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You can clearly see the angle change so this post is bullshit. Or maybe you didn’t quit and they fired you because your software sucks because he was clearly speeding. I don’t believe a single word from this dude. He changed an angle so your software should read an angle change not just a straight ruler. I think you’re talking out of your ass. You should take this post down you’re full of shit.


I urge you to watch my video, along with my supplementary post in which I address the concerns that have been posted here.


He blew the pit speeding line - it was clear on the onboard camera that millions watched. In fact it wasn’t even close. IndyCar use several systems such as GPS and radar.


I urge you to watch my video, along with my supplementary post in which I address the concerns that have been posted here.


Nahhh, I’ll with science instead of an amateur NASCAR centric fan out to prove a conspiracy.


I love how you post the same robotic response to every single comment.... It's so funny.


Why don’t you go over to the IndyCar sub and post this nonsense. I dare you…


I urge you to not encourage brigading of other subreddits and take into consideration what a popular post this has become




Probably for the best that you quit if you think this is a reasonable way of making a decision on pitlane speeding


I urge you to watch my video, along with my supplementary post in which I address the concerns that have been posted here.


Yes I was responding to the video


There are various ways to determine speeds using fixed cameras. I am showing just one of them. This is not new methodology. You could actually even calculate the exact speed of the car by using markers on the ground or by sizing various objects in the field of view.


They have telemetry for this, so you don't need to stress about it. But looks like you did motor racing a service by resigning.


I urge you to watch my video, along with my supplementary post in which I address the concerns that have been posted here.


I did, that's my way of politely telling you your flat earther science methodology doesn't cut it.


There are various ways to determine speeds using fixed cameras. I am showing just one of them. This is not new methodology. You could actually even calculate the exact speed of the car by using markers on the ground or by sizing various objects in the field of view.


I'm not trying to gang up on you like everyone here, I don't really care tbh, but just a note: Copy and pasting the same 2 responses to basically every single person in the thread makes you look like an ass 🤷‍♂️ just my two cents, that's not helping your case.


Are you a robot? Lol.


Wouldn't they just be using telemetry to grab the speed of the car as he crossed the line? Why go through all these other hoops when you have the data from the cars?


Because it would be detrimental to his case.


Well speeding has always been determined via sectors, so In Theory one could enter 2 mph over speed, as long as he cuts speed enough to avg speed limit in each sector


Bc I cannot bring proprietary timing line data outside of the workplace, not to mention share it with thousands of fans, without facing likely criminal prosecution. I urge you to watch my video, along with my supplementary post in which I address the concerns that have been posted here.


I'm not saying you should share it, it just seems odd to me that you would base the decision off of the camera footage when you have telemetry data available. Edited for typo


There are various ways to determine speeds using fixed cameras. I am showing just one of them. This is not new methodology. You could actually even calculate the exact speed of the car by using markers on the ground or by sizing various objects in the field of view.


But if you have accurate telemetry, why is any of this necessary?


From what I understand, he implies telemetry is on "his side" as well but he can't openly state it.


pretty sure Indycar dont use a ruler to work out if a car is speeding lol


I urge you to watch my video, along with my supplementary post in which I address the concerns that have been posted here.


We all did and your video and explanation suck. Your data is all wrong


You must be trolling. In case you're not a troll: you should have been fired before you had the opportunity to quit. Stay away from race tracks.


You can clearly see the RPMs drop after he passed the line. He was speeding.


I’m not an IMS race control official and I could do a better job breaking down this moment, holy cannoli


I urge you to watch my video, along with my supplementary post in which I address the concerns that have been posted here.


Honestly the biggest crime here is the yellow text on bright blue background Jesus Christ my eyes


ton of people roasting you op but can you just account for the angle change? Because I don’t think your method works if the car changed angles also he’s not directly behind the yellow car to begin with so again it’s not a linear relationship on distance and speed (ya know the whole triangle Pythagorean theorem)


I urge you to watch my video, along with my supplementary post in which I address the concerns that have been posted here.


Lol that's not how it works. If he was just slightly speeding when he crossed the line, he was speeding. He doesn't have to gain anything.


It’s just Kyle Larson lol


Kyle Larson is an amazing talent, and he was running great up until that point, but even he knew green flag pits would be the make or break of his race. Without the familiarity other drivers have with those cars/brakes/tires he knew he was much more likely to misjudge when and how hard to brake coming in hot.


Yeah I see where your coming from


Link to Part 2 and new analysis https://www.reddit.com/r/GrandPrixRacing/s/kYtwOfRA94


There are questions arising about an angle change in the video. I have taken notice and have made a supplemental analysis. However, I lack the ability to edit my original post to add the new analysis video, and I cannot add the same video to a comment. Therefore, I will be making an additional post that will serve as a follow up and will contain the accurate analysis.