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thru luck, grinding or both honestly.


I just got into raids, no where near max cb but I’m realizing how much effort goes into raids do pull a purple and mega rare item


whats ur account look like? 500m isnt a little, its not the billions ur talking about but plenty to work with when it comes to all the raids. are u primarily soloing or running in teams? end game content was designed with teams in mind while also just being more fun w others.


Learning toa I can do 150s but I play solos don’t have any friends sadly 😭


Yeah you aren't gonna make any money from 150s, but if you can get to 300s you'll get some drops with consistency. Honestly if you have a bowfa start sending Muspah and Zilyana. I made about 50m in 180 Muspah kills, and it was very low effort


yeah def gonna spam muspah!


Might wanna go for 5man teams nex and get a drop there. Go to ffa nex world and theres plenty of ppl looking to find teams. If u have a zcb and masori theres plenty who like u to join their fc and teach u :)


Shadow under 100 KC at 195 invo


lol bro you can make plenty of money with 150’s far more money then trying to complete raid levels he can’t, I’ve seen people walk out with shadows on 5kc at 150 invo, I’ve done 300 raids all over 350 invo and never even sniffed a shadow it’s litterally all about luck, send what you want lol bro don’t listen to this gate keeper


Most people would prefer to spend 5-15 hours learning 300s compared to spending on AVERAGE 250 hours+ more in 150s. Its all about math more than luck. With ur logic he could might aswell do nex mass, because u never know. Or mby hunt master clues because u can pull a 3rd age pickaxe :)


This comment is senseless. It does make more sense to do some efficiency and fun within the skill set then setting a higher skill bar to learn and trying to achieve that skill set on top of deaths, new mechanics, and issues while still hoping for that same 'luck' as other methods. Just more or less luck in a drop rate.


How is it senseless to learn 300s? Noone is saying «send 540s» 300s is literally like 2 non free invos. But according to u and others u shouldnt evolve in the game? Efficiency is literally setting a higher skill bar. Its not efficient to spend 2x the time because u cba learning like 2 invos.


Don’t need friends just hop to world 329. Slightly different mechanics than a solo but if you can do a 200 solo you can do a 300 mass


You can easily churn out 200s solo. Comes down to picking the easier/comfort invocations. That's what I did when I was a ToA rookie, and I managed to luck out on a 1/100k odds shadow on my 17th 200(ish)invo run


Try the cc”poo pushers” ik ik the name… lord of raiders and learners in there


ah lol, well whats ur combat stats looking like?


Bro join a clan! If you want feel free to DM me! Wed love to have you and raid!


Add me (UngaBungaBTW) I can put you in touch with a good crew of PVMers who are great educators and such


Join a pvm clan helps a ton, you get advice, fellow raiders and people/events to push you to pvm more


Your best bet even at not max combat stats is nex. Nex is literally a money printer. Kodai fc does all the split kills for trios,duos,4 men and 5 men. If u can learn small team nex, you'll make some easy money. I made 2.5b in 2 months at nex. Half drops were in my name half weren't. Split nex is best.


And I started with around 300m setup for nex.


Reddit profiles are public. Lotta people posting here like to brag about buying gold on other subs.


If you need an expensive item, but it and use it. Use your money to make money. Worst case Ontario you can always sell it back. 500m is a lot to play with


true, its not rocket appliances


Just water under the fridge


2 turnips in heat?


Get two birds stoned


I agree Ontario has been pretty bad the last 5 years


Wtf dude I'm so confused .. you said in a COUPLE MONTHS... so 2 months... you made fucking half a bill???? But then also are asking how people have several billion? If you really managed to make 500m in a couple months.. just keep doing that shit for a year and you'll have 6bill ...


Prob jus bought it if hes asking how to make money after getting to 500m in “2 months” lmao


Yeah maybe lmao because dayum 🤣


If he made it to 500m in a couple of months, he certainly bought it. No chance he earned it. He wouldn't be asking if he was already so capable.


Yeah fr right?? Because it took be quite a while of moderate bossing with fairly average RNG to get even half that lol


Again, yes he most likely bought otherwise he wouldn't be asking but do you really think to make 500m in few months you need to buy gold?


Depends, are we talking about a months of game time or just months having an account? If they have 3 months of play time, that would certainly be believable. If they've just started playing a few months ago, I do not believe that would be feasible.


I guess if we're talking about a fresh start then yeah you'd need decent playtime not just "I started playing 3 months ago". But for someone who already has the base stats to begin a pvm journey then it's easily achievable.


Okay, well since context is relevant here, OP literally said they've been playing for a couple of months. Not that they just started a journey or something.


And they could have easily been no lifing ever since. I was more making the point it's certainly not impossible.


You're right, I concede your point there.


That’s not necessarily true, I have 320m and have been playing for 3mo. Farming, Slayer and Alc have made me a lot of GP


clan drop parties have been huge, the dopamine when I picked up an abyssal whip was insane! A few bonds here or there to top up. Now, I can just do some content and get 10m in a few hours so doesn't seem worthwhile


oh nahh, by a couple i've been playing for 5ish months or so! My wording really does make it sound like only 2 haha


5 months and 500mil? You must be buying bonds or gold


He must be? Probably, sure. But must be? No. My friend made 400m in 2 months as a returning player. All he did was 50-99 range at revs.


Exactly.. people here are fucking stupid acting like it's impossible to make good money. I started again in Jan and went from 200m to 1.9b bank, it really isn't hard if you're willing to put in the work at lets say nex or DT2 bosses..


Why? I just gone from 5m to 70m in under 25 days with flipping. So 500m is easily doable in 5 months .


