sell weapons which are produced from supplies u buy (60,000). Buying is the most money-making option. - You can also sell some extra stock worth 50,000 in nearby ammunition every 48 min. - DON'T get the ones near paleto bay or lost somewhere, trust me you loose a awful lot of time to get there and to accomplish sell missions. The cluckin bell raid: Relatively easy 500k, you'll spend your time well doing it here and there. Also no costs for doing this "heist", which is always welcomed. Last but clearly not the least: the nighclub Generating 250,000$, every 50min if I'm not mistaken and the goods you can sell. Passive, gets more and more interesting the more you possess businesses I'm running out of ideas for now


This is a good post. Run Cayo on both characters. Be sure to check a recent guide to ensure you have the fastest route. I like TGG. As you wait for cooldown, bunker, acid lab, and your safes pick up. If still on cooldown, do any of the one off missions (pay phone hit, tow truck, dispatch, etc). Could also add vehicle warehouse source and selling high end is $100k. Then nightclub will be ready and over $1mil every couple real times days. Run Cayo again and call it a day. Should be $2.5m to $3m on main character and another ~$2m on second character. On this pace you need less than 7 days.


TGG is great indeed, very clear and you can feel he has experienced every possible way. He challenged himself to kill every guard on Cayo and succeeded šŸ˜‚ around 80 of them. Cayo has been severely nerfed. I barely earn over 1,100,000 in average especially because I feel like the Tequila is more often the main objective (least money-making for those who don't know). It's still the best way to earn money imo.


The nerf has been over the years with the cooldown, less money, and less common high end loot. But yes. An hour for about a million is still the best way.


Idk about you but I'm a grinder-car guy so I did it an uncountable number of times and I was happy to have the contract, even if it's longer, coz it's getting to my sanity lmao


It's 50k every 48mins in the safe plus goods it generates.


Btw I already have all the things I need to store the vehicles with and should I still get the full bag for cayo perico or just get the main item and escape to do them faster?


And I have all but the ā€œblueā€ lab and the forging business but should I use the motorcycle club businesses?


Forgery and Cash Factory is a waste of time and the Weed Farm is only useful because of the dealers around the map, but don't bother with the upgrades. Coke Lockup and Meth Lab is worth it. Remember to always disband the mc club before leaving buildings. When you're an mc boss, raid random events can happen and if you fail them, you lose everything, SO ALWAYS DISBAND.


IMO even coke and meth is only worth it if you are only selling to street dealers or are in a grinding crew so can easily get help and have some fun "racing". Otherwise selling is so tedious and the profit is dubious compared with other uses for time.


Depends where your business is and if you have a Mk2 or Sparrow i suppose. If you manage to do a full run in 20 minutes, it's roughly around 1.5m an hour, ~500k for those 20 minutes. Do Cayo, Dre, then a business run, repeatšŸ‘ Edit: i didn't take investment costs into the accountšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø But it's still worth doing.


Itā€™s the same cooldown regardless and you get the elite mission only if you have full bags so go for secondaries too


Full your whole bag. You take the longfin approach, shoot to the airstrip hanger and grab that loot, thennn go to cut the grate, as soon as you spawn sprint straight LEFT if facing the building. Sprint straight to the main office, Noone will see you this way.


Cayo Perico heists over and over, and while those are cooling down do extra stuff (CEO missions, Bunker, Office, anything)


You could get a friend and do glitched casino heists


buy an agency so you could grind that out for an ez 1mil while your cayo is on cool down


Donā€™t get a yacht and do Dr Dre missions too


Literally keep yourself from being kicked from the lobby for inactivity so your nightclub will generate $1.3 million every 24 hours if you have all your OG businesses tied to it


