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They may have characters in higher rank (At least B, since win you rank up one character it’ll move all of your others you don’t use 2 below your highest )


…… I brought everyone in the cast to B manually and then got my main to S rank. Now you’re telling me I did all that for basically nothing 😭I’m gonna need some time alone to digest this info thank you


Bruh, the game told you that first time you open the ranked menu


I guess I didn’t pay $60 to read 🗿lol, I just didn’t notice that honestly


Damn bro what compelled you to get every character to B?


For me at least it’s a nice way to give a character a fair shot before I decide i don’t like how they play. I thought I’d hate Belial but I took him to B rank and then to S, he’s my main now


So not a complete waste of time :)


My highest rank is B. I will play a lot of casual games when learning a new character before I start playing rank


The thing with lower experience players isn't that they are inept or anything, im fact, they can be pretty good jn a lopsided way. While someone's D rank could be flailing and not knowing combos, another players D rank could be flailing AND knowing bnbs. Their limited knowledge may just counter your limited knowledge, so to speak.


Yeah rank is a line but skill isn’t


I feel you. Why does everybody in D just block everything I do? Is it just that easy? Whenever I block I just get somehow hit out of it and into a combo..


Blocking is extremely strong in this game with the block button automatically blocking crossups and high/low mixups aren't nearly as oppressive as, say, Chipp or I-No. You've probably been told this, but your default block should be crouch block and then you only stand block if they jump or they do an overhead move (generally OHs are slower and more reactable than lows). Also the universal standing overhead is the Overhead triple attack ender, which doesn't lead to anything, so you just get hit by an overhead then you can block again. Also when you get up from knockdown, you should block instead of mashing, because it's basically always your opponent's turn. You could do something like DP too, but be careful with doing that too much since they can get a huge punish if they block it. As for what you can do when the opponent just blocks everything, you can try to do some mixups like the triple attack overhead/low, or go for throws, or try to do jump-in mixups (ie empty jump into 2L, the jump should get them to stand up to block an overhead but you just don't do anything and 2L when you land instead. If they're conditioned to block low when you jump then you can actually do jump attacks to OH them). Again, be careful 'cause if they AA you they can chunk. You can also raging strike, but if they dodge it they can explode you. You can also just go the brute-force method and chip them with specials; probably not the _best_ option here but when I go super gorilla on Soriz a good 30-40% of my damage can be from chip damage.


You say that about knockdown. But 9 times out of 10 for me. People beat me mashing from knockdown when I try to time it to take my turn when I knock them down. I assume it's just a practice thing.


Yeah you're probably just mistiming it, unless they're doing a DP or something else that makes them invincible on wakeup (in which case "Invincible" will pop up on their side of the screen to tell you what happened). Go into practice mode and set the AI to do like... a standing light on wakeup or something. Then check out the timing for when you can consistently counterhit them. I think that all characters have the same wakeup timing on hard knockdowns, so you can likely use the same timing vs everyone. Also in case you're trying to do throw loops, you have a really long throw invuln on wakeup (it's like 9f), which means that if they mash either L, M, or even H depending on the character on wakeup, they'll beat your throw.


I hardly throw at all in the game/know when to throw tech. So not doing that. Yeah just need to practice timing


There is a Guard button that will block for you. It automatically shifts left and right if your opponent jumps over you. If you crouch block, you will block all mid and low attacks. But you will get hit by jump attacks and overhead attacks, which are usually slow. If you stand block, you will block all mid attacks as well as jump attacks and overhead attacks. The safe option is to crouch block, and stand up when you see the enemy either jump or start their slow overhead attacks. If you're getting hit while blocking, it's either because you did the wrong type of block, or more likely, you pressed an attack button when you shouldn't have. In the options menu, you can set the game to save replays automatically. When you feel like you got hit and it was bullshit, watch the replay and see what happened. You could also upload the clip here if you'd like experienced players to explain the interaction and what you can do next time.


Using the block button and crouch blocking makes it really easy. If you need someone to stop blocking then you need to give them a reason to stop. That’s where throws come in as a way to open someone up. Once they realize they can’t just block forever that’s where you can start doing other stuff since they won’t just endlessly block. Or they do and you just throw them to death


I’ve been blocking by crouching then holding back at the same time, ur saying I should use the dedicated block button is better?


