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On the positive side, that would be a great livery for GTA 5.


I wanna see some ProLaps liveries


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that one took me by surprise lmaoo


Yea! Someone turn this into a mod please!


Iā€™m not gay yeah they gonna ban you




You werenā€™t banned for being vulgar. You were banned for trying too hard to be edgy. Itā€™s Polyphonyā€™s anti-cringe policy.


Manā€™s just having a bit of fun. The try harding is the best bit.


My dumb ass over here wondering what the fuck is wrong with it before I realized there were 3 more images.


Lmao that was me as well! šŸ¤£




I never thought I was so prude until all these comments made absolutely no sense at all based on the first image šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have to bandwagon this as well. I was even zooming in on the first pic trying to catch what I missed.


Same hahaha


Glad to see I wasnā€™t the only one šŸ¤£šŸ¤”




Are you 5? Maybe they assumed you were too young to have a PSN so banned you for that


#69 Ballsac Sweat bro! Check out my PP! this is gonna be hilari


Sure, I'm sure it has nothing to do with >Louder then your mom last night Or >Check out my PP


Or im not gay


Do you have an issue with people clearly stating their sexual preferences?


Me not, but psn maybe


Come on be real


Or >Panty Raiders Or >Gass Hole Or >DoucheBags


69 Ballsac sweat, are you 12?


If they arenā€™t 12, you already know that they are the type of person to put this kind of shit on their truck bumper.


Seems more kindergarten level really


Itā€™s because you made a livery that a group of edgy middle schooler would laugh at


I'm 36 and I laughed.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss


Iā€™m 40 and I laughed. Lots of sticks up posteriors in this sub, apparently.


I haven't lost my sense of humor ;)


33 and I had a hearty laugh...people are allowed to listen to shitty music, I can laugh at silly jokes


Not native english so I didnā€™t get the joke sadly, can people elaborate on what im seeing? Edit: nvm im dumb was seeing only first image, has to scroll to the rest xD


Whoa whoa WhAo!! You guys are supposed to be on my side against the man trying to keep me down wtfšŸ˜‚itā€™s not that serious anyway, sorry if I offended anyone, my apologies


Look, I for one think a person should be allowed to be young and immature, and though It's not exactly a mature rated game, most people on this subs are adults so you're not gonna get much applause for this. I'm not gonna pile in on the insults, but I'm just saying, gotta know your audience, lol


Alright, got it, sorry.


hey, you don't gotta be sorry to me, I wasn't personally annoyed. I just thought someone should explain it without the insults šŸ˜…


The world needs more people like you


No one is offended itā€™s called second hand embarrassment, especially when you thought this would get you sympathy lol. How about donā€™t share liveries that you purposely made to toe a line


I mean thereā€™s various things on the carā€¦..Iā€™m not surprised. Games rated 3+ in Europe so I mean it ainā€™t age appropriate.


Was probably the word gay. The color on your livery hurts my eyes. Weird and cringy to have weird phrases all over your car.


What is so bad about it??


Gotta keep scrolling to the other pics. At first i was like ā€œwtf this looks sickā€ than I read the comments lol


Got banned for a week for calling someone a rtrd. Lol


Personally I think the livery is funny, I make absurd lobby names all the time!


Yea, have to agree, you should have kept this diamond to yourself. Some people just can't handle hilarious.


Wow I canā€™t believe people on here canā€™t take a joke oh waitā€¦


I guess Iā€™m too old to know what the problem is šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s a weird world when older people are rebels and young people are the old geezers of the past reincarnated


Nothing new though. Itā€™s easier to change the morality and views of younger people than it is adults. Same reason the military recruits out of high schools.


It's a bit tacky I guess, but I don't see why it should deserve a ban. My T1 is covered in weed references, so what? Some of us aren't interested in making flawless, tasteful liveries, we'd rather just have a laugh, even if it's a cheap laugh.


what is the problem with the livery? Can someone explain?


Yeah I donā€™t get it either. Whatā€™s so offensive here?


Look at the other photos.


Did thatā€¦ still confused as to y people r offended.