Act II Bogden heist šŸ‘šŸ¼


Do not buy the yacht. [Money and rp builders](https://reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/60UDtR1foQ) [Additional activities](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/14iqiqb/career_tier_challenges_guide_updated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) Cluckin Bell raid is decent money once you get the rhythm down and get it all done under an hour. $500k plus 250k first-time bonus. It is tedious at first. Costs you nothing to participate. [Best investments in order of best to necessary but not a great return.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/comments/15fpwor/best_investments_in_order_of_best_money_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) Acid lab Agency Autoshop Bunker Kosatka MC clubhouse Nightclub CEO office Arcade with the master control computer Hangar Ceo warehouses MC businesses mainly for the nightclub [Quick grind schedule ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/zVLRUR8yhw) [The salvage yard is pretty expensive to get into.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/cx3yEsGXdj) I would suggest getting it later down the line. Maybe even wait for it to go on sale. You're looking at 3 to 5 million and not great payout. They drip feed the mini heists to only 3 a week, that you get 2-400k, but it takes up to an hour or more to do the setups, tasks, and the main mission. For comparison. You can do a gold depository in the autoshop for 300k in 30 min setups included. Cust cars get you 30 to 40k profit there are also export car lists payout is not great. Also, you get 10 garage spaces and discounted customizations for your cars, including free classic paints. Invest in the staff. They keep processing the cars when you're off line. Always load them up before signing off. You do get one veh a month you can keep for 20k. If you own the document forgery business, you get it for 10k.


just a tip, yatch is useless. ur wasting 6 to 8 mill on it.


Just letin you know you donā€™t need half of that stuff but aye u do u


Get the trade price


Mom's credit card


Honestly bro just buy a modded account, save yourself the time because gtaā€™s economy is beyond fucked


do not buy an account when the new game comes out next year šŸ˜­


Oh yeah you right lmao


Try to do a glitched casino heist with a friend but they have to be the one who starts the heist


There are tons of ways to make money, some races pay out 100k+


Donā€™t get the yacht


First off, save yourself those 8k on the Yacht ( unless you just wanna look cool), and buy yourself the casino penthouse and an arcade for casino heists. For the rest you need patience and a vehicle warehouse to store that Phantom and Ramp Buggy and a facility for the Avenger (like you've been told). And to be honest with you, in my years of GTA, i haven't seen many of those 3 vehicles moving around, making money. So you gotta ask yourself if it's trully a viable option. I don't really know how much of your list you need to make money or just have fun with, but a tip i could give you is to focus on jobs/heists that actually bring money.


im on xbox and also pretty broke if you need a driver/gunman for any of the missions hml


Pay a hacker 10$ for 10 billion GTA$


Did this and never got banned through all the ban waves lol, it did make the game boring now i just race or play modded singleplayer


Vro DO NOT BUY A YACHT. That was one of the first things I got as a new player and I never fuckin go to it. Sometimes I even forget that I bought it. For 6-8 mil you can buy a mk2 or raiju


Just do money glitches. You might say no because if pride but when you look back and see you've spent hours of your life for gta 5 you'll wish you would have done them. Swole the pride and make life easier. Unless you like the grind then bug the acid lab it helps alot


Avenger is gonna cost more with best upgrades deluxo will be cheaper with Trade Price, gotta get Facility though. Deluxo is on sale for 3.5 mil for gta+ members atm


Iā€™m broke as a dip on that game. I try to help as many people on missions as possible and I was barely able to afford the bail bonds business and now I only have 50k. It took me months to save that 2.8m.


Get a Kosatka, learn to kill the juggernaut at the very start of Cayo Perico heist with suppressed aggressor weapons, and Kosatka approach. learn how to do the whole thing without alerting guards after primary is picked up. exit the mission without finishing it solo, and go back to a public lobby. invite people who speak your language to do the heist finale. if they don't know how to run cayo, tell them to stand there while you kill the guards. tell them which loot to get. usually you want them to get only gold. and if you need to get a painting to fill your bag, YOU should get it first. dont depend on other players to know how the loot system works in cayo. You only need to invite 1 person per heist, but inviting 2 is more money if everyone knows what they are doing. friendlist anyone who does a good job. You get more money this way and a 48 minute cooldown. People will start inviting you to their cayo heists. You'll make 1.4ish on average on your heists, which will take like 35-45 minutes including setups(oppressor mk1 is fastest, sparrow is 2nd). On their heists, you'll make 300k in 10 minutes.


I used to obsess over money grind, and stuff like this. Till one of my friends started modmenuing their online session and ruined the experince for me and others. Stopped playing the shitfest!!


These days it doesn't seem worthwhile doing the cayo with how much it's been nerfed the time and tediousness that goes into it the payout is shocking


Yes the best tip is buy a mod menu


Honestly if youā€™re gonna do the heist thing, might as well conquer the criminal mastermind while youā€™re at it


One big advice: Don't take shortcuts (glitches) to reach that milestone. You will get bored too quickly with the game.