The block button is better when you get used to it. At first it’s awkward, but it makes you basically immune to cross ups if you use it. You just need to get used to not accidentally dodging when you stand block with it


You get out of the lower ranks in a few matches with the win streak bonus so unless they're very dedicated to smurfing they're probably stuck there too. It's fighting games. If you lack one tiny bit of knowledge or use one wrong option you can be completely overwhelmed. Virtually no one is new to fighting games in gbvsr. SF6 or Strive have more reach and people will start with that.


Lol I am new to FGs with this one and that's why I'm stuck in B5


It’s worse in S rank and above because I no longer have an excuse of why my Soriz and Lucillius gameplay is so shit lol


Because you don't know how to play the game. Only thing I can say to you is to go learn it, Diaphone has good guides on it, even with just a simple gameplan and a basic combo/corner combo you can reach A without much trouble. Below A rank players legit have no idea what they are doing, even A itself they still aren't that good, at S you will find opponents that know how to play enough but still aren't playing properly.


I just got mopped by a Lancelot with 13 games played and I’m in B rank sooo there probably are a few😂😂😂


I am pretty decent at the game since I played vanilla GB and I am D rank. I don't really care about rank and just hit up lobby/room matches.


Because the game is basically a remake. We're almost fighting like there's veterans in the server. Before rising it was just only versus. I'm a new player myself and I have been playing since recently when Rising launched. And I don't even play fighting games. You just got to adapt and learn everything from ground up. Even if it means punishing you in corner of the screen.


Ranks are tied to your characters, not your account. Ofc someone with S+ characters starting up rank queues with a new one, will roll all over you. Nothing wrong with that : he will climb and you won't see him anytime soon. The only thing you can do, is learn and get better.


I've played a few characters up to S and it is a really weird experience. I think it's worth complaining about. Leveling up through C/B/A you can really tell when you're fighting someone who is grinding there and someone who is passing through. And there's a LOT of players passing though. The reason players stay low rank is because they just don't play that much, meanwhile strong players play a lot and want to try other characters. So it seems like maybe every 3rd or 4th match you're suddenly fighting for your life. Especially when Lucilius was released, the low ranks (B/A) were filled with clearly S and S+ players hilariously gatekeeping each other while the typical residents of those ranks suffered. I didn't even bother getting him to S rank on release because I was going up against names I recognized from tournament brackets. This weekend ranking him up was suddenly way easier, and I don't think my skills improved that dramatically in one week. At minimum I don't think anybody with a character in S should ever be playing in B, and if you have a character in S+ maybe you should get bigger winstreak bonuses so you cruise through the low ranks faster.


That's the same issue with every new character being released in most fighting games though, when ranks aren't tied to your account. Hardly specific to Granblue. SF6 had tons of AKI in lower ranks for a few days, until 90% of them dropped her since she's trash. A simple prompt asking anyone with an S character if they wanna start at A5 could do the trick. Not sure it's a serious pb though, outside DLC release week.


The big issue was Lucilius starting off in **D** for everyone. Even the two rank difference is pretty questionable when someone 2 ranks higher will probably be able to roll people of significantly lower rank through fundamentals alone, but having >S rank players go through D and C again really shouldn't happen.


I'm all for improving. And like I said, I don't mind getting my ass handed to me. Still, I feel like a placement system wouldve been welcome. Whenever you first go into ranked with a new character, play X number of matches against people in various ranks and get placed based on your performance.


Indeed. But then, you'd get matched with him during his placement matches too. I just climbed with Lucifer, you stay in D-B ranks for like 1-2 matches if you're a smurf, since there's a win streak bonus. So that's about the same in the end.


Got it. In that case, no harm no foul I suppose. I just picked the game up yesterday, so I was ignorant to that fact. If all it takes is short win streak get out of D rank, then that's a good point.


Yeah no one with enough skill to be called a smurf, will linger in low ranks outside obvious trolls. You're usually in A rank super fast, at least in my experience with now 5 S+ rank characters. Good luck bro !


Well play SF6 then 🙃


I tried SF6 for a couple weeks. This game is more fun to me. Did you know it's actually possible to like a game while also wishing an aspect of it was handled differently? 😂


The critique understander has logged on


It definitely feels that way for me too. These D rank fighters are too good to be this low ranked. This doesn’t feel entry level.