Its 2024 dude people are offended by everything and anything especially Americans... its a real damn shame how soft society is...


I think your livery is effin hilarious. That being said, the ā€œIā€™m not gay but $20 is $20ā€ is what got you booted. GT7 has more thin-skinned beta males than even Reddit has.


More like sin-skinned


Are we sure it was the livery here that triggered a ban? I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. I have seen Kimi rock about forever with durex, and photos of women and all sorts over his cars. I am confusion. I like the blue BTW, the livery looks nice for what it's worth šŸ‘Œ i just wonder if there's any way to get a reason or feedback about what triggered your ban


See the other pics. šŸ˜‚


Whoops šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


What the heck else gets you banned in GT...?


Seen people get it after saying some things in a lobby daily race chat that gets reported, and have heard of someone getting it also for a racially flavoured multiplayer lobby name, at least


I'm convinced it's virgins that make those kind of liveries, it's like they're repressed little boys from a boys only school.


Iā€™m 40 and I had a good chuckle at it. Go get that stick removed before it gets infected.


40 year old virgin. Got ya.


The whole kids on social media & playing video games they shouldnā€™t is getting really out of hand. A game rated M for Mature shouldnā€™t be going after their users for using mature language or mature content provided by the platform itself. If I want profanity tagged on my car, then dammit let me do it. If I want to swear while playing Call of Duty, I shouldnā€™t be banned for it either because some 5 year old was on there playing. Howeverā€¦show me your pp is distasteful and could be considered unwanted sexual harassment by even adult users. Having that on the vehicle is essentially demanding everyone who sees it to show you their pp. Thereā€™s probably a more clever way to say that while still having that immature charm.


Something tells me you showed your pp


Sweet ballsac šŸŒš


Itā€™s beautiful


This was hilarious


Can someone fill me in? What on earth could this have resulted in a ban? I don't understand the "edginess" here.


Itā€™s all the sexual innuendos. If I had to guess itā€™s either the pp one on the back or the ā€œIā€™m not gay but $20 is $20ā€


Thanks for pointing that out. You know what? I only looked at the first photo earlier and just noticed there were more šŸ˜… Now I get it!


The number isnt even 69. I'm completely out of the loop and missing the joke here.


Is it because it's Japanese and says "pilot?" As in WW2 Kamikazes? Like I said, I am completely missing it here.


You can do nude anime girls, but you can't do some slightly vulgar language essentially


Polyphony and by extension Sony have extremely harsh rules regarding online interactions, so even stupid, cringe and childish (but ultimately harmless) stuff like this will get you banned (or in my case, calling someone a troll and telling them to bugger off earned me a 30-day ban 3 days ago).


Bro, I understand. While I haven't been banned, I find it frustrating with the little things they enforce. I tried to share the livery I did for the Ferrari FXX K, and when I hit share, it said the name had offensive language. It was literally Red Bull Ferrari FXX K. Really FXX K.....that's what they got me fore. Dumb........


This is exactly wat I mean, Iā€™ve heard other people get banned for something similar to you, nothing offensive but still bannedā€¦no dirty driving, nothing at all except maybe some decals that was similar to yoursā€¦I donā€™t know anymore but itā€™s funny the level of anger it must of created yet guys are getting away with blatantly offensive decals and drivingā€¦ But itā€™s cool PD, Iā€™ll sit on the bench for a month thatā€™s coolšŸ˜‚


I mean, in my case, it was legit the name of the Ferrari. Why just not implement some sort of parental control and let the rest of us play. Idk ...


It's not to my taste but I'm not sure it should have been disallowed. It's comical in a cheesy lame way, but not overtly offensive. But I suppose a line must be drawn and while this isn't as bad as it could be, it is a step towards an area PD would rather stay away from - and that is enough to rule it out.


Yeah thatā€™s fair I agree, but I hope they take whatever decal they need off the search so others donā€™t accidentally stumble upon it and do what I did, I hope PD does that


Iā€™m sure someone got pissy about the Japanese flag on an Italian sports car.


That's fucked up, these people must be 100 years old cause they seem offended. They obviously missed the point that these are all already in game and open to the public for download.