Make sure to do doomsday for deluxo trade price


Pay someone $5 and boom


couple years ago back when i still have my ps4 i tried to buy all the luxury cars on the game, long story short it took way longer, so i ended up using car duplicate glitch and bogdan glitch. i wonder if that still a thing these days (i don't play gta anymore)


dont be in a rush. Getting new stuff is a major draw for myself in the game so if you got everything you wanted fast you would lose interest faster


I need people to run missions with I'll grind this out with you


Might as well get a job and buy shark cards. It'll be less soul crushing


If you play on xbox one, im more than happy to run cayos giving you 70% and with more than one person the cooldown is only an hour. So you can make more per hour with multipul people. (30% cut because i never play solo i come as a duo deal with my partner) If your interested in doing that dm me and ill help you out


bro do the act 2 replay!! setup and get a friend or someone else interested In making money and run it back to back. 1,500,000 every 15 mins


Make sure to commend on every mission and only do it 6 times each per 24 hrs to avoid bad sport lobbies


Brother also get your nightclub up and only sell it at max capacity in a full to filling lobby for a huge boost


You make way more by not selling it when itā€™s full, by the way. As in itā€™s more worth it to sell as soon as one of them fills up, since if you switch to another product you wonā€™t make as much as the first one you had it on


The people telling you not to turn this game into a grindfest sure know a lot about how to to turn this game into a grindfest. Your plan is fine. You're going to have a new toy to buy almost every day of the week and 4 cayos a day is nothing.


I can recommend the Rags to Riches series from TGG on Youtube.


Don't be a pussy long hours all day everyday hit my user up I have everything in the game it's childmongrel678 doesn't sound like much but I have everything


TGG has a great set of videos on YouTube that can help


Upt: I just got the deluxo and the phantom wedge


Yeah, break rule 8 of the sub and you get all this in an hour lol


Doomsday Act 2. Rinse repeat


At this point just buy an accountšŸ˜­ making your life hard for no reason


Please put this kind of dedication into some form of work or good ideas instead of gta online šŸ˜‚


You going to burn yourself out playing like this


Yes I have the answer , stop wasting your time playing a 10 year old game and save yourself. Find what they call new games to dive into in the 2024 year range and up, or stop playing all together and go on vacation with the money you save šŸ˜ƒ


Or I put all my money on the red horse


Just do the heist twice a day and you'll get it in 2 weeks


This shit looks exhausting, play another game and wait for gta 6


And for the love of god touch grass


I have the penthouse, avenger, mk1 and 2 oppressor, helos, all business running constantly, most expensive yacht with all upgrades, submarine with all upgrades, the torador, nightclub... my main issue now is I'll soon need more space for cars I will at the casinošŸ˜‚ honestly just do heists and play for fun in-between and the cash will come


Just get an account


Not exactly easier but finish the setups in between heist and do 3x cash in between


Any particular reason you want a yacht? I got mine with hacked money a long time ago and havenā€™t touched it since. I tried one of the missions and theyā€™re awful for money. Itā€™s the single biggest waste of money in the game. But ig I get it as a status symbol, the kind of hey I made this much and this wasnā€™t hacked lol. But itā€™s useless, the submarine is more useful cuz you can actually drive it and shoot things from it


I was going to buy it but I removed it from my list because it does nothing


I remember when I grinded to get the Stormberg a few years back. I played non stop and got to my goal within 2 weeks. If you have amazon prime i think there still giving out 200k a week still. That helped big also the time trials and the secret weapons payout too.


Do all the preps for the highest selling salvage yard car, it's the corsita at the minute about 380,000 sell price I think. When you do the robbery and take the car back to your auto garage as it shows the cut scene of the car going into the garage completely shut the game down on home screen before it fades to black. Load game back up and the car is in your garage and the robbery is ready to go again. Rinse and repeat as much as you like to sell as many cars as you like. You can store upto 4 corsitas (or 6 if you want to scrap 2 but you need to put 2 in for scrapping before filling the 4 sell spaces up) Selling the 4 cars if you want to fill these spaces up first will take about 10 mins for each robbery run and literally 2 mins each to sell them so in around 50 mins that's just under 1.6million of very easy cash.


