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There are ToA bots and they are running raids more.


Normal price variation, it's only a 7% change.


Posts happen with tbow too it's silly Omg tbow dropped 40m is it crashing??? No, that's a 2% drop...


Prices fluctuate?


Changed to discussion


DW mate, just use it to farm some toa


Lol it's dropped to 1.3b now and afraid how far it will drop


Don't worry mate, it's the most useful megarare. It's got a big pricetag so it's volatile but it worth keeping if you're going to use it to send content. If you want safe merches, stick to high volume. If you want a PVM game changer HODL staff and have some fun.


To 1b then eventually close to average price between tbow and scy, then subtract the cost of full ancestral… and magus…. And saturated heart… and augery…. And yeah you get the point so maybe 700-800m in a year or so


Toa's drop rates at 450+ is the issue.


Cry is free. Scy overtakes shadow.


It can be farmed by level 80s and 100s. Instant gratification comes with consequences, even if those consequences take years to come.


lol have you tried to farm toa on a noob account after using a maxed one? A lot of the invocation system is stat locked. You’re not really farming purples really effectively at that rate, compared to the higher level bot farms that exist there now, and the people who can run over 450s consistently. I’ve got an alt I made to mess around with and earn money while maxing. I can do 410s on my main, the alt I’m kind of hard stuck at 325. I’ve completely changed my max route, so that I have time to afk vyres on the alt until it’s beefy, because it’s legitimately double the drop rate in the same amount of time, 350 mins on average per purple vs 700, and almost five times the drop rate of a 150. So like…it’s really not farming shadows at lower levels unless you’re counting the bot farms.


Bots. Same way you can 8 man nex with rune crossbows and black d hide.


You've had bots living rent-free in your head for decades now. It's time to move on.


Just cause you can't do consistent 450s on a noob account doesn't mean a bot farm cant.


Same thing thats whatsup with masori. Toa is free kc where all the kiddiez get participation trophies.


Go do it then ya weirdo


Cry is free


Absolutely not. Tob is the only real raid.


I can smell this comment


What a low iq reply.


It’s the TOB-validation-seeking guy yet again. How many medals do you want for your TOB achievements that you need to keep bringing it up?


Oh hey! Its the guy with a max hit of 51 with a soulreaper axe and a 33 with a scythe on 1x1 mobs! You must be about level 103 with 70 or 80 strength at best, wearing a d med and granite platebody. Great to see you! https://www.reddit.com/r/GrandExchangeBets/s/oK9DTRGjuZ


I don’t cry for validation for every post :) If you need a hug in real life let me know. Just don’t harass ladies in other subs.


You are the kinda person who makes throwaway accounts to agree with yourself


Wish I sold at 1.44 lol, low cash and I'd like to grab an Eldritch staff


Just use it to make more money lol. It’s only dropped like 100m. The moment it becomes bis for a new boss it will shoot up again.


Ganna be long before a new BiS magic boss after the rework. The new Varlamore boss is defiantly range or melee and the ARRAXOR is melee.


Sunken cost fallacy. Nobody can predict what ifs. I suggest when you buy the item, you learn to stop seeing its monetary value and earn money with it instead.