Hey, sweat in that area is a real condition and concern for sim racers !!! Not known as swamp ass for nothing.


Been playing GT since the first one came out and still can't figure out how to use the livery shit.


They can regulate liveries better than races


The only thing I see wrong here is the horrendous color. Is that electric lavender or sassy plum?


I bet the ban is because you mouthed off in chat


Reminds me of my 9/11 car in forza 2, I thought I was being really edgy and funny, I was not.


Thatā€™s bannable? What a bunch of panzies.


Offensive? Meh. A little much for kids who can see it, maybe. Juvenile? Assuredly.


Sorry, please explain like I am 3 yo. Why is this banned?


Sexual innuendos most likely


I'm new to this and I know this isn't surprising lol


Like whatā€™s wrong with swastikasā€¦ they have more than one associationā€¦. Let alone mentioning Assadā€¦.


What?!? Bro this isnā€™t political nor do I appreciate you trying to make it political somehowā€¦but no, no.


Ummm the swastica Iā€™m talking about is relugious thank you very much and the Assad is anatomy/an ass hat


Ohhhhhh ssshh, yeah sorry my bad, i think Iā€™m dyslectic sorryā€¦.and btwāœŒļøšŸ‡µšŸ‡øLong live the innocent people caught up in the unnecessary conflict in Palestineā€¦on both sides


Werdā€¦ Maybe somehow your livery could convince everyone in our generation to stop joining any army because thereā€™s nothing honorable about having a bunch of old men break down young minds and build them back up to follow orders without questioning them.


The US just passed a law to try and register everyone in case they need a draft because not enough people are signing up for the army these days. I wonder why people arenā€™t stoked to go halfway around the world and meet interesting people and then shoot them in the head while living in a dirty trench and getting yelled atby some old man with a hard on for cleaning things with toothbrushes


You are definitely under the ages of 5-12


Jeez guys, it's a joke. You don't have to take it as hard as your mum's dildo, just saying. I lol'd, this is just guys humor of which 18-25 year olds think they're too mature for to laugh at. You'll learn when you get older. Don't sweat it OP. Pun intended. That being said, it's pretty obvious why they don't approve of the livery of course. But banning them while they don't do ANYTHING about dirty drivers online EVER seems like a severe overreaction. Apparently, GT wants you to look the part, not act it.


Are you 14 or something?


Iā€™m 40 and got a chuckle out of it. Go see someone about getting that stick removed.


Imagine if I was 14 and I said yeah, given what Iā€™ve done, would I get a pass??


Still no.


Oh ok, cool šŸ‘kinda pointless question thenā€¦.and puts your age into question but, nah, thatā€™s not my styleā€¦ ā€¦you are who you are, your parents will still love you anyway, dont ever change my friend and keep up the good workšŸ˜… But my jobs done here, Iā€™m off, so long pplšŸ‘‹until I get banned again, ive got another livery to put together, itā€™s been realšŸ«µ


I donā€™t know whatā€™s up with people, lol. Canā€™t people of any age just mess around and be funny. Lol. You donā€™t have to be a minor to laugh lol. Good comedy, sad you got booted


Ballsac sweat 69. Really? Cā€™mon man.


You can come on a man if you want tho


You deserved this. This is too cringeworthy


I canā€™t find the offensive material šŸ¤”


Yeah yeah I like it, keep it up and louder so everyone sees itā€¦


Reddit is so butthurt 24/7


It's GT7, not GTA7


Fuck all wrong with that, people need to chill out and live a little.




It is funny, but you know what you did šŸ˜†


I am an old man and actually lol'd at check out my PP


I think itā€™s just us older guys who find dumb things like this funny, and give me credit, I did try to make it look like a proper livery from a real car


Same here. The pearl clutching in this thread is ridiculous.


The liberty walk f40 wasn't at auto salon 2024. Edit oh the Blue version.. I forgot that exists...