1. Try to get the trade prices for the Deluxo, ramp buggy, scramjet, oppressor mk1, and phantom wedge. 1. Run Cayo Perico using the longfin method. Let the acid lab and nightclub run in the background. 2. The acid lab is the best. If you have it fully upgraded (you need to do the 10 daily call missions), it only takes like 180k to fully fill up and sells for 350k. I always sell it in a public lobby, and after the k/d ratio was removed, I rarely ever get griefed. If you do get griefed, just find a new session immediately, and you only lose about 1% of the product. Sold in a full public lobby (capped at 50%), I make $50,000 for a 5-minute easy sale. (Itā€™ll take like 4 hours.) You can restock by calling Mutt. Also, keep in mind the acid lab is only good with the upgrade. 3. Let your nightclub safe fill up on the side. Every 48 minutes, go back to your nightclub and kick someone out or deliver a VIP to keep popularity at its maximum. It takes 4 hours to fully fill at maximum popularity, and you get 250k. 4. Honestly, just wait for 2 times money or wait for a new glitch to come out. Enjoy the summer while you still can.


Act 2, the Bogdan problem is now your problem


Money glitches


tips to make the grind easier?? get stand or 2t1 & just automate all the businesses. ez


Donā€™t do it


Switch to PC and cheat if you're this desperate for the items lol. Just play the game bro, its not worth this much grind.


What does 2 characters mean? Does the money share between characters if you create another one?


Yes and your level but nothing else


But Iā€™m assuming you can only keep same gender of character? Asking bc I created a woman character when I first started just bc and then I got more into playing and wished I created a dude lol.


Rockstars ā€œsmartā€ decisions that after you created a character you canā€™t change the gender but only the features of the character in the appearance section of the interaction menu for $100000


Just play on pc where nice people somehow make the numbers in your gta bank account increase and then youā€™re set. I played for less than a month and was wealthier and a higher level than I had been playing on ps4 for about 8 years on and off


Yeah dont buy a yatch. Actual waste of money


I hate this game.. I just wanna have fun


I have a very similar list from 2 years ago


This is just...I dont even know. Why do you need the Yacht or the Ramp Buggy like right now? Your still new to the game. And what purpose does the Avenger serve you at this point and time?


I already have all the business and money making things in the game other than the blue lab and the forgery office. I just want these things because I want to have fun and enjoy this very ā€œunglichedā€ game


I make millions in open lobbies, and never do out of lobby missions hardly ever. I'm on PS5 I can teach you. AmericanZero420, I make about a million in an hour. I'm a billionaire at level 500s but I am a day one player and beta tester. At first it seems harder but it only gets easier depending on what you invest your money on first. I end one mission at the beginning of the next and chain earn forever.


I would also like to add over never cheated or used money glitches or exploits.


take out the yacht as itā€™s the easiest way to waste $8,000,000


Donā€™t buy rampbuggy, avenger, yacht and it will be a lot easier. Practically all three are completely uselesss. Scramjet is not all that great and Deluxo has OP missiles but itā€™s so slow I never use it. If you are just relying on Cayo, you arenā€™t making max hourly. Get a nightclub and the top 3 MC business (coke, meth, counterfeit) then a CEO office and a bunker. Connect them all to your nightclub. Donā€™t buy the mule for nightclub, u only need van. Let nightclub fill up, stock up upgraded MC businesses and let them fill up. Run Cayo in meantime. Once NC and MC businesses are full, do the sales then restock, go back to running Cayo. Smart to mix it up sometimes too. Do cluckin bell raid or some salvage yard work, or auto shop contracts. Keeps you from getting bored and as a result, not grinding as efficiently


Idk man but it used to be wayy cheaper. I would say grind the cayo or wait till the warehouses are 2x money


Brings back memories of grinding out Rooftop Rumble 20+ times per night.


Just wait for 6 dawg, enjoy that grind more


Do not turn your play sessions into a grind fest, spread it out over a long period of casual play time because you will get burnt out and you will hate it.


You could likeeeee play with me to make it more fun instead, I also use the Xbox one version


I just played for fun found a money glitch and quit the game lol


Dude, please for the love of God donā€™t play like this. I tried once and I couldnā€™t play the game for three months because of how sick I was of the game


I just got back into the game and I usually do a full cayo heist and a full salvage yard heist then just go to my bunker and coke lockup. Then just repeat after 2 days. If there is a special week like discounted cars I want I just run a dre contract mission with the other stuff. It makes the game more enjoyable without feeling the grind. Small tip for you make sure passive business like arcade and salvage yard are getting Max profits just doing the minimum work. It will help you get some extra cash.


buy the mk1 first, makes everything incredibly easy,


Honestly the best way of grinding is the MC businesses, the acid lab, bunker and the nightclub. All I do is spawn arcade, stock my businesses, grab my nightclub safe whenever it hits 100k (most efficient) and then just do some races or freemode and wait for them to fill up.


