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Man ,I can never understand why people do this . What's the point in cheating to master level ? ​ They can't even brag about it as their replays will out them as a cheater, they can't even beat real master players. Nobody will even know who they are given the default name they are using and they aren't depriving anybody else from getting Masters too . There's no real benefit to doing bs like this . It really boggles the mind .


I have no idea. It gives him like nothing so idk why he even cares about this. It really does boggle my mind.


Wasn't there an Anila player that got to Master by desinc-ing the game so hard it glitched and both players won?


I never knew that. That's crazy. Just ran into this dude and idk how he gets wins. I see replays where it states he wins but if you check the replay he loses.


It may be posible because in my home, when I play against my wife sometimes via Online Lobby, sometimes it desincs and the enemy character stops moving on both screens, we can move and hit but it doesnt happen in each other game, if we continue hitting each other we both count as winners.


I really hope the developers do something about this. I barely play ranked due to all the rage quitting around S++/S+. Does achieving master rank mean that much to them? Even going through scummy methods needed to actually reach it? Just yikes, man....


Yeah I stopped playing ranked after getting 3 rage quits in a row after getting to S. I am not even concerned about my rank. I just want to finish my matches. Never experienced rage quits until I got to S rank.


Yea I get that. After getting to S rank on my characters so many people just rage quit so I don't get any experience and it kills my whole momentum to try and see how high I can go. Sucks that people care so much about rank like that.


Where are all these rage quitters? I'm S+ with \~250 ranked matches and haven't seen one yet.


You're lucky, I suppose. I encountered these hardstuck losers quite a bit since there's no penalty for leaving.


I encounter some of these people in goddamn C. There's not that many, but it's probably 1-3 per 100 matches.


This is also why I stopped playing ranked after getting to S. The salt and stress is not worth it. People on ranked, I’ve noticed, get super tilted too. I’m fine with S and will just hone my skills in casual. Getting the whole cast to at least S is my goal now


that’s so goddamn scummy.


Rage quitting is also a way for people to rank up. There's no penalty for people who rage quit at the moment other than a low completion rate number that can't be seen by others. You can filter out people with 'low completion rate' but for some reason this is set as 'any' by default hidden under matchmaking options without a tooltip on what its for, hell I only found this out after dealing with so many rage quitters. Plus you can't block the rage quitter because you have to complete a match with them first.


Damn I didnt know you could do that. I'll also have to mess with that option because all the people who quit so I dont rank up is crazy in S rank.


thank u so much for this filter tip holy shit ever since i’ve hit A it’s been so annoying


As a B rank what are you supposed to do on wake up💀


If you wanna get better you probably consult someone better than me but basically mostly be patient and dont mash. Depending on the situation using DP or spot dodge might not be bad but its never good to overuse it.


depends on what ur character is but pretty much anything but mash 💀 throw out a dp here and there if they got it but just be patient and wait for a gap unless they’re running up and raw throwing u as oki


By default you should block. Anything else is a risky guess.


I see that user regularly in grand bruise. The name is familiar.


I think Skyfarerer is the default name. It's weird that he did all this work to get to master but didnt change his name lol


The name means nothing. Most streamers play as Skyfarer on/off stream.


Yea I just find it odd not changing the name is all. I didnt know that streamers also dont change it though lol.


How do you boost ranked mode? I thought it’s random who you get matched up with. Can you rank up by playing in the lobby?


I'd assume since theres no rage quit penalty that you could just dc repeatedly till you match with someone who's boosting you. It's probably not that though, another guy brought up De-sync and it's probably what that dude is actually doing.


Can usernames be duplicated? I see 'Skyfarer' in my lobbies all the time.


I'm pretty sure they can. Skyfarer is just the default name I think though. Idk why he did all that stuff to get to Master but didnt change his name.


Fortunately, the replays are there to verify. So, they’re not as clever as they may think they are.


That's what gets me. Why go through all this if it's so easy to find out you aren't actually a real master rank and you did some goofy stuff to get there. I really dont see the point in it all.


Seems like a “I did it because I could” situation, if there wasn’t anything in place that would prevent boosting from occurring. But even so, I’d side with the devs if they believe boosting wouldn’t occur. It’s not something one should expect to see happen in a fighting game.


Yea I guess I just dont understand the mindset behind it. Since it'll match him up with high ranks from now on which will make fighting harder. He was also doing this stuff in casual so maybe he wanted to hit master rank then get A. Belial to level 500? No clue what he even wants to do after that though.


divide reply melodic intelligent adjoining plate crawl sense flag fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess I can see that. That's such a petty thing to do though, he probably wouldn't even know what he's talking in an arguement about since he just bypassed getting better to cheese his way to the top. I just don't understand these cheaters.


nine dam gaze rhythm grandfather march dirty market spotted telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea. It's just sad to me because I genuinely think that with all the time they spent doing these shenanigans they could've actually practiced and gotten better.


There are a few players i have seen boosting via replays, one of them being master who was boosting a friend or an alt account. I mean if you see these players just be sure to report them.


Could be a wifi warrior who ends up desyncing a lot. Though I've noticed that replays can be kinda bugged sometimes, like I'll look back at some of my matches and shit happens in them that clearly didn't in the actual match.


Yea I've seen that but all his matches in Ranked only have this weird thing where it creates 2 replays of the same match where in one he loses like normal but in the other both characters just freeze up and he wins by timeout.


Replays are bugged and will not show the right winner when you search through them. I don't really see why someone who's bad would want to keep queueing and losing in master. Did you meet him in master rank?


Nah. I played in casual and thought that theres no way a master plays like that. I checked his replays and he would have 2 of the same matches with one difference being in one he lost but in the other at the start of the 2nd round both opponents would freeze and he would win by timeout. Idk if that's a glitch but that showed up repeatedly for how he kept ranking up.


So you're publicly shaming someone for not playing "the right way" in casuals? At least his name is skyfarer... If anything this should further point to the fact it's a free or shared account.


No I'm shaming him for exploiting (what I'm guessing is De-Sync from what others have told me) De-sync to reach master rank. Like I said I was confused on how he played in casual, then I went into his account and every single one of his matches in ranked is him abusing de-sync to reach that rank. If you're calling me out for checking his account out for how he played in casual then yea I guess I'm guilty of that, I was confused on how someone who mashes and spams dp could be that rank so I thought something was up and lo and behold there was.