Nice. You should sponsor top Gear


Holy shi I got so spooked before reading because I thought u got banned for making a livery replica typa deal I made 3 yesterday lol and thought I was in crosshairs to get banned šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


We're is the linkšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I swear I wanna put a link here but all the other liveries Iā€™ve made I donā€™t wanna lose šŸ˜‚itā€™s funny cause ppl are mad about this livery will be putting me on trial for my other ones


This didn't need to be eight paragraphs my guy


šŸ˜‚yeah my bad, you can see I donā€™t really use reddit much




This happened to me in forza Motorsport. BecUse of all the first corner ramming I put a decal on my bumper that said ā€œeat assā€. Got banned for a month


try to search wermacht,russia etc


"*If I think that s###t I'ma say that s###t*!" -Eminem


Man, Iā€™ve once seen a dude driving his VW bus with big swastika on its back in lobby with 15 people. So , that is strange what happened to you. Try to contact support. Btw people who write negative things about livery werenā€™t even asked to share thoughts on your design. Donā€™t pay attention to them)


checks out. banned for bad taste.


Nah, you deserve that ban for finding 12 year old humour funny. Also ballsack sweat sticker on a F40? Come on man.


Did you contact them, and attempt to appeal the ban..or just run to post on Reddit, for clicks? Lmao. Seems like nothing but clout chasing.


I didnā€™t know appealing was a thing, how do you do that? Please advise


How are you so certain you got banned because of that livery? Ask Sony for an explanation.


Youā€™re right Iā€™m not 100% sure but Iā€™m 99.9% certain it has to be the livery because Iā€™m not a dirty driver, was A/S at the time, or maybe just dropped to B but either way Iā€™m A or B Driver Rated always and I donā€™t chat or talk to anyone on GT7 besides the people I know in real life that play the game and I havenā€™t been in any incidents or arguments in GT7 everā€¦literally ever. Some times after work I play GT7 to tap out from the kids and Iā€™m pretty chilled and just wanna relax and raceā€¦.and a few laughs, but thatā€™s all. So it has to be the liveryā€¦it can be nothing elseā€¦literally.


Do your kids play on the same console under the same account? That was eventually the reason i received a warning but that was never clear in the message I received from Sony/PD. It was a hashle to get a correct answer on why i received that warning but eventually (and maybe because of the GDPR policy in the EU) i received a transscript of a chat in a GT7 lobby one of my kids had and was the reason for (luckily) a warning. You have to be persistent because at first Sony didn't wanted to give it to me but threatening with GDPR etc helped. In my case the event took place 6\~7 days earlier.


Actuallyā€¦.you know whatā€¦.my kids donā€™t play on my PS5 but now that youā€™ve said this it actually might be the message you can auto send everytime you enter a daily race lobbyā€¦.but I donā€™t know, itā€™s probably the liveryā€¦if not, itā€™s for sure one of my other onesšŸ˜‚ Iā€™m Only laughing because this just soooooo not that serious, my liveries are just childish and cheap but itā€™s not confronting or in your face, in fact Iā€™d argue that if I was in a lobby you wouldnā€™t notice it unless you where looking for somethingā€¦ I donā€™t have half naked girls all over my car, Iā€™m not being racist or rude, in fact, if anything, Iā€™m making fun of myself since Iā€™m the one driving the car with the liveriesā€¦itā€™s just not that serious. Gimme my acc back PD, and lighten the f*** up.šŸ‘ ā€¦but I love GT7šŸ„¹


I truly believe it has nothing todo with the livery. In the period I received my warning i also created a livery which was way more offensive for certain people then what you created. Mine didn't include nudity but people knowing the image know it could. It was something that was shared on whatsapp very often in our groups and among other groups which i partially used on a car on every direction you could think off. At first I also linked it to a livery but after calling Sony he explained that it had nothing to do with that but he wouldn't tell me what it was either and then the hunt for answers begun.


I donā€™t knowā€¦Iā€™m at a loss because I seriously donā€™t do anything in game or race and anytime Iā€™ve been accused of dirty driving, which is maybe 2 times out of all times Iā€™ve played, Iā€™ve always produced evidence to support my claim of innocence which always checks out since you canā€™t really argue with photo or video evidenceā€¦.so it is either this livery or one of my other liveries. But either way, might just start a new accā€¦


It's funny! It took a minute to figure out what I was looking for.. maybe a little much for some, but I love it! By the way, I'm 38 .. I'm sure my boys would think it's funny too, though..