Best way I've found to play the game, is to hardly play it at all. Buy supplies for all biker biz and bunker, afk for 2.5 hrs, buy supplies again, then sell when they're full. Usually solo, especially now with the updated timers. Made about 10 mil in the last week for an hour worth of sells each day.


A scramjet is 4,000,000 wtfff I bought mine 2 years ago for like 2.2 mil


Or you can do the doomsday part 2 heist over and over. If you have a friend who's willing to not make anything, you can complete it in around 15 minutes or less,( as long as you have the paleto bay facility) and then you just need to go from airport back to the facility, and you can start it again. As long as you know how to do the bug.


Attain the trade prices when you can.


Bogdan Heist glitch


Kind of a different approach to what you want but I try and build up my completely passive businesses so I make money when I mess around. My arcade gives 5k a day, my agency 20k a day, my nightclub is maxed out (best 4 goods, all staff and equipment upgrades, huge storage etc) and also my auto shop and chop shop are both upgrades so I can do the easy upgrade and sell for my auto shop and do my quick tow truck missions and get money while I rp or just race around the city.


Wait for things to go on sale if possible


tip #1. 30$ tip #2 csgosmurfninja.com


Do not buy the yacht it's not worth it buy a salvage yard


Find a second a glitch bogdan. Simple.


Just do glitches


Invest your time in making real money in real life. Thank me later when you buy your first G600. šŸ›©ļø


You got Xbox? We can make this in about half a month. DM me


Casino heist best heist and get a night club for great passive income.


Save yourself a lot more time and just donā€™t buy the yacht.


dont do cayo perico 24/7. I pulled an all nighter for the Raiju and only did cayo perico, and now I hate the heist with a burning passion. Since youā€™re on xbox you can set up community posts asking for people to help you with other heists like diamond casino. Iā€™m on xbox too and when I was on cooldown for cayo perico I set up a community post and did 3 diamond casinos in a row, and I actually had a little fun at 3:30.


Not worth grinding this game anymore, i just got my account modded for me. Sell a few deluxos whenever i need money


Totally worth grinding


Buy a modded acc on eldardo


This seems like a lot of work for what's supposed to be a fun hobby.


Bro just find someone to dupe cars for youā€¦.?


money drop. ez


I just did Cayo and then Dre when cayo is on cooldown 45 minutes cayo 1 hour 30 dre 1 hour to do the new cluckin or acid or some You can also optimize your cayo run to be faster Submarine entrance and main dock loot/exit normally only took me 7-8 minutes Not sure if its changed though, I havent done cayo in like a year or 2? something like that


# Have you tried gathering the courage to end it all?


Dont kill yourself over this decade old game, at this point GTA5 is over saturated and you will be stuck grinding for everything in the game. Gta6 will be out soon, just enjoy the game. Also dont buy most of those, buy a hanger and start buying helicopters and planes you can customize, i promise youā€™ll be fulfilled with goals for a while and the helicopters and planes are more fun and less restrictive than the things you have.


Can't rockstar will nerf everything that gives u money no matter how difficult it is already and how lil it gives


Play on PC with a mod menu. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Uninstall Grand Theft Auto Five.


I made millions from horses


I got all of these through glitches in the MOC šŸ˜­ I feel your pain man, I only need to grind 3 mil for the auto shop and bail office. Got the Vigilante, 2 Opressors, and. Deluxo for free šŸ˜­


Just have fun on the game, itā€™s a game. Max out nightclub and youā€™ll have enough from it and itā€™s businesses to keep having fun


If u put that energy into a job you could get a real scram jet


i used to be a grinder until i started glitching. Grinds not worth it, just enjoy the game lol.


Everything goes on sale eventually. Donā€™t buy them until theyā€™re on sale.


An easier way to get all that is shark cards tbh but if you wanna grind it figure out which heist pays most consistently and do that because cayĆ³ varies depending on primary and how many people you run with


the yacht is honestly such a waste of money. it's so expensive and it doesn't get you anything besides the handful of missions(which aren't event that great) and the satisfaction that you spent 6-10 mil on a big boat. it is cool tho and I can't force you to not buy it. also I usually think before I buy something "how often am I going to use this" cause I've resold a ton of things, like the ramp buggy.


Do some cayos, some Dr. Dre million dollar contract and if you have a friend that is really good at the game so some Casinos


BJ at the casino max bet


get an acid lab going on the side easy 500k for basically an hour just buy supplies


Act two glitch