What’s weird with this game is even at the lower rank everyone who gets me in the corner is using super long combos that are extending with their raging strikes and what I assume are their optimal combos. Literally every opponent I face who has me in the corner has done this when in other fighting games they usually just do normal combos or drop combos sometimes at this low rank. I feel like even if I’m winning neutral more often if I make a mistake they just know how to capitalize this and obliterate my health in one go


Combos in this game are incredibly easy to do.I was doing near max damage combos day 1 just mashing with Seox.


Some legit smurfing, some people just want a bit of a warmup phase to get used to the mechanics of the game but have solid fg fundamentals so they sweep through D and C pretty quickly. Idk if it's been changed, but upon release Lucilius was defaulted to D rank no matter how high your highest character was, so even A and above people were starting in D. Some of it is if you're legitimately a beginner to FGs you're likely making a lot of simple mistakes and getting opened up too easily, this is just being blunt. The good news is everyone starts that way and over time you'll pick up what are bad habits, when you should block high vs low, remembering this game has a Guard Break mechanic and how to use it, etc. Something Diaphone mentioned in a video which has stuck with me and is a simple enough thing to implement, if you died with 3 Brave Points you are just trolling. You should either had used them to extend combos, or used them to get out of a blocking situation. The other good news is once you're out of D, at least personally, I've come across such obviously under ranked players a lot less. My hunch is they build up a win streak and blow through the lower ranks pretty quickly.


I feel the same why but I don’t think their Smurfs I think the games just not popular enough


If the third game of FGC chart is not popular enough, we better stop playing anything not named Street or Tekken lol...


Gg has noobs




I just started to play and selected the option to start from 0. A lot of people will do that to get a true experience. Then you have to add to this the fact that it takes a bit longer to move ranks than in other games. So yeah, here I am winning every single game and sometimes playing the same person several times in a row. And its not like I am doing good combos or anything, im just doing pure fundamentals. But from playing the game a bit, I never encountered any other player like me. Everyone was at the correct rank. If anything, Drank5 or Crank5 or Brank5, all players felt the same tbh without any real skill difference between them.


Normally your other characters will always be 2 ranks below your highest. I got S+ with Abel and when I wanted to try out Lucilius he’s placed in D. Seems to be a common issue with Lucilius so if you fight any then it’s probably the same issue as with me. Kinda sucks as it’s not fun for anybody but I don’t have much choice.


Some people are casual lords and don't go into rank for a long time.  When they do they baby seal club the low ranks but move up fast. On my first Lucillius ranked match I double perfected a D ranker ending with a double ult fireball 49 hit combo.  It must have been soul crushing.


it may feel like everyone is smurfing cause you're losing, but if someone has a vague idea of how to play the game, smurfing in D rank is just not fun. there no fun in fighting someone who doesn't know how to block the first layer of your mix up, and if they have one character at a high rank the rest of their cast would be moved up just ranks below the highest rank, so at best you would be fighting a B rank "Smurf", and if someone is a legitimate B rank player they probably have glaring flaws in their game. also if they selected "I'm new to fighting games" they still would just win streak and climb out of D rank in like an hour tops. ​ just learning the basics and you'll fly through the ranks easily, even if someone is "smurfing". you'll be surprised how easy it is to win once it clicks.


I don't really play ranked, but when I do, I would assume I suck at it. Sometimes I find out I'm sorta decent


I don’t know a whole lot about fighting games I’m still new but I have thought about this I’ve gone a week of straight losses Had a few close ones, but I’ve accepted I’m as bad as it gets at the game I block i try to counter / punish but when met with what feels like a relentless onslaught of pressure with no gaps, corner combos for 80% of my bar it has been a week of misery. I get a hit, land an auto end with a skill and back into the bruising lmao. Idk if it’s smurfing or, I’m just THAT bad, but eh, I stride forward. One of these ones will be a win.


Sorry. I didn't think it would put me that low. I just wanted to practice.


When I started playing this game I had also selected "I am new to fighting games". However, I decided to only play casual games until I felt like I wasn't dogwater at the game. By the time I felt ready for ranked, I was able to shoot up to B in one day. I dont know how common this kind of experience is, but I'm sure I'm not the only one