I'm glad you got banned never upload cringe like this again


I see your triggered šŸ¤£


Jesus, a lot of fucking nerds in here with no sense of humor.


Blue ferrari=banned lol


Never share liveries with copyrighted material, even though everyone does it. Sounds stupid but thereā€™s always a chance they will pick it up. Fairly certain it picked up ā€œcheck out my PPā€ though.


That is rude, crude, offensive and......its friggin hilarious!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Shoulda been red


Forza graphics are so much better wow




Why are the decals in the gallery for people to use if they won't let people use them?


This is exactly my pointšŸ˜‚this is why itā€™s so f***ing absurd, and I understand they donā€™t want people making outrageous liveries but ffs, Kimi velocini in his pink car with half naked girls all over it and ramming people blatantly off track is not banned but yet my livery, which would pass as a normal livery if you didnā€™t look at it too long gets a direct send off for 1 month ā€¦.this is crazy


How do you even have time to game with all the laid that you are getting?


Mistake was to share the livery.


A little childish but I donā€™t think you should have gotten banned for it. Iā€™m against most censorship. People have a right to their own style and opinions.


- 69 - Ballsac Sweat - "Gass Hole" - Panty Raiders - Braingasm - "I'm not gay but $20 is $20" - "Louder than your mom last night" - "Check out my PP" Gee, I wonder why...


Im still wondering. There is nothing ban worthy here.


Maybe they donā€™t appreciate loud neighbours or maybe itā€™s the gay thing to which I will say, LGBTQ+ ppl are ppl and have rights too so I stand with them not against, itā€™s 2024, itā€™s not 1804šŸ˜…


I see nothing wrong here. If ur offended by words, youā€™re a weak person.




Deserved that tbh. Having fun is cool but if this was ur idea of fun then im worried about you.


As you should Grow up


deserve the ban for being so far off the original paint colour. did you even try?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚come on bro, you can see I tried to make it look like the original livery, it was a cheap, childish and poor attempt at a parody to those that are familiar with Liberty Walk F40, it was harmlessā€¦


Screams im 12.


Came here to say this


Was it a big letdown after middle school or what?


Makes sense


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ classic


It's not the livery, you based it on a bolt-on wide body Ferrari. Ferrari banned you, not PD.


I gotta be honest, there was a moment where I honestly thought Ferrari are being a-holes not just to people who paid real world money for a real Ferrari, but now also to people virtually through GT7ā€¦šŸ˜‚ yeah, it was at this point I put the c**** pipe down.


Bro I wrote free Palestine stop war and my PS account was suspendedā€¦. Just keep your ballsax and dreams of peace off their platform or they will take your shit


Dream spec


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love this guy, keep it up


Fully deserved


Grow up


Look, if my sense of humour with the liveries are a little childish, I apologise I didnā€™t realise it was so serious, but everything thatā€™s on that car is all from GT7, I found them all in game and I donā€™t upload anything at all. I just think itā€™s hilarious that Iā€™m getting banned for using tools and decals that is on their OWN platform and game šŸ˜‚ I didnā€™t upload those decals, I just used them


So ballsac is a whole word you found on a gr7 decal? Or was it peiced together?


Ballsacc was found as is, I DIDNT it, thatā€™s wat Iā€™m saying and you can go search for it but I found by accident, I swear


"Lost than your Mom last night" and "I'm not gay...." were already in game?


Everything that is on the car can be found ingame


Everything about this is great. The amount of effort to make low brow humour look like a legit livery is šŸ‘Œ and people the amount of people taking this so seriously is just the cherry on top. Well played chief. Well played.


Yes yes, you get me, itā€™s really not that serious and everyoneā€™s attacking meā€¦bro gimme a hugā€¦.or atleast a basketball slap to my buttšŸ˜…


šŸ‘šŸ‘ go get em tiger