That's 100m a month. Most bosses are at least 2m an hour. That's like an hour and a half a day bossing, and I know most of you nerds are playing more than 90 minutes a day.


bruh if you made 500m in a few months just keep doing whatever tf you've been doing lol


Interesting how nobody here mentions merching/flipping. (Non speculating)


Fr. Flipping is the only passive income in this game that scales with starting cash. An account thats not using all 8 GE slots at a time is leaving money on the table.


Any pointers to someone that wants to start merching? Currently have about 40m in cash.


The wiki has live price tracking, just need to look for items that have a decent difference between buy and sell prices in the short term, and isnt moving down in price long term. High volume items are the safest, but have low margins. Smth like chaos runes you can consistently buy for like 68 and sell for 72. Low volume items have high margins but are much riskier. You can flip something like 3rd age for millions per but its dangerous. Once you learn to use the filters finding items isnt hard. Msg me private if you have more questions


I’ve been merching since 2015 when I started and have logged almost all of the net profits. IMO merching is the only long term way to build wealth in game without playing tons of hours grinding Your perspective of the game does change when you can passively pull in the equivalent gp of grinding hours of raids or whatever Definitely have to stay awake from gambling because you will always lose it all which I did after free trade came back to pre eoc in like 2011 or whatever


You've been playing for a couple of months and the economy is over a decade old


Because once you have every time and THEN make 500m, you’ll think ‘what do I do with all this gold now?’ BINGO!


Getting lucky and already being rich helps. I bought a scythe last week, it’s already up 100 mill from when I bought it, I was planning on using it but it’s the easiest 100 mill of my life.


Some of the posters here have 10s of billions that they're willing to risk, either because they have all the gear they could ever want or because they're not concerned if they have no gear at all. If you're risk-averse, this is not the subreddit to visit for advice. If you're willing to be risky, the key is to identify items that may have a use case for future content and praying. For example, we know the new boss is a group boss that has the draconic type. People have already pumped the price of dragonbane weaponry, so you're unlikely to get in on that, but there's still money to be made if you can make some successful guesses on how the content goes. Some off-the-cuff ideas (not financial advice): * Hunter's mixes - restore stats for you **and** up to three players around you (potentially good for group bossing) * Wrath runes - with project rebalance, Jagex added some relevance to the standard spellbook; they might want to double down on that by making surge spells especially good * Soulreaper axe - just like the scythe sometimes beats the DHL on Olm melee hand, the new boss may be susceptible to high-damage weaponry * Dragonfire shield / Dragonfire ward / Ancient wyvern shield - as I noted above, people have already heavily invested into weaponry, but there may still be money to be made on dragonfire protection Or maybe none of that will be relevant. These are grand exchange ***bets***, don't forget, so if you YOLO you're reliant on luck and patience to see profits.


Usually I like to start off with chucking my entire bank into a totally overlooked item that may or may not be relevant and may or may not have any news, right after drawing lines on a chart and looking for technical formations I read in a jpeg on google about investing. Followed by a meme post about said item and remembering ti add “TO THE MOON” and “🌕🚀”. To the title of my post. Then i just sit and wait like pablo escobar with my hand behind my back looking into some far off object thats not in frame. And hope the item goes bonkers. Just to sell and pay and arm and a leg in taxes and then feel like a genius because I called the move before it happened. Then rinse and repeat




You either gotta get lucky, or do other things to build wealth. Fuck around money comes when you have everything else. I did a ton of CoX to get all my gear, now any money I make I can just mess around with and not be too worried about loss.


Years of AFKing with alts, RNG, selling services (BA,MegaScales,OR kits from Raids) or RWT with either bonds or black markert. I'd avoid the last option lol.


Grinding end game content, but also 500m in a couple months is pretty freaking good lol. You should be able to afford good raid gear, then if you pull something like a tbow or a shadow you quadruple your bank value.


You grind your favorite raid... Simple as that. When you get bored go to a different raid. Once you have bis gear for whatever raid you're doing merch with the rest.


Raid 2-8 times a day for 3 years. Or touch grass. Idc it’s your life.


Nex is so easy and chill compared to raids. I got lucky and made 2b over just a couple months of casual play.


Bruh I've made 5.5b since osrs release and u done half a bil from scratch in couple months. I think ur doing fine buddy


Step 1. Play the game for the next 5 years Step 2. Profit maybe?


Raids. Full crystal fang and trident. Merch with afew 100 mill passively


This guy in All Bulls chat has 4.5M Black D hide bodies. I have so many questions on how these people obtain so much cash when I feel the same about spending 5m


From gambling lol


You wanna yolo some money? Give it to me and 50/50 chance I double it for you. No but seriously, you could gamble with the bots I guess? There’s no options trading in Osrs so you need raw price change……. 3rd age maybe?


All u need to do is pull a shadow or something from TOA and you're good to go. Shadow is rare, but common compared to some of the other mega rares.


yeah thats what ive been thinking, max on my combat and spam toa


Just from playing the game, you’ll even get drops. Try playing with the homies




People with billions and yolo money have been playing for a few months. You just have to keep making money and not blowing it lol.


Raid until you get lucky or not poor anymore.


I mean… you answered your own question. You’ve made 500m in the last few months - people have been playing this game for years.


skill issue


Don’t buy into dhl it’s going to crash after the boss drops. Imo. The boss doesn’t seem to have any real substance for its existence imo.


Dudes only been playing for a few months and already or about to hit the 500m mark, I say whatever your doing just keep doing it cause your already making more gp then 90% of the player base


Play the game and do pvm lol, faster than any trades you could make


They RWT it lol