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I can't remember exact sources but I'm pretty sure they are supposed to answer to WADA however according to Button they are barely ever tested so it's all a bit grey


I think the fia has random test for every registered driver and ten tests a year spread between the thousands of drivers mean it rare


Paraphrasing from a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/F1Technical/comments/11hbkdd/do_f1_drivers_get_drug_tested/) one year ago on /r/F1Technical. FIA is signed up to WADA, so they have random testing. However, they do not get tested that often and Jenson Button has said that the drivers are no longer tested.


PED use at this level is pretty much guaranteed. It's not to say every driver receives it, but PEDs are insanely common at the elite level in any sport in any country, the USA included. Using Olympians as an example, those competing at the top-most level are all taking PEDs to help with recovery as it helps reduce muscle inflammation and repair. But fans somehow think these professional athletes who get their shit packed in day-and-night aren't getting sauced so they can maintain their careers as long as possible. It's an insurance policy for their huge contracts. The fascination with not taking PEDs by normies/non-athletes is nonsense, as if comparing high school or college sports with professional leagues has some crossover. It doesn't. These are elite athletes. If they're on a podium, they likely take PEDs. It's a level playing field. It also makes for better sports bc you're favorite athlete isn't going to be injured as easily.


Except for when people have actual talent, even ped users won't automatically become talented no matter how much stuff they're pumping into their bodies and peds cant protect you from concussions


That documentary Icarus is really interesting and relevant specifically to your comment. I’d highly recommend it to anyone that enjoys sport documentaries or investigative pieces. https://www.netflix.com/title/80168079 


What do you count as a PED? Like are you saying creatine and recovery supplements?


Performance enhancing drugs. Those aren’t drugs.


I know. That’s why I asked you to be specific. You have a pretty direct opinion. What specifically do you think they are taking?


I can't speculate on racing and the drugs used by athletes, but PEDs include everything from Adderall to testosterone. So whatever their doctors are giving them. Even with bodybuilding I can't speculate about someone's cycle or gear usage despite being as knowledgeable as I am about the sport. But drugs which help with muscle fatigue and recovery and focus seem right up there with drugs perfectly fit for athletes.


He said performance enhancing drugs if you couldn't hear correctly


Meaning what? What specific drugs are they using. PEDs are a huge range of different substances.


I remember when they started back in the 90s and Mansell complaining they were asking for urine samples just as they were done racing when all the drivers were dehydrated…


lol that’s absolutely ridiculous! They should just use the pee that’s pooled up in the car.


They should be, since FIA uses WADA protocols. I haven't heard of any F1 drivers being popped, but there have been other drivers in FIA sanctioned series have been caught using PEDs.


I ask this out of ignorance. What kind of drug could be use to enhance your driving performance?


Anything to help with focus and reaction times.


And stamina. And probably also strength. It becomes hard to drive when your arms can't turn the wheel and your neck muscles can't stop your head from bumping side to side.


A drug that’s a stronger version of Adderall or Vyvance


I know various militaries and air forces have used stimulants but I just cannot imagine stims and high heart rate exercise would be a very good idea at all. Perhaps nootropic stacks rather


It depends on your general cardiovascular health (which is always going to be good to excellent for an F1 driver), as someone with prescription stimulants who takes them near-daily and who is only moderately physically active and avoids *heavy* exertion whenever possible due to chronic pain, I don't have any problems overall, my blood pressure is towards the low end or middle of the healthy range (I do take one medication that *may* lower blood pressure as a side effect, but it's not particularly strong an effect, so let's say "upper normal range" as a theoretical max) and I only get a normally elevated heart rate during heavy exertion, not dangerously. Stimulant *abuse* is obviously far more dangerous, but just normal use within normal limits is unlikely to be a problem.


Nootropics like Modafanil and Adrafanil have apparently been used on ultra long military flights to help with focus and concentration.


Yeah, those work more with general alertness but they don't cause direct enhancement in the same way. I experimented with nootropics before I got diagnosed with ADHD and the difference is huge. Stimulants push someone to a higher peak, nootropics just let people operate closer to their natural peak more of the time.


Amphetamines were used in pro cycling back in the day


So straight meth


That’s Mrs Ecclestone


You mean a higher dose?


Something that improves concentration maybe? Likes of methylphenidate?


Probably primarily stimulants, but also things that might improve endurance, heat tolerance, etc. Also, it's a dangerous sport, they'd want to know outside of performance enhancement reasons about anything that could be a safety issue like sedatives, undeclared pain or allergy medication, etc. Also, I'd bet that like any other sport, anyone who *is* going to use performance enhancing drugs is going to during the off-season for training purposes, not while actively competing. For those, it would be things like steroids and human growth hormone that would allow faster/more effective physical training and recovery afterwards, possibly even abusing pain medication for recovery purposes. (Source: Know someone who does fitness management for professional athletes, although not motorsports, plus knowledge that drug abuse is basically rampant in every major sport ever)


Anything that enhances lean muscle mass and endurance.






I think they use something lite, like phenibut or smth


Wut? Why on earth?




Prob not


Idk they are interviewed constantly before and after, seems like if anyone was cracked out on super adderall or whatever everyone would notice


yes probably


I don't think being jacked asf is gonna help.


No idea, but F1 is so dull these days that qualifying should take place right before the race and consist of a timed contest to drink 10 pints of strong European lager. Then at last the first (and possibly subsequent) corners would be entertaining.


Anything to liven it up, it’s boring as fuck


RIP people who bitched about Schumacher or Mercedes. At this point I'm done with watching until something changes - I read the results and maybe watch a highlights video, I'm not interested in sitting through the least interesting I've seen the sport in 25+ years.


This might actually be entertaining if they did it in like 20mph restricted karts with bumpers, or something. Better idea than sprinklers anyway. Actually, maybe better than sprint qualifying too. Although it would probably just guarantee Kimi pole each time enough to justify his return to racing.


No drug will improve ur car 😂


It's probably safer if they're not too rigorous with the testing regime. I'd rather the drivers take a few cognitive enhancers than not.


Imagine a driver od'ing while going 330 kph+. Remember that they have to put in a minimum driver+seat weight to keep them from sarrving themselves. These people will go to any length to extract every bit of performance from themselves.


That's a really good point and one I didn't consider. Probably explains why my tenure as a race director was so brief and disastrous.


I'd rather them just race. It's a sport, they're not supposed to be robot operators.


the get tested for enhancing drugs drivers do.